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Lewis County 08-09
well, well, well.................what do we have here???? Looks like things are getting off topic.........and that someone may have gotten their little, sensitive toes stepped on????????????????? Shame on you@!!!!!!!!
ukfanatic_37 Wrote:well, well, well.................what do we have here???? Looks like things are getting off topic.........and that someone may have gotten their little, sensitive toes stepped on????????????????? Shame on you@!!!!!!!!

My toes are fine.:p :p

Lewis is going to win the district I can feel it.
[quote=kybaseball]My toes are fine.:p :p

Lewis is going to win the district I can feel it.[/QUOTE

I hope u are right, kybaseball..........and i;m glad ur toes are fine, but i was referring to someone elses toes..............LOL

I hope the Lions do well this year.
I figured you were.Big Grin

Lewis should be pretty descent they should have the size advantage in the
16th except for East Carter.They just need to cut out the shooting themselves out of games with 30 3 pt attemts a game and making two or three and pound it inside.
They are what they are not a run and gun like some think,some will disagree but that is ok. if they run and gun they will be done.
Back on topic please.

thetribe Wrote:Back on topic please.

Were getting it headed back that way tribe.Wink
liberty says "Everything is great Lewis has phenomenal coaches"
:yes: they are ,BUT :1: thing that they can't handle is :flame: PRESSURE @ CRUNCH TIME. The kids they have this year @lchs are capable of wining district, but IT WILL BE HARD TO WIN DISTRICT with THE coaching unable to handle the:flame: PRESSURE @CRUNCH TIME!!!!!:Thumbs:
anybody make it out to the blue and white game?
I must admit I am shocked at the lack of support for our program. The coaches do a fantastic job, The leaders look out for every player. Just because our leaders are very close does not mean they are bad people.They spend countless hours trying to improve athletics in Lewis County.And they do not play favortism in anyway. They do everything the right way. Every coach,parent and administrator love each kid as their own. Saying anything otherwise is Shamefull.
Our coaches can most certianly take the heat.Look at the District banners they have won over the years.Go look at other counties and see if they treat their players as well as ours are treated.Our coaches are second to none and care for everyone not just a few players.
Also we need to praise our athletes even the ones that have moved away they are ours too and we do not need to be saying hurtful things about them.
Please sign up the program need all the support we can give .
:thatsfunn :thatsfunn :thatsfunn you were right kybaseball "More like Fantasyland".
liberty Wrote:I must admit I am shocked at the lack of support for our program. The coaches do a fantastic job, The leaders look out for every player. Just because our leaders are very close does not mean they are bad people.They spend countless hours trying to improve athletics in Lewis County.And they do not play favortism in anyway. They do everything the right way. Every coach,parent and administrator love each kid as their own. Saying anything otherwise is Shamefull.
Our coaches can most certianly take the heat.Look at the District banners they have won over the years.Go look at other counties and see if they treat their players as well as ours are treated.Our coaches are second to none and care for everyone not just a few players.
Also we need to praise our athletes even the ones that have moved away they are ours too and we do not need to be saying hurtful things about them.
Please sign up the program need all the support we can give .
liberty Wrote:I must admit I am shocked at the lack of support for our program. The coaches do a fantastic job, The leaders look out for every player. Just because our leaders are very close does not mean they are bad people.They spend countless hours trying to improve athletics in Lewis County.And they do not play favortism in anyway. They do everything the right way. Every coach,parent and administrator love each kid as their own. Saying anything otherwise is Shamefull.
Our coaches can most certianly take the heat.Look at the District banners they have won over the years.Go look at other counties and see if they treat their players as well as ours are treated.Our coaches are second to none and care for everyone not just a few players.
Also we need to praise our athletes even the ones that have moved away they are ours too and we do not need to be saying hurtful things about them.
Please sign up the program need all the support we can give .

:lmao: I'd love to know what it is that you are SMOKING?????? Cause if its that good, then I;d love to have some of that for myself, so that I can see what it is that you see, cause IT DON'T EXSIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:letsparty
Yea Liberty what is your problem. You should know that the GOBs wouldnt allow that kind of talk. Because the GOBs control it all, they probably control this message board.Rolleyes Ha just kidding.

I actually agree with what you say. You seem to have more intelligent statements. Not saying that people on here are not intelligent, so no offense to anyone. You have the kind of attitude Lewis County needs. You stand behind them instead of pointing fingers at people.
never mind.
kybaseball Wrote:never mind.

Oh, go ahead and say it
kyb:Thumbs: , Big Grin I’m not ininin tell agent eeenough two no to say it.Wink
goal_line Wrote:Oh, go ahead and say it
kyb:Thumbs: , Big Grin I’m not ininin tell agent eeenough two no to say it.Wink

If I do more than likely I will no longer be a member of this fine message board.Smile Smile
kybaseball Wrote:If I do more than likely I will no longer be a member of this fine message board.Smile Smile

I understand Wink Wink :Thumbs: :theman:
I will say this,What is really not being intelligent is being a lamb led to slaughter.

Anyways good luck to the Lions and don't forget to pound it inside.
Let us not insult one another. Everyone commenting on this subject is a wonderful person. We just need to bridge the gap between the people that are angry and the ones who are not. Each and every one of us need to show we can rise above our differences. We need to see that our leaders have everyones best interest at heart. Let us show our Lion Pride to the rest of the state.
We still are in need of workers please sign up.
liberty Wrote:Let us not insult one another. Everyone commenting on this subject is a wonderful person. We just need to bridge the gap between the people that are angry and the ones who are not. Each and every one of us need to show we can rise above our differences. We need to see that our leaders have everyones best interest at heart. Let us show our Lion Pride to the rest of the state.
We still are in need of workers please sign up.

sign me up:flame: Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile
I enjoy humor as much as anyone,I hope you are going to go through with your pledge. We need every able body we can get to help. It will be greatly appreciated and the Program and the Athletic Leaders would like to thank everyone who gives all they can. This basketball season will be the year of the LIONS.

Can you feel the energy? I know I can. Let's Go Lions.
:yikes: here? 2 7th graders that are both over 6'1" and are the main reason that their team is 3-1 right now with a 16 point win over Lexington Catholic this past weekend. Dalton Mason is a name you will be hearing in Rupp Arena in the future. He also has the best attitude on the team. Lewis County is not even on the same planet as Mason County, so please don't every say that Lewis Co. is going to get out of their region, let alone a state championship. Reality Check!![/QUOTE]

:yikes: Hey dont know where u got ur information, but according to the sister of a Mason County player (7th) they lost to Lex. Cath THIS PAST WEEKEND.....I believe that I'd get my facts straight before I started braggin on something that didnt happen. But, I will give you this, they did crush St. Pat and Bracken, or so I heard.
Good Luck Lions I wish your entire team nothing but the best in the upcoming season, and I apologize to the Lions for my last post, but couldnt help myself.


GO LIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
liberty Wrote:I enjoy humor as much as anyone,I hope you are going to go through with your pledge. We need every able body we can get to help. It will be greatly appreciated and the Program and the Athletic Leaders would like to thank everyone who gives all they can. This basketball season will be the year of the LIONS.

Can you feel the energy? I know I can. Let's Go Lions.

When the Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin GENERALS of the GOB are controlled. Then I will sign up for anything:flame:
I do not see anything wrong with mentioning the Mason boys. They are from Lewis and they really belong to us. If they are doing good there that makes Lewis look better because we trained them from the start.
The bickering between us needs to stop,We are all in this together. If we unite it will only make us stronger. United We Stand Divided We Fall.
I would like to challenge everyone to say GO LIONS as a sign of unity. And show the leaders that we are behind them. We need them and they need us.
wonderpeople Wrote:No offense, but ONE player does not make or break a team:dontthink
i must agree.
liberty Wrote:I do not see anything wrong with mentioning the Mason boys. They are from Lewis and they really belong to us. If they are doing good there that makes Lewis look better because we trained them from the start.
The bickering between us needs to stop,We are all in this together. If we unite it will only make us stronger. United We Stand Divided We Fall.
I would like to challenge everyone to say GO LIONS as a sign of unity. And show the leaders that we are behind them. We need them and they need us.

Control the Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Generals of the GOB :bball: and THE community will unite til then,GOOD LUCK
liberty let the freedom bell keep ringing. I may or maynot agree with the things going on but we still need to support the lions.
I like that avatar ytb.:Thumbs: :Thumbs: :Thumbs:
goal_line Wrote:I like that avatar ytb.:Thumbs: :Thumbs: :Thumbs:

Easy there goalinline.
go lions

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