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Steve Beshear To Be Next Governor of Kentucky
22lb Bass Wrote:As far as the roads in Johnson County, come out here to Oil Springs and Flat Gap, they are as bad as they ever were.

I worked with the KYTC under the Johnson Co. Construction Department during the summer a couple of years ago as well as the District 12 survey crew stationed in Allen. The state takes care of their roads fairly well, they are not responsible for the county roads. I travel to Flat Gap quite a bit when I go home and they have done some rehab work on those roads. Sure not every place gets new surface put down and that is not up to Fletcher to determine it. They give a grant for so much money to purchase the surface, give a location, and then it is up to the KYTC's county construction workers to determine where to put the amount that they were allowed to purchase. That is why you see some places on a road have it, then there will be a break and other places down the road will have fresh blacktop. Tucker Daniel said he is working on getting all the county roads in various hollars of Johnson Co. black topped. During my time there, Van Lear's Kentucky owned roads got quite a bit. Out on 581 starting at the Lawrence/Johnson line it was paved all the way out and several other locations got fresh pads to drive on. Compared to the amount of work on the Kentucky owned roads before he got in there in our county and surrounding counties, it was a great improvement. One funny thing I saw on the Louisville news last night, they asked a republican woman why she voted for Beshear and she said because Fletcher was for casinos and she's totally against that. I guess she didn't watched enough tv to see all the campaign ads about no casinos in Kentucky.
Yahh!!! I'm so glad they won....Beshear and Mongiardo are great guys!!! The victory party last night was great! A lot of people were there to celebrate...

Here's a link to the voting by county...
**Send me a pm if you have any questions or comments**

22lb Bass Wrote:Fletcher being a Republician was voted out of office by his own party, the Republicians. The numbers speak for themselves. My wife works the poll booths every election and she said that the Republician votes that passed thru her made comments like "He is too close of buddies to George W Bush" "We dont trust him or J. Bunning". She said a couple even brought up the helicopter over the White HOuse thing. Johnson County is a Republician county, and they voted Democrate in that race. Thats sad when you cant trust your own party to back you, then he did the right thing, bow out gracefully and go. As far as the roads in Johnson County, come out here to Oil Springs and Flat Gap, they are as bad as they ever were.

Beshear beat Fletcher by a count of 2606 to 2247 in Johnson County. Johnson is not a Republican dominated county, if that were the case our county would be "wet", lol. Don't worry about the roads in Oil Springs and Flat Gap, if Beshear comes thru like Fletcher was those roads will get fixed. They were already in the plans (best friend works for transportation dept.)
TidesHoss32 Wrote:He's wayyyyy too liberal for me. His politics are basically "anything goes", which Im not a fan of. I'd rather have somebody who has guts about em, rather than have somebody who'll let anybody do anything they want.

Im saying, for me and my family, losing Fletcher will hurt. I'll get back on this later, lol...
C'mon TH32. At least give the guy a fair shake. :thumpsup: Your already rippin on the guy and he hasn't done anything for 10 years.Smile
More Cowbell Wrote:Yeah, that was probably the only time in the past 40 years that a Republican ran the state. I think the Democratic party has held the governor's office for way more than its fair share (I hate when one party dominates).

However, I do think Beshear will do a good job. Congratulations!

Does it matter? Everyone in this state is pretty much conservative, I don't think Kentucky even needs parties, the only reason everybody is a democrat is because FDR got their grandparents and great grandparents on board.
DevilsWin Wrote:C'mon TH32. At least give the guy a fair shake. :thumpsup: Your already rippin on the guy and he hasn't done anything for 10 years.Smile
ah man, its more about losing Fletcher than ripping Beshear..I didnt mean to rip him, and Im willing to give anybody a fair shake (like I have an option there, lol)..just not a fan of his politics..I mean, he's LIBERAL,, super liberal, lol..
TidesHoss32 Wrote:ah man, its more about losing Fletcher than ripping Beshear..I didnt mean to rip him, and Im willing to give anybody a fair shake (like I have an option there, lol)..just not a fan of his politics..I mean, he's LIBERAL,, super liberal, lol..
Were you on suicide watch last night or what?Cool
DevilsWin Wrote:Were you on suicide watch last night or what?Cool day after he's elected governor, the water's off all day in Jenkins, the only restaurant in Jenkins is closed until after I leave for work because of it (so there went lunch for work), we had two miners down at the same time (continuous miners, lol), and UK gets beat by 16 at home to a team that finished 3rd in the 58th district last year...and because Im a sore loser, I blamed every bit of it on Steve BeshearSmile least our Steelers waxed those Ravens on Monday though..
TidesHoss32 day after he's elected governor, the water's off all day in Jenkins, the only restaurant in Jenkins is closed until after I leave for work because of it (so there went lunch for work), we had two miners down at the same time (continuous miners, lol), and UK gets beat by 16 at home to a team that finished 3rd in the 58th district last year...and because Im a sore loser, I blamed every bit of it on Steve BeshearSmile least our Steelers waxed those Ravens on Monday though..

:Clap: That's hilarous TH Smile . You and PLAYBOY comin down to PC saturday.
Redneck Wrote:Beshear beat Fletcher by a count of 2606 to 2247 in Johnson County. Johnson is not a Republican dominated county, if that were the case our county would be "wet", lol. Don't worry about the roads in Oil Springs and Flat Gap, if Beshear comes thru like Fletcher was those roads will get fixed. They were already in the plans (best friend works for transportation dept.)

Now Red, if you go into the clerks office (Sallee Anns) you will see on the wall a big ole sign that says "As of October 07, Johnson County has registered

Republicians= 9226
Dems = 6981
Independs = 439

So I will state again, Johnson County is a REpublician County. Research your statements first before posting.:thumpsup:
22lb Bass Wrote:Now Red, if you go into the clerks office (Sallee Anns) you will see on the wall a big ole sign that says "As of October 07, Johnson County has registered

Republicians= 9226
Dems = 6981
Independs = 439

So I will state again, Johnson County is a REpublician County. Research your statements first before posting.:thumpsup:

That's not much of a difference man. 9,226 out of 16,646 registered voters. That means 7,420 voters are not Republican. All I said was that Johnson County was not DOMINATED by Republicans. Also you gotta look at the younger kids (18-19 years old) that register, they choose Republican just be choosin one, they don't keep up with politics.
What it means is Johnson County has 1806 more republician voters which makes it a Republician County. Floyd Co has more Democrats, its known as a Democratic County, Martin county has more Republicians, its known as a Republician County. Although, the gap used to be wider which means the Democrats are closing in. I think kids register the way Mommy and Daddy are registered, for the most part.
Regardless of how this election turned out, the big losers are the residents of Kentucky IMO. This is one time I felt like voting for NONE OF THE ABOVE.
TidesHoss32 least our Steelers waxed those Ravens on Monday though..

You Daggone Right They Did. I watched every play. Big Ben is getting back to his true form.
22lb Bass Wrote:What it means is Johnson County has 1806 more republician voters which makes it a Republician County. Floyd Co has more Democrats, its known as a Democrate County, Martin county has more Republicians, its known as a Republician County. Although, the gap used to be wider which means the Democrates are closing in. I think kids register the way Mommy and Daddy are registered, for the most part.

Exactly, but it's not dominate..

Like it USE to be Big Grin
Booya Wrote:Does it matter? Everyone in this state is pretty much conservative, I don't think Kentucky even needs parties, the only reason everybody is a democrat is because FDR got their grandparents and great grandparents on board.

The reason why everyone in the state is Democrat is one of these three:

1) their daddy, granddaddy, great-granddaddy, etc. were all Democrats
2) they've been told their whole life that the Republican party only helps 'the rich man' and the Democrats help 'the working man'
3) they recognize that several local races are decided during the Democratic primary, because no Republican is running for the office

The third reason above is why I am a registered Democrat, although my actual voting habits in general elections tend to be more 60/40 Republican.


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