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11-17-2009, 06:28 PM
I would sure have to think about that one. Thats a pretty important meeting for him to mess up so bad. Maybe it just showed his true colors. I agree completely that he owes Fuller a public apology.
11-17-2009, 06:36 PM
Did anyone ever think about the fact that his senior year was the only year that the GARNES MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP was in affect. It never existed before then, So how about the other years??? Are they going along with that fact if so I would have to wonder about them.
11-17-2009, 06:40 PM
LIB MRDux Wrote:There was a little sarcasm in my previous post. I know that the KHSAA is not able to shut the school down. I'm simply stating that Rose Hill didn't shut the doors because of the most recent exodus. They have kids there who are willing and want to play. Truly, I wish the best for them.
My fault, Ducks. I didn't pick up on the sarcasm.
Like you, I wish the best for the kids that play for Rose Hill. Then again, I hope every kid playing basketball this season has a solid year, regardless of the school they play for.
11-17-2009, 08:08 PM
ASHGRAD Wrote:Before you make assumptions you need to make sure Mr. Foster wasn't misquoted.
I may be wrong, but I took the statement to have been made to the KHSAA, during the hearing - not as a statement made to the newspaper reporter.
11-17-2009, 08:15 PM
Ok then if you know them so well. You would also know that the scholarship never exsisted till Fullers senior year. If the Garnes lie about that, then that is the saddest of all.. Yes I know Fuller well and know how that death affected him too. But why are they making this about David.
11-17-2009, 08:25 PM
royal blueblood Wrote:Iâve been reading this site for some time, but felt the need to finally step in and comment. First let me say this is tragic what is going on at Rose Hill. As a former student and now parent of a student, let me say, I am sadden by the allegations.
I do however wish to respond to the bolded. Michael Fuller and David Garnes were very close. Michael spoke at Davidâs funeral. He also had Davidâs name tattooed on his arm. Michael was seen by those of us at Rose Hill with Davidâs parents often. He became surrogate brother for Davidâs little brother. I spoke to many teachers and other parents in the school, the general feeling was that he shared the loss with the family and was a wonderful means of support.
Knowing the Garnesâ as I, and the rest of the Rose Hill family do. I do not believe they had any idea about the communications with Michael prior to his coming to Rose Hill. I also do not believe they gave the scholarship to the him because he played basketball. Michael did not play basketball his senior year and he still received the scholarship and was still seen often with the Garnes family.
It isnât my intention to take up for Rose Hill for any wrongdoing. If Michael was recruited, then the punishment should be imposed. I just believe the scholarship was given out of love and not for basketball purposes.
I think that if everyone out there were telling the truth they all know that Fuller was recruited. How many more were and why are they trying to make him out a liar now. Because they got caught?? Had someone stand up to them?? Alot of us out there knew about recruiting, pretty much public knowledge. Why make this subject about Fuller and Garnes. SAD..
11-17-2009, 09:15 PM
Truth 88 you seem to think you know everything about the the fuller situation. Whether he was recruited or not I don't know Maybe Fuller is just telling everybody he was recruited after all he did quit the team. Maybe he is just trying to stir the pot so tp speak. Maybe somebody did ask him to come and play. It happens at every school. I know you think that Rose Hill should get he biggest punishment, but that would just hurt the kidss that stayed. You need to let your vedetta agianst the school go and get on with your life.
11-17-2009, 09:21 PM
Truth 88 Wrote:I would sure have to think about that one. Thats a pretty important meeting for him to mess up so bad. Maybe it just showed his true colors. I agree completely that he owes Fuller a public apology.
Maybe Mr Foster was misquoted newspaper reporters do misquote on occasion to spice up the story a little bit and to get people talking which this did. I agree though if he wasn't misquoted then he does owe Mr Fuller a apology. Knowing Mr Foster he loves the kids and wouldn't do anything to hurt them in his actions or words.
11-17-2009, 10:08 PM
Truth88, I'm not picking a fight with you. But you are not correct. The Garnes scholarship was in effect during Michaels junior year. As I said before it was common knowledge that Michael was recieving the scholarship and that he recieved it because of a mutual love he and the Garnes family shared.
The only reason I posted before was to answer a question. The KHSAA brought the scholarship into question according to the newspapers.
The only reason I posted before was to answer a question. The KHSAA brought the scholarship into question according to the newspapers.
11-17-2009, 10:53 PM
ASHGRAD Wrote:Truth 88 you seem to think you know everything about the the fuller situation. Whether he was recruited or not I don't know Maybe Fuller is just telling everybody he was recruited after all he did quit the team. Maybe he is just trying to stir the pot so tp speak. Maybe somebody did ask him to come and play. It happens at every school. I know you think that Rose Hill should get he biggest punishment, but that would just hurt the kidss that stayed. You need to let your vedetta agianst the school go and get on with your life.
The audio tape that the KHSAA has makes it pretty clear what was happening. Fuller provided the tape of a phone call in which he is being recruited. If someone embraces conspiracy theories, I guess they could claim that the tape is a fake - but it doesn't look like anyone at the KHSAA is really buying that argument. Just not a lot of "wiggle room" on this one.
We'll know a lot more about how much stock they put in the authenticity of the tape in December.
11-18-2009, 01:34 AM
Truth 88 Wrote:I think that if everyone out there were telling the truth they all know that Fuller was recruited. How many more were and why are they trying to make him out a liar now. Because they got caught?? Had someone stand up to them?? Alot of us out there knew about recruiting, pretty much public knowledge. Why make this subject about Fuller and Garnes. SAD..Sure I think it is all sad but do I think that Mr. Foster is innocent??? not only on this but other things. No I dont. Alot of kids have been hurt by their actions.. Its all a sad thing but you only play for so long.. Has anyone ever thought about how Fuller feels.. How many have lied to him and about him and he was just a kid when this happened, But kids do grow up.
11-18-2009, 01:43 AM
Squid Wrote:The audio tape that the KHSAA has makes it pretty clear what was happening. Fuller provided the tape of a phone call in which he is being recruited. If someone embraces conspiracy theories, I guess they could claim that the tape is a fake - but it doesn't look like anyone at the KHSAA is really buying that argument. Just not a lot of "wiggle room" on this one.
We'll know a lot more about how much stock they put in the authenticity of the tape in December.
Yes we sure will and how interesting that will be. Anyone at all heard the tape??? Wonder who would like to have the true story on this. Why did Fuller not play ball his senior year?? Anyone know the real answer to that?? Its all just sad sad sad for everyone involved.. You should be able to look up to your peers at school.
11-18-2009, 01:52 AM
Squid Wrote:The audio tape that the KHSAA has makes it pretty clear what was happening. Fuller provided the tape of a phone call in which he is being recruited. If someone embraces conspiracy theories, I guess they could claim that the tape is a fake - but it doesn't look like anyone at the KHSAA is really buying that argument. Just not a lot of "wiggle room" on this one.
We'll know a lot more about how much stock they put in the authenticity of the tape in December.
ASHGRAD Wrote:Truth 88 you seem to think you know everything about the the fuller situation. Whether he was recruited or not I don't know Maybe Fuller is just telling everybody he was recruited after all he did quit the team. Maybe he is just trying to stir the pot so tp speak. Maybe somebody did ask him to come and play. It happens at every school. I know you think that Rose Hill should get he biggest punishment, but that would just hurt the kidss that stayed. You need to let your vedetta agianst the school go and get on with your life.
I have no vendetta against this school and yes it is sad for all.. Like I said alot of kids have been hurt and that is not what it should be about. Really dont know what Fuller would have to gain by stirring the pot. Did he quit the team. Or was he pushed too.
11-18-2009, 09:30 AM
Truth 88 Wrote:I have no vendetta against this school and yes it is sad for all.. Like I said alot of kids have been hurt and that is not what it should be about. Really dont know what Fuller would have to gain by stirring the pot. Did he quit the team. Or was he pushed too.
If he was recruited like you say why would they want to push him off the team. It seems like they would want to keep him happy so they wouldn't get caught. Why would you tape a conversation about recruitment if you didn't plan on using it later. It just sounds fishy to me. Maybe this Kid and the Adults in this situation all made made mistakes.
11-18-2009, 09:52 AM
ASHGRAD Wrote:If he was recruited like you say why would they want to push him off the team. It seems like they would want to keep him happy so they wouldn't get caught. Why would you tape a conversation about recruitment if you didn't plan on using it later. It just sounds fishy to me. Maybe this Kid and the Adults in this situation all made made mistakes.
No I think that the adults need to be the adults and not put the kids in this situation. Its sad for them. They are the ones to pay really for the adults actions. You know alot of things can change in three years, and about the tape maybe when we all here it, it will explain itself. As far as the kids making mistakes in this situation, they were just kids and should have never been put in this situation by the supposed adults. They were supposed to be the leaders. Sad again.
11-18-2009, 10:09 AM
Have you heard the tape Truth 88. It sounds like in the paper that it could be legit or there it could of been altered depending on what side you are on. I still have a problem with why you would tape a conversation unless you plan on using the tape later.
11-18-2009, 11:38 AM
I think Ashgrad has a point, in that, the only plausible reason for taping the conversation would be the intent to use it later, if needed. That said, if the conversation hadn't occurred, there wouldn't be a tape in the first place, regardless of intent.
On the other hand, the whole "tape is doctored" argument looks pretty silly to me. It smacks of a child denying that they'be been in the cookie jar, while wiping the chocolate chips and cookie crumbs off their shirt.
On the other hand, the whole "tape is doctored" argument looks pretty silly to me. It smacks of a child denying that they'be been in the cookie jar, while wiping the chocolate chips and cookie crumbs off their shirt.
11-18-2009, 12:34 PM
No matter what happens, I'll be glad when it's all said and done. For the school, it's coaches and players, and the players who have gone, I'll be glad to not have to hear about it anymore. I wish the best for those there and those departed. Just a black eye on the community. But I think there will be alot of discrediting left to unfold. Many who have axes to grind will take a hit, and the school will take a hit with inappropriate issues as they should. Should be a paperback novel.
11-18-2009, 12:36 PM
Pretty sorry a bunch of adults would toss a kid under the bus just to get thier butts out of a sling. Sad part is, it sounds like the guilty parties already flew the coop. Any penalties that come out of this will punish the innocent. There's gotta be a better way.
11-18-2009, 12:48 PM
LIB MRDux Wrote:No matter what happens, I'll be glad when it's all said and done. For the school, it's coaches and players, and the players who have gone, I'll be glad to not have to hear about it anymore. I wish the best for those there and those departed. Just a black eye on the community. But I think there will be alot of discrediting left to unfold. Many who have axes to grind will take a hit, and the school will take a hit with inappropriate issues as they should. Should be a paperback novel.
Ten years from now (probably less), there will be no more than a small handful of people that ever speak about the whole mess. Those few that do talk about it will be the ones that are bitter about how it all unfolded. Other than that, it will only come up again when OJ Mayo retires from the NBA.
This too, shall pass.
The important question isn't "were mistakes made"?
The real question is "did anyone learn anything"?
As possum said, there HAS to be a better way.
11-18-2009, 02:45 PM
ASHGRAD Wrote:Have you heard the tape Truth 88. It sounds like in the paper that it could be legit or there it could of been altered depending on what side you are on. I still have a problem with why you would tape a conversation unless you plan on using the tape later.
This is what came to my mind too out of this entire thing.
11-18-2009, 09:02 PM
Truth 88 Wrote:No I think that the adults need to be the adults and not put the kids in this situation. Its sad for them. They are the ones to pay really for the adults actions. You know alot of things can change in three years, and about the tape maybe when we all here it, it will explain itself. As far as the kids making mistakes in this situation, they were just kids and should have never been put in this situation by the supposed adults. They were supposed to be the leaders. Sad again.
You are correct on this one. Adults are to blame, not the kids. In this situation there is plenty of blame to spread areound. If Michael was recruited then those who recruited him should be punished. But how do you punish his parents who put him in this situation. Michael was a child, therefore unable to enroll himself in Rose Hill. If this is true his parents went along with it all. Don't give me they were not aware of the fact it was wrong either. They knew enough to keep a tape. The parents and the parents alone were supposed to be looking out for his best interest. They failed. Sad again.
11-18-2009, 10:05 PM
At this point, I suspect the real truth will never be known. Each person will have his or her own interpretation and that will be it. Those who support the school will have one version of the "facts". And, those who oppose the school will have a different interpretation of the "facts". All, including KHSAA, will be partially right and partially wrong. Guilt or innocence will be in the eyes of the beholder. That is usually how these matters go. Still, whatever interpretation of the conflicting evidence KHSAA chooses to adopt, whether valid or not, will be the only interpretation that carries any weight. And, with real unemployment being around 17%, the issues being debated are rather insignificant to say the least.
11-19-2009, 12:40 AM
royal blueblood Wrote:You are correct on this one. Adults are to blame, not the kids. In this situation there is plenty of blame to spread areound. If Michael was recruited then those who recruited him should be punished. But how do you punish his parents who put him in this situation. Michael was a child, therefore unable to enroll himself in Rose Hill. If this is true his parents went along with it all. Don't give me they were not aware of the fact it was wrong either. They knew enough to keep a tape. The parents and the parents alone were supposed to be looking out for his best interest. They failed. Sad again.Well lets see there blueblood, maybe a whole lot of lying going on to a whole lot of people. Dont I remeber hearing something about Michaels mom going to dr. d. HHuummmm Maybe another cover up. Seems to be the code of silence there.
11-19-2009, 10:54 AM
Truth Wrote:At this point, I suspect the real truth will never be known.
At this point, I suspect that the truth is already known.
The only question is, what action will the KHSAA take?
I hope they don't go overboard with whatever sanctions they hand down. The kids that are still at Rose Hill should not be victimized in the name of vengeance. If there is a way to punish the guilty parties, then that's fine. If not, there is no reason to exact a toll on kids that had no dog in the hunt.
11-19-2009, 11:51 AM
Squid Wrote:At this point, I suspect that the truth is already known.
The only question is, what action will the KHSAA take?
I hope they don't go overboard with whatever sanctions they hand down. The kids that are still at Rose Hill should not be victimized in the name of vengeance. If there is a way to punish the guilty parties, then that's fine. If not, there is no reason to exact a toll on kids that had no dog in the hunt.
Thank you. Your first statement confirms sentences 2, 3, and 4 of my previous post. You, of course, are covered in sentence 4.
11-19-2009, 12:28 PM
Truth Wrote:Thank you. Your first statement confirms sentences 2, 3, and 4 of my previous post. You, of course, are covered in sentence 4.
You're welcome.
I guess that's why I didn't address the rest of your post. I don't share your belief that someone has to know the number of eyelets and exact shoe size of the person making the call on the recording, or the color of his dog's collar on the day of the call.
There are people out there that KNOW what happened. They may (or may not) choose to share that, but the truth is known. You want to take the position that, unless every last fact is known by everyone that speaks of the event, then all opinions are wrong. You certainly have the right to take that position, but if that were the only way to proceed, no court of law would ever reach a verdict in any case.
It is a fine defense on your part, to try to muddy the waters, and act as if any decision the KHSAA renders is somehow invalid and incomplete, but the reality is, they (and everyone following this debacle) have enough understanding of what happened to come to a reasonable conclusion.
If we used your standard of finding the truth, we'd still be looking for enough evidence to convict Ted Bundy.
11-19-2009, 12:34 PM
All of us should learn from this . These kids are students first and foremost and athletes second. Over zealous parents, fans, media and administrators have to keep all sports in the proper perspective. Extra curricular activities such as sports, band, cheer, etc are just a small part of the whole individual. In order to develop well rounded productive members of society we all have a responsability to these kids. The fact of the matter is not enough high school graduates in Ky continue their education. And even fewer athletes play at the next level even though most varsity players could get athletic money at some level of college sports. The sad part is most of these players don't have the academic standing. If we spent just half as much time on academic tutoring as we do practice, camps, clinics, AAU, etc we would be far better off.
11-19-2009, 01:05 PM
Well said, Dawgbyte.
You don't see a lot of writeups in the paper about the exploits of the academic teams from these schools, but it would be a nice change of pace if we did.
You don't see a lot of writeups in the paper about the exploits of the academic teams from these schools, but it would be a nice change of pace if we did.
11-19-2009, 01:10 PM
Squid Wrote:I hope they don't go overboard with whatever sanctions they hand down. The kids that are still at Rose Hill should not be victimized in the name of vengeance. If there is a way to punish the guilty parties, then that's fine. If not, there is no reason to exact a toll on kids that had no dog in the hunt.The most sensible statement in this entire thread. :Cheerlead
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