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East Ridge Warriors 2008
warriorpride Wrote:Not playin Phelps next season. So I was thinking more along the lines of beating teams like SV...PCC...MC...Grundy...KCC...South Floyd. Id think those whould be some good wins for us next season.

Grundy has had 35-40 kids lifting 4days a week since the first Monday after there last game......seems the last 2 seasons have rubbed them raw and there determined to turn it around and seeing how young they where this year I can only see them getting a lot better Warrior...There offensive line is going to be one of the best and definitley strongest in the southwest district and as most of them where sophmores this year that wont fair to good for you since I know you know in there last 2 possesions against you all this past year all they ran where sweep left and sweep right and those big hogs of Jack Comptons was knocking bodies all over the place......wouldnt plan on shaking up the world when you cross the line next season into Va...but good luck any ways...
footballnut Wrote:Grundy has had 35-40 kids lifting 4days a week since the first Monday after there last game......seems the last 2 seasons have rubbed them raw and there determined to turn it around and seeing how young they where this year I can only see them getting a lot better Warrior...There offensive line is going to be one of the best and definitley strongest in the southwest district and as most of them where sophmores this year that wont fair to good for you since I know you know in there last 2 possesions against you all this past year all they ran where sweep left and sweep right and those big hogs of Jack Comptons was knocking bodies all over the place......wouldnt plan on shaking up the world when you cross the line next season into Va...but good luck any ways...

35-40 Wow that good for them. But anyways I hate to bring up the past but you mentition on that last possession they had, you said they ran all over us. Well did you think about how many stupid pentalys we had? Those pentalys easily gave them around 25-35 yards on that drive if not more.
I hate to hurt any feelings out there in warrior land but, if coach Branham doesn't make a few changes: current coaching staff, some of middle school coaches helping, and using a different regiment of practices; they will never accomplish anything other than being the punching bag for every team they play. Sorry. But it's true.

He has to take more control and not let others tell him how to coach. Or at least listen to a few select people who actually know the sport of football. And mostly, fundamentals, blocking, and being aggressive througout the whole season. Learn to use the whole team. Heck, they had around 40 to 50 players, and only a handful played. And bygolly, when a mistake is made, and there we alot, address it and correct it right there.
If coach Branham doesn't make a few changes: current staff, some of the middle school staff under him, and the attitude of the players, then ER will always be the puncing bag for every team they play. Sorry, but it's true. It all comes down to fundamentals. And none of the coaches teach that. No tackling, and no blocking. There's a place to start.
thousandyardman20 Wrote:If coach Branham doesn't make a few changes: current staff, some of the middle school staff under him, and the attitude of the players, then ER will always be the puncing bag for every team they play. Sorry, but it's true. It all comes down to fundamentals. And none of the coaches teach that. No tackling, and no blocking. There's a place to start.

How many times are you going to say "Sorry, But it's true."???
Rumorville reports that Bobby Branham resigned his coaching (football) position at East Ridge. Anyone have a confirmation on that?
I seriously doubt that he is resigning.
Well, I hope he didn't.
I don't think he would make another one and done.
Chuck Taylor Wrote:I'm confused about the 0-10(2-8)?

They had to forfeit their only 2 wins for playing ineligable players.
I was told by a E/R teacher that he resigned last week. I spoke with him about a week ago and he was upbeat about next year. Then I noticed they had Joey Thacker at the ball game Friday.
footballnut Wrote:Grundy has had 35-40 kids lifting 4days a week since the first Monday after there last game......seems the last 2 seasons have rubbed them raw and there determined to turn it around and seeing how young they where this year I can only see them getting a lot better Warrior...There offensive line is going to be one of the best and definitley strongest in the southwest district and as most of them where sophmores this year that wont fair to good for you since I know you know in there last 2 possesions against you all this past year all they ran where sweep left and sweep right and those big hogs of Jack Comptons was knocking bodies all over the place......wouldnt plan on shaking up the world when you cross the line next season into Va...but good luck any ways...

Grundy scored the last 2 touchdowns of that game on passes, and the game winner was a half back pass.
Has Bobby Branham resigned? Is this job open? Has Joey Thacker left Franklin Co.?
fbcoachnoitall Wrote:Has Bobby Branham resigned? Is this job open? Has Joey Thacker left Franklin Co.?

Bobby Branham has resigned. Not sure on any other details though.
I have said this before concerning Thacker when he was rumored for some other jobs in that area. I just don't see him coming back to Eastern Kentucky to coach. Tough situation to come into at East Ridge and Franklin County has had mega success in football and basketball with him involved. I also have seen nothing in print or posted about a confirmed resignation of Branham so this maybe hearay and Lord knows that doesn't go on in high school athletics now does it.
play4pay Wrote:I have said this before concerning Thacker when he was rumored for some other jobs in that area. I just don't see him coming back to Eastern Kentucky to coach. Tough situation to come into at East Ridge and Franklin County has had mega success in football and basketball with him involved. I also have seen nothing in print or posted about a confirmed resignation of Branham so this maybe hearay and Lord knows that doesn't go on in high school athletics now does it.

From my understanding, Branham called all football players to his room today and announced he is resigning.
Then if that is the case things could get interesting. Thanks for the info. How many applicants will they get?
play4pay Wrote:Then if that is the case things could get interesting. Thanks for the info. How many applicants will they get?

none. they will hire a friend of a friend like always up there.
finepoint Wrote:none. they will hire a friend of a friend like always up there.

What do you mean "like always"? They have been a school for 7 years and that is it. i do agree that they will have very few people from the outside interested in this job. Why did the everchanging Coach B decide to leave ER if in fact he did? Will he take the Phelps job if it is open? What about to be an assistant at SV? I heard this the other day.
hammertime Wrote:What do you mean "like always"? They have been a school for 7 years and that is it. i do agree that they will have very few people from the outside interested in this job. Why did the everchanging Coach B decide to leave ER if in fact he did? Will he take the Phelps job if it is open? What about to be an assistant at SV? I heard this the other day.
I mean in 7 years, there have been 5 football coaching changes, and at least 6 boys/girls basketball changes. With football, they never have opened it up to applicants, except "on paper". You think Coach B was interviewed?? Nope, he was "placed" just like most other coaches. They will post a vacancy so specific, only the person they chose will fit the requirement. GO back and look at the girls basketball job description for example.
finepoint Wrote:I mean in 7 years, there have been 5 football coaching changes, and at least 6 boys/girls basketball changes. With football, they never have opened it up to applicants, except "on paper". You think Coach B was interviewed?? Nope, he was "placed" just like most other coaches. They will post a vacancy so specific, only the person they chose will fit the requirement. GO back and look at the girls basketball job description for example.

I agree with what you said but if (and I mean thats a big) if they can lure Thacker back home it helps in all sports in regards to having a man that has coached baseball and basketball in the toughest region in the state and built Frankfort football(who made it to the semifinals against Beechwood this year) from the ashes in football before going to Franklin County and being part of a quality staff and knocking heads with Lexington Catholic and Highlands year in and year out in the playoffs after being 0-10 the year before that staff got there. He coached the runner up in the Mr Football race in 2006 so there is some credibility there in terms of what he can sell.... now getting him to come and sell it may be too big of a task for the budget strapped East Ridge. I hope it happens but it would be a shock to me.
I do not believe that anybody would want to leave a successful program and come to ER. What is there to gain by coming here? Nothing but year in and year out mediocracy. It is nice to have raised expectations but let's keep things on the real. Don't get your hopes up on a top notch coach coming here to ER.
finepoint Wrote:I mean in 7 years, there have been 5 football coaching changes, and at least 6 boys/girls basketball changes. With football, they never have opened it up to applicants, except "on paper". You think Coach B was interviewed?? Nope, he was "placed" just like most other coaches. They will post a vacancy so specific, only the person they chose will fit the requirement. GO back and look at the girls basketball job description for example.
I agree. How they run their athletic programs up there is disgraceful. I find it so odd that Elkhorn City always had so much pride in their school both in the classroom and in athletics. It seems that type of pride hasnt consolidated or the folks from Millard and Feds Creek are running the show up there and dont know anything about football. Either way why arent the parents pitching an unholy fit up there is what Id like to know. 3 coaches in 3 years wouldnt be tolerated here at Pikeville I guarantee it.
Well, because the parents at East Ridge don't have any say about who they hire. But I will tell you this. Joey Thacker would have a great oppurtunity to start something great if they will let him coach his way and not with who's already there. Start from scratch. Get rid of all the coaces, including the JV and Junior High that's coming in next season. I know that Robert Kiser played at E.C., but, he's not a coach. He's selfish and doesn't care about the kids. Just talent. And Brent Belcher will lie to the Devil to get you to agree. He doesn't have a clue how to coach. Steve Taylor and Lincoln Bentley do at least try a little. But just think, Joey is an assistant right now. To come down here and bring the Frankfort style of playing football, might be what the program needs to set it off. And the kids hearing about the success he's had down there, he'll get some more the the kids interest that otherwise declined to play for Branham, who only had a weak record at Betsy Layne. That's why he would come down here. He's got some clout and it might be an opportunity to turn things around at East Ridge. It'll be tough though. The kids attitude wll be the toughest to change. They're so used to losing that they expect it. Maybe he can get them to change that way of thinking. What do you think?
thousandyardman20 Wrote:Well, because the parents at East Ridge don't have any say about who they hire. But I will tell you this. Joey Thacker would have a great oppurtunity to start something great if they will let him coach his way and not with who's already there. Start from scratch. Get rid of all the coaces, including the JV and Junior High that's coming in next season. I know that Robert Kiser played at E.C., but, he's not a coach. He's selfish and doesn't care about the kids. Just talent. And Brent Belcher will lie to the Devil to get you to agree. He doesn't have a clue how to coach. Steve Taylor and Lincoln Bentley do at least try a little. But just think, Joey is an assistant right now. To come down here and bring the Frankfort style of playing football, might be what the program needs to set it off. And the kids hearing about the success he's had down there, he'll get some more the the kids interest that otherwise declined to play for Branham, who only had a weak record at Betsy Layne. That's why he would come down here. He's got some clout and it might be an opportunity to turn things around at East Ridge. It'll be tough though. The kids attitude wll be the toughest to change. They're so used to losing that they expect it. Maybe he can get them to change that way of thinking. What do you think?

#1 I still don't think he takes it
#2 They better have a better position with Joey Thacker than I think they do because they stand to be in worse shape if they wait to get another late hire with no spring practice, no summer schedule set ahead of time and another unproven young coach with little to no head coaching experience
#3 0-10 is a mindset that will take a long time to change and so far they haven't given anyone time to change anything more than two years
play4pay Wrote:#1 I still don't think he takes it
#2 They better have a better position with Joey Thacker than I think they do because they stand to be in worse shape if they wait to get another late hire with no spring practice, no summer schedule set ahead of time and another unproven young coach with little to no head coaching experience
#3 0-10 is a mindset that will take a long time to change and so far they haven't given anyone time to change anything more than two years

You may be right. He may not take it. That'll be a hard decision for him to make. But he does have family in E.C. that might be the biggest factor if he does decide. But at the same time, he's only 3 hours away so it's not like he's so far away. And to just cruise as an assistant at a much more experienced school is also a hard sell for East Ridge. Even if has no head coaching experience, I'd take a chance with him just cause he's been with a proven program in a much more diverse urban town. That's what coach Branham and the others didn't have. And if they wait like they did the others( I agree with the earlier statement), then they'll end up with another coach with no proven credability sp<. And if they don't stick with one for at least 4 or 5 years, then they'll always be the punching bag. (earlier statement). And if not Joey, then who?
Question:....Who is Joey Thacker? From what I am reading on here is that he coaches Franklin County, and that they are a top notch football program. Now im not going to get into the reasons Coach Branham left but we all support his decisions and respect them! This Joey Thacker, I would like to know a lil something about him. How much experience he has, where all has he coached at, where did he play at ECT... Thousandyardman20 I agree with you compleatly. If ER dosnt stop changing coaches they will never be good in six years they had had three diffrent coaches going on seven years and 4 coaches. I really dont have an Oppion on this matter. All I know is that Kevin Justice said he was going to have us a coach before spring practice which is three weeks after the last basketball game, wether he will keep his word or not I have no idea.
I disagree with your statement. I was an assistant on the 91-95 Pikeville Panther teams. We lost 4 times in the state semi-finals and once in the state championship. Get your facts straight before you post anything bogus on here!
thousandyardman20 Wrote:You may be right. He may not take it. That'll be a hard decision for him to make. But he does have family in E.C. that might be the biggest factor if he does decide. But at the same time, he's only 3 hours away so it's not like he's so far away. And to just cruise as an assistant at a much more experienced school is also a hard sell for East Ridge. Even if has no head coaching experience, I'd take a chance with him just cause he's been with a proven program in a much more diverse urban town. That's what coach Branham and the others didn't have. And if they wait like they did the others( I agree with the earlier statement), then they'll end up with another coach with no proven credability sp<. And if they don't stick with one for at least 4 or 5 years, then they'll always be the punching bag. (earlier statement). And if not Joey, then who?
Joey Thacker will be the new coach at East Ridge, I guarantee it!!! I heard Coach Branham will be an assistant at Shelby Valley. The last statement is a rumor, but the first is fact.
sacbunt Wrote:Joey Thacker will be the new coach at East Ridge, I guarantee it!!! I heard Coach Branham will be an assistant at Shelby Valley. The last statement is a rumor, but the first is fact.
How can you be so sure? And i really dont think Coach Branham is going ANYWHERE.

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