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Hazard 51 June Buchanan 35
faninthestands Wrote:First of all Windmill you always have excuses. I have seen you post on a couple threads now how bad JBS played, and Hazard played their best. I would have to disagree that Hazard played their best. Hazard did not shoot the ball all that well. I thank the reason you played poorly was simply good defense. Get over it Windy, as your buddy 3 points would say, YOU GOT BEAT!
you thank or do you think??? ok ... we all know that we dont have the best ref's around i think that fact has been proven... yes there was some bad calls and yes those ref's did wink i say i myself... and to me thats about as low as it gets... if you wanna say that hazard didnt shhot the ball well thats fine as well... we live in america and we have the right to speak our minds... but hazard is no the best team in the mountains or they would be ranked #1.. and im not saying that JBS is either... and when your fans are booing cheerleaders thats just sad...
Saw this one coming. Congrats Hazard and UKisN1 the reason cox didnt score until the 30 min mark is because nobody passed it to him
nolookpass Wrote:you thank or do you think??? ok ... we all know that we dont have the best ref's around i think that fact has been proven... yes there was some bad calls and yes those ref's did wink i say i myself... and to me thats about as low as it gets... if you wanna say that hazard didnt shhot the ball well thats fine as well... we live in america and we have the right to speak our minds... but hazard is no the best team in the mountains or they would be ranked #1.. and im not saying that JBS is either... and when your fans are booing cheerleaders thats just sad...

Please don't correct my grammer if you can't do any better yourself. Read your own post again. I don't thank/think it's as bad as mine. Anyway, it was a very well called game, please don't blame the refs. There were a few calls on both sides that could have gone the other way, but that's with most any game. Get over guys. There will be another day and Hazard will probably win that one too. It's not like your suppose to beat the traditional power anyway. I think that is 3 out of the last 4 that Hazard has taken from you guys. Get use to it.
windmill Wrote:JBS played bad, and thats no excuse, its a fact, Cox had 2 points, and Stepp with 10, they couldnt hit a shot, Cox missing 3's, Hazard did play good tonight, JBS just wasnt ready, its like the All A is a curse to them, Collins should have got the ball alot tonight, noone could stop him from Hazard, that simple, he should have had 20 tonight, the only thing that really makes me mad, is how Hazard's fans are, they disresepct Clark, bad, and Boo at JBS's cheerleaders, thats pretty sad, and while at the game, when the players were walking to the locker room, hearing a Hazard fan tell them they had no class, was sad too, and one other thing, I had a good view of this game, and like every game I watch the ref's close, on a play in the 3rd quater, they called something on JBS, and I heard the whistle blow, and I looked, and I seen it was on Clark, and there was 2 ref's standing there( not going to say any names) and they looked at each other, smiled, and winked, and walked away, how someone could do that, is pretty sad, and of course you guys are going to say these are excuses when they really are not, I said up there Hazard played the best tonight, and they did, but if you couldnt see a change in this JBS team, then I dont know what else to say, but when these two meet again, it will be a different game
Well let me correct you! I told Jim Stepp that some of his kids didn't show class(referring to Clark turning his back to the Hazard players recieving thier trophy's) Second I am not from Hazard and I am not a Hazard fan (I was on this night) Jims reply to me about the classless act of a player was "So what Who Cares" It is not Clarks fault for his behavior and attitude and he is not a kid, 19 yrs old. He is blameless he is a product of a messed up environment of priveledge and arrogance by his older family. I hope Clark can get it together because there is talent there maybe not shooting but his ballhandling is good and his size for a guard is good. Work hard on the whole package and forget superstardom and learn the game overall. I do believe this young man is trying his best to impress his uncles and gain thier approval. We shouldn't hate or dislike him we should feel pity that he cannot enjoy his High School experience because of the pressure fronm his dad and uncles.
Also I never said one word to a cheerleader or any player I spoke to the coach.
windmill Wrote:JBS played bad, and thats no excuse, its a fact, Cox had 2 points, and Stepp with 10, they couldnt hit a shot, Cox missing 3's, Hazard did play good tonight, JBS just wasnt ready, its like the All A is a curse to them, Collins should have got the ball alot tonight, noone could stop him from Hazard, that simple, he should have had 20 tonight, the only thing that really makes me mad, is how Hazard's fans are, they disresepct Clark, bad, and Boo at JBS's cheerleaders, thats pretty sad, and while at the game, when the players were walking to the locker room, hearing a Hazard fan tell them they had no class, was sad too, and one other thing, I had a good view of this game, and like every game I watch the ref's close, on a play in the 3rd quater, they called something on JBS, and I heard the whistle blow, and I looked, and I seen it was on Clark, and there was 2 ref's standing there( not going to say any names) and they looked at each other, smiled, and winked, and walked away, how someone could do that, is pretty sad, and of course you guys are going to say these are excuses when they really are not, I said up there Hazard played the best tonight, and they did, but if you couldnt see a change in this JBS team, then I dont know what else to say, but when these two meet again, it will be a different game

yeah im sure the refs did that. everybody knows we don't have the best refs in the state but still that doesn't mean they got payed off or were out to get you all and make sure you all loose. the bad calls were even. get over it you lost.
allthewayhome Wrote:yeah im sure the refs did that. everybody knows we don't have the best refs in the state but still that doesn't mean they got payed off or were out to get you all and make sure you all loose. the bad calls were even. get over it you lost.

dude, I seen it, alot of people seen it, and thats pretty low, everywhere JBS goes they are hated, everywhere
windmill Wrote:dude, I seen it, alot of people seen it, and thats pretty low, everywhere JBS goes they are hated, everywhere

Have u ever seen a Hazard game being officiated, its like we're the favorites of every ref to be called a foul upon. Trust me, its no different for us than it is for u.
windmill Wrote:dude, I seen it, alot of people seen it, and thats pretty low, everywhere JBS goes they are hated, everywhere
Why does everyone dislike JBS dude?
nobody dislikes JBS, its just that i think people have heard enough abt JBS,stepp,cox
its gettin a little bit annoying to people.
punjabi_bulldog79 Wrote:nobody dislikes JBS, its just that i think people have heard enough abt JBS,stepp,cox
its gettin a little bit annoying to people.

AMEN!!!! no doubt....
Jobakka--I guess I'm not too smart with computer language, so could you please tell me what "ttt" means? Oh, and in your post, it says that Clark is 19; he is 18.
Anyway, Congratulations to the Hazard boys' team, girls' team, and also cheerleaders who are region 14 champs and will compete in state.
Well, the mighty JBS isint so mighty anymore....Referring to a previous post JBS best in the Khsaa, I Highly doubt it.
nobody Wrote:I don't mean to be rude and I am sorry if this sounds that way, but people like you and your post are what causes the problems with JBS, Clark and Cox get on here daily and post things that are not true and how great they are...As for your post instead of letting go and going somewhere else, you keep coming back to stir the pot..Just let it go..Hazard won they out played JBS...but had Hazard not won windmill and three point would be on here trashing them... CONGRATS DAWGS...:letsparty

If you want to talk trash, get your facts straight.... I know for a fact that Cox doesn't post anything on this stupid website because i am close friends with him. Clark and all his other buddies prolly do tho. I'm not sure. But if you want to talk crap, talk it bout them because Cox is the kindest, most respectful player that HAZARD or anyone will play this year... You would love Cox too, he is a great kid and nothing like the Stepps.:rockon:But congrats to Hazard on the win. All the JBS fans i know (without the Stepps apparently) will be cheering for Hazard to bring back the State All "A" to the 14th region! Good luck Hazard!
nobody Wrote:I don't mean to be rude and I am sorry if this sounds that way, but people like you and your post are what causes the problems with JBS, Clark and Cox get on here daily and post things that are not true and how great they are...As for your post instead of letting go and going somewhere else, you keep coming back to stir the pot..Just let it go..Hazard won they out played JBS...but had Hazard not won windmill and three point would be on here trashing them... CONGRATS DAWGS...:letsparty
Go ahead and talk about the Stepps and how cocky they are because they are that way, but nobody needs to be putting down Tate Cox because he says nothing about himself or anyone else, and really never says anything about basketball in general, he is not like the Stepps, he is a first class gentleman and a role model for all young players in eastern Kentucky, it sickens me to see people like you saying things about Tate, because i know him and his family personally and they are some of the finest and most caring people you will ever meet... so keep your mouth shut
I don't know Cox personally but anyone who can put up with what he has to and never say a word has to be respected in my book. I'd like to see this young man come to Hazard and play where he would be appreciated.
There's some great pictures of the Hazard-JBS game here...
congrats dawgs!!!! bring home the trophy. i have to agree with some of the others about tate cox, he is one of the sweetest kids i know. and he's that way because of his parents. they r wonderful people. i can't same the same for the stepps, simply because i don't know them but their dad joe and their grandmother r also wonderful ppl. jbs plays good ball and they play hard, its not the fault of the kids, and i'm guilty myself of being a big mouth at games but its directed at the refs not the kids. some of the kids at kcc get along fine with the kids from jbs. if the parents would sit down and shut up the kids would be just fine. i am and always be a KCC fan, and i can't promise i will be a quiet fan but remember it's not directed at u kids it's to the refs only.
Blue-N-Gold Wrote:There's some great pictures of the Hazard-JBS game here...

great pics. they look very professional. i'm impressed!:thumpsup:
Speedy, thanks for that post. I don't yell at the kids either (nothing negative), and yeah, I yell at the refs sometimes, but hey, they're adults. And Tate's family and Clark's family are both wonderful people. I think the people who get on here talking about Clark's family negatively either don't really know them or are jealous. And, they are trying to play Tate against Clark. Sorry, folks, ain't gonna happen. Both of their parents are smart enough not to let them get on the computers and read this CRAP.
Extra Strength Wrote:Speedy, thanks for that post. I don't yell at the kids either (nothing negative), and yeah, I yell at the refs sometimes, but hey, they're adults. And Tate's family and Clark's family are both wonderful people. I think the people who get on here talking about Clark's family negatively either don't really know them or are jealous. And, they are trying to play Tate against Clark. Sorry, folks, ain't gonna happen. Both of their parents are smart enough not to let them get on the computers and read this CRAP.

They are smart people... and you seem intelligent as well... so if you don't want to read CRAP about ppl on this website you should be smart enough to not get on the computer and read it either! Thanks!!!:rockon: Both of the family's are really kind people. But when it comes to basketball... that is a different story (On the Stepp's side anyways).
Blue-N-Gold Wrote:There's some great pictures of the Hazard-JBS game here...

They are great photos!!! I find it hilarious how the camera man has 2 pics of both the Stepp brothers shooting and doesn't have a pic of Cox shooting ... maybe he didn't shoot enough lol!!!
King Wrote:They are smart people... and you seem intelligent as well... so if you don't want to read CRAP about ppl on this website you should be smart enough to not get on the computer and read it either! Thanks!!!:rockon: Both of the family's are really kind people. But when it comes to basketball... that is a different story (On the Stepp's side anyways).
Wow, you're a smart one. I didn't say I didn't want to read to read CRAP about people, I said their parents were smart enough not to let them on here to read the CRAP that's written about them. Which is what the majority of it is--CRAP.
Congrats Hazard
I just want to say that I thought it was to cool the way Coach Morris pulled his starters with 1 minute to go. Class act Lew.
faninthestands Wrote:I just want to say that I thought it was to cool the way Coach Morris pulled his starters with 1 minute to go. Class act Lew.

what would gary stepp have done?
Larry Bird Wrote:what would gary stepp have done?

haha...idk...left Stepp in??
faninthestands Wrote:I just want to say that I thought it was to cool the way Coach Morris pulled his starters with 1 minute to go. Class act Lew.

If I'm not mistaken, when there was about 4 mins left in the game and Hazard had the ball and they passed it back and forth for like a minute or more and all the fans stood up and clapped, the starters weren't in then. And I know there was at least one Freshman in the game earlier than that.
wow-= congrats to hazard-=-=-

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