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The KHSAA and the Rose Hill
The problem with all this is the kids that are there now are the ones that are going to suffer. With alot of the Athletes leaving and some other people just because their friend might be leaving. I know for a fact that a couple of the Basketball players that left have made Rose Hill better as a school. The KHSAA has done what it set aout to do, in trying to destroy a Christian school. The KHSAA can't seem to catch any of the larger schools so they go after the smaller ones. There may have been some recruiting or so called recruiting going on, but alot of the so called evidence seems fishy to me.
Squid Wrote:You're welcome.

I guess that's why I didn't address the rest of your post. I don't share your belief that someone has to know the number of eyelets and exact shoe size of the person making the call on the recording, or the color of his dog's collar on the day of the call.

There are people out there that KNOW what happened. They may (or may not) choose to share that, but the truth is known. You want to take the position that, unless every last fact is known by everyone that speaks of the event, then all opinions are wrong. You certainly have the right to take that position, but if that were the only way to proceed, no court of law would ever reach a verdict in any case.

It is a fine defense on your part, to try to muddy the waters, and act as if any decision the KHSAA renders is somehow invalid and incomplete, but the reality is, they (and everyone following this debacle) have enough understanding of what happened to come to a reasonable conclusion.

If we used your standard of finding the truth, we'd still be looking for enough evidence to convict Ted Bundy.

I seem to bring out the "best" in you, Squid. However, I certainly don't need one such as you to analyze what I am posting. You obviously aren't capable of doing so.
Truth Wrote:I seem to bring out the "best" in you, Squid. However, I certainly don't need one such as you to analyze what I am posting. You obviously aren't capable of doing so.

It would be more accurate to say you bring out the "BS detector" in me. :Thumbs:
Squid Wrote:It would be more accurate to say you bring out the "BS detector" in me. :Thumbs:

Bible Study?
In my opinion I agree kids there now should not be punished. Fine the school. But if the past coach is for sure on a that phone conservation trying to recruit a player he should for sure be punshied especially if he is at a KHSAA memeber school (which he is) and I think that would set an example for other coaches and stop a lot of this.
16BBall Fan Wrote:In my opinion I agree kids there now should not be punished. Fine the school. But if the past coach is for sure on a that phone conservation trying to recruit a player he should for sure be punshied especially if he is at a KHSAA memeber school (which he is) and I think that would set an example for other coaches and stop a lot of this.

This to me is the smartest thing that could happen if the school and the coach are at fault. The coach should be punished the most. I still say that the so called phone converstion that was taped should be investigated. You are not supposed to tape somebody without their knowledge so that itself was a illegal act. If I was the one being taped and I got into trouble then you can bet I would go after the one who taped me talking.
Ashland Diomedes Wrote:Bible Study?

Pretty good, Diomedes. Pretty good. :biggrin:
ASHGRAD Wrote:This to me is the smartest thing that could happen if the school and the coach are at fault. The coach should be punished the most. I still say that the so called phone converstion that was taped should be investigated. You are not supposed to tape somebody without their knowledge so that itself was a illegal act. If I was the one being taped and I got into trouble then you can bet I would go after the one who taped me talking.

According to this site, in Kentucky, only one party has to give consent to record a phone conversation. I'm no lawyer, but if this site is correct, then it looks like the Fuller family had the right to tape record their own conversation.

At the same time, if you were actually breaking the rules, and got caught red handed, I think a lot of people would just remain quiet and hope that the story goes away.
I just read a little further on that site, and it looks like the person recording the conversation should let the other person know that they are being recorded:"... the party recording must give verbal notification before the recording and that there must be a beep tone on the line to indicate that the line is being recorded".

Not sure exactly how that plays into your scenario of "going after the one that taped you talking", but you may be onto something there.

Of course, to "go after them", you'd first have to admit that it was actually you that was speaking on the recording ...
I thought you had to make both parties aware that they were being taped. I guess I was wrong. I still say that there was other motives for taping the conversation in the first place.
ASHGRAD Wrote:I thought you had to make both parties aware that they were being taped. I guess I was wrong. I still say that there was other motives for taping the conversation in the first place.

I think you are right, regarding both parties being aware. When I read the statement about verbal notification and the beep, it looks pretty clear to me.

As for the motives, I don't think that's open to debate. Whoever actually recorded the call obviously had a long term goal in mind. There really isn't any reason to record a call if you don't. If the call were from the President, or a celebrity or something along those lines, you could understand the taping. In this case, it's pretty obvious that they had something on their minds.
Squid Wrote:I think you are right, regarding both parties being aware. When I read the statement about verbal notification and the beep, it looks pretty clear to me.

As for the motives, I don't think that's open to debate. Whoever actually recorded the call obviously had a long term goal in mind. There really isn't any reason to record a call if you don't. If the call were from the President, or a celebrity or something along those lines, you could understand the taping. In this case, it's pretty obvious that they had something on their minds.
I will have to say with confidence that the one party definately knew that they were being taped. I do think that it is very sad for the kids involved. But just maybe it will protect even just one of them from being done the same way.. I have known Michael along time and know alot about what was done. At first did I believe it?? I had a hard time because some things just seemed impossible, but being close to RH I did a little investigating myself and what I found was, in the best words I can find WOW, UNBELIEVEABLE, CRAZY, LIFETIME MOVIE, BEST SELLER BOOK, thats what I found and it saddened me. Being in athletics myself I know how kentucky would pride theirself on the treatment of athletics of all ages and I thought if they only knew. Its way more than just a recruitment. Walks a fine line with child abuse. We should all stand who believe in the fact that athletics are 2nd. But most of all even before academics how about their character, high school teenagers are at a very important stage in life, should they see this, lets lie cheat whatever it takes to win no matter how many toes we step on along the way. Should they be made afraid of speaking. Standing up for what is right about certain things. Then just think about something if Mr. Foster is the man he says he is would he have ever made that comment about Micheal with such ease. For all that dont believe he did contact the paper as I did and they will tell you it was a quote straight from him. If he can do this in such a important meeting then what else is what I would have to ask. A principal of a school should never be allowed to speak of any former student that way. It should not be allowed in his character. But it will all come to pass and yes the former coach should definately be punished but all are not gone who are in the know and responsible parties.I know that the Fullers never set out to hurt the children they know how that feels but just give this a thought, if the school was on the up and up it could never happen. I dont think that the KHSAA just takes a persons word for it, they are professional and will take all steps to make sure things are put right. I think we will all be in for a shock as this unfolds.
Truth 88 Wrote:I will have to say with confidence that the one party definately knew that they were being taped. I do think that it is very sad for the kids involved. But just maybe it will protect even just one of them from being done the same way.. I have known Michael along time and know alot about what was done. At first did I believe it?? I had a hard time because some things just seemed impossible, but being close to RH I did a little investigating myself and what I found was, in the best words I can find WOW, UNBELIEVEABLE, CRAZY, LIFETIME MOVIE, BEST SELLER BOOK, thats what I found and it saddened me. Being in athletics myself I know how kentucky would pride theirself on the treatment of athletics of all ages and I thought if they only knew. Its way more than just a recruitment. Walks a fine line with child abuse. We should all stand who believe in the fact that athletics are 2nd. But most of all even before academics how about their character, high school teenagers are at a very important stage in life, should they see this, lets lie cheat whatever it takes to win no matter how many toes we step on along the way. Should they be made afraid of speaking. Standing up for what is right about certain things. Then just think about something if Mr. Foster is the man he says he is would he have ever made that comment about Micheal with such ease. For all that dont believe he did contact the paper as I did and they will tell you it was a quote straight from him. If he can do this in such a important meeting then what else is what I would have to ask. A principal of a school should never be allowed to speak of any former student that way. It should not be allowed in his character. But it will all come to pass and yes the former coach should definately be punished but all are not gone who are in the know and responsible parties.I know that the Fullers never set out to hurt the children they know how that feels but just give this a thought, if the school was on the up and up it could never happen. I dont think that the KHSAA just takes a persons word for it, they are professional and will take all steps to make sure things are put right. I think we will all be in for a shock as this unfolds.

It sure looks like they were set on trying to do something since they recorded somebody without his knowledge. If they want to try and take down (the ones in the know) as you say all they are going to do is hurt the kids that are there now. Most of the one's involved are gone so they need to let it go before they hurt the kids that truly want to go to Rose Hill for a education and also be provided a chance to play sports. This vendetta they have for the ones in the know is going to not only hurt them which is their plan, but the kids that are there now.
Kentucky is a one party consent state. Meaning you are allowed to record your phone calls without the consent of the other person. You must be part of the conversation. 38 states and the District of Columbia follow this guide line as a one party consent state.
ASHGRAD Wrote:I thought you had to make both parties aware that they were being taped. I guess I was wrong. I still say that there was other motives for taping the conversation in the first place.

Was the motive to catch someone doing something wrong? What was the motive of the person being taped?
This was not a motive. It will all explain itself. Yes kids may be hurt now or will this protect them. Does anyone even know anything about this story yet. I think that maybe we need to give Michael a little consideration for what was done to him. Yes he is not there now but if one of the kids made a legitimate complaint right now how long would it be before it got to this point? Maybe quite awhile. I think Michael did what alot of adults {that wanted too} were afraid to do.. Bravo Michael..
Why do they have allegations against them when they'e losing players left and right?
This is Crazy
Peacedomes85 Wrote:This is Crazy

Sounds like somebody got caught doing something wrong.
leecoukfan Wrote:Why do they have allegations against them when they'e losing players left and right?

Looks like a lot of these kids were not at Rose Hill for a good christian education after all.
Benchwarmer Wrote:Looks like a lot of these kids were not at Rose Hill for a good christian education after all.

lol agreed my friend:lmao:
Peacedomes85 Wrote:lol agreed my friend:lmao:

Truth 88 Wrote:I think that maybe we need to give Michael a little consideration for what was done to him. ..

Other than the news reports in the Ashland newspaper I know very little about the Rose Hill situation. But from everything I have read I haven't seen anything where Michael Fuller was a victom in this case. He was given a private school education, on scholarship. Please inform us that aren't as close to the situation as you how Rose Hill wronged this young man. I'm not taking up for RH, I simply can't find it on this board or anywhere else that he was wronged in any way.
Truth 88 Wrote:Ok then if you know them so well. You would also know that the scholarship never exsisted till Fullers senior year. If the Garnes lie about that, then that is the saddest of all.. Yes I know Fuller well and know how that death affected him too. But why are they making this about David.

The Garnes' do not have to lie about anything. The school has records to support that the scholarship was in effect in 2006, and that it paid out the tuition in question. Also the records are not in control of the school. These are bank records.
You have spouted off a lot about things you obviously don't understand. The Board of Control will be given this proof before they make their decision.

Please before you accuse anyone of lying learn the facts.

Also I want to add. If Michael was recruited before his freshman year, it was wrong. Those accused of recruiting him are gone. I'm not saying this excuses the school from liability, I'm just saying they are trying to do it right now.
I myself had little to no contact with Michael during his time at Rose Hill, but I have spoken to folks who did. They all speak fondly of him. I have also spoken to the Garnes' about this situation. They love Michael dearly and are hurt by Michael's denial of their loving gesture.
Benchwarmer Wrote:Looks like a lot of these kids were not at Rose Hill for a good christian education after all.

Yeah, sounds like it!
Benchwarmer Wrote:Looks like a lot of these kids were not at Rose Hill for a good christian education after all.

What kids are you referring to?
OORAH Wrote:What kids are you referring to?

Probably the ones that began leaving, boy and girl, when it became apparent they would not be very good in athletics, primarily basketball. The Rose Hill athletic program has long been a sham. You don't go from the "outhouse to the penthouse" seemingly overnight. Consistently the rudest, most inconsiderate crowd when they were good.
Lots of people at Rose Hill ,children and adults, were afraid to come forward because they knew they would be paid back in a harsh way. I would just like to say Fuller did the right thing, and he was done wrong whether you people want to believe it or not. Congratulations Fuller I am proud of you, You showed you were not going to get pushed around by the administration.
hd28 Wrote:... Consistently the rudest, most inconsiderate crowd when they were good.

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