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Class 2 A Championship Somerset 34 Mayfield 31
barnabus_c2001 Wrote:around a hundred yards in bs penalties and we got away with stuff.Somerset had very few so who got away with more check the stats.

What were the BS penalties, in your opinion? I'm seriously asking, was it the false starts? Because the pass interference and defensive holding calls earlier were legit, and were actually smart plays as the DBs were burned and opted for the 15 yards instead of the 6 points. I didn't see any penalties on either team that were unearned.
Congrats Jumpers. You EARNED this because you were the better team and played that way outside of a couple drives and a fumbled KR. Mayfield is a great program and it was an honor to compete with them yesterday and come out with the win.

Somerset was better. It had zero to do with penalties or anything else - Somerset came out from the first whistle to the last and played more physical and kept Mayfield on the ropes all game long. Grats men.
barnabus_c2001 Wrote:around a hundred yards in bs penalties and we got away with stuff.Somerset had very few so who got away with more check the stats.

Stop it with the crying already. You're demeaning a great effort by both teams and making a great program look bad. You had Somerset down 3 with 84 yards to go, zero time outs and 28 seconds to go. Mayfield couldn't stop them. They earned this win, period. If all you're going to do is cry about the calls and the stats do us all a favor and disappear until next preseason when you'll start chirping about getting number 13. There's a whole bunch of kids on both sides that played their guts out on the field yesterday. They don't deserve to have that effort sullied by whining like this. Even mysonis55, who can be over the top at times has been first class after the game. It was an all time game and any kid that was out there has nothing to hang their head about. I'm glad my Jumpers one and took home the big trophy but there were no losers on that field yesterday. Just a few in here.
rookie57 Wrote:And I also witnessed Grundy and a lineman go up to Kade Neely as he was coming out at halftime and console him, class right there.

I hate that he had to go through that. He showed an immense heart by trying to go back out there. Honestly, I hoped that they were just using him as a decoy because everyone could see he was hurting. But, I know players like that, I am lucky enough to be the parent of one. They'll go all out until someone makes them stop. My hat is off to Kade Neely. He doesn't need a high school championship ring to show any of us that he's a winner. I wish him, and every kid that played their hearts out on the field yesterday nothing but the best. No one lost that game, but someone had to be declared the winner. I said in the preview thread that if Somerset came out, unafraid, and played their best that I'd be happy whatever the result. Honestly, I thought that Mayfield's experience would lead to the result that we had when time ran out, a 3-5 point win. Luckily we had 48 minutes and one play and that resulted in a 3 point Briar Jumper victory. The Somerset coaching staff deserves a huge amount of credit for hanging with one of the best staffs in the business. The rest of the credit goes to the huge heart that the players showed on that last drive and the whole game. Thank y'all, on both sides, for putting forth that kind of effort. It was truly awesome to watch. There were no losers out there.
One last post from me. This is a great story from Kaiya Sheron's Mom. It might explain the magic at work on that last drive:

From her Facebook post

Please excuse this sappy post... I haven’t been able to tell this story without crying and I’m already starting to tear up typing it so here goes. This is a story of a yellow armband. 29 years ago my husband played for a state championship in Louisville. It was 1990 and the Gulf War had been going on a couple months so they gave out yellow armbands to the participants that year. After the loss, my husband gave one of the armbands to his best friend, Robbie Lucas, (Robbie had graduated the year prior and didn’t get to play for a state title and was a freshman in college planning on teaching and coaching) and told him “One day I’m going to have a son and he’s going to play football for you and you can give this back to him and he will wear it to win you a state championship”. We moved to Somerset when Kaiya was in the 6th grade. When Kaiya became a freshman, Coach Lucas gave the wristband to Kaiya and told him the story. For 2 1/2 years, Kaiya had the wristband in his drawer just waiting to make his dad a prophet. He showed it to Coach Lucas after the semi state win and he wore it in the state championship game. The rest they say is history. #Family #Brotherhood #OnlyMakesTheStoryBetter #StateChamps
Walt Longmire Wrote:One last post from me. This is a great story from Kaiya Sheron's Mom. It might explain the magic at work on that last drive:

From her Facebook post

Please excuse this sappy post... I haven’t been able to tell this story without crying and I’m already starting to tear up typing it so here goes. This is a story of a yellow armband. 29 years ago my husband played for a state championship in Louisville. It was 1990 and the Gulf War had been going on a couple months so they gave out yellow armbands to the participants that year. After the loss, my husband gave one of the armbands to his best friend, Robbie Lucas, (Robbie had graduated the year prior and didn’t get to play for a state title and was a freshman in college planning on teaching and coaching) and told him “One day I’m going to have a son and he’s going to play football for you and you can give this back to him and he will wear it to win you a state championship”. We moved to Somerset when Kaiya was in the 6th grade. When Kaiya became a freshman, Coach Lucas gave the wristband to Kaiya and told him the story. For 2 1/2 years, Kaiya had the wristband in his drawer just waiting to make his dad a prophet. He showed it to Coach Lucas after the semi state win and he wore it in the state championship game. The rest they say is history. #Family #Brotherhood #OnlyMakesTheStoryBetter #StateChamps

Great Story Walt. Congrats to all.:praise::praise:
Iv tried looking through all the threads on ty his game, msybe i over looked it but where are the stats or what were they??? Thanks
ontopofthewest Wrote:Iv tried looking through all the threads on ty his game, msybe i over looked it but where are the stats or what were they??? Thanks
I'm okay with the loss. 2 great teams that played toe to toe. I'm not sure Somerset was the better team like many Jumper fans are claiming, but, all that matters is the scoring column at the end. Yes, Somerset had a bigger OL than Mayfield's DL. That was an advantage. But, I thought Mayfield OL dominated Somerset's DL, as well. Stinson was basically untouched all day and had sufficient time to throw. Plus they had a lot of success rushing the ball. Stats do at least support this. Personally, I didn't think either team's defense put up much resistance to the others offense. Mayfield misses a chip shot field goal and also fumbles the ball inside the Jumper 5 yard line on what looked like a drive they would score on. Can't leave 10 points on the field. Got to get those. On the other hand, you can't get 10 penalties and expect to win. Especially at the times they got them. Legit or not, you just can't. I credit Somerset for causing a few of those penalties because the Cards were having so much trouble trying to slow that O down.
Walt Longmire Wrote:One last post from me. This is a great story from Kaiya Sheron's Mom. It might explain the magic at work on that last drive:

From her Facebook post

Please excuse this sappy post... I haven’t been able to tell this story without crying and I’m already starting to tear up typing it so here goes. This is a story of a yellow armband. 29 years ago my husband played for a state championship in Louisville. It was 1990 and the Gulf War had been going on a couple months so they gave out yellow armbands to the participants that year. After the loss, my husband gave one of the armbands to his best friend, Robbie Lucas, (Robbie had graduated the year prior and didn’t get to play for a state title and was a freshman in college planning on teaching and coaching) and told him “One day I’m going to have a son and he’s going to play football for you and you can give this back to him and he will wear it to win you a state championship”. We moved to Somerset when Kaiya was in the 6th grade. When Kaiya became a freshman, Coach Lucas gave the wristband to Kaiya and told him the story. For 2 1/2 years, Kaiya had the wristband in his drawer just waiting to make his dad a prophet. He showed it to Coach Lucas after the semi state win and he wore it in the state championship game. The rest they say is history. #Family #Brotherhood #OnlyMakesTheStoryBetter #StateChamps

Moving, even for my butt hurt self
Asking for a friend. How is a player who played football for Graves County earlier this fall now able to play basketball for Mayfield?
Great read here about the game. Both teams seem to have great young men on their roster, and both deserved to win this game.

Humility Before Celebration
Here is another incredible story about the Jumpers Defensive Coordinator and the loss of his mother this year. Great stuff. So happy for him. I know she had the best seat in the house for this one!
Here's another great storyline from the game.

Faith: A yellow wristband, Somerset's guardian angel

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