Poll: Who wins?
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Henry County
Spencer County
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Henry County @ Spencer County 10/23
Well ff40212 henry had fall break the week they played north and it too was also sloppy muddy and wet but they still got the job done.... Bottom line spencer was clearly over rated...
Well what's it 2u we will like we have every thread that you have posted on here prove you wrong once again......
I think I am going to agree with Ole Ball Coach here and say that all this talking is usually what gets folks in trouble. Especially from kids.

None of what gets said on here will make a difference come Friday night.

My advice would be to concentrate on your preparations. But then again, you all coming over here overly-confident will be a good thing for us.

Underestimate us if you'd like? I think that strategy worked well for you last year down in New Castle didn't it?
Spencer is going to bring it to the wildcats! Only black stripes them Wildcats will see is the refs, holding up the TD sign!
Not with this new Henry D....We will see
All that matters is that Spencer is going to win, it doesn't matter what type of O or D Henry runs, they just don't have the CATS to keep up with the BEARS. You've had a lucky run this far Wildcats but your run is about to END! I'm sure it was fun while it lasted, but you might want to refer to the Anderson Co score to see whats about to go down!
well boys all the talk on the internet wont decide the outcome friday...i expect to see a tough run game from spencer meet a hard nosed defense from henry......but lets not forget,henry does have a offense that can score with anyone when their on. No team should be takin lighly,its district..ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN:Thumbs: This game will consist of speed on both sides
Henrys got a tough defense of squad this year and i dont see spencer doing anything aganist them. With their Hard hitting lienbackers #24 Mr. Raisor and #2 Mr. Timberlake and there lock down corners. Spencer will be in trouble...
HENRY county is goin to go big in this game in Rememberance of what happined last year aginast spencer county. Wildcats i say will when by 2 or 3 touchdowns. :1: #4 is their key player he has very quick feet and will run over any one who gets in his way. :muscleman:wenumber1 I think that he will prolly rush for 200 or so yards easily. spencers deffence isnt very good i hear.
PETE BALDWIN AND LANCE TIMBERLAKE:ape: is also very good and will prolly also rush for alot this game to.Confusederved: Henry county is gonna score many times this game i believe.:runtouchd
im goin henry county in this one.
Those Black Stripe Boys are some hard hitters. Thats why they have the black stripes on their helmets. So Spencer you better Wathc out for em.
Rumor has it that the flu is making its' rounds at Henry County.
Where is the flu not making its rounds?
I'm sure every schools is being faced with it right now as rampant as it is spreading.
Its true some players have it but it wont hurt us.
Henry Hater Wrote:All that matters is that Spencer is going to win, it doesn't matter what type of O or D Henry runs, they just don't have the CATS to keep up with the BEARS. You've had a lucky run this far Wildcats but your run is about to END! I'm sure it was fun while it lasted, but you might want to refer to the Anderson Co score to see whats about to go down!
i wouldnt be so sure about that Henry county dose of a good squad.
And i forgot to mention that Henry has played good on sloppy fields. so if it rains friday im goin with Henry County. they have played well in the rain with few turnovers. But good luck to both teams.

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