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wish him the best of luck and support at the helm of Harlan Green Dragon football program

They will be traveling to play St. Edwards Ohio. St. Eds finished #31 in Cal Preps and #16 in Max Preps for the final HS rankings. They have won 3 state championship in a row. The game will be played Saturday September 7th at 1PM EST. 

Stepping up.  

With all the success the coach has had, will he ever go back to possibly build a dynasty back at Breathitt like he had during his days playing there.  You know he’s 100% Bobcat down deep.  Just wondering how the Bobcat Nation feels about him coming ther to coach.

Phillip Stockdale leaves Nelson County to take the helm at Central Hardin.  Despite an overall record of 18-23, Nelson has gone 14-8 the last two seasons and they seem to have gotten better every year during his 4 years.  In that 18-23 overall record is a 0-7 winless season during a shortened Covid year.  He had their numbers up and the community backing him. 

The school system is a mess right now with a lot of discussion about closing schools and combining Nelson and Thomas Nelson high school.  All of that mess will make it difficult to find a good candidate, especially now that we are into April.

Who can come into Nelson and keep the momentum going?

well spring practice coming up and been really quite and stuff anybody know the staff that been put together or what the schdule and stuff is looking like for Harlan county this year under new coach

Leslie County 2024.

who front runner or person for this job

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