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Which schools have the best looking fields??
Letcher is cool also the stadium's nice plus the big draw is the jumbo-tron. Makes the kids feel like they've made it to the big time. Letcher did it right when they consolidated. Hopefully Harlan County will go all out too. Seems like they're headed in the right direction from what if heard, and the fact that they hired Coach Larkey starting out.
The thing i think that makes Letcher County's field really nice is the Jumbo-tron...And is it true that they are one of the three Jumbo-trons in the state of Kentucky.
Bengal4Life Wrote:The thing i think that makes Letcher County's field really nice is the Jumbo-tron...And is it true that they are one of the three Jumbo-trons in the state of Kentucky.

I think so and If its true were the only high school team to have it and the other 2 teams is Louisville and western Kentucky university
please correct me if wrong
sstack Wrote:Dixie's campus and field is great. I liked JC but the turf looked funny. It looked like the green carpet used on front porches of mobile home decks. Does it have the rubber pelets under the turf? What do/did visiting players have to say about the turf? JC had a good looking baseball field too. NKY schools have to be jealous of these other schools that have all the land to build nice sports facilities,NKY is land locked in most districts.

I can't stand Dixie's facility. With the track (8 lane?) going around it, the bleachers are way too far away from the field. The visitors bleachers are so bad, they are almost insulting as they are so small and so low to the ground (and some Dixie fans can get kind of testy when you sit on their side). To me, its just another sterile, new facility that lacks any charm. Heck, I like Dayton's and Bellevue's fields better than Dixie's.
Ok I think that Sheldon Clark has one of the nicest fields I've ever seen..Belfry's field isn't that great..but from what I hear Johnson Central's field is pretty nice and Hazard has a nice looking field also.
St. what a crowd! I would trade our turf for some'll come though in time. Proud of all things LCC.
I'm still kind of partial to Henry R. Evans Stadium and Ivan McGlone Field.
You gotta go with the tradition at Russell too. A lot of facilities are improving but some places have tradition that add to the whole feel of the game too. I'd love to make it up to Russell and catch a game there. From pictures I've seen looks like a crazy place to watch a football game.
58fan Wrote:I think so and If its true were the only high school team to have it and the other 2 teams is Louisville and western Kentucky university
please correct me if wrong

Actually, the only two stadiums to have a jumbotron in the state are The University of Kentucky and The University of Louisville.
Cougarvision Wrote:Actually, the only two stadiums to have a jumbotron in the state are The University of Kentucky and The University of Louisville.

UK and U of L have true jumbo trons, but Letcher Centrals is awesome similar or better than what EKU has. Their field is nice as well although I agree with most everyone and don't like bleachers on just one side. It's pretty intimidating to when they score and shoot off those fireworks and they echo off the mountain that surrounds the stadium.
Letcher has the best feild by far.
Does any one know how much letchers feild cost?
Hilliard Howard's Soul! Just kidding! Never really heard I believe a lumber company in the area helped with the jumbo tron.
The nicest field is @ the Rock....Sheldon Clark
John_Redcorn Wrote:Ok I think that Sheldon Clark has one of the nicest fields I've ever seen..Belfry's field isn't that great..but from what I hear Johnson Central's field is pretty nice and Hazard has a nice looking field also.

JC's field is awesome and the atmosphere at a game is like none you have seen at a high school game!
Are we talking about fields or stadiums....because if you are talking fields it would definitely be Hazard or Sheldon Clark.

IF you mean overall including bleachers and everything, jumbotrons, etc... i would rank it like this for EKY.

1. Belfry
2. Letcher
3. Johnson Central---new scoreboard would be big
4. Hazard
5. Sheldon Clark/Pikeville
I heard through the grapevine, don't know if it's true or not that Hazards getting a new scoreboard for next year. That'll improve the looks a lot also.
58fan Wrote:I think so and If its true were the only high school team to have it and the other 2 teams is Louisville and western Kentucky university
please correct me if wrong

UK has 2.
blitzingback Wrote:I heard through the grapevine, don't know if it's true or not that Hazards getting a new scoreboard for next year. That'll improve the looks a lot also.

thatd be sweet. Would be hard to get the money though, eveyone in hazard is still broke from the new field lol
It's been a while since I've played on these fields, but I remember Owensboro Sr., Henderson Co., and Bowling Green High having pretty nice fields.
PC_You_Know Wrote:Shelby Valley

My son played a middle school game there last year. He loved it!!
Paintsville has a great looking field.
Sheldon clarks field is litterally amazing, when I played on it you just wanted to lay on it for hours, is hazards field like sheldon clarks?
Pikeville has a terrible field!
Pond creek nation Wrote:Pikeville has a terrible field!
Explain. The best place I've been to is probably Belfry, and I really enjoy watching games at Somerset. The worst is most definitely LCA. You can't see anything from the visitors bleachers and the atmosphere is that of a funeral. Another one is NCC/Newport, the lights were IN FRONT of the stands- darkness in the bleachers.
What school is LCA?
I've been lucky enough to watch a game at St X. And wow wat an environment! Its like putting 3 or four belfry vs Breathitt games together
EKUAlum05 Wrote:Since this is asking for "fields" and not facilities or stadiums, on would have to give the nod to natural surface fields that are well maintained:

- Ashland
- Montgomery County
- Scott County
- Louisville Male
- Hopkinsville Stadium of Champions

Those are my prsonal favorites.

Montgomery County is looking at turf in the VERY near future!
Johnson Central Turf is awsome.... I think its the best field, Hands Down
letcher county centrals field is great haha

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