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Golden Eagles 06-07
*Coeus* Wrote:Central and Paintsville are both very good ball clubs, but Paintsville has really impressed me. I watched Jeremy Pack play D and let me tell you, he is the new Daniel Pugh on that team. I'd just like to see BMR play him a little more. Which this year, he will shut down the other team's biggest scorer.
If he is the next daniel pugh, then paintsville gonna hav a tough time cuz daniel pugh was no good at all
PrimeRib Wrote:I agree on this, but paintsville has played some pretty tough teams and beat them. U think they were happy when they won district, u shoul've seen them when they beat apoolo at the tiger hoops classic.

PrimeRib Wrote:If he is the next daniel pugh, then paintsville gonna hav a tough time cuz daniel pugh was no good at all
I watched the replay the other night when South Floyd beat Paintsville in the All A last finals last year and Daniel Pugh is a pretty good player.
crazed eagle Wrote:Now this is an ignorant statement! Lets here it champ and watchin u.
how is that an ignorant statement u know its the truth
watchin-u Wrote:HAHAHAHAHA
How about u go crawl up ur momma's a$$hole, u know paintsville is the best
Wyatt Earp Wrote:I watched the replay the other night when South Floyd beat Paintsville in the All A last finals last year and Daniel Pugh is a pretty good player.
He certainly isnt the best ever, but hes not the worst either
PrimeRib Wrote:how is that an ignorant statement u know its the truth

Paintsville has way too many egos for this team to be successful. Everyone is aware of the internal problems they have also. I predict that Paintsville is barely a school ia a few years. They barely have a football program now. And it's only because of transfers that they have been able to keep up in basketball and baseball, but that is changing also. Now people are leaving Paintsville! I've heard the Daniel's family is moving, you have already lost several kids this year (2 girls and one guy all freshman), and there is another one that will be leaving soon(middle school). Yeah, Paintsville you better enjoy these last couple of years of athletic success of any kind. Oh wait, I guess there is always soccer. Maybe you can become a powerhouse of a sport nobody cares about in eastern kentucky. Personally I can't wait to see bulldozers turn your school into rubble someday. Ah, I guess the city of Paintsville could keep it as a historical monument like the post office. Who knows maybe the Belhousen's will make a house out of it also!
:flame: :igiveup:
crazed eagle Wrote:Paintsville has way too many egos for this team to be successful. Everyone is aware of the internal problems they have also. I predict that Paintsville is barely a school ia a few years. They barely have a football program now. And it's only because of transfers that they have been able to keep up in basketball and baseball, but that is changing also. Now people are leaving Paintsville! I've heard the Daniel's family is moving, you have already lost several kids this year (2 girls and one guy all freshman), and there is another one that will be leaving soon(middle school). Yeah, Paintsville you better enjoy these last couple of years of athletic success of any kind. Oh wait, I guess there is always soccer. Maybe you can become a powerhouse of a sport nobody cares about in eastern kentucky. Personally I can't wait to see bulldozers turn your school into rubble someday. Ah, I guess the city of Paintsville could keep it as a historical monument like the post office. Who knows maybe the Belhousen's will make a house out of it also!
:flame: :igiveup:

The Daniel's family are leaving due to the father going on active duty in the military. Good Luck to them, they will be missed. Man those are some mature comments. At least JC's Soccer Teams know where they stand now in their "faithful's" eyes.:yikes:
Claiming that a family or should I say impling that a family is leaving because of a problem when in fact they're leaving because the father is going on active duty to serve country and wants his family to be as close to him as possible is pretty low. If you knew they were moving, then you knew why. The reason has never been a secret, and everyone that's has ever discussed their leaving has said why, so don't go down that road and say you weren't aware. As for the other two or three that have left, if they don't want to be at Paintsville then need to go where they want to be.

The biggest problem between the schools isn't the players, it's the fans and their crap just like this. In 1996, 1997 and 1998 JCHS brough buses of student to the state tournament to support our students. I know, I saw the buses and the students. I personally went to Rupp to root for JCHS they last time two times they were there. It's way past time for the adults to take a lesson from the kids and understand that when the game is over, it's over until the next round.
Don't call other posters name's, and re-read your posts before you post it. There are some posters that want to try and get a rise out of others. We will try to keep watch for them, but if something comes up please alert a Mod or Adm.
I got your back TC. I'm watching this one pretty close as well.
On second thought I am going to go ahead and close this one. There has been entirely to much rule breaking in this thread. Taunting and posting false information to name a few.

Several posters need to think a bit before they hit the submit button or risk losing their posting privileges.

Feel free to start another thread on this topic as long as it can be kept about the Golden Eagles and not about one another.

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