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Trump Wanted to 'Stay in Power Forever' Like Putin, Says His Ex-National Security Adv

"He saw Putin as the kind of epitome of the badass populist, frankly, you know, the kind of person that he wanted to be: super-rich, super powerful, no checks and balances, and essentially being able to stay in power forever,"

Trump routinely has spoken favorably of Putin and his leadership of Russia. Many in Washington—Democrats and Republicans—raised concerns about the former president's apparent affinity for Putin, as Russia has long been seen as a top adversary of the U.S. on the world stage.
Another bogus "Trump is an authoritarian" thread. It's curious how Joe Biden is actively depriving Americans of their constitutional rights and claiming federal authority does not exist but Trump is the authoritarian, according to liberals.
(10-11-2021, 09:48 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: Another bogus "Trump is an authoritarian" thread. It's curious how Joe Biden is actively depriving Americans of their constitutional rights and claiming federal authority does not exist but Trump is the authoritarian, according to liberals.

I haven't lost any rights under Biden.  Which ones have you lost?
Another stupid false news thread from a GOP voter lol. I hate Republican liars worse than Democrat liars.
(10-11-2021, 10:47 PM)The Outsider Wrote:
(10-11-2021, 09:48 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: Another bogus "Trump is an authoritarian" thread. It's curious how Joe Biden is actively depriving Americans of their constitutional rights and claiming federal authority does not exist but Trump is the authoritarian, according to liberals.

I haven't lost any rights under Biden.  Which ones have you lost?
I was forced to get an inoculation of an experimental vaccine or join the ranks of the unemployed. There was no legislation requiring vaccination and there was not even an official Executive Order implementing the policy. Only the Biden administration's intimidation of federal contractors to adopt his policy or else.

That is only one example. The worst is yet to come. Biden's proposal to require banks to report all transactions of $600 or more to the IRS will be a violation of my Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable searches. All of the proposed discrimination against those who have not been vaccinated - included those who have acquired natural immunity to COVID-19 by recovering from the disease, will be a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution.

What rights did you lose under Trump? What is the basis for your allegations that Trump is an authoritarian? It seems to me that everything is based on unfounded opinions of what Trump dreamed of doing - not on any actual policies or actions. What am I missing?
Republican or Democrat, if you disagree with Jet or the head conspiracy monger's weird world views, you're called a liar. Again, these are the same people that believe in bamboo ballots, anti-vax quacks, sky fairies and talking snakes. They give their money to crooked TV preachers who idolize Trump and demonize Biden , yet fail to condemn an insurrection attempt to overthrow the government. Outsider... continue on posting the truth that these poor indoctrinates refuse to acknowledge.
(10-12-2021, 01:06 AM)Old School Hound Wrote: Republican or Democrat, if you disagree with Jet or the head conspiracy monger's  weird world views, you're called a liar. Again, these are the same people that believe in bamboo ballots,  anti-vax  quacks, sky fairies and talking snakes. They give their money to crooked TV preachers who idolize Trump and demonize Biden , yet fail to condemn an insurrection attempt to overthrow the government.  Outsider... continue on posting the truth that these poor indoctrinates refuse to acknowledge.

Calling anyone who disagrees with you a liar, bullying and belittling is straight from the Trump playbook.  This is one of the main, if not the main reason, that our country is so divided.  Trump brings out the worst in people.
(10-12-2021, 01:06 AM)Old School Hound Wrote: Republican or Democrat, if you disagree with Jet or the head conspiracy monger's  weird world views, you're called a liar. Again, these are the same people that believe in bamboo ballots,  anti-vax  quacks, sky fairies and talking snakes. They give their money to crooked TV preachers who idolize Trump and demonize Biden , yet fail to condemn an insurrection attempt to overthrow the government.  Outsider... continue on posting the truth that these poor indoctrinates refuse to acknowledge.
It's a lie no matter how many times you repeat it. Plus you believe in astrology and that we came from nothing. 

Also I have a strong suspicion Outsider and OSH...oh never mind you know.

Schiff: Republican Party “Is Now an Autocratic Cult Around Donald Trump”

The Republican Party “is not interested in governing,” Schiff said. “It’s not interested in even maintaining the solvency in the credit worthiness of the country. And we have to recognize that they’re not interested in governing. And so we’re going to govern, we’re going to have to do it. And if we have to do it with our own votes, we will do that.”
(10-12-2021, 01:45 PM)The Outsider Wrote:

Schiff: Republican Party “Is Now an Autocratic Cult Around Donald Trump”

The Republican Party “is not interested in governing,” Schiff said. “It’s not interested in even maintaining the solvency in the credit worthiness of the country. And we have to recognize that they’re not interested in governing. And so we’re going to govern, we’re going to have to do it. And if we have to do it with our own votes, we will do that.”
Quoting the biggest liar in American politics is not helping your case. No response to my challenge for you to list the rights you lost under President Trump? I am not surprised - I just wanted you to realize that I noticed your non-response.
(10-12-2021, 01:45 PM)The Outsider Wrote:

Schiff: Republican Party “Is Now an Autocratic Cult Around Donald Trump”

The Republican Party “is not interested in governing,” Schiff said. “It’s not interested in even maintaining the solvency in the credit worthiness of the country. And we have to recognize that they’re not interested in governing. And so we’re going to govern, we’re going to have to do it. And if we have to do it with our own votes, we will do that.”
A straight-ticket GOP voter quoting Schiff. LOL Outsider lies about who he votes for to make all his other lies seem more believable...epic fail.
(10-12-2021, 01:36 PM)The Outsider Wrote:
(10-12-2021, 01:06 AM)Old School Hound Wrote: Republican or Democrat, if you disagree with Jet or the head conspiracy monger's  weird world views, you're called a liar. Again, these are the same people that believe in bamboo ballots,  anti-vax  quacks, sky fairies and talking snakes. They give their money to crooked TV preachers who idolize Trump and demonize Biden , yet fail to condemn an insurrection attempt to overthrow the government.  Outsider... continue on posting the truth that these poor indoctrinates refuse to acknowledge.

Calling anyone who disagrees with you a liar, bullying and belittling is straight from the Trump playbook.  This is one of the main, if not the main reason, that our country is so divided.  Trump brings out the worst in people.

As true a statement as could be made. I've seen it in dozens of people I know personally. Trump has given his flock of indoctrinates permission to be the very worst of themselves. I've seen it in former friends and even family members. And you see it on here with this Trump triad. Trump bullies those who disagree with him and calls them liars. These three on here  model their ugly behavior after their orange god. I think a lot of these Trumpites had a lot of the anger and bigotry already inside of them before Trump. He has just given them permission to be proud about it and to let it flow freely.
An atheist who ridicules other people's religion with references to "sky fairies" and "talking snakes" calling other people bigots? I know that it is difficult for most people to see the hypocrisy of their own statements but how hard could it possibly be for the resident atheist? If hypocrisy were a snake...
FWEEEEET!!!!  Timeout.  When people choose to repeat lies whether they had any part in creating those lies or not--- they're lying. Our concerns have zero to do with beating back you clowns here on BGR. They have to do with concerns for the overall good of our country which BTW, directly involve your households every bit as much as ours.

What I have tried to get you to understand ad nauseum boils down to this. Truth has absolutely nothing to do with politics. When you quote somebody like Schiff you're looking to grind an ax: because that's all the man does. The Senate had a trial, in that trial Schiff was exposed as a liar and he couldn't offer up one word of defense. If you take your truth in the form of talking points the way you guys do, you're believing stuff that helps only Democrats.

Further. The second Democrats realized Trump had won in 2016, they swore an oath to impeach him. It was blaring across the news simultaneously with the announcements of his victory. Such a set of circumstances is hardly defensible, or objective, in the least.  You guys always look the other way when evidence is presented but you gobble up gossip like it was the nectar of the gods. Just like in the case of the article cited in this thread's starter, there is not one scintilla of truth contained therein. But it tickles your ears and so it's full speed ahead. If you want to talk about some form of monger you might want to look in the mirror. You'll buy any Trump slam coming and going. It's past absurd.

Many people have already stopped filling their gas tank, settling for something like 20 dollars worth. I'm not surprised you're not be able to identify the rights have you lost, but I'm pretty sure you'll be able to recognize the coming empty store shelves. You are obviously too young to remember how rough inflation times can be, lol. Not to worry, to that end you're about to get your object lesson.
(10-12-2021, 08:10 PM) Outsider Wrote:
(10-12-2021, 07:09 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: FWEEEEET!!!!  Timeout.  When people choose to repeat lies whether they had any part in creating those lies or not--- they're lying. Our concerns have zero to do with beating back you clowns here on BGR. They have to do with concerns for the overall good of our country which BTW, directly involve your households every bit as much as ours.

What I have tried to get you to understand ad nauseum boils down to this. Truth has absolutely nothing to do with politics. When you quote somebody like Schiff you're looking to grind an ax: because that's all the man does. The Senate had a trial, in that trial Schiff was exposed as a liar and he couldn't offer up one word of defense. If you take your truth in the form of talking points the way you guys do, you're believing stuff that helps only Democrats.

Further. The second Democrats realized Trump had won in 2016, they swore an oath to impeach him. It was blaring across the news simultaneously with the announcements of his victory. Such a set of circumstances is hardly defensible, or objective, in the least.  You guys always look the other way when evidence is presented but you gobble up gossip like it was the nectar of the gods. Just like in the case of the article cited in this thread's starter, there is not one scintilla of truth contained therein. But it tickles your ears and so it's full speed ahead. If you want to talk about some form of monger you might want to look in the mirror. You'll buy any Trump slam coming and going. It's past absurd.

Many people have already stopped filling their gas tank, settling for something like 20 dollars worth. I'm not surprised you're not be able to identify the rights have you lost, but I'm pretty sure you'll be able to recognize the coming empty store shelves. You are obviously too young to remember how rough inflation times can be, lol. Not to worry, to that end you're about to get your object lesson.

Well since Hooter couldn't come up with any rights that he has lost, maybe you can expand on it.

I had hopes that Trump could come in and be able to operate a government that was not strictly based upon ideologies of the 2 parties.  He did okay for a little while, but his narcissistic personality disorder came forefront and it all fell apart.  One day his followers will see the light, hopefully before its's too late for Democracy.

“Did the people in Washington believe that there was fraud, even the ones who were being sort of tacitly approving of the tactic?” the host asked of Republicans who helped perpetuate those conspiracies.

“No,” Woodward replied, plainly, revealing that some of Trump’s closest allies in Congress privately admitted to him that there was “no evidence” of a rigged election but would not say so publicly, presumably out of fear from Trump and his base.

“This was a subversion, or an attempted subversion, of democracy,” Woodward said. “And it never stopped. And here’s the problem: It continues.” He warned that Trump is “going to run again and he’s got a lot of support.”
(10-12-2021, 08:16 PM)The Outsider Wrote:
(10-12-2021, 08:10 PM) Outsider Wrote:
(10-12-2021, 07:09 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: FWEEEEET!!!!  Timeout.  When people choose to repeat lies whether they had any part in creating those lies or not--- they're lying. Our concerns have zero to do with beating back you clowns here on BGR. They have to do with concerns for the overall good of our country which BTW, directly involve your households every bit as much as ours.

What I have tried to get you to understand ad nauseum boils down to this. Truth has absolutely nothing to do with politics. When you quote somebody like Schiff you're looking to grind an ax: because that's all the man does. The Senate had a trial, in that trial Schiff was exposed as a liar and he couldn't offer up one word of defense. If you take your truth in the form of talking points the way you guys do, you're believing stuff that helps only Democrats.

Further. The second Democrats realized Trump had won in 2016, they swore an oath to impeach him. It was blaring across the news simultaneously with the announcements of his victory. Such a set of circumstances is hardly defensible, or objective, in the least.  You guys always look the other way when evidence is presented but you gobble up gossip like it was the nectar of the gods. Just like in the case of the article cited in this thread's starter, there is not one scintilla of truth contained therein. But it tickles your ears and so it's full speed ahead. If you want to talk about some form of monger you might want to look in the mirror. You'll buy any Trump slam coming and going. It's past absurd.

Many people have already stopped filling their gas tank, settling for something like 20 dollars worth. I'm not surprised you're not be able to identify the rights have you lost, but I'm pretty sure you'll be able to recognize the coming empty store shelves. You are obviously too young to remember how rough inflation times can be, lol. Not to worry, to that end you're about to get your object lesson.

Well since Hooter couldn't come up with any rights that he has lost, maybe you can expand on it.

I had hopes that Trump could come in and be able to operate a government that was not strictly based upon ideologies of the 2 parties.  He did okay for a little while, but his narcissistic personality disorder came forefront and it all fell apart.  One day his followers will see the light, hopefully before its's too late for Democracy.

“Did the people in Washington believe that there was fraud, even the ones who were being sort of tacitly approving of the tactic?” the host asked of Republicans who helped perpetuate those conspiracies.

“No,” Woodward replied, plainly, revealing that some of Trump’s closest allies in Congress privately admitted to him that there was “no evidence” of a rigged election but would not say so publicly, presumably out of fear from Trump and his base.

“This was a subversion, or an attempted subversion, of democracy,” Woodward said. “And it never stopped. And here’s the problem: It continues.” He warned that Trump is “going to run again and he’s got a lot of support.”

Incredible. You just followed up quoting Adam Schiff with quotes from Steven Colbert and Bob Woodward. I mean, you got your bottom of the barrel and then you got the grubs and worms and stuff that live in the mud under the bottom of that barrel. At any rate, you couldn't even name the instances of dereliction and biases of your obscure, vague and ambiguous charge.

To the bolded; you couldn't substantiate a word of what you wrote if your life depended on it. Bob Woodward did not divulge his so-called sources. Therefore his book has even less credibility than a Marvel Comic Book. Anybody can put together an ominous scenario regarding the federal Government from imagination. I.E. see "A Clear and Present Danger," "White House Down," Olympus Has Fallen," and "Kingsman the Golden Circle" and I could go on.

I would say pick your fiction but you obviously already did that.
(10-12-2021, 08:16 PM)The Outsider Wrote:
(10-12-2021, 08:10 PM) Outsider Wrote:
(10-12-2021, 07:09 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: FWEEEEET!!!!  Timeout.  When people choose to repeat lies whether they had any part in creating those lies or not--- they're lying. Our concerns have zero to do with beating back you clowns here on BGR. They have to do with concerns for the overall good of our country which BTW, directly involve your households every bit as much as ours.

What I have tried to get you to understand ad nauseum boils down to this. Truth has absolutely nothing to do with politics. When you quote somebody like Schiff you're looking to grind an ax: because that's all the man does. The Senate had a trial, in that trial Schiff was exposed as a liar and he couldn't offer up one word of defense. If you take your truth in the form of talking points the way you guys do, you're believing stuff that helps only Democrats.

Further. The second Democrats realized Trump had won in 2016, they swore an oath to impeach him. It was blaring across the news simultaneously with the announcements of his victory. Such a set of circumstances is hardly defensible, or objective, in the least.  You guys always look the other way when evidence is presented but you gobble up gossip like it was the nectar of the gods. Just like in the case of the article cited in this thread's starter, there is not one scintilla of truth contained therein. But it tickles your ears and so it's full speed ahead. If you want to talk about some form of monger you might want to look in the mirror. You'll buy any Trump slam coming and going. It's past absurd.

Many people have already stopped filling their gas tank, settling for something like 20 dollars worth. I'm not surprised you're not be able to identify the rights have you lost, but I'm pretty sure you'll be able to recognize the coming empty store shelves. You are obviously too young to remember how rough inflation times can be, lol. Not to worry, to that end you're about to get your object lesson.

Well since Hooter couldn't come up with any rights that he has lost, maybe you can expand on it.

I had hopes that Trump could come in and be able to operate a government that was not strictly based upon ideologies of the 2 parties.  He did okay for a little while, but his narcissistic personality disorder came forefront and it all fell apart.  One day his followers will see the light, hopefully before its's too late for Democracy.

“Did the people in Washington believe that there was fraud, even the ones who were being sort of tacitly approving of the tactic?” the host asked of Republicans who helped perpetuate those conspiracies.

“No,” Woodward replied, plainly, revealing that some of Trump’s closest allies in Congress privately admitted to him that there was “no evidence” of a rigged election but would not say so publicly, presumably out of fear from Trump and his base.

“This was a subversion, or an attempted subversion, of democracy,” Woodward said. “And it never stopped. And here’s the problem: It continues.” He warned that Trump is “going to run again and he’s got a lot of support.”
I gave you an example of a violation of my rights. Why are you denying that fact? You, on the other hand never responded when I posed the same question to you. This is the kind of dishonest posting that makes it impossible to have an honest debate with you.

Woodward's reliance on unnamed sources is a common tactic of the left. There is no fact-checking of anonymous sources, nor is there any fact-checking of Woodward's characterization of the closeness of his sources to Trump.

Here is a fact for you. Over 50 percent of Americans disapprove of the job that Biden is doing and 50 percent strongly disapprove of the job that he is doing. I am suspect that liberals who post in this forum fall into the steadily shrinking 20 percent of Americans who strongly approve of Joe Biden's job performance. Biden has proven to be far more of an authoritarian than Trump was and that is one of the many reasons that his popularity continues to nosedive.

BTW, my screen name is Hoot Gibson, but you may call me Hoot.
(10-12-2021, 08:53 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(10-12-2021, 08:16 PM)The Outsider Wrote:
(10-12-2021, 08:10 PM) Outsider Wrote:
(10-12-2021, 07:09 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: FWEEEEET!!!!  Timeout.  When people choose to repeat lies whether they had any part in creating those lies or not--- they're lying. Our concerns have zero to do with beating back you clowns here on BGR. They have to do with concerns for the overall good of our country which BTW, directly involve your households every bit as much as ours.

What I have tried to get you to understand ad nauseum boils down to this. Truth has absolutely nothing to do with politics. When you quote somebody like Schiff you're looking to grind an ax: because that's all the man does. The Senate had a trial, in that trial Schiff was exposed as a liar and he couldn't offer up one word of defense. If you take your truth in the form of talking points the way you guys do, you're believing stuff that helps only Democrats.

Further. The second Democrats realized Trump had won in 2016, they swore an oath to impeach him. It was blaring across the news simultaneously with the announcements of his victory. Such a set of circumstances is hardly defensible, or objective, in the least.  You guys always look the other way when evidence is presented but you gobble up gossip like it was the nectar of the gods. Just like in the case of the article cited in this thread's starter, there is not one scintilla of truth contained therein. But it tickles your ears and so it's full speed ahead. If you want to talk about some form of monger you might want to look in the mirror. You'll buy any Trump slam coming and going. It's past absurd.

Many people have already stopped filling their gas tank, settling for something like 20 dollars worth. I'm not surprised you're not be able to identify the rights have you lost, but I'm pretty sure you'll be able to recognize the coming empty store shelves. You are obviously too young to remember how rough inflation times can be, lol. Not to worry, to that end you're about to get your object lesson.

Well since Hooter couldn't come up with any rights that he has lost, maybe you can expand on it.

I had hopes that Trump could come in and be able to operate a government that was not strictly based upon ideologies of the 2 parties.  He did okay for a little while, but his narcissistic personality disorder came forefront and it all fell apart.  One day his followers will see the light, hopefully before its's too late for Democracy.

“Did the people in Washington believe that there was fraud, even the ones who were being sort of tacitly approving of the tactic?” the host asked of Republicans who helped perpetuate those conspiracies.

“No,” Woodward replied, plainly, revealing that some of Trump’s closest allies in Congress privately admitted to him that there was “no evidence” of a rigged election but would not say so publicly, presumably out of fear from Trump and his base.

“This was a subversion, or an attempted subversion, of democracy,” Woodward said. “And it never stopped. And here’s the problem: It continues.” He warned that Trump is “going to run again and he’s got a lot of support.”

Incredible. You just followed up quoting Adam Schiff with quotes from Steven Colbert and Bob Woodward. I mean, you got your bottom of the barrel and then you got the grubs and worms and stuff that live in the mud under the bottom of that barrel. At any rate, you couldn't even name the instances of dereliction and biases of your obscure, vague and ambiguous charge.

To the bolded; you couldn't substantiate a word of what you wrote if your life depended on it. Bob Woodward did not divulge his so-called sources. Therefore his book has even less credibility than a Marvel Comic Book. Anybody can put together an ominous scenario regarding the federal Government from imagination. I.E. see "A Clear and Present Danger," "White House Down," Olympus Has Fallen," and "Kingsman 

Another prime example of a Trump like reaction as Civility has gone out the window in the new Trump World.  God help us all if he regains power

My bad Hoot, I didn't read your entire post and see your questions.  I didn't claim to lose any rights under Trump.  I know for a fact the type of person Trump is and how he has destroyed lives of very good people in his past, and though I strongly believe in forgiveness, I have seen zero sign of him becominag a better person.  

Let's hope that someone in the GOP that has a chance of overcoming his base, has the guts to oppose him in the primary.
(10-12-2021, 11:49 PM)The Outsider Wrote:
(10-12-2021, 08:53 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(10-12-2021, 08:16 PM)The Outsider Wrote:
(10-12-2021, 08:10 PM) Outsider Wrote:
(10-12-2021, 07:09 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: FWEEEEET!!!!  Timeout.  When people choose to repeat lies whether they had any part in creating those lies or not--- they're lying. Our concerns have zero to do with beating back you clowns here on BGR. They have to do with concerns for the overall good of our country which BTW, directly involve your households every bit as much as ours.

What I have tried to get you to understand ad nauseum boils down to this. Truth has absolutely nothing to do with politics. When you quote somebody like Schiff you're looking to grind an ax: because that's all the man does. The Senate had a trial, in that trial Schiff was exposed as a liar and he couldn't offer up one word of defense. If you take your truth in the form of talking points the way you guys do, you're believing stuff that helps only Democrats.

Further. The second Democrats realized Trump had won in 2016, they swore an oath to impeach him. It was blaring across the news simultaneously with the announcements of his victory. Such a set of circumstances is hardly defensible, or objective, in the least.  You guys always look the other way when evidence is presented but you gobble up gossip like it was the nectar of the gods. Just like in the case of the article cited in this thread's starter, there is not one scintilla of truth contained therein. But it tickles your ears and so it's full speed ahead. If you want to talk about some form of monger you might want to look in the mirror. You'll buy any Trump slam coming and going. It's past absurd.

Many people have already stopped filling their gas tank, settling for something like 20 dollars worth. I'm not surprised you're not be able to identify the rights have you lost, but I'm pretty sure you'll be able to recognize the coming empty store shelves. You are obviously too young to remember how rough inflation times can be, lol. Not to worry, to that end you're about to get your object lesson.

Well since Hooter couldn't come up with any rights that he has lost, maybe you can expand on it.

I had hopes that Trump could come in and be able to operate a government that was not strictly based upon ideologies of the 2 parties.  He did okay for a little while, but his narcissistic personality disorder came forefront and it all fell apart.  One day his followers will see the light, hopefully before its's too late for Democracy.

“Did the people in Washington believe that there was fraud, even the ones who were being sort of tacitly approving of the tactic?” the host asked of Republicans who helped perpetuate those conspiracies.

“No,” Woodward replied, plainly, revealing that some of Trump’s closest allies in Congress privately admitted to him that there was “no evidence” of a rigged election but would not say so publicly, presumably out of fear from Trump and his base.

“This was a subversion, or an attempted subversion, of democracy,” Woodward said. “And it never stopped. And here’s the problem: It continues.” He warned that Trump is “going to run again and he’s got a lot of support.”

Incredible. You just followed up quoting Adam Schiff with quotes from Steven Colbert and Bob Woodward. I mean, you got your bottom of the barrel and then you got the grubs and worms and stuff that live in the mud under the bottom of that barrel. At any rate, you couldn't even name the instances of dereliction and biases of your obscure, vague and ambiguous charge.

To the bolded; you couldn't substantiate a word of what you wrote if your life depended on it. Bob Woodward did not divulge his so-called sources. Therefore his book has even less credibility than a Marvel Comic Book. Anybody can put together an ominous scenario regarding the federal Government from imagination. I.E. see "A Clear and Present Danger," "White House Down," Olympus Has Fallen," and "Kingsman 

Another prime example of a Trump like reaction as Civility has gone out the window in the new Trump World.  God help us all if he regains power
If he regains power again after nearly raping and pillaging democracy from the Land of the Free , it would say a lot more about the people of this country than it would about con man Don.. We see three on here that would re-elect him in an instant, no matter what he says or does from this point on. They watched him incite an insurrection and yet they still get an erection whenever  he delivers another patented incoherent diatribe at one of his cult rallies. Fortunately, I seriously doubt that he regains the office of the presidency.

Keep on speaking Truth to insanity, Outsider.
(10-13-2021, 12:03 AM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(10-12-2021, 11:49 PM)The Outsider Wrote:
(10-12-2021, 08:53 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(10-12-2021, 08:16 PM)The Outsider Wrote:
(10-12-2021, 08:10 PM) Outsider Wrote: Well since Hooter couldn't come up with any rights that he has lost, maybe you can expand on it.

I had hopes that Trump could come in and be able to operate a government that was not strictly based upon ideologies of the 2 parties.  He did okay for a little while, but his narcissistic personality disorder came forefront and it all fell apart.  One day his followers will see the light, hopefully before its's too late for Democracy.

“Did the people in Washington believe that there was fraud, even the ones who were being sort of tacitly approving of the tactic?” the host asked of Republicans who helped perpetuate those conspiracies.

“No,” Woodward replied, plainly, revealing that some of Trump’s closest allies in Congress privately admitted to him that there was “no evidence” of a rigged election but would not say so publicly, presumably out of fear from Trump and his base.

“This was a subversion, or an attempted subversion, of democracy,” Woodward said. “And it never stopped. And here’s the problem: It continues.” He warned that Trump is “going to run again and he’s got a lot of support.”

Incredible. You just followed up quoting Adam Schiff with quotes from Steven Colbert and Bob Woodward. I mean, you got your bottom of the barrel and then you got the grubs and worms and stuff that live in the mud under the bottom of that barrel. At any rate, you couldn't even name the instances of dereliction and biases of your obscure, vague and ambiguous charge.

To the bolded; you couldn't substantiate a word of what you wrote if your life depended on it. Bob Woodward did not divulge his so-called sources. Therefore his book has even less credibility than a Marvel Comic Book. Anybody can put together an ominous scenario regarding the federal Government from imagination. I.E. see "A Clear and Present Danger," "White House Down," Olympus Has Fallen," and "Kingsman 

Another prime example of a Trump like reaction as Civility has gone out the window in the new Trump World.  God help us all if he regains power
If he regains power again after nearly raping and pillaging democracy from the Land of the Free , it would say a lot more about the people of this country than it would about con man Don.. We see three on here that would re-elect him in an instant, no matter what he says or does from this point on. They watched him incite an insurrection and yet they still get an erection whenever  he delivers another patented incoherent diatribe at one of his cult rallies.  Fortunately,  I seriously doubt that he regains the office of the presidency.

Keep on speaking Truth to insanity, Outsider.
This is a lie.
Maybe Westside's post needs to be reviewed.

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