Poll: Bell County Football How Does It Rate Over The Years?
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Best Kentucky program ever.
Best program ever from Eastern Kentucky.
Top 5 program in Kentucky.
Top 10 program in Kentucky.
Best Kentucky program in the last 25 years.
Top 5 Kentucky program in the last 25 years.
Top 10 Kentucky program in the last 25 years.
Good program but far from the best Kentucky offers.
All of the ABOVE!
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Bell County Thread!
Rebelgirl Wrote:How bout those Boyle County Rebels!!! Ooops.... I mean those Bell County Bobcats. Forgot which thread I was in for a minute there.:yikes:

Bell County is the greatest of all time. Never in the history of football have there been a better football team. NFL included.
I find this thread very offensive and over the top. Don't sterotype every Bell fan into 1 group!!!! That in itself is very prejuduce. I am very proud of what our young men have accomplished with their hard work.

We are far and away a better team than we were at the begining of the season. We lost 13 seniors from last year, easily the biggest senior class in years at Bell. Also a bunch of those seniors were 3-4 year starters. The 09 team is young and very inexperienced but getting better every game. I would love to see them play Alcoa now that they have got a few games under their belt and worked themselves in shape. A bunch of those boys were playing both ways for the first time and against a nationally ranked team with TONS of depth to boot. Not saying we would beat them but it would be a pretty decent game. Keep in mind Bell whipped Alcoa all over the field in the first 18 minutes of the game, leading 14-7 at 1 time with Alcoa's only score coming on a trick play to start the game. So if you chose to judge them by 1 game by all means do so. :eyeroll:

I for 1 will not post in any threads that DON'T deal with Bell again. So if you don't like mine or our opinions keep your envious tail off of the Bell Co. threads.:ChairHit:
Bobcat_Dad Wrote:I find this thread very offensive and over the top. Don't sterotype every Bell fan into 1 group!!!! That in itself is very prejuduce. I am very proud of what our young men have accomplished with their hard work.

We are far and away a better team than we were at the begining of the season. We lost 13 seniors from last year, easily the biggest senior class in years at Bell. Also a bunch of those seniors were 3-4 year starters. The 09 team is young and very inexperienced but getting better every game. I would love to see them play Alcoa now that they have got a few games under their belt and worked themselves in shape. A bunch of those boys were playing both ways for the first time and against a nationally ranked team with TONS of depth to boot. Not saying we would beat them but it would be a pretty decent game. Keep in mind Bell whipped Alcoa all over the field in the first 18 minutes of the game, leading 14-7 at 1 time with Alcoa's only score coming on a trick play to start the game. So if you chose to judge them by 1 game by all means do so. :eyeroll:

I for 1 will not post in any threads that DON'T deal with Bell again. So if you don't like mine or our opinions keep your envious tail off of the Bell Co. threads.:ChairHit:

Very well said. I too believe we would play Alcoa alot better this Friday than we did the first game of the season. I don't think we would win the game, but it would be a lot more respectable.

But, the part I agree with more is how repulsive this thread is to begin with.
Rebelgirl Wrote:How bout those Boyle County Rebels!!! Ooops.... I mean those Bell County Bobcats. Forgot which thread I was in for a minute there.:yikes:

talk about no class and sportsman ship look who all came over here and started running there jaw on a thread that has nothing to do with them i know bell does the same thing but we dont do it intentionally these people are doing it just to be doing it this thread is for bell county fans to sit and chat about how bad they are going to beat who is it we play next madison southern and how we are going to win state which we will just refer to my thread 4a district 7 and 8 playoff picture and you will see but if your ready to go lets go REBELGIRL:baldbull:
Bobcat_Dad Wrote:I find this thread very offensive and over the top. Don't sterotype every Bell fan into 1 group!!!! That in itself is very prejuduce. I am very proud of what our young men have accomplished with their hard work.

We are far and away a better team than we were at the begining of the season. We lost 13 seniors from last year, easily the biggest senior class in years at Bell. Also a bunch of those seniors were 3-4 year starters. The 09 team is young and very inexperienced but getting better every game. I would love to see them play Alcoa now that they have got a few games under their belt and worked themselves in shape. A bunch of those boys were playing both ways for the first time and against a nationally ranked team with TONS of depth to boot. Not saying we would beat them but it would be a pretty decent game. Keep in mind Bell whipped Alcoa all over the field in the first 18 minutes of the game, leading 14-7 at 1 time with Alcoa's only score coming on a trick play to start the game. So if you chose to judge them by 1 game by all means do so. :eyeroll:

I for 1 will not post in any threads that DON'T deal with Bell again. So if you don't like mine or our opinions keep your envious tail off of the Bell Co. threads.:ChairHit:

I have nothing at all against the Bell players. I'm sure that they work just as hard as the boys on every other team and they have reaped the rewards of their hard work. It's the over the top, obnoxious, rude, and arrogant "fans" that have turned a great many of the members of this forum against Bell County. It's to the point that any post that even mentions Boyle County or any other good 4A team get's overrun with silly chest thumping comments from obviously upset Bell posters. Learn to win with class and show good sportsmanship to your opponents. Be proud of your team and sing their praises but have a little decency whilst doing it. Most of us on here couldn't care less about Bell County, so spare us the "in your face attitude". :Thumbs:
Again lumping everyone together. I posted in the Goldsmith thread b/c they discuss Bell in the article. Acting like it was luck that Bell won last year and they had 6 unforced turnover's that is BS. :dontthink

The article is cool but dang how many lies can be in 1 page???? I know for a fact Billy was dogging LC when he left and LC was ready to run him and his son out of town on a rail.:please:
I am an Alcoa fan and want to interject my opinion in this thread. Here I am weeks after the Alcoa game still talking with Bell fans I met on-line through Bluegrass Rivals. The Bell fans (most of them) were very courteous to me, gave me parking and travel advice and welcomed me to Bell County for the first time. Yes, I have seen obnoxious posts from fans from many KY teams on this site the same as I have seen in Tennessee on CoachT.

It is inherently wrong to classify all Bell fans as being obnoxious and not staying on topic just as it is to pick a group of people and create an entire thread just about them. I am what I say I am, a fiftyish football mom with a son playing his guts out daily for the Alcoa team. These kids (from all schools) deserve our respect and support. Any poster that wants to bash other teams, coaches, players and fans should keep it to themselves and quit and this bad mouthing.

Having said all that, I want to acknowledge my appreciation for the Bell fans I have talked with that were so helpful PRIOR to the game with Alcoa and for their positive comments after that game. Let's support our kids and the coaches for the hard work they put forth week to week. Amen - end of sermon and thank you for hearing me out.
I totally agree bluegrass buckeye, Bell County fans are arrogant, and obnoxious, they think there football team is the best at everything, personally i would like to see ole bell county play Highlands or St. X, or the power house trinity, see then who the real best football program in kentucky is, but like i said i do dis like bell co. fans
I would love to see bell county fans actually show sportsman ship to a losing team instead of "haha we whipped you all, were the best, all the way baby" and maybe a little "Great game guys, you all are a good team, I really enjoyed playing/watching etc ect;"
Fiftyishfootballmom Wrote:I am an Alcoa fan and want to interject my opinion in this thread. Here I am weeks after the Alcoa game still talking with Bell fans I met on-line through Bluegrass Rivals. The Bell fans (most of them) were very courteous to me, gave me parking and travel advice and welcomed me to Bell County for the first time. Yes, I have seen obnoxious posts from fans from many KY teams on this site the same as I have seen in Tennessee on CoachT.

It is inherently wrong to classify all Bell fans as being obnoxious and not staying on topic just as it is to pick a group of people and create an entire thread just about them. I am what I say I am, a fiftyish football mom with a son playing his guts out daily for the Alcoa team. These kids (from all schools) deserve our respect and support. Any poster that wants to bash other teams, coaches, players and fans should keep it to themselves and quit and this bad mouthing.

Having said all that, I want to acknowledge my appreciation for the Bell fans I have talked with that were so helpful PRIOR to the game with Alcoa and for their positive comments after that game. Let's support our kids and the coaches for the hard work they put forth week to week. Amen - end of sermon and thank you for hearing me out.

BigBlueBobcatFan Wrote:talk about no class and sportsman ship look who all came over here and started running there jaw on a thread that has nothing to do with them i know bell does the same thing but we dont do it intentionally these people are doing it just to be doing it this thread is for bell county fans to sit and chat about how bad they are going to beat who is it we play next madison southern and how we are going to win state which we will just refer to my thread 4a district 7 and 8 playoff picture and you will see but if your ready to go lets go REBELGIRL:baldbull:

I can't understand a word your saying.

See the key (the thing on your keyboard that you push to make symbols and letters with) with the little dot (.)? That is a period; and it's used to end sentences. There are other symbols (? , : ; ' ") that are also used in sentences. They are collectively known as punctuation. They can be used to make your words mean something and not just appear as jibberish. There is also a key with the words "Caps Lock" on it. Pushing that key will make the letters BIG or small. Big letters are typically used at the beginning of sentences, as the first letter in proper nouns, and to signify YELLING in internet speak. Now, please re-post your last comment, using punctuation and capital letters where appropriate, so that we may understand what in the world you are trying to say. :Clap:
[quote=BigBlueBobcatFan]talk about no class and sportsman ship look who all came over here and started running there jaw on a thread that has nothing to do with them i know bell does the same thing but we dont do it intentionally these people are doing it just to be doing it this thread is for bell county fans to sit and chat about how bad they are going to beat who is it we play next madison southern and how we are going to win state which we will just refer to my thread 4a district 7 and 8 playoff picture and you will see but if your ready to go lets go REBELGIRL:baldbull:[/QUOTE

Chill out there BigBlue!!! Just dishing out a little of what you been giving. Sorry you can't take it any better. I really didn't think I'd upset anyone that bad. But then again, I did say Rebels didn't I. How's this GO MY TEAM GO!!:Cheerlead:Cheerlead
OK I think the point has been made. I do love and respect anyone that backs their team no matter if they are up or down. I love it when they have confidence in them, what I was trying to get across was that for weeks we've been getting complaints from everyone due to Bell County fans changing almost every football thread into something to do with Bell County. We've closed threads, deleted post, edited post and directly talked to some about this. However, it has failed to get any better. In recent days it had gotten worse. This thread was here so that maybe Bell County fans could see things for a day through everyone elses eyes. Most Bell fans are knowledge and unbiased to a point however, others are not. We would love to have each of your comments and feedback in the threads but please, PLEASE, PLEASE stop changing everything into something to do with Bell County. Just show as much respect for the other teams as you would want to be shown to your kids and fans. This thread will now be closed and hopefully never needed again. Thanks now lets enjoy some football.

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