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Shelby Valley 89 - Johnson Central 69
MonsterMan Wrote:This about sums up what I thought! We just let the kids develop on thier own through the elementary and middle school and if we are lucky enough to have some of them turn out good at the high school level we win if not we lose. The coach has nothing to do with it. Great plan, blame the kids!

MM, I know that you are a great JC fan, but I'm not sure that you really understand much about what goes on. You seem to live in a fantasy world here. I really dont know how much you are involved with off season coaching, but I can tell you it is the exact same thing in summer basball programs that the high school coaches try to run. You cannot get enough kids out to hardly get a game in to play. COMMITTMENT from the kids is the problem. It's not just at JC, it's everywhere. They all have the same problem. That's why on eastern Kentucky summer programs you usually wind up with teams having players from several schools just trying to have enough kids that will consistantly show up enough to field a team. All this off season conditioning, games etc. is all just voluntary on the kids part. It's not mandatory, and parents just absolutely will not make them finish what they start anymore. You can blame it all on the coaches all you want, but kids are not the same as they once were. They dont like committment and they dont like discipline. Try blaming the place where the problems all begin. This is a place where coaches have absolutely no control. At home with their parents. Every kid that is allowed to act up on the floor is all a direct result of how they are handled at home and it indicates how much they are allowed to get away with there. Period.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:MM, I know that you are a great JC fan, but I'm not sure that you really understand much about what goes on. I really dont know how much you are involved with off season coaching, but I can tell you it is the exact same thing in summer basball programs that the high school coaches try to run. You cannot get enough kids out to hardly get a game in to play. COMMITTMENT from the kids is the problem. It's not just at JC, it's everywhere. They all have the same problem. That's why on eastern Kentucky summer programs you usually wind up with teams having players from several schools just trying to have enough kids that will consistantly show up enough to field a team. All this off season conditioning, games all just voluntary on the kids part. It's not mandatory. You can blame it all on the coaches all you want, but kids are not the same as they were before. They dont like committment and they dont like discipline. Try blaming the place where the problems all begin. This is a place where coaches have absolutely no control. At home with their parents. Every kid that is allowed to act up on the floor is all a direct result of how they are handled at home. Period.

good post Kimball, but also parents, coaches and school systems are not the same either. If a kid acts up does this mean he has bad parents ?? not always. If a kid quits a team does this mean his or her parents are quitters ?? not always. Sometimes there are underlying circumstances that cause kids to act up or quit a team...couldn't there be ??
Close this?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:MM, I know that you are a great JC fan, but I'm not sure that you really understand much about what goes on. You seem to live in a fantasy world here. I really dont know how much you are involved with off season coaching, but I can tell you it is the exact same thing in summer basball programs that the high school coaches try to run. You cannot get enough kids out to hardly get a game in to play. COMMITTMENT from the kids is the problem. It's not just at JC, it's everywhere. They all have the same problem. That's why on eastern Kentucky summer programs you usually wind up with teams having players from several schools just trying to have enough kids that will consistantly show up enough to field a team. All this off season conditioning, games etc. is all just voluntary on the kids part. It's not mandatory, and parents just absolutely will not make them finish what they start anymore. You can blame it all on the coaches all you want, but kids are not the same as they once were. They dont like committment and they dont like discipline. Try blaming the place where the problems all begin. This is a place where coaches have absolutely no control. At home with their parents. Every kid that is allowed to act up on the floor is all a direct result of how they are handled at home and it indicates how much they are allowed to get away with there. Period.

Any parent that watches their kid continusly act up on the floor and allows it to happen time after time is the blame for that problem. Of course any coach certainly has that option of sending that kid to the house permanently until they decide they know how to act. IMO, that what needs to happen. If it means closing down the program because you dont have enough to play. So be it.

:Thumbs:I agree completely. Coaches at any level are having to deal with attitudes more than developing talent. Respect, honor, loyalty, character, and Good sportsmanship are rare traits these days.
Some people seem to get what I was saying but not you MM. 75% or more of the blame does go to the kids. What do they do from March to October is totally up to them. It is not just a JC problem. The high school coaches are not allowed to coach these kids during this time. If a kid can't shoot, can't handle the ball, can't get up and down the court it is their fault. They had 6 months from the previous season to get ready and no one can make them better but themselves.
EYESPYJC Wrote:good post Kimball, but also parents, coaches and school systems are not the same either. If a kid acts up does this mean he has bad parents ?? not always. If a kid quits a team does this mean his or her parents are quitters ?? not always. Sometimes there are underlying circumstances that cause kids to act up or quit a team...couldn't there be ??
I'm not disagreeing with you, but some are the direct fault of their parents. I remember one way back, when a player was given a technical and his dad asked the ref why? He was told "because he cussed me" and the dad said "oh, he does that at home too". That is sad. I'm not saying a kid can't mess up every now and then, their kids. Kids rebel, we all have in some way or another. It's the ones that are constant problems that would have to give coaches fits.
beezwaxnoneofyours Wrote:Some people seem to get what I was saying but not you MM. 75% or more of the blame does go to the kids. What do they do from March to October is totally up to them. It is not just a JC problem. The high school coaches are not allowed to coach these kids during this time. If a kid can't shoot, can't handle the ball, can't get up and down the court it is their fault. They had 6 months from the previous season to get ready and no one can make them better but themselves.
Exactly, there are basketball goals everywhere, weight rooms and gyms, summer camps, and lots of ways for kids to get in shape and work on their game, whatever sport they play. It takes commitment from players too make them better. Coaches can help bring them along, but that is limited.
PC_You_Know Wrote:Close this?

Hey junior, if you dont like it , dont look.
EYESPYJC Wrote:good post Kimball, but also parents, coaches and school systems are not the same either. If a kid acts up does this mean he has bad parents ?? not always. If a kid quits a team does this mean his or her parents are quitters ?? not always. Sometimes there are underlying circumstances that cause kids to act up or quit a team...couldn't there be ??

Your right on a lot of that, but IMO here is the solution.

(A) If your kids acts up on the floor, as a parent , take care of the problem yourself. When my oldest two played I never had to worry about them pulling some stunt on the floor. They both knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the old man was not above coming out on the floor in the middle of the game and dragging their little smart behinds off the floor. I always found out that that size 11 on the end of my leg was the greatest little attitude adjuster known to man. There are a bunch of people on here that know who I am, and I'll bet there is not a one of them that knows I wouldn't have hesitated the first second in doing it too. I got criticized sometimes (alot) for my tuff love approach, but that's OK, I got over it. If your not man enough to take care of your problem, dont blame the coach.

(B)As a coach , "Say what you mean, and mean what you say." It's a real simple program to institute. Heck you dont even have to raise yoiur voice. Send em to the house. You may loose a few games, but you'll loose them with class. Those who thinks it's all about winning, and nothing but winning, are the very ones that condone the embarrassment,anyways. So who needs em.

But hey, that's just me.
eagle dad 2014 Wrote:I'm not disagreeing with you, but some are the direct fault of their parents. I remember one way back, when a player was given a technical and his dad asked the ref why? He was told "because he cussed me" and the dad said "oh, he does that at home too". That is sad. I'm not saying a kid can't mess up every now and then, their kids. Kids rebel, we all have in some way or another. It's the ones that are constant problems that would have to give coaches fits.

There is no place in high school basketball for any kid getting a technical. Coaches let em get away with it. Johnson Central may have set a record last year for getting them, but then again BMR's teams the last few years could give em a run for the money too. So it's not just a JC problem I guess.

I played for Wendall Wallen and it just wasn't tolerated. There was no 3 strike policy. You payed and you payed dearly the first time. We were all told what would happen, and we sure as heck knew he wasn't just blowing smoke. The big problem today is that most parents would not allow a guy like that to make a man out of their sons. They may be the first to gripe about a lack of discipline, but when it comes right down to it, very few would uphold the coach doing it. Sign of the times!!
eagle dad 2014 Wrote:Exactly, there are basketball goals everywhere, weight rooms and gyms, summer camps, and lots of ways for kids to get in shape and work on their game, whatever sport they play. It takes commitment from players too make them better. Coaches can help bring them along, but that is limited.

That's exactly right. I never worried about anybody developing mine. I either did it myself or saw to it that somebody else who knew more than me did. Regardless, if a kid wants to play and is willing to put in the time, that's my responsibility (and theirs) to work their tails off to be the best they can be. Stop blaming the coach because your kid is either to lazy to work on his game or you are not willing to put in the time for them either.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Your right on a lot of that, but IMO here is the solution.

(A) If your kids acts up on the floor, as a parent , take care of the problem yourself. When my oldest two played I never had to worry about them pulling some stunt on the floor. They both knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the old man was not above coming out on the floor in the middle of the game and dragging their little smart behinds off the floor. I always found out that that size 11 on the end of my leg was the greatest little attitude adjuster known to man. There are a bunch of people on here that know who I am, and I'll bet there is not a one of them that knows I wouldn't have hesitated the first second in doing it too. I got criticized sometimes (alot) for my tuff love approach, but that's OK, I got over it. If your not man enough to take care of your problem, dont blame the coach.

(B)As a coach , "Say what you mean, and mean what you say." It's a real simple program to institute. Heck you dont even have to raise yoiur voice. Send em to the house. You may loose a few games, but you'll loose them with class. Those who thinks it's all about winning, and nothing but winning, are the very ones that condone the embarrassment,anyways. So who needs em.

But hey, that's just me.

I remember the first year that I coached your youngest. He had no idea that I knew you. He was a little difficult that day, I guess he was trying me. When I asked who was picking him up he said that you were. When I told him that I wanted to speak to you and I called you by your first and middle name, he said you know my dad. From that point on, he and I never had a problem. He knew that dad would not tolerate any crap. I love to coach those type of kids.
^ Guy's, might be time to move the discussion to PM, because this left the SV/JC game discussion many moon's ago. Let's put it back to specific's of the game.
Stardust Wrote:^ Guy's, might be time to move the discussion to PM, because this left the SV/JC game discussion many moon's ago. Let's put it back to specific's of the game.

Ah come on Dusty. Dont be a such a smarty britches.:biggrin:

Seriously, it may not be particularly about the game as far as details, but it does relate to the reasons for the programs status, which directly effects the game.
THOMCAT Wrote:I remember the first year that I coached your youngest. He had no idea that I knew you. He was a little difficult that day, I guess he was trying me. When I asked who was picking him up he said that you were. When I told him that I wanted to speak to you and I called you by your first and middle name, he said you know my dad. From that point on, he and I never had a problem. He knew that dad would not tolerate any crap. I love to coach those type of kids.

Yep, you know #3 quite well. When you start throwing the ole middle name around, it's kind of an attention getter. :Clap:
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Ah come on Dusty. Dont be a such a smarty britches.:biggrin:

Seriously, it may not be particularly about the game as far as details, but it does relate to the reasons for the programs status, which directly effects the game.

Start a thread about the program:Thumbs:
Stardust Wrote:Start a thread about the program:Thumbs:

party pooper:biggrin:

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