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Knott vs. JBS Dec. 19th
I was talking about Basket Ball . You used it to Bash Clark. He can beat you. He got more than half of the points that KCC scored. He scored 33, KCC scored 64.
OK--I'm sorry if I offended you. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but as you said before, it's not right, especially for adults, to attack a child's character or supposed reason for their behavior. So, I appreciate that.
Jobakka--my last comment was for you.
3 points Wrote:I was talking about Basket Ball . You used it to Bash Clark. He can beat you. He got more than half of the points that KCC scored. He scored 33, KCC scored 64.
I hope you are not referring to me because I am not from KCC or even in that district
Clark was held back ONE year. Caculate it. A kid who's birthday is in January starts kindergarten at five, add an extra year of school, will be 19 when he graduates. He will be 19 when he graduates. And, no, he's not the only kid in Knott County or the state of KY that's ever been held back.
Extra Strength Wrote:It's amazing to me how many people know the facts about JBS that have absolutely nothing to do with the school! And bringing the grandmother in on this one: are you kidding me? That is totally ridiculous! Oh, and how do you know who is in debt? Have these folks been discussing their finances with you? And who is "they" that tried to recruit your kid, honey? This is the fact that remains: if JBS wasn't doing so well in basketball, no one would care a thing about them. It boils down to one thing: jealousy!
i was not talking about the grandma in fact i said she is a wonderful person i'm sorry if i offended anyone i was just stating a fact and yes a fact that shes the one with the money no i'm not jealous i always have said jbs had a good bb team and what amazes me is that anyone who goes to jbs or is a dedicated fan can get on here and brag and post anything they want to and whenever someone disagrees u get your bloomers in a wad. everyone is entitled to their own opinion thats what this is for so bite me[img]images/icons/icon8.gif[/img]
u know if u guys r gonna get on her and brag and talk about how great u r then u have to keep an open mind and relize u will be critized. and i am talking bout anybody and any team. there is and always be a smart ass in the crowd. so don't get mad. if u cant take the heat stay out of the kitchen. this a post where people can say what they want in the privacy of their own home when most people wouldn't get out in public and say any of this stuff. just come back with ur own smart remarks. its fun
Extra Strength Wrote:Actually, Jobakka and BasketballonlyFan, Clark was not in someone else's face. Clark turned away from the guy who pulled him back around and then hit him in the nose. Clark drove himself to the hospital to make sure his nose wasn't broken. But, of course, you all and several others on here will believe what you want. (I certainly hope you all are not adults, because if you are, and you're bashing this kid like this, you may need to think about what kind of person you really are). If 20 people that were there told you the same story about what happened, you would still blame it all on Clark, now wouldn't you? Can you say "JEALOUS"? As I said previously, this thread should be ending. The game is over. Start a new thread and call it "JBS Haters," or "Let's Bash JBS and Clark Stepp." Come on, do it.

To be quite honest, I dont have a clue as to what happened. The only comment I made about the whole thing was where you said you heard it from severel other people then you said someone else was telling lies because they heard it from hearsay. All I said is if you heard it from someone and you are telling it now, then you are telling hearsay also. That is not bashing any kid. If it is, tell me how? I am not putting the blame on anyone and no where in this or any thread can you show me where I did. I was just correcting you Extra Strength on what you said. Maybe you just dont know what hearsay is or not. It doesnt matter how many people hearsay goes threw. Everyone has it EXCECPT for the people that actually seen it first hand or was involved.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
how good are kcc freshmen? will they help kcc next year?
musician Wrote:how good are kcc freshmen? will they help kcc next year?

the kcc freshmen are good and will be a great help to kcc in furture years they have stamper who starts they also have braxton ratliff randy collins and logan bartrum who all will get alot of playing time next year other good freshman they have is zach mullins and shawn mosley.
BasketBallonlyfan Wrote:To be quite honest, I dont have a clue as to what happened. The only comment I made about the whole thing was where you said you heard it from severel other people then you said someone else was telling lies because they heard it from hearsay. All I said is if you heard it from someone and you are telling it now, then you are telling hearsay also. That is not bashing any kid. If it is, tell me how? I am not putting the blame on anyone and no where in this or any thread can you show me where I did. I was just correcting you Extra Strength on what you said. Maybe you just dont know what hearsay is or not. It doesnt matter how many people hearsay goes threw. Everyone has it EXCECPT for the people that actually seen it first hand or was involved.
OK, well, I heard what happened from the people who actually saw it first hand and was involved--more than one--who were there. So, I guess what I'm saying is, who better to hear it from, because they're the only ones that actually know. I just think if you start believing things that someone else has told you, that weren't really involved in a situation, then you get the story mixed up. My info. was first-hand info. from the people who were there with Clark. Haven't you ever played that game when you sit in a group of people, and someone whispers something in the first person's ear, and they whisper in the second person's, and so on. By the time it gets to the 10th person, it's completely different than what was originally said! So, I think people need to be careful what they repeat, unless it is first-hand info. from the people actually involved. So, ya know, go ahead and believe what you want, but I believe with all my heart that Clark was completely innocent in this situation. I've known him and his family all his life, and I wouldn't stick up for him if I thought he did something wrong. I just think it's bad for him, or any other kid, to be bashed when they don't deserve it! And I'm not saying you did it, because I haven't read back over the threads. But I do recall someone saying he was bragging and ended up in the hospital and got what he deserved. Not true. I see him quite often; if I or anyone says something to him about he had a good game or something like that, he is always humble and polite. I've even been in restaurants when he and his brother have been eating, and the waitress would say to me after they left, (because she would see me talking to them), "Those kids are so polite." This has happend more than once. For some reason, people want to think the worst about him.
Extra Strength Wrote:OK, well, I heard what happened from the people who actually saw it first hand and was involved--more than one--who were there. So, I guess what I'm saying is, who better to hear it from, because they're the only ones that actually know. I just think if you start believing things that someone else has told you, that weren't really involved in a situation, then you get the story mixed up. My info. was first-hand info. from the people who were there with Clark. Haven't you ever played that game when you sit in a group of people, and someone whispers something in the first person's ear, and they whisper in the second person's, and so on. By the time it gets to the 10th person, it's completely different than what was originally said! So, I think people need to be careful what they repeat, unless it is first-hand info. from the people actually involved. So, ya know, go ahead and believe what you want, but I believe with all my heart that Clark was completely innocent in this situation. I've known him and his family all his life, and I wouldn't stick up for him if I thought he did something wrong. I just think it's bad for him, or any other kid, to be bashed when they don't deserve it! And I'm not saying you did it, because I haven't read back over the threads. But I do recall someone saying he was bragging and ended up in the hospital and got what he deserved. Not true. I see him quite often; if I or anyone says something to him about he had a good game or something like that, he is always humble and polite. I've even been in restaurants when he and his brother have been eating, and the waitress would say to me after they left, (because she would see me talking to them), "Those kids are so polite." This has happend more than once. For some reason, people want to think the worst about him.
Are you sure they are not lying to you? Becasue the things that some JBS people tell me, you say are lies. I know more about JBS than you might thank.
3 points Wrote:I was talking about Basket Ball . You used it to Bash Clark. He can beat you. He got more than half of the points that KCC scored. He scored 33, KCC scored 64.
Well Well i say so if he shot 100 shots he just got lucky i know him and he aint never shot like that since i've seen .....WOW!!!!
Benchwarmer Wrote:Are you sure they are not lying to you? Becasue the things that some JBS people tell me, you say are lies. I know more about JBS than you might thank.
I'm sure they're not lying to me. Someone called me right after it happend, and I called the hospital emergency room. I talked with one of the kids that was there when it happened, and Clark's girlfriend's Dad who was in the emergency room. She was telling him (her Dad) what happened as I was talking to him on the phone. A few days later, I talked with some of the other guys that were there, seperately. They all had the same account of what happened. I'm sure if they weren't telling the truth, someone's story would have been different.
KCC freshmen are better than what ppl give them credit for.....the reason they got beat by JBS is because they missed so many i'm not trying to make excuses for them but that is something that Coach Parks is gonna have to work on and help them improve....Before the Johnson Central tournament they played in this week, the last two games they had missed 40 freethrows....that is just horrible freethrow shooting....but I look for them to improve.
Who cares about all this crap! The best team on the night in question won! But with the margin of victory, I would hardly say that JBS has a lock on the regional title, but we will have to wait until March to find out the answer to that one.
I agree.....the 14th region is a toss-up.....any competitive team can win on any given night in this region. I expect quite a few upsets this year.
Extra Strength Wrote:I'm sure they're not lying to me. Someone called me right after it happend, and I called the hospital emergency room. I talked with one of the kids that was there when it happened, and Clark's girlfriend's Dad who was in the emergency room. She was telling him (her Dad) what happened as I was talking to him on the phone. A few days later, I talked with some of the other guys that were there, seperately. They all had the same account of what happened. I'm sure if they weren't telling the truth, someone's story would have been different.
He said she said the cat meowed and the dog took a dump. A few days later you talked to the other guys seperately, a few days later. So they tell the truth and the parents lie to me? Free tution no questions asked. I have questions for everyone. Is it legal to give a students an atheletic scholarship (all tution payed for), when a student that dosen't play ball has to pay the full amount? Is it legal to contact knott co. grade school kids (by mail, phone, and in person) and tell them if they come to this school they wouldn't have to worry about a thing (tution). Is it legal to tell parents, if your child comes to this school and plays ball, their brother or sister can get in for free?
Can anyone answer these questions for me? Anyone Anyone
I can tell you Benchwarmer that it is not legal. I also can tell you that there is proof that these things are going on at JBS. The things they are doing is a discrace to basketball and to the KHSAA and to the kids and faculty that are fooled into believing you can get a better education at JBS than public schools. With their top flight pay salareys somewhere between 18000-20000 the only faculty they can get is people that can get a job anywhere else or people that have retired from the Knott School system. They are breaking every rule out there and they will get caught
wisecracker Wrote:I can tell you Benchwarmer that it is not legal. I also can tell you that there is proof that these things are going on at JBS. The things they are doing is a discrace to basketball and to the KHSAA and to the kids and faculty that are fooled into believing you can get a better education at JBS than public schools. With their top flight pay salareys somewhere between 18000-20000 the only faculty they can get is people that can get a job anywhere else or people that have retired from the Knott School system. They are breaking every rule out there and they will get caught
Sweetheart, so since you are so sure about that--Take it to the KHSAA. I mean what the heck are you waiting for besides running your mouths about something that you once again specualate about. I really wish someone would take it to the KHSAA, since you all seem to know everything there is to know about JBS and it bothers you so much. Prove it, oh, wise one. If you are so sure about it, and it bothers you so much, then do something about it.
Benchwarmer Wrote:He said she said the cat meowed and the dog took a dump. A few days later you talked to the other guys seperately, a few days later. So they tell the truth and the parents lie to me? Free tution no questions asked. I have questions for everyone. Is it legal to give a students an atheletic scholarship (all tution payed for), when a student that dosen't play ball has to pay the full amount? Is it legal to contact knott co. grade school kids (by mail, phone, and in person) and tell them if they come to this school they wouldn't have to worry about a thing (tution). Is it legal to tell parents, if your child comes to this school and plays ball, their brother or sister can get in for free?
Why don't you and the wise one do something about your accusations, since you know it all and it bothers you so much? I really wish somebody would report it, so the truth would come out. But for now, go ahead--Cry Me A River.
Cry you a river? I loose no sleep over you or anyone else. I'm just stating the facts and your the one that is bothered that someone on the inside knows the truth. Anyone from JBS been in a little trouble.
Benchwarmer Wrote:Cry you a river? I loose no sleep over you or anyone else. I'm just stating the facts and your the one that is bothered that someone on the inside knows the truth. Anyone from JBS been in a little trouble.
Well, listen, Mr. Know The Truth (or Ms. Know The Truth, as it very well may be), why don't you and Mr. Wisecracker, and all the others on here who are so knowledgeable about the true facts about JBS, put your money where your mouth is, and report your findings to the KHSAA. Come on, you can do it. Just think, you would be the heroes in all of Kentucky to put that little mountain school in their place. I am begging you, PLEASE, REPORT THEM, because the truth needs to come out!
Extra Strength Wrote:Well, listen, Mr. Know The Truth (or Ms. Know The Truth, as it very well may be), why don't you and Mr. Wisecracker, and all the others on here who are so knowledgeable about the true facts about JBS, put your money where your mouth is, and report your findings to the KHSAA. Come on, you can do it. Just think, you would be the heroes in all of Kentucky to put that little mountain school in their place. I am begging you, PLEASE, REPORT THEM, because the truth needs to come out!

I have no dog in this fight, but Extra Strength from what I've heard you just may get your wish, and soon.
kccfan Wrote:I have no dog in this fight, but Extra Strength from what I've heard you just may get your wish, and soon.
Hope so, happy to hear it!
This will be a very intriguing match-up. I would actually like to watch this game myself. In a very close game throughout, I will take June Buchanan by 6 points.

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