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Knott vs. JBS Dec. 19th
The truth is realing to start to bother people.
what bothers you is got beat! What you say about the school and the people there just goes over their head. They are smart. They are educated. Nobody but a dummy would say the things you and others have said . Now you all are showing the friction in your team. Go at it and see who can shoot the most threes.
Nothing is bothering me. There it goes again "you got beat". I do not attend KCC. Dummy, well OK? Thats an real big word coming from such educated people. The truth is really bothering you. The truth will come back and get you later. No question asked tution, real smart from sub-called educated people. Really my mom does need a job.
Quote: Benchwarmer
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Nothing is bothering me. There it goes again "you got beat". I do not attend KCC. Dummy, well OK? Thats an real big word coming from such educated people. The truth is really bothering you. The truth will come back and get you later. No question asked tution, real smart from sub-called educated people. Really my mom does need a job.

If you are going to get onto 3 points for not using educated words, then maybe we should add 'abc spellcheck' on bluegrass rivals for you.
He was the one who started things about being educated. So if you have a problem with me :moon:. Pucker
I used the word "Dummy" so I wouldn't have to use the word ignorant.
You "People" can say what you want but in no way did KCC play to their potential... they did not shoot the ball well and only lost by five.....whereas JBS shot the ball exceptionally well....I have watched Clark play a long time and he hasn't had a real good shooting night from three like he did against KCC....he usually does most of his scoring from the paint and getting to the line....but KCC took that away from him and he started knocking down the three in the second half. Now in no way am I trying to say he isn't a good player because he is, but naturally he isn't that consistent from the three....but in my opinion....later on in the year the tables may be turned because I don't see JBS shooting the ball that good again....and no matter how much you JBS faithfuls try to deny some of the things being said about recruiting, there is no point because you all know just as well as we do that they look for the kids who have potential and offer them a free ride at JBS
Card_Fan Wrote:You "People" can say what you want but in no way did KCC play to their potential... they did not shoot the ball well and only lost by five.....whereas JBS shot the ball exceptionally well....I have watched Clark play a long time and he hasn't had a real good shooting night from three like he did against KCC....he usually does most of his scoring from the paint and getting to the line....but KCC took that away from him and he started knocking down the three in the second half. Now in no way am I trying to say he isn't a good player because he is, but naturally he isn't that consistent from the three....but in my opinion....later on in the year the tables may be turned because I don't see JBS shooting the ball that good again....and no matter how much you JBS faithfuls try to deny some of the things being said about recruiting, there is no point because you all know just as well as we do that they look for the kids who have potential and offer them a free ride at JBS
I Agree With you Card_Fan people don't Realize that jbs does stuff like that and who cares if there a private School there always crying about knott having Holdbacks When Clark is Old Enough To Be My Daddy....which is crazy so all u people that praise Jbs Pucker up:moon: and love yes im a kcc fan and i always will i dont care wat u jbs people think.. i hear people say jbs is perfect...News Flash how come i've seen some of the kids out partying and trying to fight if anyone has a problem Tell MeConfusedhithappe
BasketBallonlyfan Wrote:Your first line in that post states the same thing you are saying in the last line. If you hear it from someone, it is hearsay. So is your version of hearsay not facts at all like you say all hearsay is?
Maybe you need to read what I wrote again--"I heard what happened from more than one who was there." I didn't hear it from my uncle, who heard it from his neighbor, who heard it from his niece's boyfriend's mom, who heard it from her Grandma's double-first cousin. My philosophy is: "If you don't hear it straight from the horse's mouth, don't repeat it." I think a few people posting on here need to adopt that philosophy, because they are making accusations that they really know nothing about.
Louisville Fan Wrote:I Agree With you Card_Fan people don't Realize that jbs does stuff like that and who cares if there a private School there always crying about knott having Holdbacks When Clark is Old Enough To Be My Daddy....which is crazy so all u people that praise Jbs Pucker up:moon: and love yes im a kcc fan and i always will i dont care wat u jbs people think.. i hear people say jbs is perfect...News Flash how come i've seen some of the kids out partying and trying to fight if anyone has a problem Tell MeConfusedhithappe
Really, who have they recruited and who from JBS recruited them? And if they offer free-rides as you say they do, plus a free college scholarship to ALC, plus their Momas jobs, then it seems like people would be awfully foolish not to take that. Once again, since you all seem to know so much about JBS finances and how they pay thier players to go there, I was just wondering how you knew about it. Do you know the person in charge of finances at JBS? Have you looked at their expense accounts? That's is awesome that you would know what money they're spending there and on whom. Now, I wonder, how did you find that out? Oh, and Clark is old enough to be your Dad? Really, tell me how old he is.
If I'm not mistaken he'll be 18 on January tell me, how many 18 year old juniors do you know.....probably not many
What is so funny that if you were to read these post 3 years from now is how different they will be. The score will read something like KCC 100 JBS 35. Cox will get smart and take his game somewhere so he will be used and appriciated not just to help make Clark look good. Garrison will be gone to a place where s team really uses a big man and passes him the ball on the block where he can score and not have him 30 feet from the basket setting screens EVERY TRIP so someone else can score. Clark will be riding the bench at a place like EAstern or Western becasue in college you actually have to play team ball and a point guard has to get other people involved they will be left with Clint Stepp who will shoot about 50 shots a game and they will be mentioned in the same breath with teams like David School, Piarist, and Riverside, back to where they were about 4 years ago when they couldnt win a ball game before they really started aggravating the kids from the Knott District. They will be forgotten this little run of theirs is a flash in the pan, for what they will never have is something KCC, PCC, Hazard, Breathitt has and that is tradition. These four schools and a couple more in the region will always be at or near the top and JBS will go back to the JBS of old very soon so be patient guys you wont have to put up with them much longer.
Extra Strength Wrote:Really, who have they recruited and who from JBS recruited them? And if they offer free-rides as you say they do, plus a free college scholarship to ALC, plus their Momas jobs, then it seems like people would be awfully foolish not to take that. Once again, since you all seem to know so much about JBS finances and how they pay thier players to go there, I was just wondering how you knew about it. Do you know the person in charge of finances at JBS? Have you looked at their expense accounts? That's is awesome that you would know what money they're spending there and on whom. Now, I wonder, how did you find that out? Oh, and Clark is old enough to be your Dad? Really, tell me how old he is.
So Extra strength can talk about hear say and others can't. Sounds like a JBS person to me. He is a JBS person and he is calling a couple players, some students, and some parents liars. These are the people that have told me what goes on at JBS. You have made my day, thanks.
wisecracker Wrote:What is so funny that if you were to read these post 3 years from now is how different they will be. The score will read something like KCC 100 JBS 35. Cox will get smart and take his game somewhere so he will be used and appriciated not just to help make Clark look good. Garrison will be gone to a place where s team really uses a big man and passes him the ball on the block where he can score and not have him 30 feet from the basket setting screens EVERY TRIP so someone else can score. Clark will be riding the bench at a place like EAstern or Western becasue in college you actually have to play team ball and a point guard has to get other people involved they will be left with Clint Stepp who will shoot about 50 shots a game and they will be mentioned in the same breath with teams like David School, Piarist, and Riverside, back to where they were about 4 years ago when they couldnt win a ball game before they really started aggravating the kids from the Knott District. They will be forgotten this little run of theirs is a flash in the pan, for what they will never have is something KCC, PCC, Hazard, Breathitt has and that is tradition. These four schools and a couple more in the region will always be at or near the top and JBS will go back to the JBS of old very soon so be patient guys you wont have to put up with them much longer.

Wow, you seem to just know it all now dontcha. You must not know much about the younger players that go to JBS. Just so you can get the facts going to give you a little info on them...7th grader Zach Davis..this kid is already playing and starting on the JV team. He has some of the best form i have ever seen. He is most deff someone to watch out for. 8th grader Mason Roberts also starts for the JV. He is just simply a great player, he can shoot the eyes out of a 3, handles the ball well, you name it he can do it. There are more freshman than just Clint Stepp who are gonna step up and become very noticable players in the 14th region. One is Braxton Childers, im sure you seen him play against kcc, when he turns "on" he is unstoppable. He has speed, great shot, and can handle the ball...JBS is never going to be at the bottom again. I think you should attend some grade school games before you start making these insane acusations.
To all you JBS haters out there, don't you think this thread is getting a little old. It was originally started as the JBS vs. KCC thread, and that game is over. Maybe one of you all could start a new thread and call it "JBS Haters" or "Let's Bash JBS, because we're jealous of them." Card Fan--You must know Clark pretty well to know when his birthday is. And he will be an 18 year old junior--and so will every other kid be 18 years old when they are a junior if they were held back one year. (Oh, my bad, I forgot, JBS is the only school that has done that.) But he is old enough to be your Dad? Boy, you must be one smart two year old! And Wisecracker--you must be a smart one since your name is Wisecracker. But, you forgot to add that JBS is gonna close down when Clint graduates. Who knows, ALC might close down when he graduates, too. And Benchwarmer, I am happy I made your day. But, I have to tell you that I still kinda find it hard to believe that JBS parents, students, and players discuss their financial situation with someone who gets on the internet and bashes them the way you do. Oh, Lordy, they don't really know who you are, do they?
People talk.
Hay play2win it's nason Roberts not Mason Roberts. You need to attend to some grade school games before you get on here and act like you know what you are talking about.
Extra Strength Clark was held back two years.
Clark was held back ONE year, as was all of KCC freshmen. It doesn't matter he is the right age to play all 4 years of high school. So get over it. He will be in your face this year and next.
Hey Guys let JBS have thier moment in the sun it will be shortlived. I hope they win a regionlal tournament either this year or next or the great Stepp hope will be for naught. This could cause many problems at JBS, they have pinned thier hopes for glory on a kid who is old enough to graduate. He was held back two years because he couldn't compete at his own age group. So the Stepps went with big fish small pond theory to realize thier glory. They are looking at all other counties and schools for thier next run so all the KCC faithful don't feel alone they are after other kids also. When the new rules go into effect they will be in the three rivers conference for good.
Thanks JOBAKKA. I thought it was just grade school kids in Knott they were after. Where not alone.
Clark was held back ONE year as were all the Freshmen at KCC. Don't try to pull that crap. JBS also won the JV game against KCC. So JBS may have more moments in the sun then you think. Our JV players are in grade school. And KCC played the best they could play with Mosley throwing up threes on one foot.
3 points Wrote:Clark was held back ONE year, as was all of KCC freshmen. It doesn't matter he is the right age to play all 4 years of high school. So get over it. He will be in your face this year and next.
Seems to me the last time he got in someones face he ended up in the hospital. That is called mountain justice
Extra Strength Wrote:Maybe you need to read what I wrote again--"I heard what happened from more than one who was there." I didn't hear it from my uncle, who heard it from his neighbor, who heard it from his niece's boyfriend's mom, who heard it from her Grandma's double-first cousin. My philosophy is: "If you don't hear it straight from the horse's mouth, don't repeat it." I think a few people posting on here need to adopt that philosophy, because they are making accusations that they really know nothing about.

Maybe you need to read what was wrote. It doesnt matter how many people you heard it from. If they was there, or it was their second cousin twice removed from your brothers ex wifes sister. If you wasnt there and you are saying what someone else seen and told you, no matter how many people say it, it is hearsay. You yourself said that hearsay isnt true. Or is hearsay all lies unless you are the one saying it?
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
What difference does it make to KCC or to Mr. 15th region. If he got into a fight or if he didn't, I'd say it is none of your business. Why don't you just take care of your selves. I'd say that is all you can handle. You pick one kid because he can beat you and you talk about everything but his ball playing. He can beat you!!!
Actually, Jobakka and BasketballonlyFan, Clark was not in someone else's face. Clark turned away from the guy who pulled him back around and then hit him in the nose. Clark drove himself to the hospital to make sure his nose wasn't broken. But, of course, you all and several others on here will believe what you want. (I certainly hope you all are not adults, because if you are, and you're bashing this kid like this, you may need to think about what kind of person you really are). If 20 people that were there told you the same story about what happened, you would still blame it all on Clark, now wouldn't you? Can you say "JEALOUS"? As I said previously, this thread should be ending. The game is over. Start a new thread and call it "JBS Haters," or "Let's Bash JBS and Clark Stepp." Come on, do it.
Extra Strength Wrote:Actually, Jobakka and BasketballonlyFan, Clark was not in someone else's face. Clark turned away from the guy who pulled him back around and then hit him in the nose. Clark drove himself to the hospital to make sure his nose wasn't broken. But, of course, you all and several others on here will believe what you want. (I certainly hope you all are not adults, because if you are, and you're bashing this kid like this, you may need to think about what kind of person you really are). If 20 people that were there told you the same story about what happened, you would still blame it all on Clark, now wouldn't you? Can you say "JEALOUS"? As I said previously, this thread should be ending. The game is over. Start a new thread and call it "JBS Haters," or "Let's Bash JBS and Clark Stepp." Come on, do it.
Please quit whining, I am not bashing Clark as I have said before I will not resort to attacking him personally, I have not said what kind of kid he is or what I believe he is. I will only state how he is treated and his conduct in public without stating what his motivation might be( for I have no idea what goes on in his head) I have heard all the hearsay from the JBS truthsayers and from some others about the Hazard bowling incident. Probaly somewhere in the middle lays the truth. So just get your facts right I am not personally attacking or insulting Clark. I am only expressing my opinion on matters as I know them. Just for your benefit I do dislike the leadership at JBS.
I only made the comment about being in someones face in response to 3 points comment. It is called sarcasim

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