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The Re-open and the Revision
Cardfan1 Wrote:Could be howling with laughter! Confusednicker:

But my guess is this nation will be hurting in reaction to the irresponsible actions of our leaders.

You mean your desperate hope.
Cardfan1 Wrote:I'm not touching that garbage. :puking:

Which liberal governors? Some Republican governors took the same measures to save lives. Are they trying to expand the liberal base?

So if liberals are trying to expand the base what are Trump Republicans doing: decreasing the surplus population?
Larry Hogan is the Republican governor of Maryland. He was elected to that office by an electorate where Democrats have a 2 to 1 registration advantage. He is no conservative or he would not be the Governor of Maryland. But Republicans who have taken the same jack booted thug actions that Democrat governors have taken are helping expand the liberal base.

If you were much more intelligent, then you would be able to understand basic statistics instead of dividing numbers by zero. Governor Cuomo of New York has far and away the worst record of battling COVID-19 of any governor in the country. Governor Ron DeSantis is the chief executive of a state with a larger population than New York.

Ask somebody with some basic math skills to compare the COVID-19 statistics of Florida with New York and explain the numbers to you. Nearly all of the states worst hit with COVID-19 are ruled by Democrat governors. I use the word ruled because they are the states most inclined to deny their citizens basic constitutional rights and harass, fine, and jail people for trying to feed their families.
TheRealThing Wrote:You mean your desperate hope.

Nope. It’s common sense.
I realize they are downplaying and denying a deadly pandemic on your squawk boxes, but a “third grader” could tell you that numbers and deaths are going to go up when you open the doors with no treatments, vaccines, or real decreases in cases.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Larry Hogan is the Republican governor of Maryland. He was elected to that office by an electorate where Democrats have a 2 to 1 registration advantage. He is no conservative or he would not be the Governor of Maryland. But Republicans who have taken the same jack booted thug actions that Democrat governors have taken are helping expand the liberal base.

If you were much more intelligent, then you would be able to understand basic statistics instead of dividing numbers by zero. Governor Cuomo of New York has far and away the worst record of battling COVID-19 of any governor in the country. Governor Ron DeSantis is the chief executive of a state with a larger population than New York.

Ask somebody with some basic math skills to compare the COVID-19 statistics of Florida with New York and explain the numbers to you. Nearly all of the states worst hit with COVID-19 are ruled by Democrat governors. I use the word ruled because they are the states most inclined to deny their citizens basic constitutional rights and harass, fine, and jail people for trying to feed their families.

He has an R by his name on TV. I can’t help you can’t keep your folks in line.

Cuomo drug his feet as bad or worse than Trump, but to compare Florida and New York is a silly fallacy. Can’t believe an “intelligent” guy like you even typed it. I mean if we are making comparisons look at the success of Montana who’s Democratic Gov has led them to contain CV under 500 cases and less than 20 deaths compared to what is happening in the chief executive’s state.

As far as Florida is concerned thanks to the theme parks, sports teams, and local beaches closing. DeSantis had his head up Trump’s rear and couldn’t see this coming.

I’ll ask again. If Dems and Larry Hogan (other liberal Republicans?) are expanding the Dem base by keeping people alive, what are the freedom loving Republicans doing?
Cardfan1 Wrote:Nope. It’s common sense.
I realize they are downplaying and denying a deadly pandemic on your squawk boxes, but a “third grader” could tell you that numbers and deaths are going to go up when you open the doors with no treatments, vaccines, or real decreases in cases.

People of common sense don't get their opinions handed to them everyday.
Cardfan1 Wrote:He has an R by his name on TV. I can’t help you can’t keep your folks in line.

Cuomo drug his feet as bad or worse than Trump, but to compare Florida and New York is a silly fallacy. Can’t believe an “intelligent” guy like you even typed it. I mean if we are making comparisons look at the success of Montana who’s Democratic Gov has led them to contain CV under 500 cases and less than 20 deaths compared to what is happening in the chief executive’s state.

As far as Florida is concerned thanks to the theme parks, sports teams, and local beaches closing. DeSantis had his head up Trump’s rear and couldn’t see this coming.

I’ll ask again. If Dems and Larry Hogan (other liberal Republicans?) are expanding the Dem base by keeping people alive, what are the freedom loving Republicans doing?
Florida has a larger population than New York. As I said, you need to find somebody who understands math to explain why DeSantis deserves credit for his handling of the pandemic in Florida and Cuomo deserves scorn for his absolute failure and total disregard of human and constitutional rights. Back to the corner, dunce.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Florida has a larger population than New York. As I said, you need to find somebody who understands math to explain why DeSantis deserves credit for his handling of the pandemic in Florida and Cuomo deserves scorn for his absolute failure and total disregard of human and constitutional rights. Back to the corner, dunce.

I’m not defending Cuomo.

But you’re honestly ready to die on the hill that Florida and New York are apples to apples comparisons? Disingenuous and you know it.

Basic human rights: LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Name calling doesn’t make you right just embarrasses you more when you’re wrong.
Cardfan1 Wrote:I’m not defending Cuomo.

But you’re honestly ready to die on the hill that Florida and New York are apples to apples comparisons? Disingenuous and you know it.

Basic human rights: LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Name calling doesn’t make you right just embarrasses you more when you’re wrong.
No two states are identical but Florida has larger population than New York, a larger elderly population than New York, and its economy relies heavily on tourism. Yet, in every statistic that counts, Florida has been one of the most successful states in fighting COVID-19 among states with similar demographics and New York has been an absolute failure.

Among states ruled by authoritarian Democrats, California has been the shining star. I disagree with the unconstitutional actions that have marred Newsome's tenure as California's governor, but he has been far more effective than Cuomo has been.

Basic human rights include the right to freely associate with other human beings who are willing to associate and it includes the right to exchange labor for money and/or goods necessary to feed one's family. One cannot be truly free without economic freedom.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:No two states are identical but Florida has larger population than New York, a larger elderly population than New York, and its economy relies heavily on tourism. Yet, in every statistic that counts, Florida has been one of the most successful states in fighting COVID-19 among states with similar demographics and New York has been an absolute failure.

Among states ruled by authoritarian Democrats, California has been the shining star. I disagree with the unconstitutional actions that have marred Newsome's tenure as California's governor, but he has been far more effective than Cuomo has been.

Basic human rights include the right to freely associate with other human beings who are willing to associate and it includes the right to exchange labor for money and/or goods necessary to feed one's family. One cannot be truly free without economic freedom.

Population density in NYC is the difference. Cuomo was behind.
Newsom has been in front.

DeSantis was slow to act. His refusal to close beaches for Spring Breakers helped spread the virus across the nation. Let’s remember that is AFTER theme parks and sports shutdown on their own.
Hasn’t been too long since he learned that people under 25 have died of the disease, or he would have schools up and running.
Not sure where you are getting your success stories. But the beaches and the state is back open and Florida cases and deaths continue to rise.

Man, that argument of freedom to go back work translates into forcing people back into dangerous situations. We know many don’t care or take this virus serious which is why we are where we are now. We see this playing out in meat processing plants, Amazon warehouses, and all across the nation. Seems like some conservatives are trying to con people into a human sacrifice to get the economy running by arguing these lockdowns are inhibiting your freedom.
Of course the people peddling this false dilemma won’t be the ones in the most harm. They’ll be in their bunkers.
Cardfan1 Wrote:Population density in NYC is the difference. Cuomo was behind.
Newsom has been in front.

DeSantis was slow to act. His refusal to close beaches for Spring Breakers helped spread the virus across the nation. Let’s remember that is AFTER theme parks and sports shutdown on their own.
Hasn’t been too long since he learned that people under 25 have died of the disease, or he would have schools up and running.
Not sure where you are getting your success stories. But the beaches and the state is back open and Florida cases and deaths continue to rise.

Man, that argument of freedom to go back work translates into forcing people back into dangerous situations. We know many don’t care or take this virus serious which is why we are where we are now. We see this playing out in meat processing plants, Amazon warehouses, and all across the nation. Seems like some conservatives are trying to con people into a human sacrifice to get the economy running by arguing these lockdowns are inhibiting your freedom.
Of course the people peddling this false dilemma won’t be the ones in the most harm. They’ll be in their bunkers.
If the economy continues to decline because Democrats see no value in jobs, far more people will die than will be killed by the virus. Somebody has to pay for all the free stuff that people such as yourself demand from the government. People must work or no food is produced, no food is delivered, and no taxes are paid. You are expressing a word view worthy of a simpleton.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If the economy continues to decline because Democrats see no value in jobs, far more people will die than will be killed by the virus. Somebody has to pay for all the free stuff that people such as yourself demand from the government. People must work or no food is produced, no food is delivered, and no taxes are paid. You are expressing a word view worthy of a simpleton.

+70% of Americans are worried we may be opening too soon with weak plans. That’s a bipartisan number.

No one says no jobs ever. Another black or white fallacy.
Cardfan1 Wrote:+70% of Americans are worried we may be opening too soon with weak plans. That’s a bipartisan number.

No one says no jobs ever. Another black or white fallacy.
Polls have nothing to do with a healthy economy. If 99 percent of Americans believed that the federal government should write monthly $2,000 checks to every citizen to allow everybody to stay home and that wish became law, it would not not prevent widespread poverty and starvation. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Somebody must pick up and pay the check.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Polls have nothing to do with a healthy economy. If 99 percent of Americans believed that the federal government should write monthly $2,000 checks to every citizen to allow everybody to stay home and that wish became law, it would not not prevent widespread poverty and starvation. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Somebody must pick up and pay the check.

If correct they have a whole lot to do with it.
The president is not even safe from this virus as it is swirling around the White House at this moment. Aides are tested daily with zero symptoms. How the heck are regular folks expected to feel safe enough to go out and work and/ or shop?

But tell the truth, you don’t care. Most conservatives don’t care. Money trumps humanity. You trot out an end of days scenario for our economy if people don’t put their lives on the line to sell TVs or serve cheeseburgers in a restaurant.

The economy will not recover until the virus is subdued. Opening too early with zero plan will only kick the can down the road.

Don’t worry, I can’t see this govt attempting assist its citizens anymore. A one time $1200 payoff while corporations gooped taxpayer money to buyback stock is all they will get besides the kick in the hind end from right wingers to get back to work.
Cardfan1 Wrote:If correct they have a whole lot to do with it.
The president is not even safe from this virus as it is swirling around the White House at this moment. Aides are tested daily with zero symptoms. How the heck are regular folks expected to feel safe enough to go out and work and/ or shop?

But tell the truth, you don’t care. Most conservatives don’t care. Money trumps humanity. You trot out an end of days scenario for our economy if people don’t put their lives on the line to sell TVs or serve cheeseburgers in a restaurant.

The economy will not recover until the virus is subdued. Opening too early with zero plan will only kick the can down the road.

Don’t worry, I can’t see this govt attempting assist its citizens anymore. A one time $1200 payoff while corporations gooped taxpayer money to buyback stock is all they will get besides the kick in the hind end from right wingers to get back to work.
How the heck are normal people expected to eat if nobody is working and we are left without a tax base? You are the one who does not really care about other people's lives. Post after post you regurgitate Democrat talking points while refusing to recognize or acknowledge the illogical assumptions of the idiotic ideas that you are expressing.

If the economy remains shutdown, who pays people's rent, grows their food, or educates their children? How long does a person live without food or clean water? Will Democrat governors use force to keep people who provide essential services working? Who is going to haul away the bodies as people drop dead from Democrat policies? You have no answers to those simple questions, and the fools who you support have no answers either. They are lying to you and you spend countless hours spreading those lies.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:How the heck are normal people expected to eat if nobody is working and we are left without a tax base? You are the one who does not really care about other people's lives. Post after post you regurgitate Democrat talking points while refusing to recognize or acknowledge the illogical assumptions of the idiotic ideas that you are expressing.

If the economy remains shutdown, who pays people's rent, grows their food, or educates their children? How long does a person live without food or clean water? Will Democrat governors use force to keep people who provide essential services working? Who is going to haul away the bodies as people drop dead from Democrat policies? You have no answers to those simple questions, and the fools who you support have no answers either. They are lying to you and you spend countless hours spreading those lies.

1. People were struggling with food before the pandemic. Where was yours and the right wing’s concern before? Hard to listen to that garbage when most right wing platforms wanted to cut food stamps and food programs prior to a pandemic that hampered making money.

1b. Food shortage is another failure by the leadership in this country. It has taken months to act; there is a need and a surplus of food from farmers. Finally, there is an attempt to get food that is wasting to food banks and those in need, but when our leaders spend all days that end in “y” worried about dollars.

I understand your concern about basic human needs because this administration has made no attempt to develop a plan that would help its citizens. Rent/mortgage freeze or aid, food assistance, and a concerted focus on keeping essential workers safe should be priority one, but Trump just wants to send the “warriors” back out to get sick, get someone sick, and/or possibly die.

I keep asking for a plan the follows the initial White House guidelines. Ain’t happening. CDC tried to release opening guidelines, and they were squashed by the Trump administration because they didn’t push the reopening movement.

The richest nation in the world has the lion’s share of deaths and cases. Let that sink in. American exceptionalism boils down live free and die because our govt. fails to protect its citizens. Third world countries have done a better job of supporting and protecting their citizens.

The nation is on the verge of the destruction that conservative policy will bring. I won’t say Republican because there are GOP Governors and leaders following appropriate precautions to battle a pandemic.
Cardfan1 Wrote:1. People were struggling with food before the pandemic. Where was yours and the right wing’s concern before? Hard to listen to that garbage when most right wing platforms wanted to cut food stamps and food programs prior to a pandemic that hampered making money.

1b. Food shortage is another failure by the leadership in this country. It has taken months to act; there is a need and a surplus of food from farmers. Finally, there is an attempt to get food that is wasting to food banks and those in need, but when our leaders spend all days that end in “y” worried about dollars.

I understand your concern about basic human needs because this administration has made no attempt to develop a plan that would help its citizens. Rent/mortgage freeze or aid, food assistance, and a concerted focus on keeping essential workers safe should be priority one, but Trump just wants to send the “warriors” back out to get sick, get someone sick, and/or possibly die.

I keep asking for a plan the follows the initial White House guidelines. Ain’t happening. CDC tried to release opening guidelines, and they were squashed by the Trump administration because they didn’t push the reopening movement.

The richest nation in the world has the lion’s share of deaths and cases. Let that sink in. American exceptionalism boils down live free and die because our govt. fails to protect its citizens. Third world countries have done a better job of supporting and protecting their citizens.

The nation is on the verge of the destruction that conservative policy will bring. I won’t say Republican because there are GOP Governors and leaders following appropriate precautions to battle a pandemic.
Even the Chinese Communist Party understands that capitalism is the most efficient system of allocating resources and feeding a nation's people that has ever been devised by mankind. Your socialist ramblings show a deep failure to understand the realities of this world. Without work and without a functional economy that works in harmony with human nature, people starve. I am not talking about a few people, what we are talking about here is mass starvation the likes of which we have seen every time that national economies have collapsed because of irrational government policies. Think North Korea, Venezuela, and Haiti.

Ironically, the first and hardest hit if this nation pursues the idiotic policies that you support will be the very people who have empowered authoritarian liberal politicians to rule the most densely populated parts of this country.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Even the Chinese Communist Party understands that capitalism is the most efficient system of allocating resources and feeding a nation's people that has ever been devised by mankind. Your socialist ramblings show a deep failure to understand the realities of this world. Without work and without a functional economy that works in harmony with human nature, people starve. I am not talking about a few people, what we are talking about here is mass starvation the likes of which we have seen every time that national economies have collapsed because of irrational government policies. Think North Korea, Venezuela, and Haiti.

Ironically, the first and hardest hit if this nation pursues the idiotic policies that you support will be the very people who have empowered authoritarian liberal politicians to rule the most densely populated parts of this country.

China went on total lockdown for 60+ days. We haven’t come close to what they have done to protect citizens they don’t even feign to care about. To invoke China in this discussion is laughable.

Blah, blah, blah conservative spin. If the
How is this functional economy going to run in harmony as 2k to 10k Americans are dying daily?

US is going to see mass starvation what’s the rest of the world going to see?
Since this mass starvation is going to happen the Trump admins should be working on a plan to meet the needs of citizens in this crisis. Don’t wait until people are keeling over.

What a stupid assertion that liberal policies led to the severity of NYC’s struggle! One of the most dense, diverse, and transient cities in the world is going to suffer when the govt. denies for two months.
Cardfan1 Wrote:China went on total lockdown for 60+ days. We haven’t come close to what they have done to protect citizens they don’t even feign to care about. To invoke China in this discussion is laughable.

Blah, blah, blah conservative spin. If the
How is this functional economy going to run in harmony as 2k to 10k Americans are dying daily?

US is going to see mass starvation what’s the rest of the world going to see?
Since this mass starvation is going to happen the Trump admins should be working on a plan to meet the needs of citizens in this crisis. Don’t wait until people are keeling over.

What a stupid assertion that liberal policies led to the severity of NYC’s struggle! One of the most dense, diverse, and transient cities in the world is going to suffer when the govt. denies for two months.
China did not go an a total lockdown for 60+ days. Now, you are not only repeating the propaganda of the Democrat Party, you are spewing propaganda for the Chinese Communist Party. Do you really hate this country so much that you have become a water boy for the Red Chinese thugocracy?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:China did not go an a total lockdown for 60+ days. Now, you are not only repeating the propaganda of the Democrat Party, you are spewing propaganda for the Chinese Communist Party. Do you really hate this country so much that you have become a water boy for the Red Chinese thugocracy?

59 days and 76 days for Wuhan: I shot in the middle.
China took totalitarian measures to control the spread of the disease that they lied about the severity of. I have not celebrated anything they did. But to compare our chaotic disaster to what they did is absolutely absurd.

Do you really hate this country so much that you want 100 of thousands more to die for your 401k?
Cardfan1 Wrote:59 days and 76 days for Wuhan: I shot in the middle.
China took totalitarian measures to control the spread of the disease that they lied about the severity of. I have not celebrated anything they did. But to compare our chaotic disaster to what they did is absolutely absurd.

Do you really hate this country so much that you want 100 of thousands more to die for your 401k?
Wuhan is not China. The country of China was not locked down for 60+ days as you claimed. You should check your facts before making a fool out of yourself with posts that are full of errors, exaggeration, and outright lies.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Wuhan is not China. The country of China was not locked down for 60+ days as you claimed. You should check your facts before making a fool out of yourself with posts that are full of errors, exaggeration, and outright lies.

I’m trying to keep up with you guys on the exaggeration, lies, hyperbole, and half-truths; most of the time it’s damn near impossible since I don’t get my news from Fox.

Point being our lockdowns aren’t close to China’s in population, severity, and definitely not success.
Cardfan1 Wrote:I’m trying to keep up with you guys on the exaggeration, lies, hyperbole, and half-truths; most of the time it’s damn near impossible since I don’t get my news from Fox.

Point being our lockdowns aren’t close to China’s in population, severity, and definitely not success.
You are echoing Chinese propaganda about their success in beating COVID-19 as if the communist government and its captive media have a track record of truthful reporting. You proudly go straight to the propaganda sources for your news. Disgusting.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You are echoing Chinese propaganda about their success in beating COVID-19 as if the communist government and its captive media have a track record of truthful reporting. You proudly go straight to the propaganda sources for your news. Disgusting.

“China made tremendous progress.”


China lies and is lying. I don’t believe their numbers are that low, but they will be lower than ours after we reopen.

I do believe the severity of their actions and attempt to control the narrative.
I wasn’t celebrating their actions. I said we aren’t doing anything like that.

Propaganda? I do reference Fox News online, but I rarely watch Hannity, Ingraham, or any of those other jokers.
Cardfan1 Wrote:“China made tremendous progress.”


China lies and is lying. I don’t believe their numbers are that low, but they will be lower than ours after we reopen.

I do believe the severity of their actions and attempt to control the narrative.
I wasn’t celebrating their actions. I said we aren’t doing anything like that.

Propaganda? I do reference Fox News online, but I rarely watch Hannity, Ingraham, or any of those other jokers.
I don't get FoxNews at home, so I rarely watch the channel myself. However, I am smart enough to know that no information coming from the Chinese Communist government or its puppet media can be trusted. You are obviously not as discerning in your choice of media outlets as you believe yourself to be.

China did have a head start fighting the Wuhan virus since they are responsible for giving birth to the scourge but there is no reason to believe that the statistics that they release for consumption by useful idiots is accurate within an order of magnitude.
Cardfan1 Wrote:“China made tremendous progress.”


China lies and is lying. I don’t believe their numbers are that low, but they will be lower than ours after we reopen.

I do believe the severity of their actions and attempt to control the narrative.
I wasn’t celebrating their actions. I said we aren’t doing anything like that.

Propaganda? I do reference Fox News online, but I rarely watch Hannity, Ingraham, or any of those other jokers.

You can call those folks jokers if you want. And you no doubt feel, or act like you feel, like the endless spate of lies and proven false talking points makes you some kind of authority.

Here is the power curve as the days have gone by here on good ol BGR. Your assertions, predictions, false charges, alleges and innuendo, though presented as inevitable or proven fact at the time; ALL, one by one have proven to be a load of bull. End of story, you don't have so much as one check mark on the plus column to brag about.

I think you're nothing if not a troll. Your mission on here is to oppose the facts no matter, and regardless how ridiculous you are made to look one day, the next you're right back to top your efforts of the day before. I can tell you this and you can do nothing with it as is the manner of your predilection, you're a retread and I for one know your act front to back.

Hannity drives me up the wall. He has tremendous guests on almost every night and he refuses to shut up and let them speak. He gets on a narrative and pushes it ad nauseum, "the Clinton bought and paid for dirty dossier." being the lead offender. But he has been right... for years. And right about a great many things.

Lara Ingraham I don't watch so much because frankly, by that time of the day depending on the cycle, I have had quite enough. She still doesn't lie and her guests are laudable.

US "numbers" per capita are second best on the planet. They are numerically higher, 80,602 deaths to date. Fully 30 thousand or 40% of those US deaths attributable to coronavirus, happened in the New York/New Jersey Metro area. And just as fully, 55% of those deaths occurred in care facilities for the aged because Cuomo mandated those care facilities had to accept CV patients into their vulnerable midst.

If Trump had done anything near to that kind of idiocy there would be liberal lynch mobs gathered outside Pennsylvania Ave. But Cuomo and the dutiful politicized press? He gets a total pass on the matter.
TheRealThing Wrote:You can call those folks jokers if you want. And you no doubt feel, or act like you feel, like the endless spate of lies and proven false talking points makes you some kind of authority.

Here is the power curve as the days have gone by here on good ol BGR. Your assertions, predictions, false charges, alleges and innuendo, though presented as inevitable or proven fact at the time; ALL, one by one have proven to be a load of bull. End of story, you don't have so much as one check mark on the plus column to brag about.

I think you're nothing if not a troll. Your mission on here is to oppose the facts no matter, and regardless how ridiculous you are made to look one day, the next you're right back to top your efforts of the day before. I can tell you this and you can do nothing with it as is the manner of your predilection, you're a retread and I for one know your act front to back.

Hannity drives me up the wall. He has tremendous guests on almost every night and he refuses to shut up and let them speak. He gets on a narrative and pushes it ad nauseum, "the Clinton bought and paid for dirty dossier." being the lead offender. But he has been right... for years. And right about a great many things.

Lara Ingraham I don't watch so much because frankly, by that time of the day depending on the cycle, I have had quite enough. She still doesn't lie and her guests are laudable.

US "numbers" per capita are second best on the planet. They are numerically higher, 80,602 deaths to date. Fully 30 thousand or 40% of those US deaths attributable to coronavirus, happened in the New York/New Jersey Metro area. And just as fully, 55% of those deaths occurred in care facilities for the aged because Cuomo mandated those care facilities had to accept CV patients into their vulnerable midst.

If Trump had done anything near to that kind of idiocy there would be liberal lynch mobs gathered outside Pennsylvania Ave. But Cuomo and the dutiful politicized press? He gets a total pass on the matter.

Far from perfect here, and have been guilty of throwing an exaggeration out there, but 2 things are true

1. I'm no retread.
2. None of the rest of you jokers are perfect either. We've all been caught numerous times with a half-truth, misquote, and/or hyperbole.

I am not going to re-litigate Trumps' failures nor Cuomo's; both bombed the initial wave.

So what if those numbers start to shoot up? Who's fault will that be? Governor's or the Commander and Chief who has been pushing this gamble?

Also with the White House no longer the "safest place in America." How does that fit into this reopening spin?
Cardfan1 Wrote:Far from perfect here, and have been guilty of throwing an exaggeration out there, but 2 things are true

1. I'm no retread.
2. None of the rest of you jokers are perfect either. We've all been caught numerous times with a half-truth, misquote, and/or hyperbole.

I am not going to re-litigate Trumps' failures nor Cuomo's; both bombed the initial wave.

So what if those numbers start to shoot up? Who's fault will that be? Governor's or the Commander and Chief who has been pushing this gamble?

Also with the White House no longer the "safest place in America." How does that fit into this reopening spin?

1 - Well I too am far from perfect. But you are a retread.

2 - Further, my stated opinions are every bit the adequate rebuttal for the drivel you routinely put out on here.

What if's and only if's, the consummate liberal's fantasy. Like I said and I agree with Jet, go hide somewhere and wait for a lib you have some faith in to tell you when it's ok to come out. Don't expect the rest of us to follow you in, we don't run the rabbit holes all that much.
TheRealThing Wrote:1 - Well I too am far from perfect. But you are a retread.

2 - Further, my stated opinions are every bit the adequate rebuttal for the drivel you routinely put out on here.

What if's and only if's, the consummate liberal's fantasy. Like I said and I agree with Jet, go hide somewhere and wait for a lib you have some faith in to tell you when it's ok to come out. Don't expect the rest of us to follow you in, we don't run the rabbit holes all that much.

So I asked questions you can’t and won’t answer because the blowback will be on DJT.

Stay safe out there, TRT.
Cardfan1 Wrote:Far from perfect here, and have been guilty of throwing an exaggeration out there, but 2 things are true

1. I'm no retread.
2. None of the rest of you jokers are perfect either. We've all been caught numerous times with a half-truth, misquote, and/or hyperbole.

I am not going to re-litigate Trumps' failures nor Cuomo's; both bombed the initial wave.

So what if those numbers start to shoot up? Who's fault will that be? Governor's or the Commander and Chief who has been pushing this gamble?

Also with the White House no longer the "safest place in America." How does that fit into this reopening spin?
Why do politicians deserve blame or credit for the spread or containment of a disease? There's more to life than politics. Politicians do have the capacity to negatively impact our quality of life, as they are demonstrating every second of every day.

Those who are choking the life out of our economy are the people who are worthy of blame. They are laying the groundwork for years of misery and suffering. You should be pointing your finger at those who deserve to be held accountable for deliberately degrading our quality of life and thanking those who are fighting to protect your constitutional rights. Your priorities are bass ackwards.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Why do politicians deserve blame or credit for the spread or containment of a disease? There's more to life than politics. Politicians do have the capacity to negatively impact our quality of life, as they are demonstrating every second of every day.

Those who are choking the life out of our economy are the people who are worthy of blame. They are laying the groundwork for years of misery and suffering. You should be pointing your finger at those who deserve to be held accountable for deliberately degrading our quality of life and thanking those who are fighting to protect your constitutional rights. Your priorities are bass ackwards.

I guess you’re right, Hoot. It’s much more humane to get it over quickly than have to live through those years of misery.

Politicians control policy, machinations of government, and influence the people of the nation/state. Let’s not trivialize the importance of the elected just because Trump is fumbling the ball.

Who do we blame then?

If it’s not safe at the White House where is it safe?

Please don’t try to argue these liberators are fighting for my constitutional rights. Is that who you’re talking about?

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