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Hazard 43 - Letcher Central 22
js380 Wrote:i was at the game and hazard dominated. i think that a 5A school like LCC that has
a roster of about 50 players needs to have some MAJOR COACHING CHANGES! they have to many players and to much size on the line to look that bad. its a shame to see a team with that kind af facilaties and that many players to look so bad.

First if all, I am not going to take you too serious anyway because you are probably just a little kid. Second, what does any of this have to do with playing a bad game. "They have a fieldhouse, and 50 players, therefore they can never lose a game or have any bad players."HAHA
Good Job DAWGS!!!! Good luck Friday!
HazzBeen Wrote:First of all, everything that could have went wrong did in this game for the cougars. They fumbled the opening kickoff and then fumbled on the goal line the next possession. It is the first game though. If you are going to make remarks like this, at least wait till the season is over. That shows how much you know about football! If the KHSAA played one game seasons Hazard would be awesome, and LCC would suck, but they play a 10 game schedule. So lets wait and see there smart guy!

dag man get your panties out of a bunch i meen dang bro it was a joke.. ya know ha ha,
and im jus saying lightin up,
You didn't even write anything about the game, Scavenger!
LMAO...Im not putting down LCC, but whats fact is fact. They are overrated, the coaches are severly overPAID, and you all are a solid two years away from being a "powerhouse". Yes, there is a LOAD of talent coming up, but right now, and yes, RIGHT NOW (I have to type this so you can clearly understand it), YOU ARE NOT THAT GOOD. No, Jenkins isnt the best team in Letcher County because we beat Allen Central. Jenkins is the best team in Letcher County because they have a set gameplan, and their athletes are better. LCC has no idea what their identity is offensively, and defensively, they are a mess. There is no denying that from anybody associated with LCC, that seen that catastrophe (which was a helluva lot worse than that 21 point spread really was) should send Hazard's coaching staff early Christmas presents for not beating you all by 60 or worse. Because they very easily could have. Jenkins would beat LCC.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:LMAO...Im not putting down LCC, but whats fact is fact. They are overrated, the coaches are severly overPAID, and you all are a solid two years away from being a "powerhouse". Yes, there is a LOAD of talent coming up, but right now, and yes, RIGHT NOW (I have to type this so you can clearly understand it), YOU ARE NOT THAT GOOD. No, Jenkins isnt the best team in Letcher County because we beat Allen Central. Jenkins is the best team in Letcher County because they have a set gameplan, and their athletes are better. LCC has no idea what their identity is offensively, and defensively, they are a mess. There is no denying that from anybody associated with LCC, that seen that catastrophe (which was a helluva lot worse than that 21 point spread really was) should send Hazard's coaching staff early Christmas presents for not beating you all by 60 or worse. Because they very easily could have. Jenkins would beat LCC.

LCC could have easily been a lot closer too. We fumbled the opening kick off, and then fumbled on the goal line on the next possession. That could have been 2 scores before Hazard even scored. Who knows how the game would have ended up then. Jenkins has one athelete and we all know who that is. Don't get me wrong, Coach Johnson does a great job, but to sit here and say all of this after the first game is ridiculous. Everything that could have went wrong did in this game for LCC. I am sure you went to the Jenkins game, so how can you sit here and say all of this if you didn't go to the game? Anyway, good luck to you Jenkins! I won't put down another Letcher County team unlike some people.
Also how is LCC overrated? I don't think that have been listed in any 5A polls as a team to beat. It is also a lot easier to carry out a game plan against Allen Central than Hazard. I know for a fact that LCC had a game plan but things changs when you fumble it 5 times. Not to mention LCC's best receiver was out and one of the best linebackers. When you guys execute that GAME PLAN against Hazard and beat them then let me know.
i wasnt putting down LCC at all. I was just stating facts. Yes you all played a much tougher team than we did. But Jenkins has WAY more than one athlete. Puckett isnt the only player on that team that can make noise. And we play Hazard every year, so I know how tough they are, but all I was saying is that LCC is two years away from being a very dangerous team. You can give me all the "so and so was out, so and so was out" all you want, but Hazard would have beaten you all just as bad had all those players played and you know this. Fumbles and turnovers are a part of the game, so that throws that arguement out of the window. We'll never know who would win between Jenkins and LCC, but I definitely believe that Jenkins would beat them. THIS YEAR. Not next year or the year after that. But this year, no question in my mind. I never said that Jenkins would beat Hazard, but they'll give them a better game than you all did. By the way, has the Howard boys sent Hazard those thank you cards yet? You know, those ones that say "Hey guys, thanks for not beating us by 60..because Lord knows you could have"..Dont be mad Hazzbeen, you all did execute your game plan...on Hazards JV........when you were down 40. I still say that you all win win 5 games this year, and possibly go to the playoffs, but I was very surprised that you got beaten the way you did against Hazard, thats what I was saying..I didnt mean to stir the pot, and I didnt mean that as a put down (the LCC being the second best team in the county), but I was stating my heart felt opinion on it..
HazzBeen Wrote:Also how is LCC overrated? I don't think that have been listed in any 5A polls as a team to beat. It is also a lot easier to carry out a game plan against Allen Central than Hazard. I know for a fact that LCC had a game plan but things changs when you fumble it 5 times. Not to mention LCC's best receiver was out and one of the best linebackers. When you guys execute that GAME PLAN against Hazard and beat them then let me know.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:i wasnt putting down LCC at all. I was just stating facts. Yes you all played a much tougher team than we did. But Jenkins has WAY more than one athlete. Puckett isnt the only player on that team that can make noise. And we play Hazard every year, so I know how tough they are, but all I was saying is that LCC is two years away from being a very dangerous team. You can give me all the "so and so was out, so and so was out" all you want, but Hazard would have beaten you all just as bad had all those players played and you know this. Fumbles and turnovers are a part of the game, so that throws that arguement out of the window. We'll never know who would win between Jenkins and LCC, but I definitely believe that Jenkins would beat them. THIS YEAR. Not next year or the year after that. But this year, no question in my mind. I never said that Jenkins would beat Hazard, but they'll give them a better game than you all did. By the way, has the Howard boys sent Hazard those thank you cards yet? You know, those ones that say "Hey guys, thanks for not beating us by 60..because Lord knows you could have"..Dont be mad Hazzbeen, you all did execute your game plan...on Hazards JV........when you were down 40. I still say that you all win win 5 games this year, and possibly go to the playoffs, but I was very surprised that you got beaten the way you did against Hazard, thats what I was saying..I didnt mean to stir the pot, and I didnt mean that as a put down (the LCC being the second best team in the county), but I was stating my heart felt opinion on it..

Olinger played the whole game and so did there starting D. I know this game could have gone the other way IF we didn't fumble the first two possessions. Our boys never recovered from this. Now if you want to tell me that my DAD does not know how to Coach and that we are overpaid(you must not be in the coaching and teaching business), then go ahead. But I have watched him for 20 years in a row win at least 10 games every year at Pikeville, Go to 5 State Championships, and win 3 State Championships, so I am pretty sure he knows how to win. He has also been a father figure to thousands of players, who still come back to thank him regularly. I am not bragging but I am proud of my Dad. We do as best as we can as coaches to prepare these kids week in and week out, but sometimes they don't execute. Maybe I am not doing a good job of running the offense, but I know we averaged 35 points a game last year with it so I am going to stick with it. Maybe you can give me some advice next time you are around TidesHoss since you must know more than us. We practice everyday at 4:00 if you want to come and let us in on how you were so successful at Jenkins when you played.
Consider the source of some of these comments "Hazzben". One game doesn't make a season ---for anyone. These LCC kids can still be successful. Sometimes a loss early in the year serves as a reminder that anyone can beat anyone on a given night. As for the LCC coaches---I know they pour their heart and soul into their job. Any knowledgable fan knows this---You can't pay attention to every "craphead scavenger" that gets on here and types. Good luck to you and the "Cougars". Work hard and believe in each other
I absolutely have nothing but respect for Hillard Howard and what he done at Pikeville. However, its a different era and its a different bunch of players, as Im sure your well aware of. Theres no Bobby Deramuses, Greg Hackneys or Chris McNamees on this team, or the first two teams. Yes he was extremely successful at Pikeville, theres no doubting or arguing that..all I was saying, and have been saying, is that you all are 2 years away from being a powerhouse. Read my posts man. I havent said anything but that. Are you denying that you all ARENT two years away? I said that you all will still win 5 games this year, and probably will make the playoffs. Did I not? And for a third year team, thats not too bad. You can quit putting down Jenkins too. I said that was my heart felt opinion that they were the best team in Letcher County, and I never said anything negative about LCC. So as far as me being successful, we went 7-4 at Jenkins my Sr year. Thats not too bad either. No, I didnt win 3 state championships, but I never got on here and diminished what Hillard Howard has done either. You have a right to be proud of your father, however there's no need to get on here and call my statement "the most ridiculous thing youve ever heard" either..and by the way, you wouldnt take my advice anyways. You throw the ball too much for my liking, lol..I like to grind it out, lol..
HazzBeen Wrote:Olinger played the whole game and so did there starting D. I know this game could have gone the other way IF we didn't fumble the first two possessions. Our boys never recovered from this. Now if you want to tell me that my DAD does not know how to Coach and that we are overpaid(you must not be in the coaching and teaching business), then go ahead. But I have watched him for 20 years in a row win at least 10 games every year at Pikeville, Go to 5 State Championships, and win 3 State Championships, so I am pretty sure he knows how to win. He has also been a father figure to thousands of players, who still come back to thank him regularly. I am not bragging but I am proud of my Dad. We do as best as we can as coaches to prepare these kids week in and week out, but sometimes they don't execute. Maybe I am not doing a good job of running the offense, but I know we averaged 35 points a game last year with it so I am going to stick with it. Maybe you can give me some advice next time you are around TidesHoss since you must know more than us. We practice everyday at 4:00 if you want to come and let us in on how you were so successful at Jenkins when you played.
I never put down Jenkins, I think Mark Johnson is one of the best coaches in the area. I simply stated that if you were so successful there, than give me some advice. I have nothing but respect for the Jenkins program and I would never put down any of those kids. How would you feel if I told you to tell your coaches to send a thank you card to the opposing team and "thank them for not beating you by 60." I am sure when you played teams could have beaten you by 60 too. Maybe we are not where we need to be yet at LCC, but I promise you we will this year. If you watched the game the other night, you would know that Hazard is not 60 points better than us. We just had one of those nights where nothing went right. What was the comment supposed to mean about being ovepaid? That means that you obviously think we are not worth it, so don't say you didn't say anything about the staff. We make the same as any other coach in the region, which isn't much. I am through arguing with you TidesHoss. Jenkins has a very good team but lets wait and see what happens this year before you count us out. Our kids feel like we can win every game on our schedule and we as coaches are going to make sure that we prepare them too. We played Breathitt, Middlesboro, and Boyd County all pretty even in scrimmages so if you think Jenkins could also do that, then maybe Jenkins could play with us.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:LMAO...Im not putting down LCC, but whats fact is fact. They are overrated, the coaches are severly overPAID, and you all are a solid two years away from being a "powerhouse". Yes, there is a LOAD of talent coming up, but right now, and yes, RIGHT NOW (I have to type this so you can clearly understand it), YOU ARE NOT THAT GOOD. No, Jenkins isnt the best team in Letcher County because we beat Allen Central. Jenkins is the best team in Letcher County because they have a set gameplan, and their athletes are better. LCC has no idea what their identity is offensively, and defensively, they are a mess. There is no denying that from anybody associated with LCC, that seen that catastrophe (which was a helluva lot worse than that 21 point spread really was) should send Hazard's coaching staff early Christmas presents for not beating you all by 60 or worse. Because they very easily could have. Jenkins would beat LCC.

That sounds pretty negative to me. That is a disrespect to our whole staff.
HazzBeen Wrote:Also how is LCC overrated? I don't think that have been listed in any 5A polls as a team to beat. It is also a lot easier to carry out a game plan against Allen Central than Hazard. I know for a fact that LCC had a game plan but things changs when you fumble it 5 times. Not to mention LCC's best receiver was out and one of the best linebackers. When you guys execute that GAME PLAN against Hazard and beat them then let me know.
I'll make sure you get the memo
HazzBeen Wrote:Olinger played the whole game and so did there starting D. I know this game could have gone the other way IF we didn't fumble the first two possessions. Our boys never recovered from this. Now if you want to tell me that my DAD does not know how to Coach and that we are overpaid(you must not be in the coaching and teaching business), then go ahead. But I have watched him for 20 years in a row win at least 10 games every year at Pikeville, Go to 5 State Championships, and win 3 State Championships, so I am pretty sure he knows how to win. He has also been a father figure to thousands of players, who still come back to thank him regularly. I am not bragging but I am proud of my Dad. We do as best as we can as coaches to prepare these kids week in and week out, but sometimes they don't execute. Maybe I am not doing a good job of running the offense, but I know we averaged 35 points a game last year with it so I am going to stick with it. Maybe you can give me some advice next time you are around TidesHoss since you must know more than us. We practice everyday at 4:00 if you want to come and let us in on how you were so successful at Jenkins when you played.

1. olinger didnt throw but 2 times the whole second half
2. the starting d wasnt in the whole game
3. the starting o wasnt in the whole game
Letcher Central will face another tough team this week in Greenup, who played Russell this past week. Time to put this game to rest and look to the next game. Best of Luck Cougars!
If it makes anybody on here feel any better, my senior year we beat Jenkins 74-0. Good luck LCC I know you have it in you to get where you want to be. Hazzbeen, quit arguing with these people who don't know much about football. I know how hard you work and how much love you have for the game. Don't let the petty stuff get to you big dog.
No, that doesnt make anybody feel any better. Thats garbage. Bigpun: this aint THAT Jenkins team. Jenkins had no business on the field from '98-'02, and everybody knows that. Last year, regular season, it was 21-14. Yeah you pounded them in the playoffs, but make no mistake, #1 this Jenkins team is MUCH better than any of the above-mentioned teams, and #2, if you were referring to me, I DO know my football. I never said ONE THING about the Howards not being able to coach. I gave my opinions about LCC being the second best team in Letcher County, and I was greeted with "thats the dumbest thing Ive ever read" and "Jenkins only has one athlete and we all know who that is". So Hazzbeen, you say Ive disrespected you and your whole staff, well I felt that you disrespected the whole Jenkins team. I cant speak for several others who get on here and run their mouths, and have no idea of what they are talking about. I gave my opinion, and thats all I done. These kids here have had to put up with the shit from the teams that pounded the program into submission from the years past, for them to be compared to those past teams.
Hazzbeen, I apologize to you and your staff if you felt disrespected. I didnt mean for it to be. I was pretty agitated at the comments about our team only having one athlete. However, I know that you all DO put your 100% into your program, and I DO know the effort it takes to be a coach. I was an assistant coach for three years myself. About the identity of your team; I know you all throw the ball 50 times a game, but I was referring to executing the game plan. Sorry for the foul up. I do believe that you all will win at least 5 games this year, go to the playoffs and like I have said, that isnt a bad year for a third year school. I know who you all have coming up in the middle school programs, and I believe in two years, you all will definitely be a force to be reckoned with. Again, I apologize for the hurt feelings, especially for those that felt disrespected. Good luck LCC, I hope you do have a successful season.
bigpun Wrote:If it makes anybody on here feel any better, my senior year we beat Jenkins 74-0. Good luck LCC I know you have it in you to get where you want to be. Hazzbeen, quit arguing with these people who don't know much about football. I know how hard you work and how much love you have for the game. Don't let the petty stuff get to you big dog.
HAHA, this thread is gonna end up like that movie "Next of KIN". Don't mess with the LCC coaching staff, 80% are related.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:No, that doesnt make anybody feel any better. Thats garbage. Bigpun: this aint THAT Jenkins team. Jenkins had no business on the field from '98-'02, and everybody knows that. Last year, regular season, it was 21-14. Yeah you pounded them in the playoffs, but make no mistake, #1 this Jenkins team is MUCH better than any of the above-mentioned teams, and #2, if you were referring to me, I DO know my football. I never said ONE THING about the Howards not being able to coach. I gave my opinions about LCC being the second best team in Letcher County, and I was greeted with "thats the dumbest thing Ive ever read" and "Jenkins only has one athlete and we all know who that is". So Hazzbeen, you say Ive disrespected you and your whole staff, well I felt that you disrespected the whole Jenkins team. I cant speak for several others who get on here and run their mouths, and have no idea of what they are talking about. I gave my opinion, and thats all I done. These kids here have had to put up with the shit from the teams that pounded the program into submission from the years past, for them to be compared to those past teams.
Hazzbeen, I apologize to you and your staff if you felt disrespected. I didnt mean for it to be. I was pretty agitated at the comments about our team only having one athlete. However, I know that you all DO put your 100% into your program, and I DO know the effort it takes to be a coach. I was an assistant coach for three years myself. About the identity of your team; I know you all throw the ball 50 times a game, but I was referring to executing the game plan. Sorry for the foul up. I do believe that you all will win at least 5 games this year, go to the playoffs and like I have said, that isnt a bad year for a third year school. I know who you all have coming up in the middle school programs, and I believe in two years, you all will definitely be a force to be reckoned with. Again, I apologize for the hurt feelings, especially for those that felt disrespected. Good luck LCC, I hope you do have a successful season.

2006 Stats
328 Rushes for 1600 yards
286 Passing Attempts for 2250 yards

Against Hazard 29 Rushes for 140 Yards
30 passes for 200 yards

Where you getting your info from, cause you obviously are not watching us play? Also Tidehoss, I went to a Jenkins game last year, and one player stood out to me and that was Puckett. They may have more atheletes but that is the one that stood out to me. By that I mean you could put him anywhere on the field and he would succeed. Not many teams have more than one of those type of guys. That wasn't meant to be disrespectful.
jackbenimble Wrote:1. olinger didnt throw but 2 times the whole second half
2. the starting d wasnt in the whole game
3. the starting o wasnt in the whole game

I would hope not cause they would be pretty tired. We rested people too. But the main starters were in the whole game, I checked again last night. Olinger threw it more than 2 times also.
Hang in there HazzBeen...You guys, LCC and the coaching staff have alot of people behind you.
The sad part about you guys arguing over beating someone 74-0 when you played is the fact you prolly played at either Whitesburg or Neon. From 1999-2005 Either Neon or Whitesburg could beat this LCC team easily. Now with that said they were home town coaches from the area coaching these teams. Now the schools combine and they think their a basketball school. Just an outsider looking in. When evaluating your team don't stand so close you may be blinded.

Also I have seen several teams play and coached on several staffs the best athlete in Letcher Co. is Chris Puckett. As far as that goes he is prolly the best athlete in the 14th region. And when I say that it means he excells at all sports not just one so don't starting throwing random people back at this post.
HazzBeen Wrote:Olinger played the whole game and so did there starting D. I know this game could have gone the other way IF we didn't fumble the first two possessions.

Man, I just wanted to say that Olinger did play the whole game but was out almost a quarter and a half with cramps. He might have thrown the ball more than twice in the second half but we scored generally running the ball. I start defense and I know FOR A FACT that our starting defense wasnt in the second half...we had a mostly jv line, and a jv secondary that you all scored two touchdowns on. In all honestly you all scored on our varsity once, with a big pass and two goal line plays. In reality the score should have been 48-6. But it wasnt, we played like crap the second was extremely aggravated with us. IMO, there is no need to debate this subject of LCC being great or not, and you all need to focus on is the next week and game. LCC is a new program, that has the potential to be a force in 5a ball...they just need to develop. But anyway, all I can say is good luck this season LCC...hopefully the next game will go your all's way.

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