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Knott Central 70 - Hazard 56
Dawggie Wrote:Hazard (3-2) -- Fugate 12, B.J. Combs 13, J. Combs 6, Back 8, Whitaker 12, Meehan 2, Olinger 1, Blanton 2.Knott Co. Central (6-0) -- Stamper 18, Cox 15, Roberts 4, Ratliff 2, Bartrum 20, Davis 11.

This is officially from Kentucky Connect. Both teams had fairly even scoring.

Stamper had 18? It was spread out I guess. First quarter was his best. Cox had most of his in the third quarter. Bartrum came to play.

Aslan Wrote:To be more positive, Bartrum played well.
Tate saved them in the second have, hit some unbelieveable shots.
Stewart had a nice 4th quarter.
Whitaker carried hazard most the game.
Knott couldnt stop Fugate, probably the best big man in the region.

Fugate was insane man. The kid is a monster. How did he get so big? I remember him being a pretty skinny guy in 8th grade, lol. Isn't he a junior?
Aslan Wrote:I know in the 3rd quarter the foul count was Hazard 7 Knott 0. And at the end of the 3rd it was Hazard 10 Knott 2. In the 4th they made a lot of horrible make up calls against Knott. It was a joke.
i know at the end of the 4th both teams had 10 fouls on the scoreboard but that's as high as it goes of course
Why would Cox set that long with only 2 fouls? I can see if he had three but sitting him with only 2 for that long seems a little risky. He smart enough not to foul out. Looks like the 14th is a little more balanced than people thought, with Breathitt beating Hazard last week. Hazard lost almost everything from last season Except Whitaker, and just got done playing football not long ago, Knott returned almost everyone.....
so allan fugate decided to play im guessing. thats a big upgrade than what hazard did have inside. i would bet money that hes the strongest player in the 14th region. any one who guards him will have a hard time keeping him off the boards. hes a big, strong, athletic kid.
Tenacious Z Wrote:Stamper had 18? It was spread out I guess. First quarter was his best. Cox had most of his in the third quarter. Bartrum came to play.

Fugate was insane man. The kid is a monster. How did he get so big? I remember him being a pretty skinny guy in 8th grade, lol. Isn't he a junior?

wood_chuck Wrote:is allan fugate playing for hazard now? if he is then thats a big upgrade than what hazard did have inside. i would bet money that hes the strongest player in the 14th region. any one who guards him will have a hard time keeping him off the boards. hes a big, strong, athletic kid.

Yep, unfortunatly lol.
Who was the Refs in the game I would have thought that 3 of the best would have been on this one?
I think that the 14th region has a lot of refs that are out of shape and as the game keeps speeding up they keep getting out of position more and more on plays.
Reds#1Fan Wrote:Who was the Refs in the game I would have thought that 3 of the best would have been on this one?
I think that the 14th region has a lot of refs that are out of shape and as the game keeps speeding up they keep getting out of position more and more on plays.
i dunno but it really had nuttin to do with out of shape it was just horrible calls both ways..
The refs were Dexter Campbell, ? Sandlin who is terrible and I dont know the other guys names. We need some new refs in the 14th , the ones we have now are terrible !!
Congrats kcc,Good team win they didn't panic when they got behind.
Congrats Knott. Hazard--practice your free throws!!!!
Just got back home from the game, over 7 hours total drive-time today! KCC started out quick but Tate Cox picked up 2 fouls in the 1st quarter, and Hazard made a big run throughout the rest of the 1st half, leading 39-29 @ half. Cox came back in and KCC controlled the 2nd half, outscoring HHS by 24. KCC plays terrible defense. Many layups and open shots given up in this game. Had Hazard been able to hit wide open shots in the 2nd half, they would have beaten KCC tonight. If KCC does not work on the defense and rebounding, they will have a very hard time making it to Rupp. Hazard's guards looked good, Stamper and Cox from KCC were as advertised, just a bit cold from the field. Overall, a good game, but a poor effort defensively from KCC. Saw a lot of potential in Hazard once their football players get in Basketball shape. Should be an interesting tournament season again in 2010!
Twitter: @tc_analytics

Congrats KCC.
I don't even want to hear bad officiating. :Clap::Clap::dontthink:dontthink No one in the 14th can guard Cox,Stamper.
Officiating was horrible, but I agree with ya about Cox, he can't be touched. However, Deron Amis did hold him to like 5 points last year in region Smile
Aslan Wrote:Officiating was horrible, but I agree with ya about Cox, he can't be touched. However, Deron Amis did hold him to like 5 points last year in region Smile

It wasn't horrible just for Knott...Hazard got just as many calls.
The officiating was average for both teams. Both teams had questionable no-calls\calls go against them. It was rough out there, that is for certain, a lot of bumping and hand checking\pushing.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

TheBrahmaBull Wrote:The officiating was average for both teams. Both teams had questionable no-calls\calls go against them. It was rough out there, that is for certain, a lot of bumping and hand checking\pushing.

they both shot 25 free throws a piece so try to find some other excuse other than the refs. knott beat them straight up, simple as that. no big deal. just a game, aint like either of them are gonna win a state title. dk why everyone is so pumped about the top 3 teams, all they can do is win the 14th then go to lexington and get slapped around and watch the rest of the tourney from the stands.
I was at the game and I agree that the officiating was horrible for both teams. I saw several fouls on Hazard that was not called. Knott is weak down low and need to learn how to box out. Hazard's big guys down low were pushing Knott's big men under the goal all night with very few fouls called. Knott needs to toughen up and get physical on defense and on the boards. Hazard is very physical and should have won this game. I hope we get better refs for the WYMT and Regional tourney!
Congrats KCC
Nice win for KCC
Aslan Wrote:Went to the game and I hate both teams but after the officiating become so one sided towards Knotts favor, I actually, for the first time in my life, rooted for Hazard. Hazard should have won this game. Eric Back fouled out in the 3rd quarter, on some very questionable calls. Hazard is a completely different team with Fugate in there. Whitaker single handled broke Knotts press time and time again. I've been saying this all year, play Knott man to man! They struggled big time against Hazard in there half court sets. Then the game just completely swung in Knotts favor due to the great officiating! IDK if Perry can beat Knott @ Knott when the officiating is like that, but after tonight I'm even more confident Perry will beat them on any neutral floor and defintely @ Perry. If Kobe brought the Lakers to the Morton Combs Complex tonight they would have come out with a loss...

Eric Back fouled out cause he is a thug and needs to go back on house arrest...
All of Back's fouls were legit, he picked up 2 fouls back to back late in the third quarter. I didnt understand why Al Holland left him in the game when he picked up his fourth. Allan Fugate should have fouled out a lot earlier as he got away with jumping over the back of Ratliff and Roberts all night. Fugate plays very physical but fouls every time down the floor, but the refs did not seem to see any of it. Good game from both teams, its a shame the refs were as bad as they were.
They both had to deal with poor officiating and they both shot horrible from the line with the same number of shots! This game showed why Tate is definitely the best player in the region, Knott can not play without their leader on the floor. Yes, Bartrum and Stamper kept them from getting absolutely blown out, but they were down 13 without Tate and they were lost. When he is in the game, he can get to the basket and open up shots for the others, he is the real deal. Back was doing a good job on him though, until he fouled out very quickly in the 3rd quarter. Yes it was a double digit win for Knott, but was definitely not a blowout like it looks like. It just shows the pairity between 3 teams in this region with 2 sleepers, Breathitt and Buckhorn. This was not the same team that got beat last friday at Breathitt, just as I said, Coach Holland would not let them play like that again and they will be right there again with a shot to head to Rupp. Can't wait for the WYMT, going to be some good ones.
Tate Cox in the 2nd half brought the pats back. Really physical game. The refs where really letting them bang down low which favored hazard. lots of questionable calls on both ends though. The fugate kid for hazard was very impressive. he will give teams fits with his size and strength. game was a lot closer than the score. knott got up around 6 to 8 with 3 mins to go and hazard seemed to panic and watch the whitaker kid dribble the ball.

Knott is going to have a tough go against physical teams. If they can scramble a game and speed up the game with transition 3's and the press they will be tough to handle.
Some people are crying about the referees. Who were officals?
I have to say that was a nice comeback by the Patriots. I'll hold my observation of the 14th region until after these Lexington tournaments and the WYMT. Last year Knott & Hazard both had poor showings against the tougher competition. I'm curious to see how they do this year. Knott County is obviously a more mature team with a little better chemistry than last year. I expect they'll fair a little better this year.
catfan1 Wrote:I was at the game and I agree that the officiating was horrible for both teams. I saw several fouls on Hazard that was not called. Knott is weak down low and need to learn how to box out. Hazard's big guys down low were pushing Knott's big men under the goal all night with very few fouls called. Knott needs to toughen up and get physical on defense and on the boards. Hazard is very physical and should have won this game. I hope we get better refs for the WYMT and Regional tourney!
Rebounding and defense are KCC's weaknesses. If they can shore those areas up, they will make it to Rupp relatively easily, but if they continue to give up lay-up after lay-up and open shot after open shot, they will struggle to make it to the Sweet-16.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

Aslan Wrote:Officiating was horrible, but I agree with ya about Cox, he can't be touched. However, Deron Amis did hold him to like 5 points last year in region Smile

Also, Logan Johnson really frustrated him in the district final last year.

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