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NCAA has charged Memphis’ men’s Basketball Team with major violations
theVILLE Wrote:Predictable...for you to say something....Hey nothing said anything about PITINO having an affair but I took up for him and you all said I was wrong....and hey I was wrong but now its on your cats coach and suddenly nothings wrong with him...come on man just returnig the favor....if you can take it dont dish it out:redboxer:

I am reserving my judgement until after the NCAA finishes their investigation. My intiial response is that UK's PR department REALLY dropped the ball on this one if they really knew about all this when they hired Calipari.
Dr. Todd, Mitch Barnhardt and Sandy Bell all new this when they hired Coach Calipari and Sandy Bell checked with the NCAA to see about the allegations and they are NONE against Coach John Calipari.

Sandy Bell was in the NCAA when the mess that happened at UMASS occurred and she has stated over and over again, that Coach Calipari did NOT have KNOWLEDGE that Marcus Camby took money during his senior season.... Sandy Bell checked with the NCAA over the Memphis allegations and once again she found that Coach John Calipari did NOT have anything to do with possibly Derek Rose cheating on his SAT....... The NCAA has already been on campus at Memphis and has went through all the records that they have. NOTHING on Coach Calipari.... Read the SportingNews Article and get a non-biased opinion from a real sports writer and not a fake *** kissing journalist like Pat Forde
Here is "the great" Pat Forde's article.

He managed to trash UK fans, John Calipari, and UK Basketball in one article. I'm sure he literally begged ESPN to let him cover this story.
Navajo4life Wrote:Dr. Todd, Mitch Barnhardt and Sandy Bell all new this when they hired Coach Calipari and Sandy Bell checked with the NCAA to see about the allegations and they are NONE against Coach John Calipari.

Sandy Bell was in the NCAA when the mess that happened at UMASS occurred and she has stated over and over again, that Coach Calipari did NOT have KNOWLEDGE that Marcus Camby took money during his senior season.... Sandy Bell checked with the NCAA over the Memphis allegations and once again she found that Coach John Calipari did NOT have anything to do with possibly Derek Rose cheating on his SAT....... The NCAA has already been on campus at Memphis and has went through all the records that they have. NOTHING on Coach Calipari.... Read the SportingNews Article and get a non-biased opinion from a real sports writer and not a fake *** kissing journalist like Pat Forde

Couldn't have said it any better myself. Beautiful post.
outdoorsman43 Wrote:Here is "the great" Pat Forde's article.

He managed to trash UK fans, John Calipari, and UK Basketball in one article. I'm sure he literally begged ESPN to let him cover this story.

I guarantee he did to.
Great post Navajo!
That Pretty Much Sums It Up.....
I'm sure John Calipari knew all of this was going on. Regardless if he did or not, the allegations happened on his watch and his name will be somewhat tarnished by that. If proven true, this will be the second Final Four appearance by a John Calipari team that will be wiped away ('96 Massachusetts Minutemen had to forfeit their appearance because of allegations involving Marcus Camby). I'm not really concerned about John Calipari and Kentucky though. As Outdoorsman43 and others have already said, UK knew about these allegations before offering the job to Coach Cal. The NCAA gave UK a "clean sheet" for Cal and UK seen nothing wrong with offering him the job.

Of course the haters (I'm new to this site but I can already see theVILLE is the ring-leader) will continue to say time and time again that John Calipari cheats. But, I like what BlackcatAlum said, "If he cheats, he is dang good." IMO, what UK and us fans need to be worrying about is the Billy Clyde situation. These Memphis allegations won't have any effect on UK.
I'm astonished by how many people on here are claiming that Cal had something to do with these allegations. People on here claiming this looks very bad on Cal's reputation because it happened on his watch. Some of these posts are borderlined idiotic. This incident happened in High School during a supervised SAT exam. This kid wasn't a member of any team except for his high school team, it wasn't Cals responsibility to be watching after him yet. It looks bad on the kid's decision making, the parents who didn't instill good morals, and the faculty or staff that let this happen on their watch. I understand that Cal became his head coach after the time of these allegations, and coach's normally take the fall. I will respect Cal if he does take a little responsibility and says "It was my responsibility to know what was going on with my future players." But the truth of the matter is that the circumstances were out of his control, but he is living with the repercussions just like any man would do.
Aslan Wrote:Even though Cal is not mentioned in the report, it looks really bad on him...real bad. IDK how he wouldnt be mentioned to be honest, since he was the head basketball coach at the time.

It looks bad on the kid in question and the monitors of the SAT exam that let it happen on their watch. And I didnt know Cal was taking on multiple coaching jobs, going back and forth from High School teams in Chicago and the University of Memphis. Once again this kid in question was not part of Univ. of Memphis at the time this offense.

theVILLE Wrote:I think coach Call had something to do with this...I mean he was there at the time and he was even notified about it january 16....and hey maybe he ran away from the situation....maybe he hoped his name would not be mentioned in it if he left...
I bet Cal dressed up like a high school student and took the exam for him. Cal was informed of the situation under investigation in January. The incident didnt happen at Memphis, however this kid brought his baggage there. And the only thing he was running away from was a program that couldn't offer him the tradition UK has.

theVILLE Wrote:Predictable...for you to say something....Hey nothing said anything about PITINO having an affair but I took up for him and you all said I was wrong....and hey I was wrong but now its on your cats coach and suddenly nothings wrong with him...come on man just returnig the favor....if you can take it dont dish it out:redboxer:

Its not on our coach, its on the player in question, the faculty that let it happen, and the University Administration that did not catch it. The basketball program was told he was good to go. Our coach wasn't behind it unlike the situation Ricky P has found himself in.
It's already been proven that Rose took the SAT himself based on a handwriting examination. The report itself stated that someone took the test for Rose, so that's not true.

There is nothing to see here. Cal did nothing and nothing will come of this.
BCF4L Wrote:It's already been proven that Rose took the SAT himself based on a handwriting examination. The report itself stated that someone took the test for Rose, so that's not true.

There is nothing to see here. Cal did nothing and nothing will come of this.

Calipari delivers a devastating overhand right to all his non-believers.:redboxer: I guarantee the same people who began to question him, will be quick to his defense now.
BCF4L Wrote:It's already been proven that Rose took the SAT himself based on a handwriting examination. The report itself stated that someone took the test for Rose, so that's not true.

There is nothing to see here. Cal did nothing and nothing will come of this.

For reference, where did you find this? I have a few friends who have been bashing him about this.
Guys, the NCAA has already been to Campus at the University of Memphis and has turned each and every program upside down and the only thing that they have found is these two allegations against Memphis. The report that this is major, falls in this line because of the Womens Golf Program.

Once again, if Rose took the SAT in Chicago and the NCAA Clearinghouse cleared him to play basketball at Memphis, how in the world is this John Calipari's problem?
Thanks for clearing that up BCF4L. I guess when Rose gave the SAT back someone changed some of the answers for him. I wounder just how high Rose scored.
That Pretty Much Sums It Up.....
I believe that I read somewhere that Rose scored in the 720-730 range, not exceptionally high, but high enough to get him into Memphis and through the NCAA Clearinghouse
goBIGblue82 Wrote:For reference, where did you find this? I have a few friends who have been bashing him about this.
You have to have a subscription to Rivals to view it. It was on the HOB on Kentucky's Rival site.
Also, it is now being reported that Rose and 3 of his teammates in high school had their grades changed until they got cleared by the NCAA and had the high school change them back. Rose's score in one class was changed from a D to a C. So obviously, this was all done by the high school Rose attended instead of any college.

So like I said before, nothing will come of this and Memphis did nothing wrong, especially Calipari.
****, someone will say that Coach Calipari was at the high school changed the grade and when the NCAA Clearinghouse cleared him, he went back to the high school and changed his grade back..... I heard that he can work magic like that............
i dont know why everyone is hating on coach cal whenever he has already been cleared
beasy_bo Wrote:i dont know why everyone is hating on coach cal whenever he has already been cleared

For nearly 2 months fans ofopposing and rival teams of UK have had to endure non-stop praise and media attention for UK talking about how big of a trunaround they have made, how great of a recruiter Calipari is, and how UK will compete for a NCAA Title. They have witnessed UK punctuate one of the greatest recruiting classes of all-time with the most elite prep star in the county. And in the case of UL fans they ahve ahd to do this while the only news of their program has revolved around their superstar in next year's class opting to go pro, another Top 50 player asking out of his committment, and above all else their head coac being in an ugly off the court issue.

That's why they are hating.
EKUAlum05 Wrote:For nearly 2 months fans ofopposing and rival teams of UK have had to endure non-stop praise and media attention for UK talking about how big of a trunaround they have made, how great of a recruiter Calipari is, and how UK will compete for a NCAA Title. They have witnessed UK punctuate one of the greatest recruiting classes of all-time with the most elite prep star in the county. And in the case of UL fans they ahve ahd to do this while the only news of their program has revolved around their superstar in next year's class opting to go pro, another Top 50 player asking out of his committment, and above all else their head coac being in an ugly off the court issue.

That's why they are hating.
its just crazy to me but 'ol forde will always try to rain on our parade but guess what the sun will be shining and the big blue nation loves rainbows!!!
I still can't believe the people (some on here) who say that Calipari is responsible for the mess Memphis is in right now. Let's just say that both the allegation of Rose falsely taking the SAT, and the allegation that Rose's brother received some free travel, are both true. Let's look at them and see just how we can pin the blame on Calipari...

1) Rose's SAT Test: So, some people like to say, Calipari is responsible because he "should have known". Really, and just tell me how he "should have known"? Was he supposed to be there in Chicago the morning Rose showed up to take his test, check his ID, and verify that it was indeed him? Funny, I thought that was the responsibility of the testing staff.

Actually, I guess that a college basketball coach is supposed to have the gift of omniscience, the ability to know of all things. That's his responsibility, right? Cal should have been able to take one look at Rose and declare to the world, "This man cheated on his SAT's!" Heck, Cal probably knows how long I spent in the john earlier today, since he apparently knows everything.

Here's what Calipari should have done back a couple years ago: he should have contacted the NCAA immediately once it was known that Rose had gained eligibility. He then should have let them know that even though the SAT folks had apparently recorded a passing score on Rose's test, we should not trust the results and instead should investigate the test further. Not all the other players across the country taking the test at the time, just Rose.

2) The Free Travel: Again, people say that Calipari "should have known". Known what, that Rose's brother was on the plane? I'm sure he did, since apparently he went on numerous trips. Memphis has indeed reported that they had several open seats on their charter plane that were used by boosters and players' family/friends, all of whom would typically reimburse the university for the seats and lodging. Except apparently a couple of times Rose's brother went on the trip and didn't reimburse the university. Which, of course, Calipari "should have known".

Here comes that gift of omniscience again. Cal should have been able to take one look at Rose's brother and say "I know he has paid for trips in the past, but this time just smells different. I bet he didn't pay this time." And of course he would have been exactly right, since he knows all.

Really, when you think about it, all us UK fans defending Calipari have gotten it all wrong. We were unaware of his previous stint as part of the X-Men, where his powers of "all-knowing" came in very handy. It's just a shame that he chose not to use those powers while he was at Memphis...

^ LMAO well i hope now that all these people has given him god like powers we should win a national championship easy cause he'll know who going to miss shots and make them. so just keep the subs coming coach

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