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01-06-2007, 10:53 PM
sure.. stupidity if funny
01-07-2007, 12:20 AM
:Clap: .......and that about wraps up what all I had to say
I_AM_MARSHALL Wrote:Ill vote for you number 12... But seriously.. lets take out the fact that she is woman.. because although im a die hard traditionalist, i do think women can add alot to this world.. and im proud that as a woman i can now express my beliefs without being belittled for it.. Yes Hillary is a woman.. but for a minute.. look at what she believes.. would we vote for a man that had her same background, beliefs, and messed up way of life.. OF COURSE NOT! I for one am proud to be an american. I have a brother that just got back from Iraq and in talking to him have realized that we all need to stop complaining about "our boys" being over there and focus on the reasons why they are.. its because we as americans have made bad choices and elected those into office that have set back and allowed the greatest powerhouse in the world to be laughed at. Its about time someone take control and get something done.. I dont want him to go back but it sure makes me proud to know he'd go back tomorrow if our country needed him.........
Anyone who votes for her should go back to the desert with my brother.. but not have a weapon at their disposal..
01-07-2007, 01:02 AM
Great minds think alike
01-07-2007, 01:45 AM
SUBMIT YOUR PIC ..I AM MARSHALL, you love football and enjoy a nice cold beer, lol ?
01-07-2007, 01:46 AM
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:SUBMIT YOUR PIC ..I AM MARSHALL, you love football and enjoy a nice cold beer, lol ?lol I liked that
01-07-2007, 01:51 AM
LOL, really does seem to have her head on if she feels as she does!
01-07-2007, 01:54 AM
Redneck Wrote:Let's touch base on some other issues here. She is a baby killer for one, she likes two men or women gettin it onuke: (supports gay marraiges). This woman has got some serious issues.
Cali Wrote:Your name on here reflects exactly what kind of person you are. A redneck...get out of Eastern Kentucky or where ever the hell you're from.
It's alright Cali, we're from Eastern Ky., what do you expect? It just kills me how Hitler-ish alot of people are, if you're different any way whether it be your sexual preference, your religion (or lack there of) or if you didn't go to the same high school as other people then you're the scum of the earth. KEEP IN MIND PEOPLE, GOD DIDN'T WRITE THE BIBLE....HUMAN BEINGS DID. And further more how do we know that's exactly what was in the very first supposed copy? That thing has been rewritten many many times throughout history. But oh well, no use fighting. It just shows how close-minded alot of people are and the sad thing is that's why the whole phrase "Everyone is created equal" will stay a lie. The way I see it if everyone is created equal then it wouldn't matter what you believe or do in your personal life or hell some people are still as racist as people use to be during the slavery era. A woman being President is the same as a man being President, with the exception of the anatomy of the body, one has a **** and the other doesn't. Thats the only difference and maybe one day you people will GROW UP and relaize that you can put your sexist ways to the side and realize that in fact WOMEN CAN DO THE SAME THINGS A MAN CAN DO ONLY BETTER!!!!!!
01-07-2007, 02:11 AM
DTfan Wrote:It's alright Cali, we're from Eastern Ky., what do you expect? It just kills me how Hitler-ish alot of people are, if you're different any way whether it be your sexual preference, your religion (or lack there of) or if you didn't go to the same fucking high school as other people then you're the scum of the earth. KEEP IN MIND PEOPLE, GOD DIDN'T WRITE THE BIBLE....HUMAN BEINGS DID. And further more how do we know that's exactly what was in the very first supposed copy? That thing has been rewritten many many times throughout history. But oh well, no use fighting. It just shows how fucking close-minded alot of people are and the sad thing is that's why the whole phrase "Everyone is created equal" will stay a lie. The way I see it if everyone is created equal then it wouldn't matter what you believe or do in your personal life or hell some people are still as fucking racist as people use to be during the slavery era. A woman being President is the same as a man being President, with the exception of the anatomy of the body, one has a dick and the other doesn't. Thats the only fucking difference and maybe one day you people will GROW UP and relaize that you can put your sexist ways to the side and realize that in fact WOMEN CAN DO THE SAME THINGS A MAN CAN DO ONLY BETTER!!!!!!
Probably the most classiest post I've read on here.....

01-07-2007, 02:13 AM
bevinsville_bomber Wrote:Probably the most classiest post I've read on here.....
Okay clearly, I do not need your scarcasm.
01-07-2007, 02:18 AM
DTfan Wrote:Okay clearly, I do not need your scarcasm.well we dont need your cursing
01-07-2007, 02:20 AM
DTfan Wrote:Okay clearly, I do not need your scarcasm.
OK, first off, they're are plenty of kids that get on here and read these forums. I understand why you're upset, but you could have expressed it in a way more suitable for viewers. I've sat back and read some of these posts and some of them are ridiculous. I, for one, know several kids who log on to view information posted on this site and several of them (some adults) would view posts like these totally unacceptable. I'm not calling you out, your post just grabbed my attention more than others. Show some courtesy, whether it be to kids or adults....
01-07-2007, 02:22 AM
RivalsKing Wrote:well we dont need your cursing
I apologize, to sya that I am a little steamed would be a understatement. I'll try to control it more when I get po'ed on here. That's how my parents and friends can tell that I'm really up there as far an anger goes.
01-07-2007, 02:24 AM
bevinsville_bomber Wrote:OK, first off, they're are plenty of kids that get on here and read these forums. I understand why you're upset, but you could have expressed it in a way more suitable for viewers. I've sat back and read some of these posts and some of them are ridiculous. I, for one, know several kids who log on to view information posted on this site and several of them (some adults) would view posts like these totally unacceptable. I'm not calling you out, your post just grabbed my attention more than others. Show some courtesy, whether it be to kids or adults....
Again I'll state that I'll try to do better to control it. I'm the type of person that when I get angry then I go off the edge...I guess I get that from my sperm donor.
01-07-2007, 02:27 AM
DTfan Wrote:Again I'll state that I'll try to do better to control it. I'm the type of person that when I get angry then I go off the edge...I guess I get that from my sperm donor.
I get angry at a lot of things myself, but they're ways around it. Going bizarre on a sports forum is not the way to retaliate.....
01-07-2007, 02:30 AM
bevinsville_bomber Wrote:I get angry at a lot of things myself, but they're ways around it. Going bizarre on a sports forum is not the way to retaliate.....
Not to be a smartass or nothing but this isn't really sports if you wanna get technical about it. But again I am sorry and I will do better. It takes alot of get me heated and it has been building up for some time now...I apologize for the way I reacted to everything. It's just some topics just push my buttons and I get I got very offended.
01-07-2007, 02:43 AM
DTfan Wrote:Not to be a smartass or nothing but this isn't really sports if you wanna get technical about it. But again I am sorry and I will do better. It takes alot of get me heated and it has been building up for some time now...I apologize for the way I reacted to everything. It's just some topics just push my buttons and I get I got very offended.
In all technicality, it's a general discussion forum inside of an actual sports forum. Last time I checked, this site was created because the love that surrounds Kentucky sports and all of the fans around the state to discuss sports.
Despite the sarcasm, I get offended at a few posts myself. Which is the majority of the reason why I only post around once a month now. No need to apologize to me, and again, my intentions were not to call you out, but you know your post did get my attention more than others. I'm not trying to stir up an argument either, I just wanted to remind you that their are a lot more viewers than adults on here. A lot more than we all may think actually. So if we 'ALL' could, let's monitor our posts and try to keep them as clean as possible. :thumpsup:
01-07-2007, 02:44 AM
Although I don't like the language, I love the debate going on in here. Would like to see some good responses to DT's post.
01-07-2007, 02:46 AM
Beef Wrote:Although I don't like the language, I love the debate going on in here. Would like to see some good responses to DT's post.
Yes, the debate is great, despite the language. I wouldn't post if I weren't interested in the topic myself, but their are ways to get the point across other than the direction this thread is heading....
01-07-2007, 02:47 AM
Well, keep it in a good direction and we will allow it to continue.
01-07-2007, 03:57 AM
DTfan Wrote:It's alright Cali, we're from Eastern Ky., what do you expect? It just kills me how Hitler-ish alot of people are, if you're different any way whether it be your sexual preference, your religion (or lack there of) or if you didn't go to the same fucking high school as other people then you're the scum of the earth. KEEP IN MIND PEOPLE, GOD DIDN'T WRITE THE BIBLE....HUMAN BEINGS DID. And further more how do we know that's exactly what was in the very first supposed copy? That thing has been rewritten many many times throughout history. But oh well, no use fighting. It just shows how fucking close-minded alot of people are and the sad thing is that's why the whole phrase "Everyone is created equal" will stay a lie. The way I see it if everyone is created equal then it wouldn't matter what you believe or do in your personal life or hell some people are still as fucking racist as people use to be during the slavery era. A woman being President is the same as a man being President, with the exception of the anatomy of the body, one has a dick and the other doesn't. Thats the only fucking difference and maybe one day you people will GROW UP and relaize that you can put your sexist ways to the side and realize that in fact WOMEN CAN DO THE SAME THINGS A MAN CAN DO ONLY BETTER!!!!!!
Noone ever said a woman couldn't run this country. Like myself, TidesHoss and PLAYBOY even said that we would vote for a woman, the RIGHT woman, and Hilary is NOT the RIGHT woman.
01-07-2007, 04:06 AM
Id vote for her, if I could vote lol.
01-07-2007, 09:44 AM
Thank God you can't vote then Warriorpride, lol!!!
01-07-2007, 01:38 PM
your exactly right, none of us three said anything about not voting for a woman but you have to remember, Redneck, people like her will read only what they want to read. And its another perfect example of them trying to force THEIR beliefs on us. Because only their rights are the ones that count for anything.
Redneck Wrote:Noone ever said a woman couldn't run this country. Like myself, TidesHoss and PLAYBOY even said that we would vote for a woman, the RIGHT woman, and Hilary is NOT the RIGHT woman.
01-07-2007, 01:53 PM
TidesHoss32 Wrote:your exactly right, none of us three said anything about not voting for a woman but you have to remember, Redneck, people like her will read only what they want to read. And its another perfect example of them trying to force THEIR beliefs on us. Because only their rights are the ones that count for anything.
Their beliefs, their rights? What rights and beliefs would you be talking about? The rights of women or the rights of homosexuals? All I have to say about a female president is that I think a female could do just as well as a is it Hillary Clinton? I don't know. And all I have to say about homosexuals is, you're going to see it whether you like it or not. It's not going away and same-sex couples won't stop fighting for equal rights. Did I come out and say that I am homosexual? NO, I did I would appreciate not being catergorized into your assumptions since I was the only one that said anything toward redneck.
[B]Go Lady Vols! [/B]
01-07-2007, 02:24 PM
ok #1, its all rights. I mentioned Redneck and Playboy because I assume they share pretty much the same beliefs as I do. And apparently they are much different than yours. #2, find ANYWHERE in ANY post that Ive posted on this thread that has your name in it. Thats right, dont waste your time because there isnt anywhere on here. #3, if you WILL, go back to one of my posts and reread what I wrote about gays and whatnot. I said, I personally dont care if they are or not. Did I not? Thats right, I DID!! I said I dont appreciate it being thrown all over TV and forcing us to accept it WHILE they are taking religion out of every place and off of TV. #4, I have accepted the fact that homosexuality will be around everywhere, no matter whos in charge, or what it does indeed say in the Bible, so theres no use for you to teach me. #5, I never said a woman couldnt do as well as a man as president, however I refuse to say that Hillary would. Because flat out, Hillary would make a terrible president, and ALL OF US would feel the effects of it, EVEN YOU (because as much as you hate it, you ARE from Kentucky)..I already know that you put your not sure Hillary would be the right choice, so that defeats half of the argument. Matter of factly, I would vote for Margaret Thatcher in a heartbeat. Margaret's take on terrorism? Shoot anybody that has anything to do with terrorism. Ask the friends of the guy with 96 bullet holes where his body used to be. So there. Nothing said about you. Anywhere. At anytime. :thumpsup:
Cali Wrote:Their beliefs, their rights? What rights and beliefs would you be talking about? The rights of women or the rights of homosexuals? All I have to say about a female president is that I think a female could do just as well as a is it Hillary Clinton? I don't know. And all I have to say about homosexuals is, you're going to see it whether you like it or not. It's not going away and same-sex couples won't stop fighting for equal rights. Did I come out and say that I am homosexual? NO, I did I would appreciate not being catergorized into your assumptions since I was the only one that said anything toward redneck.
01-07-2007, 02:59 PM
TidesHoss32....Seems like you nail everything on the head! Great post and so very true@!
01-07-2007, 03:10 PM
I would kinda like to see a black person in there...Maybe then this country wouldnt put up wit all this crap and wouldnt be falling apart
01-07-2007, 04:19 PM
TidesHoss32 Wrote:#5, I never said a woman couldnt do as well as a man as president, however I refuse to say that Hillary would. Because flat out, Hillary would make a terrible president, and ALL OF US would feel the effects of it, EVEN YOU (because as much as you hate it, you ARE from Kentucky)..
I said I hated that I was from Kentucky?
[B]Go Lady Vols! [/B]
01-07-2007, 04:54 PM
Cali Wrote:I said I hated that I was from Kentucky?Why do u hate it that your from KY???
01-07-2007, 05:18 PM
RivalsKing Wrote:Why do u hate it that your from KY???
I don't. I was asking when I said that, because I can't recall.
[B]Go Lady Vols! [/B]
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