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:omg: Do not know the stats of the game but do know that BC never led in this one. 0-2 in the district

Who are the best all around ironman football players you've seen play? Were talking a player who played Offense, Defense, Special Teams, Etc... Your pretty much do it all player, the workhorse.

I have several that i've watched or seen film on.

Lee Abshire - Lawrence Co. Pure football player, people in other areas still talk about him.

Nich Jamerson - P- Burg Did as much for his team his senior year as i've seen.

Justin Haddix - Best player on both sides of the ball for the bobcats and led them to thier 3rd title.

Doug Howard - As good on defense as offense

Josh Gross - Russels MR. Everything for 3 years

Justin Frisk - Highlands He made the mid 90's Highland teams great

Jason Leger - Tough hardnosed player that was the anchor of the defense and offense on the Rock teams.

Jeff Duggins - Captian of the Offense & Deffense, The catalyist to starting the Championship era in Boyle Co.

Anyone know it??

Anyone know the score??

I'll reserve my prediction for later in the week after I have learned more about Mason Co. I know they have an excellent QB in Ty Sargent.

what's your thoughts on this one?

Bit of a shocker here in AAA district 8

whats it look like to everybody?

I know this game is in a few weeks but i wanted to know everyones predictions.

I see SC by 4 or 5 td.whats some of your alls predictions.

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