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PLAYBOY5 for MOD in '08
warriorpride Wrote:Haha I guess Im all alone

Yea you are I am out for blood. lmao
Batpuff Wrote:Well my campaign managers are now Fox Sports and Midee!!!!
Wait a minute...I haven't seen the first dollar yet.
I'll be your manager but you don't get the vote without the $$$.
FOX SPORTS Wrote:Wait a minute...I haven't seen the first dollar yet.
I'll be your manager but you don't get the vote without the $$$.

How does 20 dollars sound.
If my resume isn't good enough then it isn't good enough. I do think that I am a top fiver on this site as I do post in many different categories and forums. I have 7,000 posts and say mainly nothing BUT positive posts unless it is an arguing debate and I speak my mind, in which is what this great site is all about! If we could keep a list of people who could show when they made there last post would be a great attribute to the site that could show everyone who the true BGR members are. And if asked, I am sure that me along with TidesHoss32 and Redneck are respected members who people actually look forward to what we will come up with next. Something to think about. A dedicated, creative and honest man who loves this website...and my post number shows, because most were actually true posts and not a 4 word post. It would be neat if we could have an election every so often to vote in members to higher supremacy such as a Mod/Admin or whatever it may be. Whoever the Admin. is, have him/her pick 3-5 people and let it be a vote. I am for a Fair Handshake! What does everyone think about the voting system?
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:If my resume isn't good enough then it isn't good enough. I do think that I am a top fiver on this site as I do post in many different categories and forums. I have 7,000 posts and say mainly nothing BUT positive posts unless it is an arguing debate and I speak my mind, in which is what this great site is all about! If we could keep a list of people who could show when they made there last post would be a great attribute to the site that could show everyone who the true BGR members are. And if asked, I am sure that me along with TidesHoss32 and Redneck are respected members who people actually look forward to what we will come up with next. Something to think about. A dedicated, creative and honest man who loves this website...and my post number shows, because most were actually true posts and not a 4 word post. It would be neat if we could have an election every so often to vote in members to higher supremacy such as a Mod/Admin or whatever it may be. Whoever the Admin. is, have him/her pick 3-5 people and let it be a vote. I am for a Fair Handshake! What does everyone think about the voting system?
Well the problem with the voting system is that there really isnt need to add mods or admins most of the time. I just know this from first hand experience. And if I am not mistaken you can go look at the memebers list and if they are online it will show you what forum they are in.

Oh by the way I am close to 9000 post now. And I dont have the four word responses. I like to stir the pot every now and then. :lmao:
Batpuff Wrote:'
Well the problem with the voting system is that there really isnt need to add mods or admins most of the time. I just know this from first hand experience. And if I am not mistaken you can go look at the memebers list and if they are online it will show you what forum they are in.

Oh by the way I am close to 9000 post now. And I dont have the four word responses. I like to stir the pot every now and then. :lmao:
Right..And I believe you were sent back down to the minors also wasn't ya after having your chance.....Wink
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:Right..And I believe you were sent back down to the minors also wasn't ya after having your chance.....Wink

Yea I was sent back down to the minors after three years in the bigs had to fine tune my game a little. LMAO!!!!
Batpuff Wrote:How does 20 dollars sound.
Now we are talking!!!
I'm starting to lean toward BATPUFF.
FOX SPORTS Wrote:Now we are talking!!!
I'm starting to lean toward BATPUFF.
Checks in the mail
Batpuff Wrote:Checks in the mail

Your campaign funds are not coming from money that you have illegally received as bribe money from the local drug dealers is it? We cannot accept tainted money. It is morally and ethically wrong.Smile
Midee1 Wrote:Your campaign funds are not coming from money that you have illegally received as bribe money from the local drug dealers is it? We cannot accept tainted money. It is morally and ethically wrong.Smile

I will never tell it better off that way. lol Your check is in the mail as well.
I dont need to bribe my way or make super long posts that takes long to read to winSmile
warriorpride Wrote:I dont need to bribe my way or make super long posts that takes long to read to winSmile

There may be one major bit of information missing here. I could be wrong but....

You must be at least 18 to be on staff here.
Yet another notch on my belt. By the way, Midee I bet that college tuition is a killer, isnt it? Give me a PM if you need anything, ol buddy ol pal ol friend of mine, I'll see if I can help you out. Im sure we can reach some kind of an agreement. Cool
Midee1 Wrote:There may be one major bit of information missing here. I could be wrong but....

You must be at least 18 to be on staff here.
$20 will buy a vote on here?:lmao: ..I'll give you $50 to take Batpuff off of the list of candidates. Name your price, and we can let young blood take office. We dont need Lyndon Johnson running for another term. He already had his time in the office.
FOX SPORTS Wrote:Now we are talking!!!
I'm starting to lean toward BATPUFF.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:$20 will buy a vote on here?:lmao: ..I'll give you $50 to take Batpuff off of the list of candidates. Name your price, and we can let young blood take office. We dont need Lyndon Johnson running for another term. He already had his time in the office.
Nobody said $20 bought it...I said "$20 had me leaning toward BATPUFF"
As I have said all along...I'm accepting bids....as of now, I have $50 to dump Batpuff...any other bids???

Does anyone wanna buy my vote?
**** I will pay each of you 200 hundred. Thats Midee and Fox!!
blackcat_student Wrote:Does anyone wanna buy my vote?

How does a quarter sound BlackCat Student.
Batpuff Wrote:How does a quarter sound BlackCat Student.

Thats a start... not nearly enough though.
blackcat_student Wrote:Thats a start... not nearly enough though.

Thats about all your votes worth. LMAO!!!!!!!
Batpuff Wrote:Thats about all your votes worth. LMAO!!!!!!!

blackcat_student Wrote:Sad

Yea if you didnt have that blackcat in your name it might be worth a little more.
Batpuff Wrote:Yea if you didnt have that blackcat in your name it might be worth a little more.


Well that isn't changing, but the offer is still on the table for you, TideHoss, and PLAYBOY.
blackcat_student Wrote:Smile

Well that isn't changing, but the offer is still on the table for you, TideHoss, and PLAYBOY.

Yea yea yea we will see. lol
I am ready to accept an offer if one is offered that is.
Midee1 Wrote:There may be one major bit of information missing here. I could be wrong but....

You must be at least 18 to be on staff here.

What a rip:mad:
If it weren't for his "favorite team" choices I'd say YES. But if you live in the Commonwealth of Kentucky(like he does) and Penn State is your favorite college team, that sends up some RED FLAGS! LOL
Batpuff Wrote:[Image: http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c376/b.../mebgr.jpg]
Dude! Your too ugly to be an admin or mod! LOL
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Oh here we go. Bringing up my past and trying desperately to distort my record. Great voters of BGR Nation, please disregard whatever slander you may hear from my competitors, Playboy and Batpuff. As if it matters, I will spill the truth to why I was impeached as president of 8th grade. A series of coincidences took place while I was making serious progress as the class leader. When the voting date for class song was announced, it was "alledged" that I sent some "mob thugs" (which was false, they were members of my committee to re-elect the president) to "sway" the voting for class song. Which was entirely false. It just so happened that I picked our class song, Ironman by Black Sabbath, and by a 48-1 vote, just about everybody else did too. With the exception of one student. And it was merely coincidence that he was beaten within an inch of his life by 6 masked thugs and transferred to another school, never to step foot back into our school. It was "alledged" that I oversaw and planned the attack, which was also false. I "alledgedly" planned an assault on the academic team members trying to stand in the way of our 7th period's "athletic excellence" time. They wanted to play meaningless garbage like kick ball and bad mitton or however the **** you spell it, holding up the progress for our real athletes. After several academic team members went to the principal, "alledging" I "strong armed" other students to support reserving 7th period for our athletes, the principal placed an investigation on my administration. After those academic team members didnt show for their kangaroo court case against me, the investigation was dropped. They were soon found bound and tied in the back of a black Dodge van two days later, but thankfully, they were alive. When a member of my administration demanded a student give him his rolls for lunch, I backed him up, because that student was a basketball player, and I felt that fattening rolls would halt his progress on the court. The basketball player obliged. Our class was shaping up to be the best 8th grade class ever, when we were challenged by a nearby school for "Class Excellency". Never to back down from a challenge, I gathered up trusting members of my administration, to see what exactly what was up. I found out that they were going to hold games, contests, and everything was supposed to be kept silent for "both" schools until the day of the games. Unbelievably, and completely against what I stood for, those six members of my administration broke into the school, and some snitch called the police, and my committee was arrested for burglary and breaking an entering. Incredibly, to keep from going to juvenile, they entered a plea agreement stating that I INSTRUCTED THEM TO BREAK INTO THE SCHOOL! They even signed it! And the so-called competition was cancelled. Well, I had to face the Cavalier Congress, and was harrassed repeatedly, being called a "thug", and "criminal", and "Nazi Dictator" by those very students I tried to help by going out of my way to give to. I gave them rights they didnt know they had. A better way of life. Some just didnt appreciate it. So Ill end this post simply stating the following: "The great people of BGR Nation have a right to know whether their mod-elect is a crook. Well, I am not a crook". Vote the Hoss in '08.:Thumbs:

LMAO Eric Cartman couldn't have said it better!

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