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2A Pass Interference at the end
Gitback Coach Wrote:Gotta say, that pic looks pretty definitive. And this was the play BEFORE the PI call? Wow.

Yes sir.. 3rd play from the end.
Gitback Coach Wrote:Gotta say, that pic looks pretty definitive. And this was the play BEFORE the PI call? Wow.

Can you see that his knee is down from that angle in that grainy picture? I can see that it's bent and that the tackler has ahold of him.
No. That play was with 9 seconds left in the game. The clock would have stopped for the 1st down momentarily there while they reset the chains anyways. After this play there was the long pass to get us to the 35 with 2 seconds left, the PI as time expired, then the walkoff.
Here is a link to the final drive.
On here it looks like Grundy's upper body hits the ground first out of bounds.
Also of note the side judge was right on top of it and the Mayfield player made no indication that he thought he was inbounds.
I just reviewed the video and I am wrong about the timing of the play with the knee down. I'll review and find the placement.
At this point do we need to call someone?? That dead horse has been kicked, punched, slapped shot, stabbed and ran over
Walt Longmire Wrote:Here is a link to the final drive.
On here it looks like Grundy's upper body hits the ground first out of bounds.
Also of note the side judge was right on top of it and the Mayfield player made no indication that he thought he was inbounds.

The play in question is at about the 2:25 mark on this video if anyone interested.
CAN'T GET RIGHT Wrote:At this point do we need to call someone?? That dead horse has been kicked, punched, slapped shot, stabbed and ran over

Agreed, but it keeps me talking football so...I'm biting.
How about we get that fumble on the goal line that was clearly out and keep Mayfield from scoring and possibly score or take more time off the clock, punt, and pin Mayfield deep. That play is in the series before Mayfield's first made FG....let's just keep beating the 💩 out of this the immortal words of Ric Flair...."WHOOOO!"
The ref's just weren't good. Call it sour grapes, whining, whatever. To many calls and non calls that were very questionable. The fumble that wasn't a fumble but was given back to Mayfield, two wrongs on one play. The out of bounds play, sure looks in bounds,pass interference, really it was a hail mary pass where the defender goes to where the ball is coming down and the receiver goes there too but the defender is there first, no push, no shove just two players making a play on the ball, if that's pass interference then every hail mary pass is. Very fortunate calls and non calls for Somerset. Mayfield had it's chance to ice this game but didn't execute. Somerset had two penalty's for 10 yds, maybe they played a perfect game? Just a perfect storm of calls and non calls. The ref's had way too much influence on this game. Call it whinin, bitchin, moanin, cryin but to the victors go the spoils.
People are celebrating in Somerset. It’s not going to change. A bigger call than all this is Mayfield player jumping on fourth and one. These other plays at the end wouldn’t have happened.
fridaynightfights Wrote:Somerset fans this is what the taste of unfathomable sadness tastes like.

Seriously man, grow up. I hated my team lost Friday, but you can read everything I’ve written, and I never said we got hosed or that the other team deserved an asterisk.

Yeah I'm done too. Maybe the Bunnies will come see us next year!
Merry Christmas everyone!
SImpleplan Wrote:No, I have to say I don't think the last play should have happened.
Don't get me wrong - I'm proud for the kids on both teams. But, replay should be part of the state championship games:
Ball strip called down TD 2 plays later:
Catch called out of bounds and clock stopped with 2 seconds left in the game:
There may be photographs of mistakes for the other side but I don't have any of that.
Woww....that was big there.. i havevto agree.. there should be challenges in the state game!!! You have to use college field an goal post ... refs ought to be top notch to so why not do it for state games... this would keep from so many sour grapes for one side or the other.....I wanna see where bubba was when he caught the ball before the second quarter started that led to the missed fg
Walt Longmire Wrote:Can you see that his knee is down from that angle in that grainy picture? I can see that it's bent and that the tackler has ahold of him.

Lmao.... smh
cardsfan9051 Wrote:*
I see the arguments both ways. Personally, I lean towards there not being enough for pass interference. I just feel like that’s such a close call in that situation, on the game deciding play of the State Championship that it would have been a better “no call” than anything else. In defense of the ref, it’s a thankless job & the overwhelming majority of these guys do the absolute best they can. Personally, I’d hate to be the guy who cost a team a State Title, not saying that’s what happened, just saying that it can’t be easy!!
ontopofthewest Wrote:Lmao.... smh

Did you watch the video that I posted where he was actually being slung sideways and hits upper body hit first out of bounds-- right in front if the ref and with no reaction from the Mayfield player?
Somerset STATE CHAMPS still and the horse is dead!!!
Boomer_Sooner Wrote:I see the arguments both ways. Personally, I lean towards there not being enough for pass interference. I just feel like that’s such a close call in that situation, on the game deciding play of the State Championship that it would have been a better “no call” than anything else. In defense of the ref, it’s a thankless job & the overwhelming majority of these guys do the absolute best they can. Personally, I’d hate to be the guy who cost a team a State Title, not saying that’s what happened, just saying that it can’t be easy!!

Again, it only decides the state championship if the call isn't made there. Mayfield still had a chance to win it after that play.
cardsfan9051 Wrote:State champs*( by bs call by refs) that's how it will always be remembered with an asterisk beside Asterisk champions. Congratulations!!! Somerset and the refs where the best team that day

The asterisk will have Arrogant Maxfield Whiners beside it.
No asterisk needed. As Walt said, the call did not beat Mayfield. On 4th and 1 if we don’t false start, we are about 90 percent assured of getting a first down and running the clock out. And, even after the call, they had to score from the 20 yard line. Make the defensive stop and Mayfield wins. No need in feeling robbed, we had our chances. Somerset is the champs. We need to respect that.
We can analyze, argue, and critique over this play a million times, but somethings are bigger than football. I shared this on the original thread about this game, but figured I would here to. It's an incredible and touching story about the Jumpers Defensive Coordinator and the passing of his mother very early in the season.
I talked with Toby Durham today and he said it was pass interference. Since Toby is wrong 97% of the time, then there was a 3% chance it was indeed PI.

either way congrats to somerset or congrats* to somerset.
Horse is rotten dead!!
So why bring it back to top? It was dead and gone......
The pain of the loss is still hurting my heart. I have not had the stomach for getting on here. I would have rather lost by a running clock than in this close of a game. I could take that much better. I was shocked to see that the sun actually rose the next morning. I never went back and looked at any of the questionable plays and likely wont. At the end of the day if it turns out the calls were wrong and should be changed Somerset is still your State Champs. 1 call or even several calls matters not, we had other chances. We have won titles before when we might not should have and lost before when we should have likely won. All we can do at this point is try again next year. This one is over congrats to the Bunnies and welcome to the club
willie turnover Wrote:i talked with toby durham today and he said it was pass interference. Since toby is wrong 97% of the time, then there was a 3% chance it was indeed pi.

Either way congrats to somerset or congrats* to somerset.

I think I just saw that horse's leg move....

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