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Jon Benet Ramsey: Who Do You Think Killed Her ?
Has anyoe else followed this case over the years?  The tiny beauty queen was found dead in her home on Christmas morning in 1996. She was just 6 years.  Autopsy revealed she had been strangled and bludgeoned to death, as well as sexually violated. It was determined that she had been strangled by a makeshift garrote, made from a string wrapped around a piece of one of her mother's paintbrushes. This beautiful little child also suffered a 8 inch skull fracture, shocks from a stun gun, and sexual abuse from a broken piece of the paintbrush used to make the garrote.

The most bizarre thing to me has always been the rambling two and a half page "ransom note" that was left. The note , and a practice draft, was written with pen and pad found in the Ramsey's house. Police believed the note was staged, because only Patsy's and authorities prints were on it and the excessive use of exclamations and intials in the note. According to a CBI report, there were "indications that the author of the ransom note is Patsy Ramsey." However, the evidence fell short of a definitive conclusion. A board cerified forensic pathologist, who consulted with both police and the Ramsey's, said he had never seen a note like it in his 60- year experience and that he did not think it was written by an outside stranger.

What are your thoughts about the sad , and very mysterious death of this young child?

Do you think  it was a family member or do you believe the intruder theory?

What are your thoughts on the bizarre ransom note, which asked for $118,000, the exact amount of Mr. Ramsey's bonus?

Do you think this murder will ever be solved?

I have read and watched most everything that has been written or produced about this case.  I've gone back and forth about my conclusions.  I'm curious as to what you think about this bizarre, unsolved, and very sad,  mystery.

Jon Benet's Last Photo

Jon Benet, posing for a picture, just a few hours before being murdered :

It's frightening how similar our minds are!!  I'm gonna start changing mine immediately!!!    Big Grin Big Grin

Has anyoe else followed this case over the years?  The tiny beauty queen was found dead in her home on Christmas morning in 1996. She was just 6 years.  Autopsy revealed she had been strangled and bludgeoned to death, as well as sexually violated. It was determined that she had been strangled by a makeshift garrote, made from a string wrapped around a piece of one of her mother's paintbrushes. This beautiful little child also suffered a 8 inch skull fracture, shocks from a stun gun, and sexual abuse from a broken piece of the paintbrush used to make the garrote.

The most bizarre thing to me has always been the rambling two and a half page "ransom note" that was left. The note , and a practice draft, was written with pen and pad found in the Ramsey's house. Police believed the note was staged, because only Patsy's and authorities prints were on it and the excessive use of exclamations and intials in the note. According to a CBI report, there were "indications that the author of the ransom note is Patsy Ramsey." However, the evidence fell short of a definitive conclusion. A board cerified forensic pathologist, who consulted with both police and the Ramsey's, said he had never seen a note like it in his 60- year experience and that he did not think it was written by an outside stranger.

What are your thoughts about the sad , and very mysterious death of this young child?
Terrifying!!!  This wasn't a snatch and grab!  This child was in her bed, in her house, asleep.

Do you think  it was a family member or do you believe the intruder theory?
I oscillate.  Today, right now, I'm leaning toward intruder; however, inside information was definitely held by the intruder.  So perhaps a neighbor, previous employer.....

What are your thoughts on the bizarre ransom note, which asked for $118,000, the exact amount of Mr. Ramsey's bonus?

Do you think this murder will ever be solved?
This is one of the most intriguing parts of the murder to me. Why is Colorado police SO uncooperative and blatantly negligent in doing DNA testing?  With the new chief in place, it sounds like John Ramsey may finally get his request done to test and re-test the articles involved.

I have read and watched most everything that has been written or produced about this case.  I've gone back and forth about my conclusions.  I'm curious as to what you think about this bizarre, unsolved, and very sad,  mystery.
Granny, I'd say you and I think A LOT alike, much more than what you might even suspect.  I hope, oneday, you and I will find out the true answers to what happened to this little girl.

Here's what she might look like today. She would be  34, going on 35.


Granny, let's see if I can nudge you off that intruder theory just a bit.

This investigator was at the scene the morning John found Jon Benet. She was the first and only officer at the Ramsey house for most of the day. She is convinced she came eye to eye with the killer that morning.

It's been awhile but I've seen a lot of stuff about this case.  The stationary the note was written on. Wasn't it the mother's work stationary or something? Plus knowing the exact bonus amount for the ransom,  was always strange to me.  Then she was found in the basement.  Why even write a ransom note to being with,  if she had already passed. Maybe trying to stage something, a cover up. 

Like I said it's been awhile since I've followed this.  Not really sure who I lean towards as a prime suspect.
That's strange. I don't know why John is working so hard to get the testing done on those articles, if he's trying to facilitate a cover up.
But who know for sure? I don't.
Who do you think killed her OSH?
Wasn't there some speculation about the 911 recording? Also, seems like I seen somewhere where the writing on the ransom note,  was a match to the mother's hand writing. 

Again I've not followed this in awhile,  might be getting mixed up with something else.
No. You are exactly right. BUT there's a whole lot of side stories about this murder. The Colorado police department botched the investigation BIG time. Some of them made up evidence, and one of those made up items was about that being similar to Patsy's handwriting. They were so convinced that it was John or Patsy or Burke that they didn't look anywhere else.

This is just my opinion, Kong. Let's see what OSH thinks.
(Yesterday, 08:02 PM)Granny Bear Wrote: That's strange.  I don't know why John is working so hard to get the testing done on those articles, if he's trying to facilitate a cover up.
But who know for sure?  I don't.
Who do you think killed her OSH?

Granny, I literally have gone back and forth so many times on this.  The ransom note is just something I can't get past. I want to say the parents had nothing to do with it but that bizarre note that no intruder would ever write just screams that it was all staged. Patsy appears to have written the note. Now, why did she write the note? To protect Burke? To cover for John?  Three forensic experts testified that JBR had been sexually violated in the past. Who abused her previously? The Ramseys were very wealthy and well connected with powerful people. Sometimes money and influence can make evidence go away for good. A grand jury heard the evidence and recommended the case move forward.  The grand jury voted to indict the Ramseys for abuse of JBR, leading to her death. The D.A. refuse to sign the documents.  John Ramsey had powerful friends in powerful places. He has done a lot of talking about new DNA tests. I think he has no fear anything will be done because of his contacts in law enforcement.  Supposedly, everyone in the family was ruled out by DNA?  I wonder if we can believe that?

The note is very incriminating. Now, there is something else that bothers me. JBR was brutalized--- 8.5 inch skull fracture, the garrote, the sexual violation with the broken paintbrush. How could a mother or father do that to their beautiful baby? If she died by accident as many have surmised, how could they do those kind of grotesque things to that little girl, just to cover up the accidental death? Was John a serial abuser, a vile pedophile? I don't know. But the damage her little body suffered spoke to a perpetrator with a very vile mind.

Again, I can't get past the note that speaks to an attempted coverup. The similarity to Patsy's handwriting, exclamations, and love of using French words(attache') was used in the ransom note), seems to strongly suggest her authorship.  What kidnapper hides out in a house, writes a two and a half page note on a pad from the house and uses words like attache' ?

It points to a murderer from within the house , and not someone who entered the house.  However, for those who want to look in a different direction, there were some real weirdos in that neighborhood. I'll speak to that in the next post.

You remind me so much of my daughter. She became obsessed with this case when it happened. Do you know who John Douglas is? He's part of the BAU/FBI. When Criminal Minds began, they used his profile to create Gideon on that show. Well, my daughter was convinced of John and Patsy's involvement in JonBenet's murder. That summer, John Douglas (who has written many non fiction crime novels) was doing a book signing at Joe Beth Books in Lexington. She took one of her books over there, and they had a discussion about John and Patsy. He was adamant that they were innocent. She was adamant that they were involved. They went back and forth for two hours. They still communicate from time to time.

Anybody that would do this to a child would do anything. I don't know where to lay the blame. Whomever it may be, they are a sick individual and don't need to be roaming free.
Agreed, I don't see how parents or anyone could do that to a child. 

I didn't know about the French wording in the ransom note.  Definitely point's to the mother's writing, as OSH described above. 

I also don't think anyone breaking into a house, would take the time to write a long letter like that.  Sometimes when I'm going fishing and in a hurry to leave, it's all I can do to stop and leave Miss Kong a short note,  telling her where I'm going! And that's in my own house lol
(Yesterday, 10:38 PM)Granny Bear Wrote: You remind me so much of my daughter.  She became obsessed with this case when it happened.  Do you know who John Douglas is?  He's part of the BAU/FBI.  When Criminal Minds began, they used his profile to create Gideon on that show.  Well, my daughter was convinced of John and Patsy's involvement in JonBenet's murder.  That summer, John Douglas (who has written many non fiction crime novels) was doing a book signing at Joe Beth Books in Lexington.  She took one of her books over there, and they had a discussion about John and Patsy.  He was adamant that they were innocent.  She was adamant that they were involved.  They went back and forth for two hours.  They still communicate from time to time.

Anybody that would do this to a child would do anything.  I don't know where to lay the blame.  Whomever it may be, they are a sick individual and don't need to be roaming free.

If you want to see the real mean come out of me, let me see someone harm a child or an animal. I would hurt someone over abusing a child or an animal.  It's a shame this vile perpetrator, whoever it is, may very well still be free and walking the streets. Who knows, he might have harmed another child. Before I get into to some of the other weirdos who lived near Jon Benet,let me ask you all a question. I think Granny and I will find more common ground on this, as well. 

How do you all feel about young children like Jon Benet being sexualized(I'm sorry, but that's what it is) in these pageant circuits. I think it's revolting and dangerous. These little girls made up to look like grown women, with lipstick, makeup, and outfits that are way too sexual and innappropriate for youngsters that age. You know pedophiles watch those children and fantasize about those children, and even become obsessed with those children. I will speak to one of those obsessed fans in a later post. I know some of the children probably enjoy the dressing up. But children enjoy a lot of activities that are not sexualized for the benefit of perverted adults. The mothers seem to take these events more seriously than do the children. Seems like a way for mothers to vicariously live out their lost youths through their children. I can't help but think that pedophiles watch these children with great excitement and anticipation. No way my 6 y.o. is gonna be fixed up to look 16.

Agree/ disagree???
Something just wasn't right with John and Patsy on that morning and detectives noticed...

Linda Arnt doesn't sway me very much. She did a 180 later on, and actually advocated for the Ramseys. She also sued the police department, and her story had some elements of controversy in it.

BUT, personally, I don't like the way that JonBenet was paraded around the pageant circuit. I don't think I can hold Patsy accountable just because I disagree with what she did with JonBenet. Being around sports for as many years as I have, I've seen many parents living vicariously through their kids. And it's NEVER good for the child. I can't say for sure that Patsy was doing that, but it sure does appear that way.
(Today, 07:49 AM)Granny Bear Wrote: Linda Arnt doesn't sway me very much.  She did a 180 later on, and actually advocated for the Ramseys.  She also sued the police department, and her story had some elements of controversy in it.

BUT, personally, I don't like the way that JonBenet was paraded around the pageant circuit.  I don't think I can hold Patsy accountable just because I disagree with what she did with JonBenet.  Being around sports for as many years as I have, I've seen many parents living vicariously through their kids.  And it's NEVER good for the child.  I can't say for sure that Patsy was doing that, but it sure does appear that way.

I think Linda was made a scapegoat. Yes, she made mistakes. But she wasn't the only one. I understand that Linda apparently met with Patsy before her death but, to my knowledge, to this day, she has never changed her view that she looked into the eyes of the killer that morning.  Also , Holly Smith , a supervisor of the Boulder County Sexual Abuse team discovered most of JonBenet's underwear was soiled with fecal matter, possible evidence of abuse. Like Linda, she was later dropped from the case. She wrote  a book called Fire of the Five Hearts: A Memoir of Treating Incest , decribing the grueling, and emotionally draining environment of working with victims of incest . Her chapter on the Jon Benet case was redacted. However, she has spoken about what she discovered in JBR's bedroom. Holly felt like most all of the little girl's  underwear being soiled was a red flag. According to Smith, "There is a dynamic of children that have been sexually abused sometimes soiling themselves or uninating in their beds to keep someone who is hurting them at bay." There was a grapefruit-sized piece of fecal matter found in Jon Benet's sheets. Something very, very unsavory was going on inside that house.

(Today, 01:43 AM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(Yesterday, 10:38 PM)Granny Bear Wrote: You remind me so much of my daughter.  She became obsessed with this case when it happened.  Do you know who John Douglas is?  He's part of the BAU/FBI.  When Criminal Minds began, they used his profile to create Gideon on that show.  Well, my daughter was convinced of John and Patsy's involvement in JonBenet's murder.  That summer, John Douglas (who has written many non fiction crime novels) was doing a book signing at Joe Beth Books in Lexington.  She took one of her books over there, and they had a discussion about John and Patsy.  He was adamant that they were innocent.  She was adamant that they were involved.  They went back and forth for two hours.  They still communicate from time to time.

Anybody that would do this to a child would do anything.  I don't know where to lay the blame.  Whomever it may be, they are a sick individual and don't need to be roaming free.

If you want to see the real mean come out of me, let me see someone harm a child or an animal. I would hurt someone over abusing a child or an animal.  It's a shame this vile perpetrator, whoever it is, may very well still be free and walking the streets. Who knows, he might have harmed another child. Before I get into to some of the other weirdos who lived near Jon Benet,let me ask you all a question. I think Granny and I will find more common ground on this, as well. 

How do you all feel about young children like Jon Benet being sexualized(I'm sorry, but that's what it is) in these pageant circuits. I think it's revolting and dangerous. These little girls made up to look like grown women, with lipstick, makeup, and outfits that are way too sexual and innappropriate for youngsters that age. You know pedophiles watch those children and fantasize about those children, and even become obsessed with those children. I will speak to one of those obsessed fans in a later post. I know some of the children probably enjoy the dressing up. But children enjoy a lot of activities that are not sexualized for the benefit of perverted adults. The mothers seem to take these events more seriously than do the children. Seems like a way for mothers to vicariously live out their lost youths through their children. I can't help but think that pedophiles watch these children with great excitement and anticipation. No way my 6 y.o. is gonna be fixed up to look 16.

Agree/ disagree???
Agreed 110%

(Today, 07:49 AM)Granny Bear Wrote: Linda Arnt doesn't sway me very much.  She did a 180 later on, and actually advocated for the Ramseys.  She also sued the police department, and her story had some elements of controversy in it.

BUT, personally, I don't like the way that JonBenet was paraded around the pageant circuit.  I don't think I can hold Patsy accountable just because I disagree with what she did with JonBenet.  Being around sports for as many years as I have, I've seen many parents living vicariously through their kids.  And it's NEVER good for the child.  I can't say for sure that Patsy was doing that, but it sure does appear that way.
Agreed,  I've also witnessed many parents trying to live through their children. That's something I could never do,  I never have and never will.
Didnt they already convict the older brother of killing her?
(2 hours ago)plantmanky Wrote: Didnt they already convict the older brother of killing her?
Of course not. You're making stuff up again.

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