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Letcher County Coaches
Brutal Truth Wrote:Comparing a high school coach who curses or a high school kid who curses to inmates at state prisons is absurd. Parents are responsible for their kids actions and the coaches are responsible for the kids while they are under their watch and in no way should belittle them. This is not rationlizing a negative, it is facing facts.
I believe that you are exactly correct when you say that cursing from coaches and players is a commmon occurance in our society. It is very easy to see how that comes about when you see coaches parents and other role models set the bar.Now as to the comparison between one segament of our sociey and another. Obviously not all kids end up in jail. Some do and most of the time this comes frome life long emulation of behavior. In other words poor role models and bad decision making skills that are rationalized as normal. You know when you are cursed at school and cursed at home by a parent that is shoving down pills with a case of beer, you can except negative behavior as being right. A coach is nothing but a teacher with a different venue. If he is no being successful then perhaps he needs to make modifications.
I have been coached by coaches who cussed, but didnt cuss the players. Only cussed out of frustration. I think there is a difference in a coach cussing to himself as opposed to cussing a kid.

what does Letcher coaches do?
mr.charlie hustle Wrote:I believe that you are exactly correct when you say that cursing from coaches and players is a commmon occurance in our society. It is very easy to see how that comes about when you see coaches parents and other role models set the bar.Now as to the comparison between one segament of our sociey and another. Obviously not all kids end up in jail. Some do and most of the time this comes frome life long emulation of behavior. In other words poor role models and bad decision making skills that are rationalized as normal. You know when you are cursed at school and cursed at home by a parent that is shoving down pills with a case of beer, you can except negative behavior as being right. A coach is nothing but a teacher with a different venue. If he is no being successful then perhaps he needs to make modifications.

Well put. You are exactly right, a "coach" is a "teacher" in a different venue. I would be willing to say that if a coach is not successful neither is his or her career as a teacher. :Thumbs:
What if the coach is a great teacher who coaches a bad team. Is he a failure.
Not every coach has good players.
Is Rockcastles coach a bad teacher because they had 2 straight losing seasons?
former Wrote:What if the coach is a great teacher who coaches a bad team. Is he a failure.
Not every coach has good players.
Is Rockcastles coach a bad teacher because they had 2 straight losing seasons?
No certainly not and also that does not make him a bad person. There are times when a failure to communicate with the players is a big reason for concern. Being frustrated is not a good reason to show poor communication skills and maybe in some cases poor and limited vernacular.
Well then tell me what cussing out players can cause? A player quit this week because of it.
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cougarpride08 Wrote:Well then tell me what cussing out players can cause? A player quit this week because of it.
Obviously a loss of players. I would think that a community has the right to expect the same from a coach as they do from a classroom teacher.
COUGARMAMA Wrote:Taking God's name in vain is mild compared to last year's seniors being called MF' in pieces of C#*@. Whitaker took boys that loved and played football all their life and cussed and belittled them till it destroyed something in them. He made calls in the games that they thought were stupid. He didn't show them any respect. Anna Craft turned her back and quit coming to games. Things continue to go downhill. At least he can't blame last years seniors on the losses this year. Don't know who he is blaming now but I'm sure he doesn't take any credit for the losses himself. It's a shame that last years and this years team were predicted to the be best LCC ever had and look what happened to them when Whitaker came on board. He turned this team around all right, but, for the worse.

I don't buy that. I worked with coach W for 2 years and I never heard him cuss or belittle a kid, ever. I don't buy this for a minute.:lame:
launchpad4 Wrote:I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that this isn't the only coaching staff to use foul language in America and if all staffs that cussed were fired then Friday nights all across the country would look funny with no coaches. I played for one of the top coaches on EKY and if foul language would get you fired he wouldn't last a day at letcher. I think that all this is is someone is upset that their guy or they themselves aren't coaching up their so they try every way to beat down a coach that has a proven record without tim of turning programs around and developing talent. I've spoken with coaches and players that were under Whitaker and they only have the utmost respect for him. Maybe they made their schedule too tough, maybe they should go back to playing Shelby Valley and Evangel Christian ever year but that doesn't build strong programs. They have been in games against tough opponents this year. Franklin and breathitt will be tops in their classes by year's end and playing Russell without your best player is never good. I do know that what is good is not getting on here bashing a guy and his staff for something as ridiculous as using cuss words. This isn't choir practice or church youth group. I know most of you are UK fans so you're saying you wouldn't want Spurrier, Muschamp, or Gruden as a coach because of words they say? Some kids are motivated by this I know that not playing football this may seem strange but it's as much a part of the game as the coin toss. You need to grow up and stop these idiotic threads. If you support the team, donate to the boosters, go to the games and do more than just sit there, help build the kids confidence after a tough loss by supporting what they're doing up there and stop tearing away at the program so that it can't sustain success. No one can win when negativity surounds a program over things like this.

That says it all....exactly correct
former Wrote:What if the coach is a great teacher who coaches a bad team. Is he a failure.
Not every coach has good players.
Is Rockcastles coach a bad teacher because they had 2 straight losing seasons?

Having a winning record is not being successful and having a losing record is not being unsuccessful. Success is taking what you have and making the best out of it. Anyone can teach a Harvard Scholar the same as anyone can coach a Mr. Football. What can you do when you don't have these type of people, that determines success.
GRIFFIN Wrote::lame:

What is so lame about people not wanting coaches to use God name in vain?
God is good he is not to blame for your bad calls or any thing else that is Negative.
Talking down to kids and cursing at them does not motivate any of them. You have to treat them with respect sure kids need dicipline, but it has to be done in a manner as not to belittle them. Treat kids rite talk to them stern when they need but if you do it in a way that is belittling to them they wont respect you or play their best.
GRIFFIN Wrote::lame:
What is so lame about people not wanting coaches to use God name in vain?
God is good he is not to blame for your bad calls or any thing else that is Negative.
SlantStrong Wrote:I don't buy that. I worked with coach W for 2 years and I never heard him cuss or belittle a kid, ever. I don't buy this for a minute.:lame:

Agreed JF
When Hillard was around and a kid cussed they did up-downs or ran hills, you never had a negative thing said to you. Whitaker and all asst. do nothing but bellitle the players, talking about how they are useless like their fathers. He has no respect for a single human in the world, just gets by sucking up to who he needs too and takes out what he can on our players
All coaches are different--just like all players are different. These things always surface when losses outnumber wins. This is the case in every program. Simple as that
I agree with Windsprint, if we were 5-0 right now we wouldn't be hearing about any of this. However, something is wrong with the program right now but I don't think it's cussing from the coaching staff. I've been around many of the boys on this team and I seriously doubt that hearing a curse word would break their will to play the game.
Something has been wrong with this program since last year. This isn't the first time for a thread like this. Since Hillard was here these boys were predicted to be the team to go all the way. Whitaker just drains their spirit with his negativity and the ass'ts either go along with him or don't bother speaking up for the boys. It's going to take a while to build this program back up if the Supt. can ever admit her mistake and get rid of him.
If people are this tore up about it in football, I would hate to see their opinions on music, television, movies, etc... (And believe it or not a lot of high schoolers use "bad words", probably even some of your children.) If you do not like it, that is fine. It is your opinion. But, I don't think the "Christian thing to do" is to come on an anonymous message board and talk about the coaches behind a username and their backs. Why not do as a previous poster said and politely discuss your problems with the man face to face. I am most likely being hypocritical, because I am sure there are many instances where I am guilty of the same thing.

It is a part of life, no one is forcing any kid to play. If the administration at Letcher Central sees fit, they will make a change.
when whitaker was at lc, it wasnt jus couch that made him. couch was a junior in 94 which was whitakers last year before he went to corbin, lc has around 20 seniors on that team and they had one the best recieving cores ever in the mtns with the best qb to ever in the mtns. whitaker is a good coach and i wish him the best along with his players and coaching staff. i wish the best for logan johnson as well
IMO taking the Lords name in vain should not be tolerated PERIOD! Not to beat on my Bible but what is the world coming to when you have to be politically correct and let them teach sex ed, evolution and the fact that homosexuality is acceptable. Then, on the flip side we are not allowed to pray before a game and then have to listen to a coach take my Lords name in vain, curse and belittle our kids right in front of us?
Coaches are not going to listen to a casual fan for their imput. They could care less about what I think. Experienced coaches have a system and don't change. Coach Whitaker has a proven record but the results for some reason haven't been there. I am a supporter of the football program and wish it could be turned around quickly.
Yes #1 Cougar Fan this is very Fu---- lame. God is great drop it this is a football forum. All you are wanting to do is put down our coaches and players. What personal thing do you have against our coaches they cuss. Grow up!!!!! If football is to ruff for you maybe you need to take up soccer or something.

Soccer is winning and have a great chance at winning their region this year, no need to speak negatively about them.

Obviously Coach Whitaker is an intelligent man, all people are saying is that it's not working this way and maybe he needs to try some other way of motivating his players instead of cussing them. A good coach reaches all players and not all players respond well to being cussed, some do respond well to it and you have to make that difference when dealing with a team of young men. I personally see no need in cursing them at all but to each their own, if our board of education has no problem with it then I guess they are saying it's alright to do so. As a coach you pick and choose your battles and I for one think that taking a stand "I need to cuss" is not a stand I would be willing to make if I were the coach when he has much bigger problems to deal with such as his win/loss record and kids quitting the team pretty frequently.
Lambert #1 Wrote:Surgeon,

Soccer is winning and have a great chance at winning their region this year, no need to speak negatively about them.

Obviously Coach Whitaker is an intelligent man, all people are saying is that it's not working this way and maybe he needs to try some other way of motivating his players instead of cussing them. A good coach reaches all players and not all players respond well to being cussed, some do respond well to it and you have to make that difference when dealing with a team of young men. I personally see no need in cursing them at all but to each their own, if our board of education has no problem with it then I guess they are saying it's alright to do so. As a coach you pick and choose your battles and I for one think that taking a stand "I need to cuss" is not a stand I would be willing to make if I were the coach when he has much bigger problems to deal with such as his win/loss record and kids quitting the team pretty frequently.

Johnson? Coming back or out for year?
Everyone is being optimistic and hoping he will be back for a few games. He is just waiting and hoping that everything heals up enough to play some more this year.
I agree with what everyone is saying. Something is just not working. Nothing toward Whitaker, but if the players are quitting, and the middle school kids aren't coming out, then something has to be done. It has to be done NOW! This program has been through so much and we really can't keep going like this. Next year will be rebuilding and we need something to get these kids to come out.
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3)Cougar Athletics!

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surgeon Wrote:Yes #1 Cougar Fan this is very Fu---- lame. God is great drop it this is a football forum. All you are wanting to do is put down our coaches and players. What personal thing do you have against our coaches they cuss. Grow up!!!!! If football is to ruff for you maybe you need to take up soccer or something.
Have you been to a soccer match? Pretty "ruff"!
cougarpride08 Wrote:I agree with what everyone is saying. Something is just not working. Nothing toward Whitaker, but if the players are quitting, and the middle school kids aren't coming out, then something has to be done. It has to be done NOW! This program has been through so much and we really can't keep going like this. Next year will be rebuilding and we need something to get these kids to come out.

It would appear from last years record this would be a rebuilding year. It looks like the proof is in the pudding so to speak. Coach Howard built a successful program and after his departure it looks to be dissipating. Best of luck to your program.

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