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Raceland 27 Russell 15
luvthegame Wrote:I have seen many posts here stating how Raceland out-coached Russell and how great a person Ivan is and how Russell does better with "horses" and not "mules" (true for anybody). All points I strongly agree with. In 04 and 05 Russell was extremely talented and would have accomplished the same results with many coaches. That is where the horse/mule analogy comes in. A really great coach will adjust to what he has and not try to force what can't be done. But McGlone has become Bobby Bowden. Great Coaches in their day, but it is time to ride off into the sunset for both of them. The fact that many seen Ivan getting out-coached is a major sign. Didn't used to happen. They say of Bob Lutz that he is one of those coaches that can take his and beat yours and take yours and beat his. Don't think you can say that about Ivan. And another post was dead on accurate....the coaching staff quit for the second time this season. So sad.
I am a McGlone fan and always will be, but it is time to let Russell progress and not regress.

I agree with most of the post but Bob Lutz needs to go also. If they had a new age coach they could beat some of those Catholic teams in the 3rd and 4th rounds. Ironton does have a much better weight program.
luvthegame Wrote:I have seen many posts here stating how Raceland out-coached Russell and how great a person Ivan is and how Russell does better with "horses" and not "mules" (true for anybody). All points I strongly agree with. In 04 and 05 Russell was extremely talented and would have accomplished the same results with many coaches. That is where the horse/mule analogy comes in. A really great coach will adjust to what he has and not try to force what can't be done. But McGlone has become Bobby Bowden. Great Coaches in their day, but it is time to ride off into the sunset for both of them. The fact that many seen Ivan getting out-coached is a major sign. Didn't used to happen. They say of Bob Lutz that he is one of those coaches that can take his and beat yours and take yours and beat his. Don't think you can say that about Ivan. And another post was dead on accurate....the coaching staff quit for the second time this season. So sad.
I am a McGlone fan and always will be, but it is time to let Russell progress and not regress.

FBALL Wrote:Yes more often than not Russell will beat Raceland and it doesn't matter who the coach is. Racelan had won two in a row and cogratulations to them. They were definitely the better team Friday night. The fact is Russell has more kids to choose from and over a period of time that does make a difference. The field still sucks and if both schools were not down this year all of the bandwagon fans would have been there it would have been to crowded to move in that place. I don't have a BMW or a sweater vest but Im still not donating money. Raceland can pay for their own field. I would simply not play them there.

I completely agree. The Russell field is close to Raceland and would not give Russell an unfair advantage. I would play the game at Russell, split the gate, and play the game on Saturday hoping [IMDB]Confusedhh:[/IMDB] we would get a gate draw from other towns when the teams both had up years. It's not a matter of toughness; when you have 5 year old outdoor carpet as part of your endzone that is just dumb.
Yes, the track needs to go somewhere else, at Russell and Greenup County, we have a track around our fields, and carpet does not come into play, either your track is too short or your football field is too long, I don't understand how it is set up that way.:eyeroll:
I have been told by a couple of people that the Raceland field is not 100yds(120yds) counting the endzones.They told me when you hold the chains you can tell. I was told also that they might be putting the track down by the tennis courts and cutting the corners out for the football in the track if they do so the green tarps will be gone. All this is suppose to done in the next few years. I still do see how this will help Russell defend the pass(just joking). I would loike to see this done also I have gone to a couple of games and seen the tarp missed up due the the weather and I am surprised that there has not been a serious injury due to the tarps .
The track is to short, it's not the full length size a track is supposed to be.
Ram Fan04 Wrote:That's the truth! But in all seriousness Raceland played their best game all season! If we would've played like that against Greenup and Fleming we would've blown them both out. And were sitting at 8-2 like I thought we would be instead of 6-4.

Well to bad you didnt beat Fleming or Greenup. Raceland plays one good game and all their fans think they are the best team in the state.:thatsfunn
I'm King of the world!!!!!!!
One small step for man.....One Giant leap for Ram Kind.
RAM-A-DEVIL Wrote:One small step for man.....One Giant leap for Ram Kind.

Your field still sucks Leo. But that guy signaling first downs is awsome.
baseball23 Wrote:Well to bad you didnt beat Fleming or Greenup. Raceland plays one good game and all their fans think they are the best team in the state.:thatsfunn
Do me a favor and go start pumping up those basketballs!
Ram Fan04 Wrote:Do me a favor and go start pumping up those basketballs!

I don't think we need the pumps. There has been enough hot air in these threads to blow up every basketball in the state of KY.:Clap:
Theres enough coming from flatwoods and russell to keep spalding in business for a lifetime lol.
There is no need to say anything else. We are kings of the entire football universe.
Raceland has beat Russel at the Show of Strength meet that Raceland has held the past couple years. I think Raceland has one it three or four years straight and Russel has always been there. A weak one A class, really, LCA beats Russel by 40 any night, and so could several other 1A schools. Just face it, Russell is not that good and the 3A class isnt as strong as it used to be. Id say 2A and 3A are the weakest class' in the state.
GreenupPlayer1976 Wrote:Raceland has beat Russel at the Show of Strength meet that Raceland has held the past couple years. I think Raceland has one it three or four years straight and Russel has always been there. A weak one A class, really, LCA beats Russel by 40 any night, and so could several other 1A schools. Just face it, Russell is not that good and the 3A class isnt as strong as it used to be. Id say 2A and 3A are the weakest class' in the state.

2A is much stronger than you think.

1. 6A
2. 5A
3. 4A
4. 2A
5. 1A
6. 3A

GreenupPlayer1976 Wrote:Raceland has beat Russel at the Show of Strength meet that Raceland has held the past couple years. I think Raceland has one it three or four years straight and Russel has always been there. A weak one A class, really, LCA beats Russel by 40 any night, and so could several other 1A schools. Just face it, Russell is not that good and the 3A class isnt as strong as it used to be. Id say 2A and 3A are the weakest class' in the state.

Easy to say coming from a former Grenupplayer:zzz:. While Russell has not been very good the last 2 years they are still right at the top of the programs in this area and among their class.
BlackcatAlum Wrote:2A is much stronger than you think.

1. 6A
2. 5A
3. 4A
4. 2A
5. 1A
6. 3A

I'm not sure if he meant the present 2A or not. He may have meant the old 2A before the realignment. And I agree with him, Beechwood or Newcath could've won that class back before it was realigned.
Ram Fan04 Wrote:I'm not sure if he meant the present 2A or not. He may have meant the old 2A before the realignment. And I agree with him, Beechwood or Newcath could've won that class back before it was realigned.
They would have been in the mix with Russell, Belfry and a host of others.
Ram Fan04 Wrote:I'm not sure if he meant the present 2A or not. He may have meant the old 2A before the realignment. And I agree with him, Beechwood or Newcath could've won that class back before it was realigned.

Are you talking about he 2A class before they went to 6 classes? LOL @ you if you think so. Maybe you should go back and look at some of the teams that played in that class.

hrmm 56-0 Boyle Co. comes to mind. Lex Cath. Some of those Boyle Co. teams are the best teams to EVER play at any level in Kentucky. 56-0 and they beat everyone they played. Come on, lets be realistic. Raceland has caught a couple small weak classes at Russell. The last 2 years are 5+tds worse than any team Russell has had since 97. 97 was really bad. Id say since 1990, 97 is the worst, this year is 2nd, and last year is 3rd.

Last Friday is some of the worst football Ive ever seen played in this area from schools who are supposed to be good football schools.

Hopefully it picks up in a few years, next year for Russell doesnt look good either. They return 2 senior players, and one is the kicker. So .500 next year will be a good record for them.

Of course I guess it is Russells turn to be on the low end of talent, theyve far and away had the best talent and size in the area over the last decade, and that is not even close.
2a is way stronger than 3a this year. Last years 3a was really good but there seems to be a big drop off this year with Lou.Central(only because they have a bad record, still a good team), and Brethitt County being a huge bust. This year the top two 1a schools could beat the top 2 3a schools.

Beetle01 come on man its been 4days since your devils got beat so please stop looking for excuses to why you lost. Some of your fans have already accepted that and moved on to get ready for the playoffs, but no its fans like you who already give up on their team and the season is not even over, last time I checked Russell made the playoffs, so go out and support your team and stop complaing about Raceland beating you. Raceland fans love to win and we love our team when they do but we NEVER EVER give up on our boys even if they dont win a game!
Any school would be lucky to have a coach like Ivan and if the kids don't work out in the off season like the Smith and a couple others on the Russell team this is what happens! Parents pointing the finger and wanting to blame anybody but their kid! Greenup went through the politics and parent crap for years and you see where that got them, things are changing there and if they let the coaches coach things will be good in a couple more years; Greenup will be pretty good in two years from now, next year will be a little better then this year, maybe a 5-5 year, hopefully better. For Raceland's field, it's legal and get OVER IT!!
GOREDDEVILS Wrote:They would have been in the mix with Russell, Belfry and a host of others.

This is the class I'm talking about! Was Boyle County, Lexcath, and other in the same class as the one me and you are talking about GOREDDEVILS? I didn't think they were? I'm talking back in the 2000's and when Russell won state and runnerups. I may be wrong I jus didn't think all those teams were in that class like the guy below your post said.
that's right Wrote:Any school would be lucky to have a coach like Ivan and if the kids don't work out in the off season like the Smith and a couple others on the Russell team this is what happens! Parents pointing the finger and wanting to blame anybody but their kid! Greenup went through the politics and parent crap for years and you see where that got them, things are changing there and if they let the coaches coach things will be good in a couple more years; Greenup will be pretty good in two years from now, next year will be a little better then this year, maybe a 5-5 year, hopefully better. For Raceland's field, it's legal and get OVER IT!!

If you left it up to young kids to do it themselves you wouldn't need coaches. The coach takes the credit when they win and the kicks when they lose. That's the way it is. If a coach let's parents influence their decision making, they aren't much of a coach. Green Up will stink for years to come if they continue year round baseball training. Russell will stink in baseball if they keep all of their focus on football. Welcome to small school Ky. P.S. I'll bet if there is a coach that reads these threads they only do it to get a big laugh - I'll bet even the bad ones don't look to BGR for great advise.
Ram Fan04 Wrote:This is the class I'm talking about! Was Boyle County, Lexcath, and other in the same class as the one me and you are talking about GOREDDEVILS? I didn't think they were? I'm talking back in the 2000's and when Russell won state and runnerups. I may be wrong I jus didn't think all those teams were in that class like the guy below your post said.

Well int he early 00s 2A was probably the 2nd toughest class, thats when it included Boyle and Lex. Cath. Then in 02, they changed it up and those teams moved out. I will agree that starting then 2A was extremely weak. This is when teams like Russell, Belfry, and Breathitt started dominating that class. It wasnt until the good teams moved out.
Your right about a couple things, coaches do get a big laugh about these threads and of course they don't decide on who to play or what a game call will be from these things. Kids that love the game will do extra work on their own, come by Raceland's track during the summer off weeks and dead periods and your'll be amazed at how many kids you see on their own working!:rockon:
The 3/4 field still sucks.
This is not one of Russell's most talented classes. That is a fact not an excuse. This is also not one of the more talented Raceland teams I have seen.

For those of you calling Beetle out he is hardly one to blindly heap praise just because it is Russell. I think he is dead on in some of this. This year and last year are two of the weaker teams Russell has had in more than a decade. 2002-2007 no Raceland team would have won in this series. Probably not even close.
I woulda loved to see Raceland vs. Russell in 06 what a game that would have been, that Raceland team was good, and ikno Russell was state runner-up but that Raceland defense could have held Clark in check all nite.

FBALL Wrote:This is not one of Russell's most talented classes. That is a fact not an excuse. This is also not one of the more talented Raceland teams I have seen.

For those of you calling Beetle out he is hardly one to blindly heap praise just because it is Russell. I think he is dead on in some of this. This year and last year are two of the weaker teams Russell has had in more than a decade. 2002-2007 no Raceland team would have won in this series. Probably not even close.
BIGRAMLOVER1979 Wrote:I woulda loved to see Raceland vs. Russell in 06 what a game that would have been, that Raceland team was good, and ikno Russell was state runner-up but that Raceland defense could have held Clark in check all nite.
Clark would have his way with that Raceland defense.

Clark was an above average athlete with pretty decent speed no gross speed but big enough to run you over.

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