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Professional Wrestling

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  1. The Beast In The East (1 Reply)
  2. Wrestling Road Trip! (4 Replies)
  3. End of an Era! May the Son of a Plumber RIP (18 Replies)
  4. Pulp Fiction's trip to the ROH Training Academy in Bristol, PA. (0 Replies)
  5. State regulations keeping big pro wrestling shows out of Kentucky (1 Reply)
  6. Wrestlemania 32 - Predicted Card (13 Replies)
  7. Elimination Chamber after thoughts..... (14 Replies)
  8. Samoa Joe Signs Full-Time WWE Deal (0 Replies)
  9. Elimination Chamber Updates (41 Replies)
  10. Rusev injured?? (8 Replies)
  11. Pulp Fiction.... A Pro Wrestling Referee??? (11 Replies)
  12. Elimination Chamber predictions (7 Replies)
  13. Elimination Chamber card contest? (0 Replies)
  14. Title Match at Elimination Chamber (4 Replies)
  15. If you not a fan of ROH or NJPW (watch this) (3 Replies)
  16. Money In The Bank in Columbus, OH. (1 Reply)
  17. In case you missed NXT Takeover... (1 Reply)
  18. Will we ever see Daniel Bryan wrestle again? (11 Replies)
  19. Ziggler bladed? (3 Replies)
  20. Neville (3 Replies)
  21. Kevin Owens makes WWE Debut (5 Replies)
  22. Bray Wyatt (2 Replies)
  23. Swerve at Payback? (20 Replies)
  24. Payback Card Results (12 Replies)
  25. Payback Updates (52 Replies)
  26. *Payback Card Contest* Updated Card (11 Replies)
  27. Vern Gagne (2 Replies)
  28. NXT Women's Division (5 Replies)
  29. Payback: Fantasy Booking (5 Replies)
  30. Seth Rollins (2 Replies)
  31. Thank God for NXT (3 Replies)
  32. Bushwacker Luke comes to Kentucky (4 Replies)
  33. NXT On The Road (1 Reply)
  34. Ryback is equal to.... (7 Replies)
  35. Extreme Rules Contest Results (4 Replies)
  36. Extreme Rules updates (47 Replies)
  37. *Extreme Rules Card Contest* Updated Card. (17 Replies)
  38. Happy Birthday to John Cena (1 Reply)
  39. Wrestling Podcast - Episode 2 (5 Replies)
  40. This was just Awesome (4 Replies)
  41. WWE banning Seth Rollins Curb Stomp finishing move (15 Replies)
  42. WrestleMania XXXII (2 Replies)
  43. Should Daniel Bryan retire? (5 Replies)
  44. Balor to make WWE television debut? (7 Replies)
  45. Awesome segment with Barrett and Neville (1 Reply)
  46. Cena's STF (7 Replies)
  47. Has anyone been to... (10 Replies)
  48. Wrestling Podcast - Episode 1 (5 Replies)
  49. Wrestling Podcast (12 Replies)
  50. Roman Reigns (4 Replies)
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