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Pikeville 53, East Ridge 48
Nice win for Pikeville.
Capt. DH Wrote:They did not peak enough to beat Valley so they obviously did not peak at the right time.
So, with that logic, you think only one team truly peaked last year? That being Scott Co.? Peaking when you are in a season is playing the best that your team can possibly play. That doesnt mean playing good enough to beat anyone. By that logic, are you saying that Shelby Valley didnt peak enough to beat Elliot Co.?
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
I don't care what anyone says about his heart or not, Daniel Harmon is an ATHLETE, he made his presence known on the b-ball court and helped Pikeville a LOT last year, you know they miss him, his athleticism played a big role in the Valley games, so no, this team is not as good, and will not be as good as last years team.
I think bballonlyfan is right the panthers will peak by the end on the season. I watched them play NBS the other night and they looked very good already. They are looking for Adams more this year I think, and he seems much improved from last year. Honaker is just as tough and the team has a good chemistry. From what i've seen Valley better watch out!
i dont think pikeville poses a threat to valley- even if they do "peak" at tourny time.
I think that valley will get another 15th region championship this year.
Capt. DH Wrote:Harmon has done nothing to this team. I can't believe that you would try to blame him for Pikeville's lack of success so far this season. His heart is not into the game so why play if you don't love it? I thought that the two sophomores were supposed to be better and give Pikeville more than Harmon could anyway? That is what everyone kept saying when the news of him not playing came out. Some people even went as far as to say that Pikeville's head coach said these things. Whether he did or not is beyond me but what Pikeville needs is for some seniors to step it up on their end. I was embarrassed to be in attendence last night to hear #2 cuss out loud the way he did. My son was there with me and heard that garbage. To beat it all he was not even disciplined in any way during the game. Maybe after the game the coaches smacked his little bottom but it was down right disgraceful to hear what came out of his mouth. He should be suspended and his coaches from every sport should agree.

Can't discipline the students for saying exactly what the coaches are saying on the other side of the bench that you aren't hearing, and it probably is worse.
BasketBallonlyfan Wrote:They have the potential to be better this year than last year. They lost quite a bit in last years team, but they also have picked up in places they was lacking last season. This is still early in the year for Pikeville. They are always playing better at the end of Feb. than they are at the end of Dec. I seen signs of them starting to click a couple nights ago. When the consistency gets better, Pikeville will be a team not to be over looked.

It is pretty obvious that just about any team is going to look better at the end of Feb. than at the end of Dec. Yes, Pikeville will get better but the other teams will too.
Valley is a powerhouse and I'll say what I've been saying all year...Pikeville will not test Valley at all this year...remember Pikeville fans, this is just MY opinion so don't go wild and cry about it. Smile
vundy33 Wrote:Valley is a powerhouse and I'll say what I've been saying all year...Pikeville will not test Valley at all this year...remember Pikeville fans, this is just MY opinion so don't go wild and cry about it. Smile

Well just let me say, they have more of a chance than any other school in the region.
If...Then Wrote:Well just let me say, they have more of a chance than any other school in the region.

Your loco...Paintsville has much more of a chance of beating SV that Pikeville. Pikeville has a better chance to beat them than anyone else that is on SV's schedule, but out of the whole region Paintsville has a much better chance.
vundy33 Wrote:Your loco...Paintsville has much more of a chance of beating SV that Pikeville. Pikeville has a better chance to beat them than anyone else that is on SV's schedule, but out of the whole region Paintsville has a much better chance.

ok vundy this is a Pikeville/East Ridge thread
Closer score than what I had originally thought, but still the same outcome.
Keep the thread on-topic.
If...Then Wrote:ok vundy this is a Pikeville/East Ridge thread

Your the one that got off topic by saying Pikeville was the only team in the region that could handle Valley...
vundy33 Wrote:[COLOR="Red"]Valley[/COLOR] is a powerhouse and I'll say what I've been saying all year...Pikeville will not test Valley at all this year...remember Pikeville fans, this is just MY opinion so don't go wild and cry about it. Smile

wtf. look you started it right here
Congrats Pikeville
So where in the thread topic does it talk anything about Valley guys? come on...stay on topic
PvilleCollegeFella Wrote:Congrats Pikeville
So where in the thread topic does it talk anything about Valley guys? come on...stay on topic

thats what I was wondering.
If...Then Wrote:thats what I was wondering.

I think it says Pikeville and East Ridge
Im not going to argue with a little kid....congratulations Pikeville. ER keep your head least you can keep up with Pikeville this year.
vundy33 Wrote:Im not going to argue with a little kid....congratulations Pikeville. ER keep your head least you can keep up with Pikeville this year.

man if your talkin about me i aint no little kid
Can a mod please end this thread, it went far enough, we now have people calling others "little kids", no more needs to be said here.
I agree with PC_You_Know
This game looks close because Pikeville made some stupid mistakes in the last minute that turned an 11 point lead into a 5 point lead...If Pikeville had finished properly they would have won by about 15

As for this year compared to last year...the major players from last year were Sword, Boyd, Honaker, Clevenger, Adams, Harmon, and Bell-They were the only ones to get signifigant minutes down the stretch. This year there is no Sword (Starting PG), Boyd (sub PF), or Harmon (starting SF)...This year they pick up two sophomore Gaurds in Clark and Burchette who are at least IMO a more defensive presence than Sword or Harmon, but not so much offensive, along with Baker, a Junior Forward who is probly a little better player than Boyd, and Shockey, a Senior Forward who should start playing next week off of a knee injury that had him out all football season and he at least looks big and athletic...So although Pikeville would have been better off with Harmon, they will be IMO better than last year once everyones back and the sophomores get experience....I think they will once again be SVs primary challenger (Paintsville hasn't been able to keep it together with those players for 3 years and I think it'll be the same story).
^^^^^^Oh and Patrick Keene also plays a lot, a Sophomore froward, very disciplined, solid game, and hard working.

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