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Paintsville 88 Lawrence Co. 73
anybody got one?

Lawrence Co.-73
Congratulations to both teams on a hard fought game. Does anyone have any stats for either team?
BIGBLACK Wrote:Congratulations to both teams on a hard fought game. Does anyone have any stats for either team?
Slone had 30
Good district win for Paintsville! The Tigers looked good at times and very sloppy at times, but led the entire game. Solid and consistent fundamentals and the Tigers could have won by 40. The mistakes they made tonight will hurt them against better teams. But the Tigers played hard and got the job done.

Congrats to JD Vanhoose on making the 1000 point club!
Well I hate to tell ya there not as good as everyone is on here saying, If Lawrence Co would have blocked out and made some easy shots in the 1st half its not even a close game. Who ever plays Lawrence Co better bot over look them. What killed Lawrence Co was poor rebounding and a little home cooking.
Batpuff Wrote:Well I hate to tell ya there not as good as everyone is on here saying, If Lawrence Co would have blocked out and made some easy shots in the 1st half its not even a close game. Who ever plays Lawrence Co better bot over look them. What killed Lawrence Co was poor rebounding and a little home cooking.

finally someone agrees with me
Batpuff Wrote:If Lawrence Co would have blocked out and made some easy shots in the 1st half its not even a close game. Who ever plays Lawrence Co better bot over look them. What killed Lawrence Co was poor rebounding and a little home cooking.

Apparently I didn't see the same game you did!! The calls were not great, but they went both ways. The Tigers got hit with several fouls, a technical and many over the backs by the Bulldogs weren't even called. Bad officiating but not much home cooking. As for LC missing easy shots, did you happen to count how many easy shots the Tigers missed, not to mention some of the poor shot selection shots that they put up and missed. No doubt LC can play and teams better not overlook them, but the Tigers are definately the District favorites if they play fundamental ball and not street ball.
Hard to win when it's 7 against 5..... But we all know that's P-ville.

Congrads to the DAWGS on a hard fought game.
Slone has had 84pts in 3 games, not bad.
Paintsville definately gets some favorable calls at home USUALLY, but didn't see it tonight. The calls were bad but fairly equal. If anything it was 5 vs. 5 vs. 2. But it wasn't the refs that decided this one anyway and anyone there knows it.
EKY Sportster Wrote:Paintsville definately gets some favorable calls at home USUALLY, but didn't see it tonight. The calls were bad but fairly equal. If anything it was 5 vs. 5 vs. 2. But it wasn't the refs that decided this one anyway and anyone there knows it.

Must not have been at the same game, One sided was an understatement tonight. Terrible.Terrible calling tonight!!!
i wanna see slone and mccarty face off..
Congrats Paintsville
Slone and McCarty would be a great matchup! Fortunately for us we will get to see it a few times this season!!
i saw mccarty had 56 tonite for jcchs
Dawgpound Wrote:Must not have been at the same game, One sided was an understatement tonight. Terrible.Terrible calling tonight!!!

If it wasn't for the refs Paintsville wouldn't have won a game since before I playedSmile . Wasn't that a 15 point game? Riiiiiight.
Batpuff Wrote:Well I hate to tell ya there not as good as everyone is on here saying, If Lawrence Co would have blocked out and made some easy shots in the 1st half its not even a close game. Who ever plays Lawrence Co better bot over look them. What killed Lawrence Co was poor rebounding and a little home cooking.

Paintsville didn't shoot the ball well at all. Slone was the only one hitting for the Tigers. Van missed a bunch of easy open shots he usually makes, JD couldn't hit water if he fell out of a boat lastnight, if Paintsville even shoots 40% for the game they win by 30. I will give you that thought, noone better overlook LC cause they can play, I actually need to go over and change my Top 10 list and put Lewis Micheals in there, that kid can play. Where does Lawrence keep getting these post players, lol, every year it's a new one.
Yea Lewis is going to be another great post player. What makes him so good is that he can step out and hit the short jumper. Needs to learn to stay on his feet more. Oh we have a couple of 7th graders and a 8th grader that is going to be maybe better than any we have had for awhile.
First real game I have seen of the Tigers this year!! I still believe they are the top choice for the region. Slone was an absolute stud! Like it or not!!! His "D" is very good, and he is much, much stronger this year! Easily no. 1 player in the region!Grimm, Vanhoose and Bundy played alright, but were far from their "A" games! Ferguson, needs to let the game come to him more and not try to press his game as much.
This was a lot closer than I expected, but I was not prepared for the LC team that showed up. They were very aggressive, which is why they got a lot of fouls called, but they were deserved. If they had a real good point guard, they could win the region!
Don't be sour LC got a lot of respect from this game, and I told Redneck last night, that I think you all are the second best team in the district, and one of the best in the region, if you could play night in and night out as you did in this one.... but one thing....LC ran out of juice late in the game and you could tell with their shots.
You need to work on better conditioning. If you all thily good shape, then you need to find someone else to condition you. It would be sad for you all to go into overtime and then lose by 20 points.
So LC is better than JC is what you are saying?
EKY Sportster Wrote:Apparently I didn't see the same game you did!! The calls were not great, but they went both ways. The Tigers got hit with several fouls, a technical and many over the backs by the Bulldogs weren't even called. Bad officiating but not much home cooking. As for LC missing easy shots, did you happen to count how many easy shots the Tigers missed, not to mention some of the poor shot selection shots that they put up and missed. No doubt LC can play and teams better not overlook them, but the Tigers are definately the District favorites if they play fundamental ball and not street ball.

I want to know where you say the team fouls were equal, in the 1st half alone we had almost 20 team fould to there 5 yea it was even. They were over our back all night, and in the 2nd half when we would cut to under 5 they would start blowing the whistle again. Then they would cal 1 or 2 on them to make not look so bad.
Win or lose I was impressed with our boys play. They play like a team rather than individual players which is fun to watch, Go Dawgs!!
bballmama Wrote:Win or lose I was impressed with our boys play. They play like a team rather than individual players which is fun to watch, Go Dawgs!!
I so totally agree our boys play team ball and thats what counts they will find their game real soon and then our boys will kick butt. As I saw the game they got cheated by the refs again and that was pathetic.
I don't mean to take anyone's side, but until you step one foot on the floor in those zebra shirts you can't complain. They are doing the best they can and one of the reasons there aren't as many people choosing to officiate the games is because of the fans heckling, cussing, and tossing threats at them game in and game out. A few years ago a person came onto the court at Prestonsburg and punched one of the refs that was at the game last night. I umpired buddy basketball in high school and even some high school baseball while in's definately not worth it. Give them some credit, they can not see everything as much as they want to....but they try their best. If they suck, hey atleast it is on a consitent basis...that's the main thing, be consistent. If they (LC) weren't getting the over the back calls maybe it's due to poor rebounding and not boxing out like they were supposed to be taught. Using sound fundamentals (something kids forget now-a-days) will get you more calls than not using them.
IRISH4 Wrote:I don't mean to take anyone's side, but until you step one foot on the floor in those zebra shirts you can't complain. They are doing the best they can and one of the reasons there aren't as many people choosing to officiate the games is because of the fans heckling, cussing, and tossing threats at them game in and game out. A few years ago a person came onto the court at Prestonsburg and punched one of the refs that was at the game last night. I umpired buddy basketball in high school and even some high school baseball while in's definately not worth it. Give them some credit, they can not see everything as much as they want to....but they try their best. If they suck, hey atleast it is on a consitent basis...that's the main thing, be consistent. If they (LC) weren't getting the over the back calls maybe it's due to poor rebounding and not boxing out like they were supposed to be taught. Using sound fundamentals (something kids forget now-a-days) will get you more calls than not using them.

Oh I am so sick of that excuse everyone use for them. For pete sake they are three of them out there. And yes they were blocking out and still no fouls. Like I said look at the fouls called in the first half alone. in not just the boys game but the girls game as well.

AS far as the officals go they know what they are getting into before hand and even during training they are told not to even listen to the crowd.l
Batpuff Wrote:Oh I am so sick of that excuse everyone use for them. For pete sake they are three of them out there. And yes they were blocking out and still no fouls. Like I said look at the fouls called in the first half alone. in not just the boys game but the girls game as well.

AS far as the officals go they know what they are getting into before hand and even during training they are told not to even listen to the crowd.l
Has Lawrence Co. ever lost a game where you didn't say that they were screwed over by the referees? Smile
Batpuff Wrote:I want to know where you say the team fouls were equal, in the 1st half alone we had almost 20 team fould to there 5 yea it was even. They were over our back all night, and in the 2nd half when we would cut to under 5 they would start blowing the whistle again. Then they would cal 1 or 2 on them to make not look so bad.

I agree that the officials were terrible, but that is common in the 15th anymore. There were dozens of missed calls on both sides. LC was over Paintsville's back all night and more were not called than called. Paintsville had a few walks that weren't called and some over the backs, but not as many as LC. Of course the home team usually gets more breaks than the visitors, but it works the same way everywhere, even LC. LC is a very aggressive team on D which is why they had more fouls IMO than Paintsville (but that is a good thing in my opinon). The officiating was equally sloppy on both sides of the ball is what I was saying. LC is a good solid team, but the officials didn't determine the outcome of this game. If anything, Vanhoose and a few others having off nights kept the margin closer than it should have been.
bballmama Wrote:Win or lose I was impressed with our boys play. They play like a team rather than individual players which is fun to watch, Go Dawgs!!

I agree!! LC has really good team play and they play aggressive which keeps them in the game. They should only get better.

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