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09-18-2008, 09:56 PM
sportsfan22 Wrote:Sorry you must got to this school. I do not, but wait and see I no the coach Hall personally and I no how he coaches. Tyler mitchell will no be playing ponit.
he said that Tyler wouldnt be playing point..
09-18-2008, 10:01 PM
alot better then they have been the past few years
09-18-2008, 10:11 PM
sportsfan22 Wrote:Sorry you must got to this school. I do not, but wait and see I no the coach Hall personally and I no how he coaches. Tyler mitchell will no be playing ponit.
Then who will be playing the point besides Marson.
09-19-2008, 05:27 PM
BillSelf Wrote:Really dont see how you can leave your all-conference player, Dakota Hall off the starting lineup and also the All-District Performer Shannon Turner off the list. I like the way Kyle Howell hustles. But, he wouldnt have started last year, if Tommy Joe Hall would've been playing.
Funny how you say that when he was the only player on the team that started every game.
09-19-2008, 05:43 PM
IMO the Raiders will win 8-12 games this year. I also think they have an outside (certainly not the favorite) shot at the 58th district tournament
09-20-2008, 12:35 AM
UK Wildcat Wrote:Funny how you say that when he was the only player on the team that started every game.
Wes Akers started every game, but he's gone. Well, Did Tommy Joe Hall get to play last year?...NO...They have three players returning that made all-conf.(Dakota Hall) or all-tournament(Shannon Turner and Brandon Marson). Tommy Joe is more of an offensive threat than Howell. Howell can't really handle the ball all that well, so that leaves him out at the guard position. He would be a big boost off the bench with his defense and rebounding though. Howell is a tenacious defender and hustles on every play. But, he will not be a starter this season. Not knocking him or anything, but he probably had less than 60pts. last season and he started every game like you said. Howell will be a big force on the defensive and rebounding side of things though.
09-20-2008, 04:24 AM
BillSelf Wrote:Wes Akers started every game, but he's gone. Well, Did Tommy Joe Hall get to play last year?...NO...They have three players returning that made all-conf.(Dakota Hall) or all-tournament(Shannon Turner and Brandon Marson). Tommy Joe is more of an offensive threat than Howell. Howell can't really handle the ball all that well, so that leaves him out at the guard position. He would be a big boost off the bench with his defense and rebounding though. Howell is a tenacious defender and hustles on every play. But, he will not be a starter this season. Not knocking him or anything, but he probably had less than 60pts. last season and he started every game like you said. Howell will be a big force on the defensive and rebounding side of things though.
Go check the stats little bill. Wes did not start every game. His knee took him out a game or 2.. How many assists and rebounds are in the books for SF for each player? When a player runs to the 3point line and waits for a pass, from where and who do you think that rebound and pass comes from? Do you even know what all con and all tourny players are voted on? BTW Howell did not play guard position. The Howell kid can confuse any player he guards, have you not watched him in the last 5 years of basketball? When a player comes out of a game with more rebouds, than the dang center, with less playing time, what gives? The big man down under is suppose to be able to do something good, other than look at his buddies and say "my bad". When the fans and other coaches in the stands ask, Why the heck did he take him out when he is the only one that is showing hussle, getting more rebounds, giving more assists than any player on the floor. A player with the most points does not always mean a better player.
09-20-2008, 04:44 AM
BillSelf Wrote:Really dont see how you can leave your all-conference player, Dakota Hall off the starting lineup and also the All-District Performer Shannon Turner off the list. I like the way Kyle Howell hustles. But, he wouldnt have started last year, if Tommy Joe Hall would've been playing.
Again little bill. If Howell would not have started if Hall was playing. Then why didn't they look at the other players on the bench? If Howell was not what they wanted to start then why didn't the coach walk the line and pull another player to try? Defense means as much as Offense. The question sometimes comes down to... do i want to be the player to score the most points on our team or do i want our team to score the most points? In other words...ME ME ME game or TEAM GAME. The ME game is what we are trying get away from, the TEAM game is what will win games. If a TEAM wins the game the MVP will be known to all.

09-20-2008, 04:45 PM
UK Wildcat Wrote:Go check the stats little bill. Wes did not start every game. His knee took him out a game or 2.. How many assists and rebounds are in the books for SF for each player? When a player runs to the 3point line and waits for a pass, from where and who do you think that rebound and pass comes from? Do you even know what all con and all tourny players are voted on? BTW Howell did not play guard position. The Howell kid can confuse any player he guards, have you not watched him in the last 5 years of basketball? When a player comes out of a game with more rebouds, than the dang center, with less playing time, what gives? The big man down under is suppose to be able to do something good, other than look at his buddies and say "my bad". When the fans and other coaches in the stands ask, Why the heck did he take him out when he is the only one that is showing hussle, getting more rebounds, giving more assists than any player on the floor. A player with the most points does not always mean a better player.
Well im gonna have to quote you on this one, Because I know for a fact that Howell kid did not out rebound the other players,Cause the Top 5 Players that had the most Rebounds In No Pacific Order was Paige Hall Langdon Turner Marson, And yes i admit Howell is A Threat on "D" But does not have a offensive game, So that really don't help the raiders out in the long run, Cause if you pass it to someone that can only take one dribble and pass it back that allows the Defense to not have to worry about them as much and this allows the Defense to slack off of that player and help out on another Player,
im not trying to say that Defense doesn't matter, But after the end of the game The Score Bored shows one thing and that is "Points"Which to be honest the Howell kid cant give that to the Raides.
09-20-2008, 07:06 PM
UK Wildcat Wrote:Go check the stats little bill. Wes did not start every game. His knee took him out a game or 2.. How many assists and rebounds are in the books for SF for each player? When a player runs to the 3point line and waits for a pass, from where and who do you think that rebound and pass comes from? Do you even know what all con and all tourny players are voted on? BTW Howell did not play guard position. The Howell kid can confuse any player he guards, have you not watched him in the last 5 years of basketball? When a player comes out of a game with more rebouds, than the dang center, with less playing time, what gives? The big man down under is suppose to be able to do something good, other than look at his buddies and say "my bad". When the fans and other coaches in the stands ask, Why the heck did he take him out when he is the only one that is showing hussle, getting more rebounds, giving more assists than any player on the floor. A player with the most points does not always mean a better player.
Wes sprained his ankle, not knee, and what games was he took out of. SF records stats on a computer. Yes, I know who votes on all-conf. and all-dist...I also know who got them. I didn't say he played guard, i simply said he wouldnt start at the guard position due to lack of ball-handling and scoring. I agree, Howell does rebound well and play defense well. I never said that he didnt. SF has no inside game and it showed in the rebounding last year. I wonder myself why the coaches do some of the things they do. Im not saying Howell isnt a good player, but he's not the best the Raiders have to offer, but without him Defense and Reb. would be a challenge. Howell knows he's not an off. threat thats why he dont shoot much. He knows his roll and does it well. Howell is a class act on and off the court.:rockon:
09-20-2008, 10:07 PM
BillSelf Wrote:Wes sprained his ankle, not knee, and what games was he took out of. SF records stats on a computer. Yes, I know who votes on all-conf. and all-dist...I also know who got them. I didn't say he played guard, i simply said he wouldnt start at the guard position due to lack of ball-handling and scoring. I agree, Howell does rebound well and play defense well. I never said that he didnt. SF has no inside game and it showed in the rebounding last year. I wonder myself why the coaches do some of the things they do. Im not saying Howell isnt a good player, but he's not the best the Raiders have to offer, but without him Defense and Reb. would be a challenge. Howell knows he's not an off. threat thats why he dont shoot much. He knows his roll and does it well. Howell is a class act on and off the court.:rockon:
good post
09-21-2008, 10:56 PM
Well all we can do now is wait and see what happens, but i believe they will be better than what a lot of people think.
09-22-2008, 02:51 AM
Raider_Nation09 Wrote:he said that Tyler wouldnt be playing point..
no I havent talked to him about it but, the way he coaches he will not have him playing point... he likes true point guards thats what marson and hall are..
09-22-2008, 03:14 AM
sportsfan22 Wrote:no I havent talked to him about it but, the way he coaches he will not have him playing point... he likes true point guards thats what marson and hall are..
Hall Who? Have to be talking about Tommy Joe Hall, when was the last time he played PG? He didn't his freshman year, nor his soph. yr.(mostly because he didn't play at all).
There is quite a few that could be runnin the point at some point in time. Thats Marson, Mitchell, Matt Tackett, and then maybe Tommy Joe. Tommy Joe is a pretty good spot-up shooter, and he's not so bad at driving it to the basket either. He will be playing either the 3 or 4 spot more than likely. Tommy is gonna help out alot this year. People will see that he could've helped the Raiders out somewhat last season, in the District part of things anyways. He did start a game or 2 as a freshman, due to Ethan Johnson being out.
09-22-2008, 09:25 AM
Last year when Mitchell was in the game, the majority of the time he was playing point. He even played point a couple of times when Akers was in. That way Akers could go down court and square up.
09-22-2008, 09:50 PM
You all have to realize something that was last year things change. Tyler is a good player but the way he plays he is a set shooter and a average driver if he plays point he will not averge 5 points a game, if he plays SF or PW he ccould average 15 as a team they need that more. Tommy joe has worked his but off, and built his self into a ball handler Marson will run point when he is in the game then Tommy joe should take over after that..Now if Marson and Tommy joe is on the bench Tyler might have to step up and play point. I didnt mean to start this big dissusion about whos going to play what were not the coaches lets let Barry figure that out, we all want the same thing, we want the raiders to win, if that means anybody playing anything its a team sport forall we know there could be 7 different players running point at sometime during the season..
09-22-2008, 10:38 PM
09-22-2008, 10:40 PM
Sorry bout that, what I meant to say was, well I am glad you know everything bout everything.
09-22-2008, 10:47 PM
What your saying is punish Mitchell because he plays football. I'm not saying Tommy Joe hasn't worked. But To be a good point guard you don't have to score a lot. I mean it helps but a good point guard needs to lead his team. I can see Marson playing point over him but not hall. And Mitchell isn't that good of a shooter but he can drive and dish. Which will help get hall, hall , and turner some shots. I'm not saying he should be playing point, You all are just making it seem as if he is good for nothing. Maybe he should be a 3 or 4 I'm not a coach I don't know. But lets just wait and see what happens.
09-23-2008, 01:31 AM
sportsfan22 Wrote:You all have to realize something that was last year things change. Tyler is a good player but the way he plays he is a set shooter and a average driver if he plays point he will not averge 5 points a game, if he plays SF or PW he ccould average 15 as a team they need that more. [B]Tommy joe has worked his but off, and built his self into a ball handler [/B]Marson will run point when he is in the game then Tommy joe should take over after that..Now if Marson and Tommy joe is on the bench Tyler might have to step up and play point. I didnt mean to start this big dissusion about whos going to play what were not the coaches lets let Barry figure that out, we all want the same thing, we want the raiders to win, if that means anybody playing anything its a team sport forall we know there could be 7 different players running point at sometime during the season..
Where has all this hard-work Tommy Joe has been doing taking place? I know he lifts weights at school, but thats it. Just about everyone one the basketball team has been lifting since the first week of March, except for Tommy Joe. Because of his arm i guess. I don't know where all this talk about Tommy Joe playing point is coming from. But, there is something you've got to realize, there is no set starters and Tommy Joe didn't even play last year.
09-23-2008, 01:43 AM
ok sounds good does any body know when raider rumble is..
09-23-2008, 02:30 AM
sportsfan22 Wrote:ok sounds good does any body know when raider rumble is..
Probably the Friday before the AC panorama.
09-23-2008, 05:27 PM
heartstopper3 Wrote:Well im gonna have to quote you on this one, Because I know for a fact that Howell kid did not out rebound the other players,Cause the Top 5 Players that had the most Rebounds In No Pacific Order was Paige Hall Langdon Turner Marson, And yes i admit Howell is A Threat on "D" But does not have a offensive game, So that really don't help the raiders out in the long run, Cause if you pass it to someone that can only take one dribble and pass it back that allows the Defense to not have to worry about them as much and this allows the Defense to slack off of that player and help out on another Player,
im not trying to say that Defense doesn't matter, But after the end of the game The Score Bored shows one thing and that is "Points"Which to be honest the Howell kid cant give that to the Raides.
I did not say he was the top leader in rebounds the whole year. As i sit and kept my own stats, at one game, mostly watching the Paige kid, at one point when Howell was taken out of the game, he did have several more rebounds than anyone on the team. But hey take the D out of the game and see what happens, To any team. I just don't see SF getting back to the top of their game for several more years. It's gonna take a lot of dedicated hard work from the staff and kids in the years to come.
09-23-2008, 06:44 PM
idk why i hear all this stuff about tommy joe he aint as good as everyone say he is .he might can shoot the ball if he stay still bit other then that he cant do nuttin if it was me the starters should be pg.marson
dakota hall will be 6th man he will play alot to
dakota hall will be 6th man he will play alot to
09-23-2008, 10:19 PM
UK Wildcat Wrote:I did not say he was the top leader in rebounds the whole year. As i sit and kept my own stats, at one game, mostly watching the Paige kid, at one point when Howell was taken out of the game, he did have several more rebounds than anyone on the team. But hey take the D out of the game and see what happens, To any team. I just don't see SF getting back to the top of their game for several more years. It's gonna take a lot of dedicated hard work from the staff and kids in the years to come.
SF has just as much talent as anyone in the district. The last two years have been rough, because they lost 9 seniors from two teams that had won back 2 back all a's and a district tourn. Then they lost 4 out of the 5 starters after the 2006-2007 season. You can't be good forever in such a small area. Everyone will have their down years at some point. South Floyd returns 13 players from last year's squad and also Tommy Joe Hall that will help out alot. This year people will see a big difference in the Raiders i do believe. They will play harder and play together. They've been liftin since the first week of March. Also, some has been cond. on their own for some time. The Raiders have made it personal to put South Floyd back on the map. They have just as good a shot to win district as anyone. If they continue to work hard, they should surprise alot of people this year.
09-23-2008, 11:53 PM
The_Dark_Knight Wrote:Where has all this hard-work Tommy Joe has been doing taking place? I know he lifts weights at school, but thats it. Just about everyone one the basketball team has been lifting since the first week of March, except for Tommy Joe. Because of his arm i guess. I don't know where all this talk about Tommy Joe playing point is coming from. But, there is something you've got to realize, there is no set starters and Tommy Joe didn't even play last year.
ok i dont know where your information from but Tommy Joe has been in the weight room everyday...i know that for a fact...and everyone has been lifting including Tommy Joe his arm is fine there isnt anything stopping him from lifting....
09-24-2008, 12:18 AM
The_Dark_Knight Wrote:Where has all this hard-work Tommy Joe has been doing taking place? I know he lifts weights at school, but thats it. Just about everyone one the basketball team has been lifting since the first week of March, except for Tommy Joe. Because of his arm i guess. I don't know where all this talk about Tommy Joe playing point is coming from. But, there is something you've got to realize, there is no set starters and Tommy Joe didn't even play last year.
also is that why he is just bench pressing 225 lbs???
09-24-2008, 12:28 AM
Raider_Nation09 Wrote:also is that why he is just bench pressing 225 lbs???
Calm Down...Never said he wasn't strong there bud. He has been working hard in the weight room, but does SF have sometime of lifting exercise thats makes you have incredible ball-handling skills

09-24-2008, 12:34 AM
raiderssports08-09 Wrote:idk why i hear all this stuff about tommy joe he aint as good as everyone say he is .he might can shoot the ball if he stay still bit other then that he cant do nuttin if it was me the starters should be pg.marson
dakota hall will be 6th man he will play alot to
Matt Tackett will be like the 3rd or 4th man off the bench. Tommy Joe is not that bad. He will help out alot. Tackett folds under pressure. Dakota Hall will start, he started the last half of the season and he got all-conf.
09-24-2008, 12:43 AM
raiderssports08-09 Wrote:idk why i hear all this stuff about tommy joe he aint as good as everyone say he is .he might can shoot the ball if he stay still bit other then that he cant do nuttin if it was me the starters should be pg.marson
dakota hall will be 6th man he will play alot to
LMAO!!!!!!!!! You have got to be kidding Tackett cant pack tommy joes shoes let alone D.Hall Tackett will be lucky to be 3rd man off the bench..:rockon:
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