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Paintsville 88 Lawrence Co. 73
Batpuff Wrote:Oh I am so sick of that excuse everyone use for them. For pete sake they are three of them out there. And yes they were blocking out and still no fouls. Like I said look at the fouls called in the first half alone. in not just the boys game but the girls game as well.

AS far as the officals go they know what they are getting into before hand and even during training they are told not to even listen to the crowd.l

Well put a striped shirt on, until then don't complain.
Congrats Tigers.
EKY Sportster Wrote:I agree that the officials were terrible, but that is common in the 15th anymore. There were dozens of missed calls on both sides. LC was over Paintsville's back all night and more were not called than called. Paintsville had a few walks that weren't called and some over the backs, but not as many as LC. Of course the home team usually gets more breaks than the visitors, but it works the same way everywhere, even LC. LC is a very aggressive team on D which is why they had more fouls IMO than Paintsville (but that is a good thing in my opinon). The officiating was equally sloppy on both sides of the ball is what I was saying. LC is a good solid team, but the officials didn't determine the outcome of this game. If anything, Vanhoose and a few others having off nights kept the margin closer than it should have been.

Still don't see how you can say the calls were even on both sides 20 something to 5 in the first half. Don't seem equal to me.
Maybe LC should learn some fundamental defense and quit slapping and reaching for the ball. Instead they need to slide and move their feet and stay in front of the offensive player. It is great to hustle but fouling is false hustle.
The Guru Wrote:First real game I have seen of the Tigers this year!! I still believe they are the top choice for the region. Slone was an absolute stud! Like it or not!!! His "D" is very good, and he is much, much stronger this year! Easily no. 1 player in the region!Grimm, Vanhoose and Bundy played alright, but were far from their "A" games! Ferguson, needs to let the game come to him more and not try to press his game as much.
This was a lot closer than I expected, but I was not prepared for the LC team that showed up. They were very aggressive, which is why they got a lot of fouls called, but they were deserved. If they had a real good point guard, they could win the region!
Don't be sour LC got a lot of respect from this game, and I told Redneck last night, that I think you all are the second best team in the district, and one of the best in the region, if you could play night in and night out as you did in this one.... but one thing....LC ran out of juice late in the game and you could tell with their shots.
You need to work on better conditioning. If you all thily good shape, then you need to find someone else to condition you. It would be sad for you all to go into overtime and then lose by 20 points.

Great post, and as I said friday night at the shindig after the game, I totally agree with you.
Big_Ben#7 Wrote:So LC is better than JC is what you are saying?

Johnson Central is one demensional, bottom line. All it would take to stop McCarty is an annoying defender like Adam Rice was. McCarty gets shut down, JC gets killed. McCarty better be countin his blessins that Daniel Pugh ain't playin this year.
So when you say JC is one dimensional, you are saying no one else from JC can score 20+?
Big_Ben#7 Wrote:So when you say JC is one dimensional, you are saying no one else from JC can score 20+?

Not saying noone else can score 20+, I'm sayin McCarty won't let anyone else score 20+, he is a hot dog and always has been. Did you ever think that that may be why some of the kids didn't play this year.
Well have you ever thought maybe those kids are jealous of him? The boys that play with him don't seem to care to get the 8 or 9 assists that comes with give him the rock. Face it, McCarty is the most dangerous weapon in the 15th region. He rebounds well(I think close 8 rpg) and definitely scores well(37.4 ppg). IMO best player in the 15th region. When Jayrd Crum and Justin Murray score 12-15 ppg and then also get anywhere from 7-10 apg, doesn't seem to me that they care to give him the ball.
And oh yes, I believe I saw McCarty give Justin Murray a few high fives when he dropped 22 points and grabbed 7 rebounds.
Dawgpound Wrote:Still don't see how you can say the calls were even on both sides 20 something to 5 in the first half. Don't seem equal to me.

I didn't necessarily mean equal mathmatically. I have no idea the exact number of fouls for the game by each team. But if LC had more, it was because they fouled more. I seen many fouls not called on both teams, but I thought that the officiating, as poor as it was, didn't really give any advantage to either team. That is what I mean by equal. It was bad but fair. In any event, the officiating didn't decide the outcome, so no need in complaining about that. It isn't impossible for LC or some other team to beat the Tigers on a given night, but Paintsville was by far the better team last night.
Redneck Wrote:Johnson Central is one demensional, bottom line. All it would take to stop McCarty is an annoying defender like Adam Rice was. McCarty gets shut down, JC gets killed. McCarty better be countin his blessins that Daniel Pugh ain't playin this year.

Thought this was a Pville and LC thread??

Anyway, I wouldn't call JC one demensional, at least not yet. But if McCarty is hurt, having an off night, or being dogged by a good defender, then there better be some other Eagles ready to pick up the slack. Maybe there will be. What helps Paintsville is that even when a starter has an off night (ie. Vanhoose Friday night), he still played good defense and there were other scorers who picked up the slack. If Landon has a bad night, then maybe Vanhoose will be on and then there is Ferguson and so on. So there is nothing wrong with having key go to guys like McCarty, but other players need to be ready in case the star isn't shining on a given night.
This is for everyone of you who has complained about the refs on this thread. Either go get your license and ref the games yourself or keep your mouth shut. All of you are like the people who don't vote and all they do is complain about the people of are elected to office. If you don't ref don't complain!!!!
BBF Wrote:This is for everyone of you who has complained about the refs on this thread. Either go get your license and ref the games yourself or keep your mouth shut. All of you are like the people who don't vote and all they do is complain about the people of are elected to office. If you don't ref don't complain!!!!

Well to start with its my opition if I want to complain about the officals I have that right. And whats to say I havent alrady done that in the past, you dont know so youjust need to chill out.
Big_Ben#7 Wrote:Well have you ever thought maybe those kids are jealous of him? The boys that play with him don't seem to care to get the 8 or 9 assists that comes with give him the rock. Face it, McCarty is the most dangerous weapon in the 15th region. He rebounds well(I think close 8 rpg) and definitely scores well(37.4 ppg). IMO best player in the 15th region. When Jayrd Crum and Justin Murray score 12-15 ppg and then also get anywhere from 7-10 apg, doesn't seem to me that they care to give him the ball.
I highly doubt that. One of the reasons they give him the ball so unwillingly is because Starns designs a play for him every trip down the floor, so it's give him the ball or you sit the bench. For this particular season I'm not saying that that is what not should be be done because the only chance that Central has to win against good competition is for McCarty to be on one of those hot streaks. Truthfully he is the only offensive threat that they have. This is one of the most anemic offensive teams at Johnson Central that I have seen in a long time. Murray might have one of those nights when he does score double figures but he has to have the absolute worst shot of anyone I have ever seen at the high school level. With the amount of shots that he takes he is bound to get DF every now and then. James Blankenship does seem to have improved a whole lot this year however and could be a help.

McCarty has been phenominal in his shooting at times, but he can also be just as bad as he is good . When he is on, he can hit anything from anywhere but when he is off the whole team suffers greatly and is doomed to fall. He can shoot his own team out faster than he can shoot them in a game, because it's guaranteed that no one else is going to touch the ball and he is going to shoot it regardless of where he is at on the floor or how many people that are guarding him. McCarty has to be in hog heaven this year with every thing designed around him.
Good post Rooster. Like I said before, they just better be thankful that Pugh isn't playing this year, cause he would shut McCarty down.
Congrats to Paintsville
LC has a very scrappy bunch of kids. Never gave up. Lando picked up a lot of trash tonight. This what I like about him. He will score 20 to 30 points and you won't even notice it. Good Job Tigers and Good Luck against Pikeville.
Dawgpound Wrote:Still don't see how you can say the calls were even on both sides 20 something to 5 in the first half. Don't seem equal to me.

This just shows how utterly blind to the truth some are!!!
Paintsville had more than 5 fouls in the first half, and LC had no where close to 20 something fouls in the first half!
LC did have a lot of fouls in the game, but heck....they were still fouling down 13 points with 12 seconds to go in the game! I wouldn't waste a miracle of that magnatude on a basketball game....I'd cure cancer or something like world peace!
IISnakE Wrote:This just shows how utterly blind to the truth some are!!!
Paintsville had more than 5 fouls in the first half, and LC had no where close to 20 something fouls in the first half!
LC did have a lot of fouls in the game, but heck....they were still fouling down 13 points with 12 seconds to go in the game! I wouldn't waste a miracle of that magnatude on a basketball game....I'd cure cancer or something like world peace!

:thatsfunn I love you snake.
rooster great post

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