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Breathitt Bobcats have hit the weights...
Bobcat Player Wrote:The 3 lifts are bench, squat, and power clean.
We have several players that have over 1,000 lb. lifts.
Most notable, J. Flinchum. He is in the 1,100 lb. club. Real close to 1,200 lbs.
Sounds like Breathitt is picking up where they left off.
I bet the coaches that were spotting have some aching forearms this weekend.
blitz43 Wrote:What are the 3 lifts?

Bench, Squat, and Deadlift.
Bobcat Player Wrote:The 3 lifts are bench, squat, and power clean.

Power Clean instead of Deadlift? I know Cleans are essential, but when looking for the big totals, you gotta deadlift.
bigcoachallen Wrote:Power Clean instead of Deadlift? I know Cleans are essential, but when looking for the big totals, you gotta deadlift.

Based on these totals 350 bench 400 squat that would leave a 300-400 max on the deadlift if so which really doesnt make sense if your benching and squating that much. most people deadlift over 500 at this area.
I personally would like to see cleans be a factor in the weight room instead of deadlift. Most kids can deadlift alot and cleans are more difficult - more technique involved.

IMO - cleans make kids better at being a player/athlete. More explosive.
They Power Clean!!! It is a football movement and that is what you are working on while in the weight room!!! If it is not football then you need to be a power lifter. It should be about making a better Football Player!
redstorm Wrote:If they are that strong they need to up-grade there schedule and play better teams.

Upgrade???Have you seen it this year?I guess not.
blitz43 Wrote:We have several players that have over 1,000 lb. lifts.
Most notable, J. Flinchum. He is in the 1,100 lb. club. Real close to 1,200 lbs.
Sounds like Breathitt is picking up where they left off.
That's my "God son".I made him start playing and keep him hitting the weights.I also got him his first Breathitt Football T-shirt.LOL.
C.Clair Wrote:Jarrod Wolfe is the kids name. he benched 400 lbs. I was there to watch. It was very impressive set of young men that Breathitt has put together. Maybe not the biggest but one of the strongest Breathitt teams in along time.
Wolfe is a hoss;just like his dad was.Probly not as mean though.LOL.
Jarrod is pretty mean when it comes to the feild and hitting the weights. He is also a nut.
That Pretty Much Sums It Up.....
C.Clair Wrote:Jarrod is pretty mean when it comes to the feild and hitting the weights. He is also a nut.

c. clair do u play for breathitt?
No, I know Jarrod off the field.
That Pretty Much Sums It Up.....
bigcoachallen Wrote:Bench, Squat, and Deadlift.
Breathitt never deadlifts it's always been about the power clean down in the den
UCFB Wrote:The benching is impresive im 6'3 215 and only bench around 270 and hope to be about 325-350 by august. i squat in the high 300s but never really do squat to much cause of my back. 400 squat isnt all that impressive but benching over 300 is a mark most people dont accomplish in a life time. congrats to them and i hope we get the chance to play breathitt this year.

Well, I weigh right at 300 and have been lifting for 19 years, so it has been a long hard road. If you stay with it and work hard, you will see the bigger numbers.
Wel, I have been around the weights for many years. I agree that cleans are essential for football, but deads (when done with proper form) will increase cleans and squats. I have always had my players do Bench and Squat on Monday... and Cleans and Deads on Friday (with Wednesday being an auxiliary day, to allow some recovery time). I call them the 4 Core Lifts. However, if a player has bad form on deads, it can hurt more than help. From my experience kids cannot dead that much, with proper form. It is definitely useful for linemen.

I could see not doing deads religiously, but I am a firm believer that they set a base for Cleans and Squat.
My son is a freshman and benched 305 the other day.....Is that good
My son is a freshman too...He benched over 300 and I was wondering the same thing..........Proud but not too smart parent here
Any freshman benching over 300 lbs is great.
That Pretty Much Sums It Up.....
C.Clair Wrote:Any freshman benching over 300 lbs is great.

Heck;I could only bench 140 when I was a Freshman.:igiveup:
Its a huge plus for the team and the player if they can come in strong. If you dont mind me asking were either one of your children held back?
That Pretty Much Sums It Up.....
lean&mean Wrote:My son is a freshman and benched 305 the other day.....Is that good

305 as a freshman? thats hard to believe man, he would have had to start lifting probly in the 6th grade or so to build up to that strength and im talking hard lifting with a good diet and just must have abnormal genetics in a good way but yeah thats insane if a 14 year old can 305.
UCFB Wrote:305 as a freshman? thats hard to believe man, he would have had to start lifting probly in the 6th grade or so to build up to that strength and im talking hard lifting with a good diet and just must have abnormal genetics in a good way but yeah thats insane if a 14 year old can 305.

Jarred Wolfe benched over 300 when he was in 8th grade.
Clair, I held my son back one year..............
He is also 6'1" and 270.........Genetics have played a big role
Kids who have been held back a year have an advantage over kids who have not. Im not saying that your choice was wrong, and if i have kids that want to play sports I will hold them back. Its better for them in the long run for the kids to be held back.
That Pretty Much Sums It Up.....
Other places were holding kids back, I held mine back for other reasons than athletics but that played a role for sure
It is still good that your son is benching 300, wheater or not he was held back or not.
That Pretty Much Sums It Up.....
He never touched a weight until last year. Like I said genetics played a key, he was very strong before
Good Luck Bobcats! I hope you bring a title back to the mountains this year.

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