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Magoffin County 75 Belfry 71
Belfry Wins Wrote:By the way All Sport I have a really good friend from Magoffin and he agreed with me, Belfry got more breaks early and Magoffin did in the second half. Your coach had about 20 warnings from the refs. I heard him cuss them so many times, he spends more time yelling at them over silly stuff and trying to put on a show rather than coaching. I seen all the teams play last year and Magoffin was as good as anybody but Lexington Catholic talent wise, but they got out coached.This year is the same way, they have so much speed nobody should even be in a ball game with them. You have a good team and a nice group of girls. It was a fun game to watch, and wow these two teams went up and down the court fast paced the whole game. It was funnest game I have seen all year.

Well im glad you have a friend over here and yeah he did get some warnings but if his coaching technique gets him wins so be it and the reason the girl got a T when she slapped the floor was because she said shi* I was right there with the MC crowd she didnt say it just said it to herself I was right there because I was at the door just getting back from getting some popcorn I was'nt 15ft away and yes this was a good game
Super_de Wrote:good win magoffin. Its funny how we can win and people from magoffin complain about the refs.

Why not complain they both don't know what their doing?
Belfry Wins Wrote:Belfrys coach made the right move, and by the way I make a living with my knowledge of sports.
you must be ready for the foodstamp line then .
The Fan Wrote:you must be ready for the foodstamp line then .

ha ha ha ha ha...nice post :lmao:
Congrats magoffin on the big win
Super_de Wrote:good win magoffin. Its funny how we can win and people from magoffin complain about the refs.

sounds like it was a great game to watch
Good Job Magoffin
Going to be an VERY interesting 57th Tourney and 15th Tourney! NO DOUBT!
All_Sport#1 Wrote:Why not complain they both don't know what their doing?
I would bet money that you couldnt do half the job that the refs do out there.
congrats lady hornets. As for coach Miller he does a fine job. I dont like all the things he does all the time,but its not like that there is that many magoffin co. school employees that are more educated in the game of basketball than Steve Miller. He really gets his team fired up, when he has to. If someone out there thinks that they could do a better job, I am shure he would let you come to pratice and see what you are made of. Its not like he has the greatest help in the world.(no disrespect) IMO he has been doing something right. Winning the most recent tourney in Flordia,beating some really good teams. back to back distric titles, oh yea an last year what was it 15 region champs. He might put on a show,and get a little hot,but he is doing something right with over all record of 65 and 15. A winning margin over 75%.Keep role'n lady hornets. By the way, I dont think that people should get on here and talk trash about coaches or players. If you cant say something nice about these kids or ball programs,you shouldnt say any thing at all.
Steve Miller: 3rd Season: 65-15 81.2 Win Percentage
2 District Championships
1 Regional Title
Daytona Beach Sunshine Classic Champions
24-1 record in the 57th District 96 percent Win Percentage
42-3 record in 15th region 93.3 Win Percentage
lol that looks good to me, Congrats hornets keep those W's coming.
Super_de Wrote:I would bet money that you couldnt do half the job that the refs do out there.

what job are you talking about because they aint refs my granny canddo better than that
First Amanda made the right decision, she signalled the time out before Shae broke free. By the way after the time out Belfry got a 3, which is better than 2 if Im thinking corectly.
As far as the girl and what she said, it was another girl tha should have got the T for saying that not Paige. It was a Belfry player, who I leave nameless who said it. And I got several friends in Magoffin County, they have a great team and I do wish them well. I guess I just like to see more coaching than arguing with the refs about every thing. I mean this was a good ball game, and both teams left it all on the floor, and when they meet again it will be the same way. As far as complaining about refs I say me and All Sport could go out and do better haha. Seriously it was bad and on both sides. But to their offense, it would be tuff calling that faced paced of a game.
lol belfry wins we probabaly could and good post
str8 ripp'n Wrote:First you say "Its not like he has the greatest help in the world.(no disrespect)" and then you say "By the way, I dont think that people should get on here and talk trash about coaches or players. If you cant say something nice about these kids or ball programs,you shouldnt say any thing at all."

I think you may be contradicting yourself just a little. You should know what your talking about before you speak on such matters.

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