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Letcher County Central 07
Borderlord Wrote:It doesn't matter if he is 12 years old. a senior is a senior.

Brock is a great athelete though, and I believe will be tough to handle as a running back next year. I doubt he will be seeing any time at QB.

I wasn't referring to Coach (Hillard) Howard. He has been very successfull. He also had great assistants at Pikeville. He may have a good bunch of guys working with him now, but several are far from what I would call experienced as far as "coaching" football is concerned.

Like Viccolion, I am not trying to trash talk LCC. I think their success will be determined by the way politics and nepotism play out.
Hmmm....I went to all the home games last year and I really enjoyed watching Brock as QB.I think he did a great job.I'am certainly gonna miss seeing him in the position.
Lelsie doesn't lose as much as you think. They lose more on the lines of leadership than anything. There were very capable players playing behind the Big 3 over there. Leslie was also in every game last year. The only game where they didn't show up was the North Laurel game. If the Middlesboro game wasn't taken from them, I believe they would have given Belfry all they wanted at Belfry. Just don't sleep on them, that's all.
What does LCC's o and d line look like for nxt season??
our o and d line looks awesome -= man. they're good
led by
corey begley
matt chandler
chase knight
and josh mcfall.
our kicking team is very good to.
led by colton cook.
i believe that lcc will go 3-7 this season jus because of the fact they are moving to 5A...
i disagree 7-3 or nothing= because we have improved we are strong, faster, and better.
correction , stronger, faster, and better han last season.
I spoke with Charlie Banks and those rumors going around that he isn't playing football in the 07-08 season are WRONG!

Charlie said he was playing football next year as of right now!
A Decent Lineman Wrote:What does LCC's o and d line look like for nxt season??
They are very strong i kno that... Chase Knight is a soph. and deadlitin right at 500, squat almost the same and startin to get more then a few reps with 225... i kno em pretty good but if im wrong correct me, u kno how braggin goes haha
midback8 Wrote:i believe that lcc will go 3-7 this season jus because of the fact they are moving to 5A...
umm id say better then that but i belive that they have about the weakest schedule in the whole KHSAA. Has like 2 good solid teams and one of em is just a 1A school, but very good
Paco07 Wrote:our o and d line looks awesome -= man. they're good
led by
corey begley
matt chandler
chase knight
and josh mcfall.

How big are sum of these boys?? what grades?
Paco07 Wrote:well. i'm back and i have to reply
that i should know what i'm talking about
at one time i did play football
and i think coach vanhoose was a very good coach-=
but i wish the cougars all the luck -= and we're state bound

stae bound... no way.. i dont think so but its good that u all have that kinda morale...just dont turn it into cockyness
chase and josh are all big boys to me.
ok,i accept that critiscism
but i sure do hope we go to state.
go cougars
Paco07 Wrote:corey
chase and josh are all big boys to me.
ok,i accept that critiscism
but i sure do hope we go to state.
go cougars

Lucky the Leprechaun is big to you Paco!!!
what do you mean?
i mean the guys are strong, fast, and have good abilities on the o and d line.
What are height weight and grade is what I was getting at...not how big they are compared to someone...lmao! Does neone have this info??
oh. ok-
corey, matt , and josh are all going to be srs.
and chase is going to be a jr. next season
and with weight and height i'm not for sure-=
Paco07 Wrote:oh. ok-
corey, matt , and josh are all going to be srs.
and chase is going to be a jr. next season
and with weight and height i'm not for sure-=

Oh ok....thnx man...
no problem; i'm not sure on height or weight or anything like that-= though.
Charlie Banks WILL be playing football ( with his father's blessing). He has his cast off and is doing rehab. Coming along VERY well. The doctor has told him the small break is completely healed He is attending at least 2 q/back camps this summer. He has really increased his upper body strenght and he has now grown to a legitamate 6'3". He could have played basketball in the district but he and his family decided that he should rehab completely and not push it. He will be ready for spring practice. As far as his dad not wanting him to play---you don't know what you're talking about. His dad has only high hopes for Charlie in football and in basketball.He is a special kid --he never has a negative word to say about anything. I wish the best for him.
Ok first of all I have high expectations for the cougars next year. These boys have been working hard all offseason with about 40 some kids in the weight room everyday after school. I know this cause im there with them everyday and they are on a great program and working hard and should see alot of inprovement from last year. As far as a record I think its possable for them to go 10-0 not saying they are going to just saying its possable. I dont expect anything less than 8-2 because of their schedule. I'm a former player who knows what these guys are capable of, so I'm pretty sure this is an accurate guess.
good luck cougars.
i would like to adda comment that was made a while ago.
i would like
to say on lcc's defense line, they will be several key players

"The Big Red Love Machine"- Josh Short
David "Rooster" Adams
Zach "domination" Hogg

all three of these guys are going to be srs. next yr. and i wish them all the best of luck.
I dont know any of the O or D line personally but "big" is out of the question. Thats gonna be the biggest problem for Letcher Co. this season. With the lack of size and experience at OL their offensive is going to studder horribly. In my opinion, they should leave a more mobile Brock at the QB position to try and establish some sort of offensive flow. With Banks in the backfield they don't have a shot. He will be sacked 35+ times this season.
That is a really intelligent response Hafner-fan. a two guard on the basketball team not being mobile enough to play q/b on the football team. Your ignorance is second only to your stupidity. I have watched a couple of LCC's practices and the combination of Brock as a running back/reciever and Banks at the q/b is a lethal one. As far as " NO size" on the off.line------you must be seeing a different team than I. The kid called "Rooster" must be about 6'2" and 270. Couch is about 6'0" 310. You are in for a rude awakening my friend---just wait and see.
Does rude awakening still add up to 3-7! Oh wait, maybe 4-6 this time around again. The comment on the QB situation has a simple history. Banks doesn't look to scramble......hardly ever. yeah they kid has good speed but he doesn't choose to use it. Banks is more suited to sit back and pick people off down field than try to break the pocket.

In my opinion, Brock is the best choice but that's just me.

It's still going to take at least 2-3 more seasons before this team can get it's feet underneatht them.
Either one can get the job done. To me --it simply gives them another dimension-----Brock if the opposing team is vulnerable to the run------------Banks if the opposing team is vulnerable to the pass. Both kids on the field at the same time will make any team show respect. The halfback option pass comes into play. Ponder this----Banks pitches to Brock going off the left side and Brock draws the defense to him---then stops and throws downfield to Banks who is wide open------Might work and will definitely be exciting
you got a point there. I think they need to look at the Fisher kid as a possible tailback too. The kid is strong as any other member on the team for his size.
if their football team is as committed as thier wrestling team then they should fare pretty good

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