02-26-2007, 11:41 PM
Hold on, I have a question......... if they believe that Jesus was only a prophet, while we believe that He was not only the son of God, but God Himself, how do they believe in the same God as us?
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
02-26-2007, 11:41 PM
Im not judging anyone, I was simply stating my opinion. You didnt like it. We got into a debate. Its that simple. You believe what you believe. I dont believe what you believe. I have opened myself up for this topic, which is why I have spent the last hour and then some debating with you before I go to work. And when was the last time you seen a perfect war? You know, one that has had ZERO civilian casualties?? By disagreeing with what our troops are doing, pretty much means that you dont support our troops. So I think Ill keep this in this thread, since they are fighting FOR those muslims, and trying to PROTECT those muslims AGAINST those insurgents and terrorists that, according to you, "have every right to fight back"..And you say that we arent trying to stabilize that country. We stayed there after capturing saddam hussein, when we could have turned it over to them and left...And if it is the same God that you believe, wouldnt a pastor at least tell me that "yes it is the same God, BUT..."..NO..thats because it is NOT the same God that muslims believe in. So your right, Ill never be convinced. You never did answer my question...Do you support the insurgents? I am just freakin curious.
Disco Stu Wrote:I'm not talking about US Soldiers only killing the ones who fight back. I'm talking about the ones killed in the line of fire who have nothing to do with this. I won't get into the issue of this war anymore because I am 100% against it, and I do support the troops despite the fact I disagree with most of what they're doing. That argument is for another thread.
If you're not going to be convinced that's fine. But it's unfortunate that some people won't at least let theirselves open up for a topic because of stubbornness. I'm sure pastors have told you that. Are they supposed to support other religions or bring in people to their own?
I won't judge Muslims or their religion and I won't bash it or call it fake. I once heard that we're not supposed to judge people based on anything, and it's quite ironic to me that someone preaching Christianity so hard would be the one doing the judging.
02-26-2007, 11:42 PM
its simple Fritz..because it ISNT THE SAME GOD..thats the whole point Im desperately trying to make.
BFritz Wrote:Hold on, I have a question......... if they believe that Jesus was only a prophet, while we believe that He was not only the son of God, but God Himself, how do they believe in the same God as us?
02-27-2007, 12:04 AM
TidesHoss32 Wrote:its simple Fritz..because it ISNT THE SAME GOD..thats the whole point Im desperately trying to make.
I know, I was trying to get the people who are arguing for Islam to explain.
From an Islamic website:
Quote:"If anyone harms (others), God will harm him, and if anyone shows hostility to others, God will show hostility to him." Sunan of Abu-Dawood, Hadith 1625.
(I happen to be doing a report on the Crusades)
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
02-27-2007, 12:08 AM
they wont...already tried, lol
BFritz Wrote:I know, I was trying to get the people who are arguing for Islam to explain.
From an Islamic website:
(I happen to be doing a report on the Crusades)
02-27-2007, 12:18 AM
Well, I could care less about any Muslims.. But you know..That is JUST MY OPINION~ I LOVE THE GOD I WAS RAISED TO WORSHIP, so whoever else wants to believe and support any other religion or "any other God"..GO RIGHT AHEAD! Mines well move over to Iraq and get used to the heat!
02-27-2007, 12:40 AM
I may not agree with the religion of Islam but I wouldn't call it fake or degrade their beliefs. They seem very similar in several aspects to me and both believe in God. Anything based on the belief of a God to me doesn't seem fake. For the most apart I agree with what Beef and DS are saying, and I don't understand the hostility towards the Muslim people from some members.
02-27-2007, 12:45 AM
And the religions do believe in the same God. I find it simple to believe that the Muslims don't believe God lived through Jesus yet still believe the same God exists because that same God in their opinion spoke to Jesus in their opinion rather than through him.
Muslims believe there is no God but God. "Allah" is the Arabic word for "God". This god is the sovereign Lord of the universe. Everything that occurs is according to his will. He is also the source of both good and evil.
God is God, in any religion.
That's my opinion anyways. I think that may just be what this boils down to as people will argue about it on and on is opinions.
Muslims believe there is no God but God. "Allah" is the Arabic word for "God". This god is the sovereign Lord of the universe. Everything that occurs is according to his will. He is also the source of both good and evil.
God is God, in any religion.
That's my opinion anyways. I think that may just be what this boils down to as people will argue about it on and on is opinions.
02-27-2007, 01:47 AM
This thread is getting out of hand. It is a great debate but name calling, personal attacks, threats, vulgarity, all of that needs to be kept out of it. Like I said, the rules applies here as they do to the rest of the site. Debate all you want, support your opinion with facts not with cursing, threats and getting bent out of shape. With all of the cursing that IS going on in this thread it's hard to believe that you are so steadfast in your religion.
02-27-2007, 08:35 AM
Nobody said you had to be a preacher to believe in what you want to believe in as far as religion. And by no means am I living right and for the cussing part in which I haven't and know that you aren't talking about me anyways, I am like TidesHoss32 on EVERY ASPECT and BFritz, but I do believe in God and that Jesus died for us to be on this Earth today!
02-27-2007, 08:36 AM
I think the fact they dont believe Jesus was the son of God is very clear to me They are worshiping a different God.Jesus was God.They think he was merely a man.I believe that they dont.The bible teaches there is only access to the father through the Son.That is what I believe the Muslims dont.Read about the life of Muhammed and it does not compare with Jesus.His last wife was a 9 year old girl.She did stay with him until he died.She was 18.I believe Jesus lived a sinless life and his death on the cross was sufficent to God to cover our sins.His death on the cross means nothing to the Muslims as far as them getting to Heaven.Now please no one get mad.People get mad if you say anything about the Muslim religion while seeminly point out every bad thing one could say about Christianity.This country was founded on the truths of the Bible not the Koran.Now I know there is freedom of religion in this country but this country was not introduced to the Koran as far as I can read till far later.
02-27-2007, 08:38 AM
After reading the posts instead of saying anything negative about Islam I will stick to just telling about Jesus.
02-27-2007, 08:41 AM
Old school Dawg Wrote:I think the fact they dont believe Jesus was the son of God is very clear to me They are worshiping a different God.Jesus was God.They think he was merely a man.I believe that they dont.The bible teaches there is only access to the father through the Son.That is what I believe the Muslims dont.Read about the life of Muhammed and it does not compare with Jesus.His last wife was a 9 year old girl.She did stay with him until he died.She was 18.I believe Jesus lived a sinless life and his death on the cross was sufficent to God to cover our sins.His death on the cross means nothing to the Muslims as far as them getting to Heaven.Now please no one get mad.People get mad if you say anything about the Muslim religion while seeminly point out every bad thing one could say about Christianity.This country was founded on the truths of the Bible not the Koran.Now I know there is freedom of religion in this country but this country was not introduced to the Koran as far as I can read till far later.Your last 2 sentences SUMS EVERYTHING UP ABOUT HIS ENTIRE THREAD!:Thumbs:
02-27-2007, 08:55 AM
Thank you OSD, that was a great post. Maybe a few people on here will read this post and get it through their heads that it isnt the same God. And let them get mad. Who cares if they do?
Old school Dawg Wrote:I think the fact they dont believe Jesus was the son of God is very clear to me They are worshiping a different God.Jesus was God.They think he was merely a man.I believe that they dont.The bible teaches there is only access to the father through the Son.That is what I believe the Muslims dont.Read about the life of Muhammed and it does not compare with Jesus.His last wife was a 9 year old girl.She did stay with him until he died.She was 18.I believe Jesus lived a sinless life and his death on the cross was sufficent to God to cover our sins.His death on the cross means nothing to the Muslims as far as them getting to Heaven.Now please no one get mad.People get mad if you say anything about the Muslim religion while seeminly point out every bad thing one could say about Christianity.This country was founded on the truths of the Bible not the Koran.Now I know there is freedom of religion in this country but this country was not introduced to the Koran as far as I can read till far later.
02-27-2007, 08:59 AM
I disagree completely with what you are saying in your first and third paragraph. Depending on what you believe in (Im not asking you by the way), they believe in the God that they believe in, and I believe in God. If you are a Christian, you have to give your soul to Jesus, the true Son of God. If this isnt what muslims agree with, then they worship a different God than I do.
alfus21 Wrote:And the religions do believe in the same God. I find it simple to believe that the Muslims don't believe God lived through Jesus yet still believe the same God exists because that same God in their opinion spoke to Jesus in their opinion rather than through him.
Muslims believe there is no God but God. "Allah" is the Arabic word for "God". This god is the sovereign Lord of the universe. Everything that occurs is according to his will. He is also the source of both good and evil.
God is God, in any religion.
That's my opinion anyways. I think that may just be what this boils down to as people will argue about it on and on is opinions.
06-25-2007, 09:29 PM
Beef Wrote:How is it a false religion? It is their beliefs. And if I am not mistaken, they do believe in Jesus Christ, they just do not believe that he is the messiah but rather that Mohammad is. We both believe in the same god.
So following your reasoning because they don't believe in what you believe, any protestant Christian religion is fake because they do not have the same belies as I do. They do not follow ALL of the books of the bible and they do not believe in the role of the Pope.
It is their belief and just because it isn't the same as yours does not mean that it doesn't exist. Yes, they seem to be all of the radicals that hate America but I believe that it is this way because of some of the things that have been posted here. They believe that the US is here to totally destroy their religion and force Christianity on the whole world. There are millions of Muslims that are not radical like these guys just as there are probably Christians that kill because of their beliefs (Hitler?)
EXACTLY! and where is it anybodys job to tell someone what to believe in?
06-26-2007, 03:20 PM
Its not a job. Its people sharing different opinions
Theres a difference.

Card_KiD_5 Wrote:EXACTLY! and where is it anybodys job to tell someone what to believe in?
06-26-2007, 06:10 PM
alfus21 Wrote:Not usually pronounced that way, usually spelled Qu'ran.
In everylesson in high school and my geo book in college it still had it spelled Koran. But it usually prenounced like Qu'ran.
06-26-2007, 11:05 PM
Scotty doesn't know Wrote:In everylesson in high school and my geo book in college it still had it spelled Koran. But it usually prenounced like Qu'ran.
It can translate to be spelled that way(Koran) but it's actual name is the Qu'ran.
06-27-2007, 01:06 AM
I don't see any problem with seeing as to why their god is not the same. They do worship the same God as what christians do they just do not believe that Jesus was the son of God or that God and Jesus are the same. While christians believe this Muslims do not. That does not mean it isn't the same god. While I do not believe everything that Islam teahces there are some things that are very similar to christianity in Islam, which only adds to the arguement that they do believe in the same god.
06-27-2007, 02:57 AM
Wow I just got done reading all the post on here and man this thing is a lively thread lol. Tides I think you had like 40% of the post on this one lol.
06-27-2007, 09:48 AM
yeah and the guy I was going head to head with, never answered my question "do you support the insurgents?"..I dont even think he got back on here. I could be mistaken though, but I know he never answered that. This thread got me a LOT OF pm's, as you could probably imagine (like I care what everybody thinks, but anyways). But I'll always be sticking to my guns on this particular subject..
Scotty doesn't know Wrote:Wow I just got done reading all the post on here and man this thing is a lively thread lol. Tides I think you had like 40% of the post on this one lol.
06-27-2007, 10:59 AM
TidesHoss32 Wrote:I disagree completely with what you are saying in your first and third paragraph. Depending on what you believe in (Im not asking you by the way), they believe in the God that they believe in, and I believe in God. If you are a Christian, you have to give your soul to Jesus, the true Son of God. If this isnt what muslims agree with, then they worship a different God than I do.
Then do the Jews worship a different God than you do? That's basically the same thing.
06-27-2007, 06:04 PM
dude, this debate took place in February, and I will NOT get back into it. I was threatened to be kicked off of here because of it by a couple of power driven moderators. However, Ill not change my stance on any post Ive made. If you want to know where I stand, just read the posts, because I wont go any further in it. And no, its not the same thing. Or basically. Or whatever.
ComfortEagle Wrote:Then do the Jews worship a different God than you do? That's basically the same thing.
06-28-2007, 01:47 AM
Old school Dawg Wrote:No but the bottom line is they do not believe Jesus Christ is the son of God Belfry Justice.We need to try to tell them about Jesus.
Actually, I'm pretty sure Jesus appears in the Quran... Could be wrong.
06-28-2007, 02:14 AM
i'm not saying that I believe in Islam or anything but, for those of you who don't, you have absolutely no right to bash their religion. Leave it to South Park...
12-16-2007, 09:01 PM
Old school Dawg Wrote:The Holy bible was wrote by man but the words are from God Almighty himself delievered to the writers by the Holy Spirit.This is not where the words to the Koran came from.I myself, think Lucifer,was the author of the words of this book.This is what I think to be true!!!:devilflam
I totally agree with you.
12-16-2007, 09:33 PM
"Do you support the insurgents?" I support no one who thinks "god" is glorified by killing human beings. When bombs drop and kill your neighbors and fathers and sisters and children, and you get angry and pick up a gun or a brick or a stone, are you an insurgent? In Nicarauga, we called them "freedom fighters." Who gets to make up the names? Because one says, "I am an American," does that mean one's labels are always correct? The fact that a person loses friends in a war zone is not a debate stopper.
12-16-2007, 10:07 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-16-2007, 10:09 PM by RammsteinFan92.)
Old school Dawg Wrote:The Holy bible was wrote by man but the words are from God Almighty himself delievered to the writers by the Holy Spirit.This is not where the words to the Koran came from.I myself, think Lucifer,was the author of the words of this book.This is what I think to be true!!!:devilflamyou all think anything besides the bible is the devil.....it's freaking Ridiculus.....lol.........
[Image: http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u182/...mstein.gif]
Rammstein Ist Wunderbar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12-16-2007, 10:11 PM
not all muslims are terrorists!!!!....lol......
[Image: http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u182/...mstein.gif]
Rammstein Ist Wunderbar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Image: http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u182/...mstein.gif]
Rammstein Ist Wunderbar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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