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Why Corbin is No Longer an Elite High School Football Program
It has been more than 48 hours since a new Corbin thread appeared so I thought it was time for another. I started to title this thread "IS Corbin Still an Elite Football Program ? "  but I think we can all agree that when you haven't won a damn thing in 42 years you are most definitely NOT elite. So, let's start from there. 

I'm gonna make the case in this thread that the reason Corbin has fallen from the ranks of ELITE programs is due to a system failure. That's right, Corbin's problem is systemic.  Corbin's problem has never been lack of talent. Corbin has always has plenty of talent. They have never lacked in that department. Also, as some have suggested, bad luck ,  curses, voodoo dolls , etc... also has nothing to do with Corbin no longer being elite.

Corbin is no longer elite because it has allowed people that are even older than Old School to have a say so in things involving Corbin football. I'm talking about people that sit in their comfy leather chairs on Saturday evening watching reruns of Lawrence Welk and thumbing through old Corbin High School yearbooks from the 60's and 70's .  These are people that are so old and impotent that their seminal fluids are no longer  fluids. Their thinking is so backward thinking and antiquated that even the ol' Ground & Pound Williard Farris is rolling over in his grave.

Corbin needs a house cleaning. Corbin needs a program that is run by younger, more imaginative, more progressive thinkers. You know, people that are not afraid of bold change. We need people that resist bigoted, backward thinking  1950's -60's era , good ol' boy politics , scratch my back and I'll tickle your balls type of stuff. 

Cox and Greer are just symptoms of a much more serious and insidious disease that pervades Corbin society. It's a sick, sick place run by sick , sick people , from the Mayor and Commissioners right on down to the BORED of Education, who allowed Cox and his merry band of Cox Suckers to rig the last hiring process in favor of Home Boy Greer over the much better candidate, Eddie James.

In fact, the Boring Board kept enabling Cox by handing him out A+ grades , all the while he was in the process of doing irreparable harm to the Corbin football program by allowing the best young coach in the state to leave and win championships at the rival school. It has already cost Corbin three or four state championships. How do you give superlative marks to someone who singlehandedly sabotaged the school's prospects for winning titles in the future by installing his butt buddy and super prick  as coach. Corbin citizens, quit electing these losers, unless you want to keep losing for another 42 years.

Politics in Corbin stinks to high heaven and it has stunk for a long, long  time. The reason Corbin is not elite is not lack of talent. It's not even because of bad coaching. Corbin is not elite because of its failure to break away from an old, antiquated , backward thinking way of doing business. 

I'm mean, you can tell me I'm wrong but your retorts will ring hollow and will fall mostly on deaf ears , because the proof is in the Gee Dee pudding!!!  Here we sit here two weeks from June, fourteen short weeks from a real football game, and the Corbin Redhounds have no head coach!!!   Digest that for a minute sports fans !!!   Try to explain it away as just bad fortune if you want. But it doesn't hold water. 

All schools have their share of good luck and bad luck. But the elite programs still find a way to win championships.  Can you imagine Trinity going 42 years without a title?  How about Mayfield? Can you see them suffering a 42 year title drought? When I think elite I think of schools like Trinity , Mayfield , Boyle , Bowling Green, Pikeville, Beechwood. Schools that win championships year after year after freaking year. The chances of any of those schools going 42 years without a title is infinitely close to ZERO!!!!

Yes, last year Corbin had one of the top two teams in all of Kentucky. They even brought two defensive studs from Connecticut, of all places, and still couldn't get it done.  WHY ?   More retrograde thinking on the part of old bast@rds like Cox , Jewell , Greer,  Burley Foley , and other old has beens who semen has long turned to sawdust. Word has it that they  thought it would be "cool" to schedule Hazard for our centennial season, because Hazard was one of our frequent opponents back in the "Glory Days." Well, scheduling Hazard cost them a state title.  They could have played  North Laurel or another decent 5A school instead of the Pukes of Hazard and would have finished with a higher RPI than Boyle. I think we all know how that third round game would have turned out if it had been played at Campbell Field. That's what I mean by backward, dumb thinking.

Cox and his Suckers have all but cemented their legacy of doing more damage to the Corbin football program than anyone else in the history of the school. I strongly suspect that before he leaves his position, Super Dave will try to secure a top notch coach(likely Haddix) who can come in and win six or eight titles and help erase many of the past failures from the minds of the people that pay his  150+K /yr salary. It's really the only way that Cox can secure any kind of positive legacy when it comes to the Corbin football program. He needs to hire a coach that will come in and win multiple titles. 

42 years...   That's a helluva long time. Crosby, Stills & Nash were "Wasted on the Way" back in '82 .   I had a full head of hair, a 30 inch waistline , a libido that would have made Wilt Chamberlain proud back then.   Today, the hair has thinned, the waistline has ballooned ,  the libido is that of Archie Powers' corpse , and I'm just wasted. 

I would like to think that I will see another Corbin state title in my lifetime but betting money is that no adult reading this thread will be alive when the Hounds next cross the finish line. Keith Richards might be alive when Corbin win again but I doubt I will be.If Corbin's program was "Elite," we'd be seeing titles at the frequency of other elite programs, like the ones I referenced above. I wish it were different. I love my school. I love my team. I DON'T love the way things are done in this hick town. It's an antiquated, unimaginative, backward thinking little town. Yes,  there are a good number of millennials  and Gen Z'ers that would like things to change. They want more progressive way of thinking. The old farts are resisting. There's a battle going on for the the control and direction of , not only the football program,  but for the whole of Corbin.  

One last thing, I was at the Douglass game last season. Just a fantastic atmosphere. I stayed for about an hour after the game. I As I looked out on the field at the sea of people that remained, talking, laughing, hugging. That sea of people included both black and white people, something that my eyes would have never witnessed back when I was a student in the Corbin school system in the 60's and 70's . It was a beautiful sight... a welcomed sight.

  But, as I was basking in the delight of that image of black and white on Campbell Field celebrating with one another, I caught sight of a couple old dudes, familiar old geezers , with a bit of a scowl perched upon their lips of ignorance. I could sense the seething frustration , hidden just below the surface and masked by the satisfaction of beating those big, bad Lexingtonians.

 Corbin has to change. Much of Corbin WANTS to change. Corbin is being held back by an influential,  but vocal,  minority that clings to their imagined "Glory Days" of mythical state titles , "three yards and a cloud of dust ," and Jim Crow.  No, lack of talent is not the problem.  Bad luck is not the problem. Even coaching is not the real problem(although it would be nice to have a coach before August).   Corbin's problem is a systemic failure. Corbin's inability to win a title for over four decades is a result a backward way of thinking by people that should have been tossed in the dustpan of history decades ago.  

Tom Greer, Dave Cox, Steve Jewell and Burley Foley and others  are just symptoms of a diseased program and community. I want to see my school win again before I die but there has to be a full frontal assault on the diseased minds that drive the action and politics in Corbin. Until then , it's gonna be the same old sh!t we've seen for over four decades.  Corbin's drought, and subsequent fall from grace and eliteness, is rooted in  egotism, delusion , power politics, apathy, and stoic resignation. 

In 1982, the last year Corbin won anything of significance, Kenny Rogers had a hit with "Through the Years."  I just wonder how many times through the years since then have Corbinites stopped to think of the real reasons why they have not tasted ultimate success since Ronald Reagan was president. I've tried to outline here what I think those reasons are.  Someone tell me I'm wrong.

Oh, you know what else happened in 1982 ???  The Corbin Varsity Club was founded.  The Hounds haven't won a state title since that formation. Coincidence?

And so it goes ...
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(05-17-2024, 10:26 PM)Old School Hound Wrote: It has been more than 48 hours since a new Corbin thread appeared so I thought it was time for another. I started to title this thread "IS Corbin Still an Elite Football Program ? "  but I think we can all agree that when you haven't won a damn thing in 42 years you are most definitely NOT elite. So, let's start from there. 

I'm gonna make the case in this thread that the reason Corbin has fallen from the ranks of ELITE programs is due to a system failure. That's right, Corbin's problem is systemic.  Corbin's problem has never been lack of talent. Corbin has always has plenty of talent. They have never lacked in that department. Also, as some have suggested, bad luck ,  curses, voodoo dolls , etc... also has nothing to do with Corbin no longer being elite.

Corbin is no longer elite because it has allowed people that are even older than Old School to have a say so in things involving Corbin football. I'm talking about people that sit in their comfy leather chairs on Saturday evening watching reruns of Lawrence Welk and thumbing through old Corbin High School yearbooks from the 60's and 70's .  These are people that are so old and impotent that their seminal fluids are no longer  fluids. Their thinking is so backward thinking and antiquated that even the ol' Ground & Pound Williard Farris is rolling over in his grave.

Corbin needs a house cleaning. Corbin needs a program that is run by younger, more imaginative, more progressive thinkers. You know, people that are not afraid of bold change. We need people that resist bigoted, backward thinking  1950's -60's era , good ol' boy politics , scratch my back and I'll tickle your balls type of stuff. 

Cox and Greer are just symptoms of a much more serious and insidious disease that pervades Corbin society. It's a sick, sick place run by sick , sick people , from the Mayor and Commissioners right on down to the BORED of Education, who allowed Cox and his merry band of Cox Suckers to rig the last hiring process in favor of Home Boy Greer over the much better candidate, Eddie James.

In fact, the Boring Board kept enabling Cox by handing him out A+ grades , all the while he was in the process of doing irreparable harm to the Corbin football program by allowing the best young coach in the state to leave and win championships at the rival school. It has already cost Corbin three or four state championships. How do you give superlative marks to someone who singlehandedly sabotaged the school's prospects for winning titles in the future by installing his butt buddy and super prick  as coach. Corbin citizens, quit electing these losers, unless you want to keep losing for another 42 years.

Politics in Corbin stinks to high heaven and it has stunk for a long, long  time. The reason Corbin is not elite is not lack of talent. It's not even because of bad coaching. Corbin is not elite because of its failure to break away from an old, antiquated , backward thinking way of doing business. 

I'm mean, you can tell me I'm wrong but your retorts will ring hollow and will fall mostly on deaf ears , because the proof is in the Gee Dee pudding!!!  Here we sit here two weeks from June, fourteen short weeks from a real football game, and the Corbin Redhounds have no head coach!!!   Digest that for a minute sports fans !!!   Try to explain it away as just bad fortune if you want. But it doesn't hold water. 

All schools have their share of good luck and bad luck. But the elite programs still find a way to win championships.  Can you imagine Trinity going 42 years without a title?  How about Mayfield? Can you see them suffering a 42 year title drought? When I think elite I think of schools like Trinity , Mayfield , Boyle , Bowling Green, Pikeville, Beechwood. Schools that win championships year after year after freaking year. The chances of any of those schools going 42 years without a title is infinitely close to ZERO!!!!

Yes, last year Corbin had one of the top two teams in all of Kentucky. They even brought two defensive studs from Connecticut, of all places, and still couldn't get it done.  WHY ?   More retrograde thinking on the part of old bast@rds like Cox , Jewell , Greer,  Burley Foley , and other old has beens who semen has long turned to sawdust. Word has it that they  thought it would be "cool" to schedule Hazard for our centennial season, because Hazard was one of our frequent opponents back in the "Glory Days." Well, scheduling Hazard cost them a state title.  They could have played  North Laurel or another decent 5A school instead of the Pukes of Hazard and would have finished with a higher RPI than Boyle. I think we all know how that third round game would have turned out if it had been played at Campbell Field. That's what I mean by backward, dumb thinking.

Cox and his Suckers have all but cemented their legacy of doing more damage to the Corbin football program than anyone else in the history of the school. I strongly suspect that before he leaves his position, Super Dave will try to secure a top notch coach(likely Haddix) who can come in and win six or eight titles and help erase many of the past failures from the minds of the people that pay his  150+K /yr salary. It's really the only way that Cox can secure any kind of positive legacy when it comes to the Corbin football program. He needs to hire a coach that will come in and win multiple titles. 

42 years...   That's a helluva long time. Crosby, Stills & Nash were "Wasted on the Way" back in '82 .   I had a full head of hair, a 30 inch waistline , a libido that would have made Wilt Chamberlain proud back then.   Today, the hair has thinned, the waistline has ballooned ,  the libido is that of Archie Powers' corpse , and I'm just wasted. 

I would like to think that I will see another Corbin state title in my lifetime but betting money is that no adult reading this thread will be alive when the Hounds next cross the finish line. Keith Richards might be alive when Corbin win again but I doubt I will be.If Corbin's program was "Elite," we'd be seeing titles at the frequency of other elite programs, like the ones I referenced above. I wish it were different. I love my school. I love my team. I DON'T love the way things are done in this hick town. It's an antiquated, unimaginative, backward thinking little town. Yes,  there are a good number of millennials  and Gen Z'ers that would like things to change. They want more progressive way of thinking. The old farts are resisting. There's a battle going on for the the control and direction of , not only the football program,  but for the whole of Corbin.  

One last thing, I was at the Douglass game last season. Just a fantastic atmosphere. I stayed for about an hour after the game. I As I looked out on the field at the sea of people that remained, talking, laughing, hugging. That sea of people included both black and white people, something that my eyes would have never witnessed back when I was a student in the Corbin school system in the 60's and 70's . It was a beautiful sight... a welcomed sight.

  But, as I was basking in the delight of that image of black and white on Campbell Field celebrating with one another, I caught sight of a couple old dudes, familiar old geezers , with a bit of a scowl perched upon their lips of ignorance. I could sense the seething frustration , hidden just below the surface and masked by the satisfaction of beating those big, bad Lexingtonians.

 Corbin has to change. Much of Corbin WANTS to change. Corbin is being held back by an influential,  but vocal,  minority that clings to their imagined "Glory Days" of mythical state titles , "three yards and a cloud of dust ," and Jim Crow.  No, lack of talent is not the problem.  Bad luck is not the problem. Even coaching is not the real problem(although it would be nice to have a coach before August).   Corbin's problem is a systemic failure. Corbin's inability to win a title for over four decades is a result a backward way of thinking by people that should have been tossed in the dustpan of history decades ago.  

Tom Greer, Dave Cox, Steve Jewell and Burley Foley and others  are just symptoms of a diseased program and community. I want to see my school win again before I die but there has to be a full frontal assault on the diseased minds that drive the action and politics in Corbin. Until then , it's gonna be the same old sh!t we've seen for over four decades.  Corbin's drought, and subsequent fall from grace and eliteness, is rooted in  egotism, delusion , power politics, apathy, and stoic resignation. 

In 1982, the last year Corbin won anything of significance, Kenny Rogers had a hit with "Through the Years."  I just wonder how many times through the years since then have Corbinites stopped to think of the real reasons why they have not tasted ultimate success since Ronald Reagan was president. I've tried to outline here what I think those reasons are.  Someone tell me I'm wrong.

Oh, you know what else happened in 1982 ???  The Corbin Varsity Club was founded.  The Hounds haven't won a state title since that formation. Coincidence?

And so it goes ...
Wow, I’m feeling pretty educated about now.. Hellava post about seminal fluid and sawdust semen…Can one of the moderators please promote OSH beyond “Hall of Fame”?
Smile There is only one OSH in the world. BGR's finest. He is a Hall of Famer in my book. Die hardest fan I ever seen.
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(05-18-2024, 12:26 AM)Bull got out! Wrote: Smile There is only one OSH in the world. BGR's finest. He is a Hall of Famer in my book. Die hardest fan I ever seen.

Hold my beer.
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Not So Fun Fact:   Corbin has not won a state title in the internet age.   (The "birth" of the Internet is generally regarded as Jan. 1, 1983).

Another one:   At the time Corbin won its last title, few, if anyone owned, or had even heard of, a CD player(CD players were introduced in the US in March of 1983) .

That's right, BGR friends, you couldn't browse the internet or listen to CD's the last time Corbin won a title because THE DAMN THINGS WEREN'T AVAILABLE YET !!!!

Look, I say these things,  not because I hate Corbin. I LOVE my school. I LOVE my team. I LOVE the memories I made as a kid at CHS.  I HATE the way G.O.B politics have compromised my school's chances of winning multiple titles over the years. With the talent and numbers and all the other advantages Corbin has, we should have at least six or eight titles in a span of 40+ years , instead of NONE.  Corbin is in need of dire change. It might take people dying before the change occurs. Maybe when the old farts begin to die off, change can occur and state trophies can return.

Only one school below has NOT won a state title since the invention of the internet:

A.  Hazard

B.  Middlesboro

C.  Somerset

D.  Bell County

E.  Pulaski County

F.  Corbin 

Did you answer the school beside the letter "F" ?  Of course, you did.     F= Failure  ,   F=  F'd up .  

Again, almost June, and no head coach!!!  Thank you, Tomcat. Thank you, Davey boy. Thank you , RVC(formed in 1982).  Thank you. Thank you. Thank you...


Corbin can be Elite once again. Hopefully, 2025 ushers in the genesis of the change that is needed , as well as a top tier coach from outside the area that will be given the autonomy to run things the way he see fit.
The Redhounds are the Dallas Cowboys of high school football..
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(05-18-2024, 09:57 AM)Grannyshot Wrote: The Redhounds are the Dallas Cowboys of high school football..

Not a bad analogy. Both have fallen from the ranks of Elite status. However, the Cowboys have won three Superbowls in the Internet Age to Corbin's ZERO!!!
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(05-18-2024, 08:05 PM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(05-18-2024, 09:57 AM)Grannyshot Wrote: The Redhounds are the Dallas Cowboys of high school football..

Not a bad analogy. Both have fallen from the ranks of Elite status. However, the Cowboys have won three Superbowls in the Internet Age to Corbin's ZERO!!!

Im a ole Raiders fan, I still got my Bo Jackson Cards too. Talking about a long time to not win, my Raiders have hit some down times.. Smile
(05-18-2024, 08:08 PM)Bull got out! Wrote:
(05-18-2024, 08:05 PM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(05-18-2024, 09:57 AM)Grannyshot Wrote: The Redhounds are the Dallas Cowboys of high school football..

Not a bad analogy. Both have fallen from the ranks of Elite status. However, the Cowboys have won three Superbowls in the Internet Age to Corbin's ZERO!!!

Im a ole Raiders fan, I still got my Bo Jackson Cards too. Talking about a long time to not win, my Raiders have hit some down times.. Smile

Hey, another thing we have in common. The Raiders were my first football love, right there with the Hounds. I was passionate about my Raiders.  Daryle Lamonica, George Blanda, Jim Otto , Cliff Branch , Raymond Chester, Fred Biletnikoff, Gene Upshaw, Ray Guy and , of course, Corbin's very own Rodger Bird, who played in the defensive backfield for the Raiders(had 8 INT) and returned punts(over 1,000 yds in returns).  He was named 2nd Team All-AFL twice with the Raiders.  

 I LOVED my Raiders. Still remember those big rivalry games with Hank Stram's Chiefs. I HATED the Chiefs!!!  STILL DO!!!  Can still hear Curt Gowdy saying, at break,  "National Football league action will continue from Oakland- Alameda County Coliseum . "   I'm a Bengals fan now  but the Raiders still hold a special place in my heart. They were my first love. You never forget your first love. 

Most successful football player in the history of Corbin Redhound football.  Ex-Hound, ex-UK Wildcat, ex-Oakland Raider... Rodger Bird.


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  • Bull got out!
Yes sir!!
I got all kinds of Bo Jackson Cards but the ones with the shoulder pads are my favoites, He is the man! Loves to bowhunt!
I always was a Madden fan and lots of oldies I like with the Silver and Black.
(05-18-2024, 08:51 PM)Bull got out! Wrote: Yes sir!!
I got all kinds of Bo Jackson Cards but the ones with the shoulder pads are my favoites, He is the man! Loves to bowhunt!
I always was a Madden fan and lots of oldies I like with the Silver and Black.

Maybe the greatest freak athlete of all time. If there was ever a Super Freak it was Bo.

Breaks a bat like a toothpick.

The Throw...

Spiderman Bo ...

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Smile Was talking one day to a guy with a Auburn shirt on here in Ky, I say, what about Bo Jackson and we began talking for a while. Well, he was telling me story after story being a local down there about him in high school. Some younger boys were listening and said, "Who is Bo Jackson" I honestly didn't know there was people who didn't know who he was. I said, well you better watch YouTube and the 30 by 30 ESPN put out about him, you will figure it out lol.
Smile At one time, I could break my whiffle ball bats lol...... over my head... What good memories boys. Throwing them ole curve balls and making black tape balls when we broke our whiffle balls. Then as we got a little older, they came out with those monster bats that was hollow, talking about home run derby....
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(05-18-2024, 10:20 PM)Bull got out! Wrote: Smile At one time, I could break my whiffle ball bats lol...... over my head... What good memories boys. Throwing them ole curve balls and making black tape balls when we broke our whiffle balls. Then as we got a little older, they came out with those monster bats that was hollow, talking about home run derby....

Good ol' times.  We played whiffle ball and used regular baseball bats with tennis ball. I threw a great knuckleball with the whiffle ball. With just the slightest breeze I was unhittable. lol   In baseball, I would occasionally drop down and throw sidearm. Very tough on right hand batters. Was an All-Star pitcher in my Glory days. Also, could throw from the outfield fence on a line to home plate. Also, could switch hit.
(05-18-2024, 10:50 PM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(05-18-2024, 10:20 PM)Bull got out! Wrote: Smile At one time, I could break my whiffle ball bats lol...... over my head... What good memories boys. Throwing them ole curve balls and making black tape balls when we broke our whiffle balls. Then as we got a little older, they came out with those monster bats that was hollow, talking about home run derby....

Good ol' times.  We played whiffle ball and used regular baseball bats with tennis ball. I threw a great knuckleball with the whiffle ball. With just the slightest breeze I was unhittable. lol   In baseball, I would occasionally drop down and throw sidearm. Very tough on right hand batters. Was an All-Star pitcher in my Glory days. Also, could throw from the outfield fence on a line to home plate.  Also, could  switch hit.

Smile I have cracked up, Im an old hind catcher by trade. I was a first baseman all my career and a power hitter and then I was transformed into a hind catcher. I did that the entire time in Senior League and High School. I got to see my fair share of pitches. Nothing like protecting the plate. I would call the pitches a lot of times depending on the batters. Then of course, had to give the calls from the coach. When I began coaching little league, I was out there catching for one of my pitchers and I wouldn't worth a dime. I was like wow, not what I used to be for sure. But no doubt enjoy teaching and giving back to others. Thats what sports is all about. Especially the kids. When it goes right, everyone is having fun. Now, I couldn't switch hit but I sure could rip one, I was a power hitter. I made All Stars every year myself. Best of times. Even became the Allstar coach. I enjoyed coaching as well as playing. Got my pins from the Kentucky State Round Robin tournament in the house somewhere. Now we didn't win it but we made it. Guess old whiffle ball paid off. One thing for sure, if you used the wind right with the whiffle balls they would flat out do some wicked stuff like you said in a light breeze. I always hated when we tore one up and then had to start finding black tape lol and if we had none then dang it made for the longest days till we could get back to the store to get another one. 

[Video: http://]
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Anybody could knock one out with the "Fat Bats" when they came out. You weren't sh!t unless you could hit one out with the original skinny yellow wiffle ball bat.
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(05-19-2024, 05:47 AM)jetpilot Wrote: Anybody could knock one out with the "Fat Bats" when they came out. You weren't sh!t unless you could hit one out with the original skinny yellow wiffle ball bat.

The skinny yellow one with all that black tape around the handle. Smile

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(05-19-2024, 05:47 AM)jetpilot Wrote: Anybody could knock one out with the "Fat Bats" when they came out. You weren't sh!t unless you could hit one out with the original skinny yellow wiffle ball bat.
You probably loaded your bats with rocks!!!  Smile
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Apparently Steve Jewell is retiring from his post as principal of Corbin High School (per the school district employment website). I can't help, but think that this, too, will throw a wrench into the process. I'm sure his contract will be through the end of June, but will he be in charge of the hire? Athletic Director? You also can't help, but to think that this will play into any looking into the job. There is always change in all things education, but getting hired by one principal and working for another one TBD in a few weeks of whom you have no clue as to who it is? That's a huge chance on anybody to take when accepting a job.
Saw on another website Luke Salmons.
(05-20-2024, 04:07 PM)Waitaminute Wrote: Saw on another website Luke Salmons.
 I don’t think a current head coach at a top program in any class is gonna take the job this late in the process. I don’t see that guy leaving his team either just before season starts.
(05-20-2024, 03:03 PM)Auburn Wrote: Apparently Steve Jewell is retiring from his post as principal of Corbin High School (per the school district employment website). I can't help, but think that this, too, will throw a wrench into the process. I'm sure his contract will be through the end of June, but will he be in charge of the hire? Athletic Director? You also can't help, but to think that this will play into any looking into the job. There is always change in all things education, but getting hired by one principal and working for another one TBD in a few weeks of whom you have no clue as to who it is? That's a huge chance on anybody to take when accepting a job.

Should not be an issue. The Jewel replacement has "unofficially" been selected and he is the current principal of the elementary school. I am sure he will be involved in some way.
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  • Auburn
What earns the title of "Elite?" I would suggest that the Corbin Football is still an Elite Program by basic definition. The name on the front of the Jersey still carries a lot of weight around the state. What teams get excited about playing A through E? I can tell you which ones do for the other. Corbin is a great small town. Community support for Football like few others have. Enrollment is about right. Facilities vastly improved and on the verge of best in the state. The right Coach with the right Staff with the right administrative support and the sky is the limit.
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(05-20-2024, 04:35 PM)Bull got out! Wrote:
(05-20-2024, 04:07 PM)Waitaminute Wrote: Saw on another website Luke Salmons.
 I don’t think a current head coach at a top program in any class is gonna take the job this late in the process. I don’t see that guy leaving his team either just before season starts.
Not just this late, but very seldom, if ever, do you see a coach at a legitimately great program leave for another great program.  Haddix leaving Corbin for Boyle is the absolute only one that I can think of in terms of a coach that still has plenty of years left before retirement, who also has a young family.

Kevin Wallace left BG for St. X only after he could retire full KTRS pension after 30 years & the opportunity to go really make some cash getting that + what St. X could pay him being in the private world w no cap. 

Moves like the above? Very few and far between, be it January or June.
(05-20-2024, 05:48 PM)Cappy Wrote: What earns the title of "Elite?"  I would suggest that the Corbin Football is still an Elite Program by basic definition.  The name on the front of the Jersey still carries a lot of weight around the state.  What teams get excited about playing A through E?  I can tell you which ones do for the other.  Corbin is a great small town.  Community support for Football like few others have.  Enrollment is about right.  Facilities vastly improved and on the verge of best in the state.  The right Coach with the right Staff with the right administrative support and the sky is the limit.

I have to agree Cappy. When you go around to other programs it's like you're just attending a game and hardly any fans come out. When you go to Corbin and watch a game it's a different world, they love the game to the point the fans pack the house. When you go around the community, they all talk football in every business, all around the stores eating breakfast or lunch. It's a Football town. I was talking to Spud the other day and we were talking about top 10 Football programs, and you have to put Corbin in that top 10. I know one thing, when you go to a game at Corbin and the Corbin fans have packed the house and are sitting on the visitor's side because all the seats are taken, what's that tell you about a program. They have the fanbase. Corbin just needs the right Coach. FACT. I'll brag on the faculty at the high school, now they treat the football players with a lot of respect. Kids love attending Corbin. I have talked to some, and we have talked about what needs to be done and one thing I have not heard is a bad thing about the high school, and the facilities and the support of the fans and local business. When you play for Corbin, its just different is all I can say. I was standing one day waiting at the gate for the team to get off the bus and do the walk across the bridge, (Haddix started when he was coach) well Corbin was playing Beechwood at Corbin. Some Beechwood fans was talking, and I could hear what they were saying, they were bragging on Corbin's field, and it being packed and said man they have got it going on down here. So, when you have fans that are tradition rich in football themselves admitting that another school is doing something right in the ways of facilities and fans packing the house, the fans need to be applauded for that. Corbin is like having the race car. It just needs the driver now.
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(05-20-2024, 03:03 PM)Auburn Wrote: Apparently Steve Jewell is retiring from his post as principal of Corbin High School (per the school district employment website). I can't help, but think that this, too, will throw a wrench into the process. I'm sure his contract will be through the end of June, but will he be in charge of the hire? Athletic Director? You also can't help, but to think that this will play into any looking into the job. There is always change in all things education, but getting hired by one principal and working for another one TBD in a few weeks of whom you have no clue as to who it is? That's a huge chance on anybody to take when accepting a job.

Two pieces out of the way now.  Things are taking shape .  Keep moving 'em out!!!
Corbin is a great football town and program. They are the envy of a LOT of high school programs around the state. The school support, the fan base, the history, the facilities. The school is highly ranked. It's just a great atmosphere. However, to be elite requires championships. 3 runner up finishes in 7 years is something a lot of teams would like to have. Last year was an ELITE team. But 40+ years without a title keeps them out of the ELITE program conversation. Just my opinion of course.
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(05-20-2024, 08:11 PM)BEChargers Wrote: Corbin is a great football town and program.  They are the envy of a LOT of high school programs around the state.  The school support, the fan base, the history, the facilities.  The school is highly ranked.  It's just a great atmosphere.  However, to be elite requires championships.  3 runner up finishes in 7 years is something a lot of teams would like to have.  Last year was an ELITE team.  But 40+ years without a title keeps them out of the ELITE program conversation.  Just my opinion of course.

And your opinion is spot on!!! Couldn't agree more with what you said. !00% . To be elite you can't go over 40 years without a title.

(05-20-2024, 04:07 PM)Waitaminute Wrote: Saw on another website Luke Salmons.

I doubt a coach of a top program is going to leave his school and come to Corbin this late. I look for Corbin to go more of the interim route.

Just for funsies, Luke (who is a very good coach, btw) has made an odd "non-move" before.  He applied for the Ironton (OH) job in 2018.   After a round of interviews , the selection committee recommended and the Board unanimously approved Salmons to be the next head coach of the Ironton Fighting Tigers. Then out of the blue, he declined the offer.  Salmons was the Mountain State Athletic Conference Coach of the Year in 2023, leading CM to a 10-2 mark.  In 2019, he guided the Knights to a state runner up finish in WVA's AAAA large school division.
A point to ponder: If the next coach had a track record of very good success but could pass for Steve Jewell's twin brother, would you take a pass?

I hear Cox and Jewell are still running things... The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Any other civilized community would be kicking those two b#sta$ds the hell out of town.

Ten days from June and still no coach. ONLY IN CORBIN!!!
Does anyone from Corbin know what the sign on the Falls Road business close to the old drive -in means? I think I know but I'm not sure. I think it's someone's attempt at satire over the coaching situation but I'm not sure. I need to stop hanging out at massage parlors, pool halls, and nudie girls exotic dance clubs and pay more attention to all the firing and hiring that is going on at the high school.

Here's what the sign says: "J***y F***y for Coach"

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