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Everyone forgets passwords from time to time, but we are starting to have issues with members of this site forgetting their passwords and then, starting new accounts.  This has obviously led to some members having multiple accounts.  This is a violation of rule #8 of the site which states that accounts will require a valid email address for set-up. Any duplicate accounts linked to a same IP address will be terminated.  

As Administrators, we are required to check the ip address of every new account.  If the new account matches the ip address of an account already in existence, an administrator will private message the new member and ask if they already have an existing account.  It is very important for you to respond to the private message.

If you forget your password, contact an administrator of the site, and we will be happy to reset your password.  If you are unable to contact an administrator, start a new account, then IMMEDIATELY notify an administrator and explain the situation.  Then, you will be given a few options.  (1)We can change the password to your old account and delete your new account.  (2)We can combine your old account and new account. (3)We can delete your old account, and you can keep your new account.  If you choose to start a new account without notifying an administrator in regards to an old account, you run the risk of receiving a lifetime ban from the site.

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With not much going on in the off-season Lets  have  a fun debate on what the best ever Boyle County Football Team

Seems like the home team has put together a  heck of a staff.

This should be interesting read. A lot coaching changes throughout mountains.

Will now that head coach is in place let see what players will transfer in and who he gets on his staff I don’t know who was on last year staff or will Wesley Hager bring in new guys

These are exciting times to be a Bobcat.  Coach Jarrell and his staff have put together a string of relatively good seasons. Betsy Layne went undefeated in the county and defeated Prestonsburg twice in the same season. The school is coming off its first playoff win in school history.  Hopefully the momentum will continue in 2024.  

What do the Bobcats lose from the 2023 team.  Who returns?  Does anyone know what the schedule looks like for 2024?

Wesley Hager is the new head coach...announced by the Floyd co times on facebook..

What other jobs are open around the state? I know North Laurel, Casey, Prestonsburg, what other jobs are open? Lots of movement this offseason!

With Head Coach Levi Rogers leaving to become the Head Man at Lincoln County who do the Rebels Hire to be the next man up

Dumphord/Edwards returns, 4/5 starters lost on the Oline, many good returning young defensive talents. How are you liking the teams chances? Seems like they have a good talent pool of incoming Freshman.

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