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Stop the Steal
(12-08-2020, 09:44 AM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-07-2020, 11:15 PM)The Outsider Wrote:
(12-07-2020, 11:04 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-07-2020, 09:16 PM)Van Hagar Wrote: That’s what I thought. You couldn’t answer it there anyway, you are incapable. And by the way, the only losers right now are Trump and his minions. So go take a quick look in the mirror, Hootie, there’s a big L emblazoned into your forehead right now.

Pence has not abandoned the President. Never in my lifetime have I ever heard a VP more statesmanlike than Mike Pence has been in his support of President Trump. In a word, unwavering. There is nothing evidentiary out there by which you could justify saying Pence is distancing himself from the President. Fake views.

The outcome of this election is now in the purview of the courts. Agents seized 20 Dominion voting machines in Antrim County, MI., where it has been proven that 6,000 votes were switched from Trump to Biden. Originally awarding Antrim County to Biden in fraudulent fashion. Dominion voting machines changing votes from Trump to Biden is a common theme this election. Pence could speak about that, he could speak about a lot of things but this election is being litigated. Frankly it would likely be out of line for MR Pence to get out in front of any of this. But I must have missed the part when George W.'s VP had anything to say about that contested election. Must be a Republican thing I guess?

It's an epic leap to say Pence has any lack of support for MR Trump.

I, along with the court system, must have somehow missed this proof.  It has been proven though that if something is repeated often enough that people who want to believe it, will think that it is indeed factual.

Meanwhile while the pandemic rages on, the President has nothing better to do than golf and tweet.  Unbelievable.

You've missed quite a lot actually. The courts won't hear the evidence, they're not missing it.

And speaking of missing things you must have also missed the various world renowned Epidemiologist's reports on theraputics which greatly mitigate the symptoms of the coronavirus. Namely HydroxyChloroQuine+Az+Zinc which has been summarily dismissed on political grounds by people who feel like you do about MR Trump. Quite a club of intellectuals you got there.
Exactly, TRT. Most actions have not been dismissed based on the merits. They have been dismissed on procedural or jurisdictional grounds.
I’m not criticizing Pence, I think he is a decent man caught up in a horrible circumstance. But he has not uttered one word of support for Trump’s folly. Meanwhile, it looks like we have gone to the back of the line with Pfizer (which by the way didn’t take any of the Operation Warp Speed money, so don’t credit Trump with that). We had a chance to lock in more than 100 million initial doses of vaccine we are getting, and passed. Other countries have taken our place. Well, since it was just gonna go away anyway, I guess we wouldn’t be needing them. There’s your pathetic, Hoot. In just over a month we will get to see how a president that gives a damn addresses the situation.
(12-08-2020, 02:05 PM)Van Hagar Wrote: I’m not criticizing Pence, I think he is a decent man caught up in a horrible circumstance. But he has not uttered one word of support for Trump’s folly. Meanwhile, it looks like we have gone to the back of the line with Pfizer (which by the way didn’t take any of the Operation Warp Speed money, so don’t credit Trump with that). We had a chance to lock in more than 100 million initial doses of vaccine we are getting, and passed. Other countries have taken our place. Well, since it was just gonna go away anyway, I guess we wouldn’t be needing them. There’s your pathetic, Hoot. In just over a month we will get to see how a president that gives a damn addresses the situation.
Trump expedited FDA approval of the vaccines, so yes, he deserves some credit for any vaccine being released so quickly for use in this country. As for a president giving a damn about COVID-19, most of the plan Biden has outlined is an exact match of Trump's plan. The exception will be his authoritarian proposal of a national mandate and support of closing small businesses across the nation. Sure, Biden cares so deeply about people. Tell Ukraine how much Biden cares about people. How is their criminal investigation of the Biden family going?
Votes re-recertified in GA. Votes have been counted now THREE times(election night, manual recount, machine recount) Same result each time, of course. Republican SOS again reiterates that the election results are true and criticizes those who are saying otherwise. He said, " Integrity matters; Truth matters." A GOP election official with integrity- rare, but thank goodness for people like him.
(12-08-2020, 04:25 PM)Old School Hound Wrote: Votes re-recertified in GA.  Votes have been  counted now THREE times(election night, manual recount, machine recount) Same result each time, of course. Republican SOS again reiterates that the election results are true and criticizes those who are saying otherwise.  He said, " Integrity matters; Truth matters."  A GOP election official with integrity- rare, but thank goodness for people like him.
They can count fraudulent votes and not authenticate mail in ballot signatures a thousand times and the results will not change. The Georgia Secretary of State is a crook or he would have ensured that only legal votes were counted the first time. What you cannot explain is why Republican observers and most vote counters were sent home on election night, with the excuse of a broken water main made evacuation of the room containing ballots necessary. There was no broken water main and four Democrats continued to count ballots until they had counted enough votes for Biden to take the lead overnight. Don't feel bad, the crooked Georgia SoS cannot explain those events either.
292,000 Americans have died from the Trump Flu
And what is the Dear Leader concerned about ?
Trying to schedule his tee time on the golf course
(12-08-2020, 02:05 PM)Van Hagar Wrote: I’m not criticizing Pence, I think he is a decent man caught up in a horrible circumstance. But he has not uttered one word of support for Trump’s folly. Meanwhile, it looks like we have gone to the back of the line with Pfizer (which by the way didn’t take any of the Operation Warp Speed money, so don’t credit Trump with that). We had a chance to lock in more than 100 million initial doses of vaccine we are getting, and passed. Other countries have taken our place. Well, since it was just gonna go away anyway, I guess we wouldn’t be needing them. There’s your pathetic, Hoot. In just over a month we will get to see how a president that gives a damn addresses the situation.

That's Pfizer's story reportedly. They contracted with the US for 100 million doses as the result of getting paid up front and the commitment from the US government to take delivery of that many doses. And you watch and see what happens with administering the vaccine if Biden moves in the WH. The vaccinations were going to be free with the high-risk senior group at the head of the line. I'm already hearing that seniors have been displaced in line for professional athletes because they will be the pitch-men. Please. I've also heard that Academia and other of the left have been calling for black and Hispanic people, including illegal Hispanics, to get vaccinated first because supposedly they are more susceptible.

How's that fundamental transformation working for ya? And that's not even the tip of the iceberg because the entire US Constitution is about to be trumped by the race card.
(12-08-2020, 02:05 PM)Van Hagar Wrote: I’m not criticizing Pence, I think he is a decent man caught up in a horrible circumstance. But he has not uttered one word of support for Trump’s folly. Meanwhile, it looks like we have gone to the back of the line with Pfizer (which by the way didn’t take any of the Operation Warp Speed money, so don’t credit Trump with that). We had a chance to lock in more than 100 million initial doses of vaccine we are getting, and passed. Other countries have taken our place. Well, since it was just gonna go away anyway, I guess we wouldn’t be needing them. There’s your pathetic, Hoot. In just over a month we will get to see how a president that gives a damn addresses the situation.
It's ironic that somebody who has claimed repeatedly that there is no evidence of widespread election fraud in the 2020 election in the face of a growing mountain of evidence, now claims that VP Pence does not support Trump's challenges to the election results because he has not seen any evidence of support. A a failure to observe evidence is not proof that it does not exists. You have seen no evidence of Pence's support because of your choice of news sources.

Here is an example. I think that Pence made it pretty clear that he supports the Trump legal team's efforts.

Quote:Remarks by Vice President Pence at the Council for National Policy Meeting

And while — while we await the results of our election and we’ll continue to labor in our courts for a free and fair election, an election of integrity, look at what we already have confirmed on this Election Day.  For all the spade work that conservatives have done since 1981 and before, it’s amazing to think President Donald Trump and our team secured 72 million votes — 10 million more than four years ago.  (Applause.)

In fact, President Trump secured more votes than any Republican candidate for President in history, and he secured more votes than any incumbent President in the history of this nation.  (Applause.)  And maybe — maybe, most important of all — I know how deeply meaningful it is to the President and it is to all of us here — President Trump not only secured more votes than any Republican candidate for President in history, but he also secured more votes from minorities for any Republican candidate in 60 years.  (Applause.)  Our party is growing, and under President Trump’s leadership, it’s growing more broadly every day.

Beyond our race, though, I don’t think I have to tell all of you, Nancy Pelosi is not smiling quite as much these days.  (Laughter.)  Actually, the count now is we added 12 seats to the Republican Conference in the House.  (Applause.)  We actually flipped, Bill.  We flipped three state houses in America for Republican control.  (Applause.)  And in just — just a short period of time, we’re going to defend the Republican majority in the United States Senate by electing two Republican senators from the great state of Georgia.  (Applause.)  Are you with us?  (Applause.)
I mean, it really is incredible, and I want to talk tonight about why we fight, and why it’s so important.

The battle that we’re taking to the courts today is a battle that is deeply meaningful in the life of the nation, but it all begins with just defending the integrity of the vote.  I mean, the truth is — I don’t have to tell men and women of CNP — you understand the right to vote is central to our democracy.

Since the founding of this nation, the “one person, one vote” principle has made possible government of the people, by the people, and for the people.  One fraudulent vote robs one honest vote from an American, and it really robs the credibility and vitality of our nation.  That’s why we’re going to fight.

Now the liberal media doesn’t get to pick our President; the American people do.  (Applause.)  So we’re going to fight, and we’re going to fight to preserve the integrity of this election, and we’re also going to work with each and every one of you to ensure the integrity of our elections through election reform.  We’re going to protect our elections for generations to come.  (Applause.)

So we fight because it’s the right fight to make to defend the integrity of our elections, but we also fight because the stakes in this election are so high, and how inspired we all are by what we have accomplished together over the last four years under the leadership of President Donald Trump.
LOL. I started to post--- in order for him to state categorically that Pence hasn't uttered one word in support for Trump's election challenge (as is outlined in the US Constitution for very good reason), he would have to have heard every word Pence uttered over the course of the past month. But then I remembered I'd have talking logic versus soap-opera theatrics anyway, so why bother?
Isn't it ironic that the people you see being the most vociferous protestors of the election results and charging fraud are the same people who did everything possibly to steal the election by trying to suppress the voting rights of people, mostly people of color, all across the country. I want EVERYONE to be able to vote, even those who don't have the same political slant as I do. I don't want anyone's vote to be suppressed. That's the thing about Trump's GOP. They want to make it harder(or impossible) for some people to vote. That's just not right, people. Again, these advocates for voter suppression are now the ones claiming fraud and harassing and threatening Secretaries of State and their families with violence. They need to just go home, make some cookies, and put on some Perry Como records and quit super spreading their misinformation and their viral infections. Joe Biden won this election fairly, squarely, and robustly. Biden and democracy prevailed this time ; Trump and the Russians prevailed in 2016. Time to move on and let Mr. Biden and Ms Harris bring some order and normalcy back into our lives and our politics. I guarantee you that, privately, most Congressional lawmakers(D's and R's) are saying they can't wait to have Trump the hell out of Washington.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Old School Hound's post:
  • Cardfan1
(12-08-2020, 06:59 PM)Old School Hound Wrote: Isn't it ironic that the people you see being the most vociferous protestors of the election results and charging fraud are the same people who did everything possibly to steal the election by trying to suppress the voting rights of people, mostly people of color, all across the country.  I want EVERYONE to be able to vote, even those who don't have the same political slant as I do. I don't want anyone's vote to be suppressed. That's the thing about Trump's GOP. They want to make it harder(or impossible) for some people to vote. That's just not right, people. Again, these advocates for voter suppression are now the ones claiming fraud and harassing and threatening  Secretaries of State and their families with violence.  They need to just go home, make some cookies, and put on some Perry Como records and quit super spreading their misinformation and their viral infections. Joe Biden won this election fairly, squarely, and  robustly.  Biden and democracy prevailed this time ;  Trump and the Russians prevailed in 2016.  Time to move on and let  Mr. Biden and Ms Harris bring some order and normalcy back into our lives and our politics. I guarantee you that, privately, most Congressional lawmakers(D's and R's) are saying they can't wait to have Trump the hell out of Washington.
Every change to our election process over the past couple of decades has been aimed at making it easier to commit voter fraud. The 2020 election is the direct result of those efforts.

How many times should a single person vote? Are you okay with illegal aliens voting? Should residents of one state be allowed to vote in multiple states? What about the dead? How many years should the deceased be kept on the voter rolls?

I really don't believe that any person of average intelligence believes that a lackluster candidate like Joe Biden received more votes than any presidential candidate in the history of this country. I refuse to believe that a large number of Americans are that stupid.
(12-08-2020, 06:33 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: LOL. I started to post---  in order for him to state categorically  that Pence hasn't uttered one word in support for Trump's election challenge (as is outlined in the US Constitution for very good reason), he would have to have heard every word Pence uttered over the course of the past month. But then I remembered I'd have talking logic versus soap-opera theatrics anyway, so why bother?
I resisted posting anything because it really has nothing to do with the thread. Pence could be holding a press conference every day professing his support for the Trump challenges and CNN and other liberal news outlets would not cover them.
You guys are priceless? You’ve heard, TRT? You’ve heard? Boy, there’s some concrete, unimpeachable evidence we all should take to the bank.
Let’s sum up—Trump lost by nearly 7,000,000 votes. A lot.
The vote was totally legal and will not be overturned, not in your wettest dreams.
Trump was and still is a maniacal, wanna-be dictator. But the country wised up in time to avert further disaster.
The Republican Party as a whole is in trouble. The vast majority of younger folks reject their policies. Time to adjust or become irrelevant.
And now let’s cut to the real core of you two, it’s so obvious if you go back and re-read many of your posts. You two are a couple of old, racist white guys who are scared to death that the ‘white’ way of life, lording over the blacks and other minorities, is coming to a close. Here’s a non-fake news alert for you guys, it is coming to an end. The times they are a-changing. Just like the Republican Party, it’s time for you all to adjust.
I know you will both howl with denial. TRT will probably throw in a few out-of-context scriptures in defense, Hoot will do some middle-school name calling. But I hope you at least take time to examine your true intentions.
Anyway, as much fun as it’s been delivering a dose of reality to you guys on a daily basis, I think I’ll take a little Christmas break. I need to take my time to pick out the perfect mask to wear to Biden’s inauguration.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Van Hagar's post:
  • Cardfan1
(12-08-2020, 07:40 PM)Van Hagar Wrote: You guys are priceless? You’ve heard, TRT? You’ve heard? Boy, there’s some concrete, unimpeachable evidence we all should take to the bank.
  Let’s sum up—Trump lost by nearly 7,000,000 votes. A lot.
  The vote was totally legal and will not be overturned, not in your wettest dreams.
  Trump was and still is a maniacal, wanna-be dictator.  But the country wised up in time to avert further disaster.
  The Republican Party as a whole is in trouble. The vast majority of younger folks reject their policies. Time to adjust or become irrelevant.
  And now let’s cut to the real core of you two, it’s so obvious if you go back and re-read many of your posts. You two are a couple of old, racist white guys who are scared to death that the ‘white’ way of life, lording over the blacks and other minorities, is coming to a close. Here’s a non-fake news alert for you guys, it is coming to an end. The times they are a-changing. Just like the Republican Party, it’s time for you all to adjust.
  I know you will both howl with denial. TRT will probably throw in a few out-of-context scriptures in defense, Hoot will do some middle-school name calling. But I hope you at least take time to examine your true intentions.
  Anyway, as much fun as it’s been delivering a dose of reality to you guys on a daily basis, I think I’ll take a little Christmas break. I need to take my time to pick out the perfect mask to wear to Biden’s inauguration.
I am shocked that a liberal Democrat who lost a debate resorted to call TRT and me racists! J/K, that is what most white liberals do when they enter battles of wit unarmed and predictably lose. Don't hurry back!  Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
(12-08-2020, 07:10 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-08-2020, 06:59 PM)Old School Hound Wrote: Isn't it ironic that the people you see being the most vociferous protestors of the election results and charging fraud are the same people who did everything possibly to steal the election by trying to suppress the voting rights of people, mostly people of color, all across the country.  I want EVERYONE to be able to vote, even those who don't have the same political slant as I do. I don't want anyone's vote to be suppressed. That's the thing about Trump's GOP. They want to make it harder(or impossible) for some people to vote. That's just not right, people. Again, these advocates for voter suppression are now the ones claiming fraud and harassing and threatening  Secretaries of State and their families with violence.  They need to just go home, make some cookies, and put on some Perry Como records and quit super spreading their misinformation and their viral infections. Joe Biden won this election fairly, squarely, and  robustly.  Biden and democracy prevailed this time ;  Trump and the Russians prevailed in 2016.  Time to move on and let  Mr. Biden and Ms Harris bring some order and normalcy back into our lives and our politics. I guarantee you that, privately, most Congressional lawmakers(D's and R's) are saying they can't wait to have Trump the hell out of Washington.
Every change to our election process over the past couple of decades has been aimed at making it easier to commit voter fraud. The 2020 election is the direct result of those efforts.

How many times should a single person vote? Are you okay with illegal aliens voting? Should residents of one state be allowed to vote in multiple states? What about the dead? How many years should the deceased be kept on the voter rolls?

I really don't believe that any person of average intelligence believes that a lackluster candidate like Joe Biden received more votes than any presidential candidate in the history of this country. I refuse to believe that a large number of Americans are that stupid.

Hoot, I think you are underestimating just how unpopular Trump is with 51+% of the country. I don't think it was so much that they were in love with Mr. Biden as they just couldn't stand Mr. Trump. I watched literally hundreds of videos of lifelong Republicans saying that they would stop at nothing to vote him out of office. Most of these people had never voted for a Democrat in their lives. Heck, I bet several folks  even came back from the dead just to vote him out. LOL

And , to answer your questions,  I am not okay with any of those things you mentioned. I am for every voter that is eligible to vote being able to do so freely and without being unduly burdened. Anyone committing voter fraud on either side should go to jail.


It appears that  Trump has run out of options.
(12-08-2020, 05:48 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-08-2020, 02:05 PM)Van Hagar Wrote: I’m not criticizing Pence, I think he is a decent man caught up in a horrible circumstance. But he has not uttered one word of support for Trump’s folly. Meanwhile, it looks like we have gone to the back of the line with Pfizer (which by the way didn’t take any of the Operation Warp Speed money, so don’t credit Trump with that). We had a chance to lock in more than 100 million initial doses of vaccine we are getting, and passed. Other countries have taken our place. Well, since it was just gonna go away anyway, I guess we wouldn’t be needing them. There’s your pathetic, Hoot. In just over a month we will get to see how a president that gives a damn addresses the situation.

That's Pfizer's story reportedly. They contracted with the US for 100 million doses as the result of getting paid up front and the commitment from the US government to take delivery of that many doses. And you watch and see what happens with administering the vaccine if Biden moves in the WH. The vaccinations were going to be free with the high-risk senior group at the head of the line. I'm already hearing that seniors have been displaced in line for professional athletes because they will be the pitch-men. Please. I've also heard that Academia and other of the left have been calling for black and Hispanic people, including illegal Hispanics, to get vaccinated first because supposedly they are more susceptible.

How's that fundamental transformation working for ya? And that's not even the tip of the iceberg because the entire US Constitution is about to be trumped by the race card.

(12-08-2020, 08:08 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-08-2020, 07:40 PM)Van Hagar Wrote: You guys are priceless? You’ve heard, TRT? You’ve heard? Boy, there’s some concrete, unimpeachable evidence we all should take to the bank.
  Let’s sum up—Trump lost by nearly 7,000,000 votes. A lot.
  The vote was totally legal and will not be overturned, not in your wettest dreams.
  Trump was and still is a maniacal, wanna-be dictator.  But the country wised up in time to avert further disaster.
  The Republican Party as a whole is in trouble. The vast majority of younger folks reject their policies. Time to adjust or become irrelevant.
  And now let’s cut to the real core of you two, it’s so obvious if you go back and re-read many of your posts. You two are a couple of old, racist white guys who are scared to death that the ‘white’ way of life, lording over the blacks and other minorities, is coming to a close. Here’s a non-fake news alert for you guys, it is coming to an end. The times they are a-changing. Just like the Republican Party, it’s time for you all to adjust.
  I know you will both howl with denial. TRT will probably throw in a few out-of-context scriptures in defense, Hoot will do some middle-school name calling. But I hope you at least take time to examine your true intentions.
  Anyway, as much fun as it’s been delivering a dose of reality to you guys on a daily basis, I think I’ll take a little Christmas break. I need to take my time to pick out the perfect mask to wear to Biden’s inauguration.
I am shocked that a liberal Democrat who lost a debate resorted to call TRT and me racists! J/K, that is what most white liberals do when they enter battles of wit unarmed and predictably lose. Don't hurry back!  :D :D :D
Hurts to know I’m right, doesn’t it? Sorry, that was a bonus post.
(12-08-2020, 08:12 PM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(12-08-2020, 07:10 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-08-2020, 06:59 PM)Old School Hound Wrote: Isn't it ironic that the people you see being the most vociferous protestors of the election results and charging fraud are the same people who did everything possibly to steal the election by trying to suppress the voting rights of people, mostly people of color, all across the country.  I want EVERYONE to be able to vote, even those who don't have the same political slant as I do. I don't want anyone's vote to be suppressed. That's the thing about Trump's GOP. They want to make it harder(or impossible) for some people to vote. That's just not right, people. Again, these advocates for voter suppression are now the ones claiming fraud and harassing and threatening  Secretaries of State and their families with violence.  They need to just go home, make some cookies, and put on some Perry Como records and quit super spreading their misinformation and their viral infections. Joe Biden won this election fairly, squarely, and  robustly.  Biden and democracy prevailed this time ;  Trump and the Russians prevailed in 2016.  Time to move on and let  Mr. Biden and Ms Harris bring some order and normalcy back into our lives and our politics. I guarantee you that, privately, most Congressional lawmakers(D's and R's) are saying they can't wait to have Trump the hell out of Washington.
Every change to our election process over the past couple of decades has been aimed at making it easier to commit voter fraud. The 2020 election is the direct result of those efforts.

How many times should a single person vote? Are you okay with illegal aliens voting? Should residents of one state be allowed to vote in multiple states? What about the dead? How many years should the deceased be kept on the voter rolls?

I really don't believe that any person of average intelligence believes that a lackluster candidate like Joe Biden received more votes than any presidential candidate in the history of this country. I refuse to believe that a large number of Americans are that stupid.

Hoot, I think you are underestimating just how unpopular Trump is with 51+% of the country. I don't think it was so much that they were in love with Mr. Biden as they just couldn't stand Mr. Trump. I watched literally hundreds of videos of lifelong Republicans saying that they would stop at nothing to vote him out of office. Most of these people had never voted for a Democrat in their lives. Heck, I bet several folks  even came back from the dead just to vote him out. LOL

And , to answer your questions,  I am not okay with any of those things you mentioned. I am for every voter that is eligible to vote being able to do so freely and without being unduly burdened. Anyone committing voter fraud on either side should go to jail.

I disagree but appreciate your civil tone. Historically, people turnout in greater numbers to vote in support of a candidate than to oppose a candidate. Here in very blue Fairfax County, there was no line when my family and I voted in the 2020 election. I commented to my wife and daughter that a light turnout in Fairfax County was a good sign. I don't know how heavy the turnout was in the rest of the county, but even here, the disparity in the number of Trump yard signs and bumper stickers compared to those of Biden was very noticeable.

Consider this fact:

Quote:Of the nineteen counties that have consistently voted for the presidential winner since 1980, only one of them, Washington state’s Clallam County, supported former Vice President Joe Biden, according to analysis from the Wall Street Journal.

Before the 2016 election, I was more critical of Donald Trump than anybody else who has participated in this forum since that election. If you doubt my claim, then I invite you to read through the thread that I started titled "The Case Against Donald Trump." My position was based on the fact that Trump had no record and I never pay much attention to campaign promises because most politicians have no intention of keeping most of them. I supported Ted Cruz and Trump ran a very nasty primary campaign. Cruz had a record of keeping campaign promises and for me, it was an easy choice.

I have continued to be critical of what I would call Trump's style, especially his heavy use of Twitter. However, considering the virtual blackout of positive Trump news preceding the election and continuing through today, I have to admit that maybe his decision to rely on Twitter was the right one.

I have become a strong Trump supporter based on his accomplishments, not because I find him likable. His foreign policy success rivals Ronald Reagan's actions that hastened the fall of the Soviet Union. His Middle East policy has been the most successful of any U.S. president but Joe Biden and the Democrats are promising to undermine it by renewing the disastrous Obama deal with Iran. 

Trump's strategy of isolating Iran by forging business and diplomatic ties between Israel and its Arab neighbors is working very well. Every president before Trump since Jimmy Carter has tried to deal with the Palestinians and pressured Israel into making concessions for the sake of a signed agreement. Trump took a win-win approach instead because he understands that commercial ties reduce tensions among trading partners.

Trump has his flaws but far fewer Americans actually hate him than the mainstream media wants you to believe. It really is not that hard to understand why Trump has earned a very loyal following. He has tried to keep his 2016 campaign promises and has, in fact, far exceeded the low expectations that many of us had when he took office.
(12-08-2020, 09:12 PM)Van Hagar Wrote:
(12-08-2020, 05:48 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-08-2020, 02:05 PM)Van Hagar Wrote: I’m not criticizing Pence, I think he is a decent man caught up in a horrible circumstance. But he has not uttered one word of support for Trump’s folly. Meanwhile, it looks like we have gone to the back of the line with Pfizer (which by the way didn’t take any of the Operation Warp Speed money, so don’t credit Trump with that). We had a chance to lock in more than 100 million initial doses of vaccine we are getting, and passed. Other countries have taken our place. Well, since it was just gonna go away anyway, I guess we wouldn’t be needing them. There’s your pathetic, Hoot. In just over a month we will get to see how a president that gives a damn addresses the situation.

That's Pfizer's story reportedly. They contracted with the US for 100 million doses as the result of getting paid up front and the commitment from the US government to take delivery of that many doses. And you watch and see what happens with administering the vaccine if Biden moves in the WH. The vaccinations were going to be free with the high-risk senior group at the head of the line. I'm already hearing that seniors have been displaced in line for professional athletes because they will be the pitch-men. Please. I've also heard that Academia and other of the left have been calling for black and Hispanic people, including illegal Hispanics, to get vaccinated first because supposedly they are more susceptible.

How's that fundamental transformation working for ya? And that's not even the tip of the iceberg because the entire US Constitution is about to be trumped by the race card.

(12-08-2020, 08:08 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-08-2020, 07:40 PM)Van Hagar Wrote: You guys are priceless? You’ve heard, TRT? You’ve heard? Boy, there’s some concrete, unimpeachable evidence we all should take to the bank.
  Let’s sum up—Trump lost by nearly 7,000,000 votes. A lot.
  The vote was totally legal and will not be overturned, not in your wettest dreams.
  Trump was and still is a maniacal, wanna-be dictator.  But the country wised up in time to avert further disaster.
  The Republican Party as a whole is in trouble. The vast majority of younger folks reject their policies. Time to adjust or become irrelevant.
  And now let’s cut to the real core of you two, it’s so obvious if you go back and re-read many of your posts. You two are a couple of old, racist white guys who are scared to death that the ‘white’ way of life, lording over the blacks and other minorities, is coming to a close. Here’s a non-fake news alert for you guys, it is coming to an end. The times they are a-changing. Just like the Republican Party, it’s time for you all to adjust.
  I know you will both howl with denial. TRT will probably throw in a few out-of-context scriptures in defense, Hoot will do some middle-school name calling. But I hope you at least take time to examine your true intentions.
  Anyway, as much fun as it’s been delivering a dose of reality to you guys on a daily basis, I think I’ll take a little Christmas break. I need to take my time to pick out the perfect mask to wear to Biden’s inauguration.
I am shocked that a liberal Democrat who lost a debate resorted to call TRT and me racists! J/K, that is what most white liberals do when they enter battles of wit unarmed and predictably lose. Don't hurry back!  Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
  Hurts to know I’m right, doesn’t it? Sorry, that was a bonus post.
I knew that you lied about leaving but I was hoping that you were telling the truth for once. Seriously, you owe both TRT and me an apology. You voted for an actual racist, so you should be better at recognizing racism.
Three state legislatures could easily put an end to the farcical 2020 presidential election, but if that does not happen - and I am skeptical that it will happen, the lawsuit that Texas filed yesterday may be the best shot for setting aside enough illegal and imaginary votes to swing the election to Trump. The U.S. Supreme Court wasted no time docketing the Texas case and states are lining up to join the lawsuit.

Among other claims in the Texas suit is that the odds of Biden overtaking Trump's leads in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin was 1 in a quadrillion and the odds of him overtaking Trump in all four states was 1 in a quadrillion squared. Those odds far exceed the odds of two non-related people having identical DNA. Extreme statistical anomalies were common in the election. Texas has been investigating Dominion Voting Systems since the 2018 elections.

For those counting at home: 1-50 in court cases! Have a good night.
(12-08-2020, 10:44 PM)mr.fundamental Wrote: For those counting at home: 1-50 in court cases! Have a good night.
Yet, it only takes one case where the overwhelming evidence is presented to a panel of Justices. 1 in a quadrillion squared. Remember that number when you are counting wins and losses.
I've found that these discussions usually don't shift anyone's mind one way or another. Especially in today's polarized society, most of us are pretty inflexible in our political views with very little sway potential. Nevertheless, I love talking politics, especially with those who are passionate about it, whether they sit on my end of the political spectrum or not. My mother and I used to be a lot more in line with our views than we are now. While she used to be a big Clinton fan, she is now a fierce supporter and defender of Trump. I've tried to pick her brain to determine the appeal. I have some ideas that I will share later. Anyway, I appreciate the conversation.
"the lawsuit that Texas filed yesterday may be the best shot for setting aside enough illegal and imaginary votes to swing the election to Trump. The U.S. Supreme Court wasted no time docketing the Texas case and states are lining up to join the lawsuit."

This is probably  the dumbest of all the lawsuits. This AG is trying to get a pardon from your Dear LEADER
That's what this is all about and he may get one.
Your Dear Leader lost time to move on
(12-08-2020, 10:06 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: Three state legislatures could easily put an end to the farcical 2020 presidential election, but if that does not happen - and I am skeptical that it will happen, the lawsuit that Texas filed yesterday may be the best shot for setting aside enough illegal and imaginary votes to swing the election to Trump. The U.S. Supreme Court wasted no time docketing the Texas case and states are lining up to join the lawsuit.

Among other claims in the Texas suit is that the odds of Biden overtaking Trump's leads in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin was 1 in a quadrillion and the odds of him overtaking Trump in all four states was 1 in a quadrillion squared. Those odds far exceed the odds of two non-related people having identical DNA. Extreme statistical anomalies were common in the election. Texas has been investigating Dominion Voting Systems since the 2018 elections.

Correct. But one of the things that is most troubling about all this is that these judges, especially the Supreme Court Justices, can in no way be so intellectually limited that they cannot see the realities concerning the millions of unvalidated mail-in ballots from empty parking lots or possibly planet Pluto. Further is the statistical analysis you cited which proves the midnight rider could not have swung through one, much less all four swing states. Along with the use of proven manipulable Dominion Voting machines and SmartMatic software.

The outcome of the election is impossible and they know that. They also know that if this election is allowed to stand, especially in its present unscrutinized state, it wouldn't matter if 200 million people voted Republican next time. In fact, as in the case of Biden not only would it not matter if Dems never bothered to mount a campaign effort again, the way this thing is going the Dems wouldn't even have to announce the identity of their candidate until after the election if they were so inclined. How could they ever lose again if the results of the election are the predetermined results of software programmers and mail-in ballot forgers? And by way of irony, guess who will have paid for all this.
The U.S. Supreme Court has set a deadline for tomorrow for the defendants in the Texas lawsuit to respond the the complaint. Also, Florida and Missouri have joined the Texas suit.

Richard Hasen, a law professor at the University of California, Irvine, called Mr Paxton's lawsuit filing a “press release masquerading as a lawsuit”.

Paul Smith, a professor and election law expert at Georgetown University’s law school, also suggested that Texas did not have a legitimate basis for the suit.

“There is no possible way that the state of Texas has standing to complain about how other states counted the votesand how they are about to cast their electoral votes,” he said.

Michigan's Democratic Attorney General, Dana Nessel, called the lawsuit “a publicity stunt, not a serious legal pleading.”

“The erosion of confidence in our democratic system isn’t attributable to the good people of Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia or Pennsylvania but rather to partisan officials, like Mr Paxton, who place loyalty to a person over loyalty to their country,” Ms Nessel added.

A spokeswoman for Georgia’s Republican attorney general’s office said: “With all due respect, the Texas Attorney General is constitutionally, legally and factually wrong about Georgia.”

Michigan's Democratic Attorney General, Dana Nessel, called the lawsuit “a publicity stunt, not a serious legal pleading.”

“The erosion of confidence in our democratic system isn’t attributable to the good people of Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia or Pennsylvania but rather to partisan officials, like Mr Paxton, who place loyalty to a person over loyalty to their country,” Ms Nessel added.

A spokeswoman for Georgia’s Republican attorney general’s office said: “With all due respect, the Texas Attorney General is constitutionally, legally and factually wrong about Georgia.”
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(12-09-2020, 01:54 PM)The Outsider Wrote: Richard Hasen, a law professor at the University of California, Irvine, called Mr Paxton's lawsuit filing a “press release masquerading as a lawsuit”.

Paul Smith, a professor and election law expert at Georgetown University’s law school, also suggested that Texas did not have a legitimate basis for the suit.

“There is no possible way that the state of Texas has standing to complain about how other states counted the votesand how they are about to cast their electoral votes,” he said.

Michigan's Democratic Attorney General, Dana Nessel, called the lawsuit “a publicity stunt, not a serious legal pleading.”

“The erosion of confidence in our democratic system isn’t attributable to the good people of Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia or Pennsylvania but rather to partisan officials, like Mr Paxton, who place loyalty to a person over loyalty to their country,” Ms Nessel added.

A spokeswoman for Georgia’s Republican attorney general’s office said: “With all due respect, the Texas Attorney General is constitutionally, legally and factually wrong about Georgia.”

Michigan's Democratic Attorney General, Dana Nessel, called the lawsuit “a publicity stunt, not a serious legal pleading.”

“The erosion of confidence in our democratic system isn’t attributable to the good people of Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia or Pennsylvania but rather to partisan officials, like Mr Paxton, who place loyalty to a person over loyalty to their country,” Ms Nessel added.

A spokeswoman for Georgia’s Republican attorney general’s office said: “With all due respect, the Texas Attorney General is constitutionally, legally and factually wrong about Georgia.”

You might want to show the source you copied and pasted that from.

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(12-09-2020, 01:54 PM)The Outsider Wrote: Richard Hasen, a law professor at the University of California, Irvine, called Mr Paxton's lawsuit filing a “press release masquerading as a lawsuit”.

Paul Smith, a professor and election law expert at Georgetown University’s law school, also suggested that Texas did not have a legitimate basis for the suit.

“There is no possible way that the state of Texas has standing to complain about how other states counted the votesand how they are about to cast their electoral votes,” he said.

Michigan's Democratic Attorney General, Dana Nessel, called the lawsuit “a publicity stunt, not a serious legal pleading.”

“The erosion of confidence in our democratic system isn’t attributable to the good people of Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia or Pennsylvania but rather to partisan officials, like Mr Paxton, who place loyalty to a person over loyalty to their country,” Ms Nessel added.

A spokeswoman for Georgia’s Republican attorney general’s office said: “With all due respect, the Texas Attorney General is constitutionally, legally and factually wrong about Georgia.”

Michigan's Democratic Attorney General, Dana Nessel, called the lawsuit “a publicity stunt, not a serious legal pleading.”

“The erosion of confidence in our democratic system isn’t attributable to the good people of Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia or Pennsylvania but rather to partisan officials, like Mr Paxton, who place loyalty to a person over loyalty to their country,” Ms Nessel added.

A spokeswoman for Georgia’s Republican attorney general’s office said: “With all due respect, the Texas Attorney General is constitutionally, legally and factually wrong about Georgia.”
I am no attorney, but I understand that the Texas suit was Ted Cruz's idea. The fact that the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear the case suggests that the Court does not consider this case a publicity stunt. Up to 20 states are expected to join the Texas suit as plaintiffs. If the majority of Texas voters cast ballots for the candidate who was denied the presidency because of widespread fraud in four states, those voters were disenfranchised. Texas may lose the lawsuit but it is no publicity stunt.
There you go again Hooter the AG of Texas is wanting a pardon from your Dear Leader that's what this is all about
This is about as dumb a lawsuit the Dear Leader has filed to date. The Texas Governor changed some of the election rules without the state legislature
You Trump Believers are getting to close to being consider Domestic Terrorist
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