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Meehan back to Hazard?
I totally agree with you MVP2.
Once again I will say this, if the kid had a 90 MPH Fastball, he would be playing baseball for LCA, therefore, he maybe closer to the 80 MPH range and probably not good enough to play for LCA, so his dad moves him back to Hazard to play baseball and then in the summer he will move back to LCA to play football and next spring he will move back to play baseball for Hazard.

Just looks fishy to me..
JMEWLS Wrote:I definately dont see Joey throwing 91, 81 I think is a much better number for him.

The only problem I have with this is where he played Varsity Football at LCA, I think it is a little crazy that he can play 2 varsity sports for 2 different schools in the same school year. I do understand that the situation is out of his hands, but I think him doing this looks bad for the KHSAA, making it appear that people with a little extra cash in their pocket can get their way with the board of control.

Let me make myself clear, I do not think that the KHSAA is favoring students for the amount of money their parents happen to have, but I do believe that if Joey plays baseball for Hazard it will certaintly appear this way.

If ruled eligible this really sets a precedent for other student-athletes. Hypothetically, what would stop a kid (who's parents have money) from buying a home in Jackson to try and win a football championship next fall in Breathitt County, then returning in January to play basketball because they aren't good enough to make the team, or because the student-athlete wants to go on senior trip and graduate with his original classmates if he/she is a senior? The latter I have no problem with as long as they do not play sports.
JMEWLS Wrote:I totally agree with you MVP2.

Joey and his family have moved back to Hazard and he should be allowed to play for Hazard. Careful, your bias to PCC is showing and this is not good especially if let's say you could be an umpire or referee????? or just a big fan!
did meehan get to play this year
magic21 Wrote:Joey and his family have moved back to Hazard and he should be allowed to play for Hazard. Careful, your bias to PCC is showing and this is not good especially if let's say you could be an umpire or referee????? or just a big fan!

Yes, Joey and his family moved. But if this fall he moves back to Lexington should he be allowed to play football for LCA? The KHSAA needs to stop this right now, because even if the kid is constanly moving he needs to be stopped at some point, because he always happens to move to a place where he becomes a starter and big time player for the program. I am showing no PCC bias, I dont think I have even mentioned Perry Central in this entire thread, I have stayed totally on point.
Shouldn't he have to wait a calender year from the date he transfers to play sports again?

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