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Question about Adam and Eve?
I think you might be in over your head
You like to hit a run but with no true opinion.
Actually reminds me of someone who would say its my Ball and I make the rules
yes people jesus did live and was put to death by the romans, but its only the christians who think he was crucified....and the bible is the best selling book, cuz they dont take stats of how many copies of the quuran have been

and o yea its muslim not moslem or however u spelled it
someone told me that different races such as african americans were brought about by i think Adam and Eve had a child that was dark colored and was considered to be black...also it was thought to be brought about by sin...i think God turned some's skin darker than others due to their sin...just a story i have heard...not sure to its truce but that is my opinion on how different races were brought about!
wow...a very unique one will ever know about this
I think the color of people's skin has to do with evolution itself. Where does it say in the Bible that God effected people's skin by how much they have sinned? In all likelihood Jesus was probably olive-skinned and he never sinned, so wouldn't that make him milky white? That argument has no basis.
now thats wut i thought....
Cain slew Able was bannished and marked, he then went to the Kingdom of Nod and there he new his wife.

Walk with Faith

And by the way it's Koran or Qur'an.

And I am curious who doesn't keep stats about how many copies are sold?
This in it's self says that Adam and Eve were not the only people on earth. But the first in Gods Image or so say the Bible.
I'm of the opinion that God created other people after he had created Adam and Eve in other parts of the world. That is not spelled out directly in the Bible, just my opinion. The above quote about Cain going into the Kingdom of Nod and finding himself a wife supports this.
um no in america its quran...but for the muslim world its me i think i would

and who cares wut the best selling book of all time is, that doesnt make ne thing true...and it was the first thing ever printed, so of course its gonna be the best selling book
Well I have a book that my mom bought me last year and there for a while I took it everywhere I went and even took it with me to football camp last year and talked and showed a bunch of non christian players the responses to some questions in the book. Anyway the book is just basically the answeres to any questions that concern the bible and god. For the most part it says not to try and mix science and the bible is not meant to be and that it is suppost to be unerstood through faith . It is a great book though if you can find it somewhere you should check it out. Its title is Bible Answers for Almost All Your Questions By Elmer L. Towns
That's assanine. No matter which way you look at it people are going to use science as an argument against the Bible. So that "great" book telling you to not mix science and the Bible is basically telling you to cop out. You cannot do that. If anything, a smart person could use science to help prove the existence of a God and such. Maybe in the Middle Ages you could have said, "Oh, well, we aren't supposed to mix science and religion." But you can't now-a-days.

As for the best-selling book argument. Of course it is. The majority of the world is Christian, or claims to be. However, Islam is rising quickly. I'd say in maybe the next 10 years we will see Islam rise to the same level as Christianity.
So? ""? is?
The Godfather Wrote:That's assanine. No matter which way you look at it people are going to use science as an argument against the Bible. So that "great" book telling you to not mix science and the Bible is basically telling you to cop out. You cannot do that. If anything, a smart person could use science to help prove the existence of a God and such. Maybe in the Middle Ages you could have said, "Oh, well, we aren't supposed to mix science and religion." But you can't now-a-days.

As for the best-selling book argument. Of course it is. The majority of the world is Christian, or claims to be. However, Islam is rising quickly. I'd say in maybe the next 10 years we will see Islam rise to the same level as Christianity.

Godfather.......... my point went right over your head ...... I wasn't saying you couldn't use science just that we are not GOD has limited knowledge... God can do anything ....... defy any laws of nature if he so chooses (just one of many examples Joshua 10:12)......... and next time why don't you actually try reading the book I mentioned before slaming it. If you did you would have found out that the author even says he doesn't have all the answers and even gives mulitiple possibilities to some questions. What he does say is that he has guidelines to answering the questions in his book. His guidelines are:

1)When the Bible is clear, he tells you exactly what the Bible says
2)When the Bible gives only a part of an answer, he says "apparently" or "perhaps" suggesting the answers are objective
3)When the Bible is silent, that he(the author) doesnt make the rules so he can't really give a definate answer
4)He answers all questions in a good concious before God
5)Most questions have been answered by other bible scholors and he has studied their answers and sometimes refers to their answers
6)Sometimes he even uses the "the preisthood of believers" law, meaning everyone has access to God and that everyone can't have gotten something wrong
7)and last but not least that these answers are his opinion (from years of studing and teaching) and that he is solely responsible for them ....... if they help you GREAT but do not believe what he says because he said it ....... believe it because you read and studied the Bible and it is your own belief.

And here is another question VW ... Could a perfect GOD write an imperfect book? But then again, from your answers I get the feeling you don't believe in God much less his book. Sad.

Now as to my therory of how other cultures and races began .... it is sort of a mix of quite of few of your answers .....but first I want to state that I am not an expert on the Bible and this is just my OPINION.

First the therory of making others besides Adam and Eve very well could be possiable but you forget God flooded the earth and started over ....... so Yes, Noah and his family became the new Adam and Eve ..... and yes Ham (Noah's son) was cursed and alot of evil came out of his line but luck of the draw (being born of Ham's line) doesn't condeme someone .. God gives each of us free will.... to choose and make our own decisions ...... However, Nimrod did come Ham's line and if I am not mistaken Nimrod was the one who built the TOWER OF BABEL .... man's tower of trouble .....(Gen 11:3-4) a tower or ziggurants that was to reach the heaven so Nimrod could basicly not be forgotten and sort of place him up there with God himself .... almost as if saying man could reach God though thier own will and not God's will.... then verse 5 says God came down to view this tower (and not because it was getting to close but just because humandkind had united to oppose him) before this time eveyone spoke the same language and Gen. 11:9 goes one to say that God confused the language of the whole world and thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of the earth. And as for their actual physical traits .... that would have to be partly because of the genetics that came from each group and partly enviromental ...... the body is a wonderious thing ..... it adapts to many things.

Like I said this is just my therory.
I am a Christian. I fail to see the relevance of that allusion. I heard they have a good actual physical traits. Perhaps it would.
Also, I want to make it clear that I am not endorsing this book to have all the clear cut answers ...(.Matter of fact not always did my opinion agree with the author.
)... Just that I read some of it and I found it very interesting and helpful in making up my mind on some questions I had.

Like I said before I think that this is great book and many of you might find it as interesting and helpful as I did.
Sorry but from your posts it appeared as if you WERE endorsing the book, and you left several things unclear. I resent your assumption that I don't believe in God. I am simply saying that the Bible is often times not so clear on many things, and as times have changed, our views on the Bible should also change. I mean this is the same book that permits the selling of ones daughter. How is that relevant or practiced today? It is not. Our interpretation of the Bible must change with time and science.
The Godfather Wrote:Sorry but from your posts it appeared as if you WERE endorsing the book, and you left several things unclear. I resent your assumption that I don't believe in God. I am simply saying that the Bible is often times not so clear on many things, and as times have changed, our views on the Bible should also change. I mean this is the same book that permits the selling of ones daughter. How is that relevant or practiced today? It is not. Our interpretation of the Bible must change with time and science.

:x .......... there you go again ......... go back and re-read and understand this time .......... Where and when did I even insinuste that you don't believe in GOD? I think my question was addressed to VW. I think it is apparent from your post that at some point in your life you have either been to church or read the bible. VW was the one who struck me as not believing in the one true GOD and that is sad. And let me make this clear ....I am not downing VW..... IMO that doesn't make him a bad person just mislead ......... like I said it is just my opinion.
Gotcha. But I wouldn't say that VW doesn't believe in God. It's just maybe not the same God as you.
The Godfather Wrote:Gotcha. But I wouldn't say that VW doesn't believe in God. It's just maybe not the same God as you.

Dude, I give up. #-o I am going to have to go back to something the Doc said earlier in this thread, "some people need to make comments just for the sake of it. the attention make them happy." This is the third time you have misunderstood what I was saying ........ I am starting to think you know exactly. You seem to be avoiding the points just so you can hear yourself argue. I think I basicly said the very point you just said ......

1) I didin't say for sure he didn't believe in GOD. I said to VW "from your answers I get the feeling you don't believe in God" ..... leaving him room to come back and say no you got me all wrong. AND
2) I left room for him to say hey I do believe in a God just not yours by saying "VW was the one who struck me as not believing in the one true GOD "

SO what is your point? Why argue? We agree! There is nothing here to argue.
whoa whoa whoa, how am i in this conversation so much...hello im muslim and we believe in the same god as the christians and the jews..we just like to call him in arabic "Allah"...and yes godfather islam is rising quickly and will soon overtake christianity in the next 10 years... :lol:
Faith is where you find the answer.
i think that when god destroyed sodem and gamora (sp?) he confused our tongues (languages) then people went out to different areas and make the new races by adapting to the locations and speaking their new languages that god made them speak after he destroyed those 2 cities because of the sin in it.

i agree with the previous post about the indians pulling off their hair and so it started to not grow back and how people in different locations such as african americans' skin darkened to protect themselves from the sun burning them.
The Godfather Wrote:Evolution.

Africans developed their skin over time to not be able to burn, that's why it turned black. We all separated into different areas and over time oour races have adapted to our conditions.

That's what I think.

This is about the best explanation i have heard.

i think it may have been a genetic mutation that caused the genes that make skin pigment produce more of 1 color, thus, making the skin darker.
thetribe Wrote:i think that when god destroyed sodem and gamora (sp?) he confused our tongues (languages) then people went out to different areas and make the new races by adapting to the locations and speaking their new languages that god made them speak after he destroyed those 2 cities because of the sin in it.

i agree with the previous post about the indians pulling off their hair and so it started to not grow back and how people in different locations such as african americans' skin darkened to protect themselves from the sun burning them.

The different languages came from Babylon.. When they were building the tower of Babyl god cursed them with confusion in not being able to understand each other. If I'm not mistaken not one person could understand the other, thus giving us so many different languages.

He destroyed soddom and Gomorah due to the fact that there was not 5 righteous men in the city.. the only one was lot.. So got spared his family, which was him his wife and his 2 daughters. The place was filled with sin.

As far as the different colors of people, I believe that it is an adaptation to the surroundings.. It's a proven fact that things adapt to their surroundings over time, but the whole theory of evolving from a single organism is a little much.
crazytaxidriver Wrote:
thetribe Wrote:i think that when god destroyed sodem and gamora (sp?) he confused our tongues (languages) then people went out to different areas and make the new races by adapting to the locations and speaking their new languages that god made them speak after he destroyed those 2 cities because of the sin in it.

i agree with the previous post about the indians pulling off their hair and so it started to not grow back and how people in different locations such as african americans' skin darkened to protect themselves from the sun burning them.

The different languages came from Babylon.. When they were building the tower of Babyl god cursed them with confusion in not being able to understand each other. If I'm not mistaken not one person could understand the other, thus giving us so many different languages.

He destroyed soddom and Gomorah due to the fact that there was not 5 righteous men in the city.. the only one was lot.. So got spared his family, which was him his wife and his 2 daughters. The place was filled with sin.

As far as the different colors of people, I believe that it is an adaptation to the surroundings.. It's a proven fact that things adapt to their surroundings over time, but the whole theory of evolving from a single organism is a little much.

PDT_002 .......... thanks for the back-up CTD ........ my thought exactly!
i agree with the adaption thought also i just got mixed up with when the languages developed, sorry. i havent been to church in a while guys. but yea, i agree with CTD and mlb33 and the godfather about the adapting to surrounding and making different colors of skin and different physical features.

eskimos are heavy set so they stay warmer in the cold climate. that would be another example besides some of them already mentioned ones...
just being in different locations and isolation from others can make you talk differently, even here in America, have you ever tried to listen to someone from Boston or New York. They think we are the ones with accents, who is to say if there was isolation between our cities and states that new languages would come out of it. In some schools a few years back, they was even thinking of teaching ebonics.... that is a totally new language based on the English language.
In order for the explanation NOT to be evolution, Noah and his son's would have had to have a white wife, an asian wife, a black wife, and an indian wife, and I would say that everybody on earth has had some type of spin-off from those basic races. Therefore, I also agree on the evolution of skin theory. Because i'd say the odds are pretty slim that Noah and his son's spouses were all of different races.
Exactly, Noah came from a region that is now inhabited by those of an olive-skinned color. Basically, over thousands of years people in those areas have adapted to their environments and climates to get the skin we have today.

Africans for example lack a certain chemical in their skin keeping them from getting sun burnt in the hot African sun, Caucasians have this chemical which reacts with the sun and is what causes our skin to burn.

According to Darwin's theories on natural selection, if a mutation occurs for the better it will be likely that this person will be more "fit" for the environment. Survival of the fittest. It is possible then, that Africans were once white and a mutation occured in someone that left out this chemical and as a result made their skin black. Since this would be an advantage in this area this person would survive and pass it on to his offspring, and so on.

Just a theory.

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