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Who Am I!!
Start a new little game called Who Am I. Very Simple I will start it out and the person who gets it correct then does one.

I will start with an easy one.

I was born born at stratford hall plantation, in Westmoreland County, Virginia on January 19, 1807. I was a career army officer. On January 31, 1865, was promoted to general-in-chief of Confederate forces.

Who Am I.
Robert E Lee
BurntTires Wrote:Robert E Lee

Batpuff Wrote:Correct!!!!

That one was easy, fire out another one
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
BFritz Wrote:That one was easy, fire out another one

Ill be ready for the next one
Ok here is a new one. This one is for wrestling fans of all ages. hehe.( Ok when you guess this give us his ring name and real name!!!!)

Birthdate: July 27, 1969

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 260 lbs.

Eye Color: Hazel

Hair: Blonde

Growing up, ( I ) was obsessed with professional wrestling. An avid fan, he would watch at every opportunity, glued to the television as Hulk Hogan, Ricky Steamboat, Randy Savage, and his idol Ric Flair sold out arenas around the world. During his high school years, he developed a love for bodybuilding, and spent his time developing his physique rather than participating in team sports, which he had little interest in. Paul was a good student, but later admitted to getting in trouble quite a bit for "not knowing when to keep my mouth shut". After graduating from Nashua High School at age 17, ( I ) continued working out and also going to school for awhile (he had an interest in graphic arts, and a talent for drawing), but he still wanted more than anything to become a professional wrestler. He worked as a consultant at health clubs in his area, and tried to find out how to get into the very few wrestling schools he knew about (but in his own words, "Nobody would tell you shit."). He won several regional bodybuilding competitions, and met Ted Arcidi, a wrestler known for his massive physique and for being the first man to bench press 400 pounds.

Arcidi introduced (me) to Walter "Killer" Kowalski, who ran a wrestling school in Massachusetts, not far from Paul's hometown in New Hampshire. Kowalski immediately saw potential in the young six-foot, four-inch, muscular 275-pounder, and took him on as a student.(He) caught on to wrestling at an impressive speed, often coming in for extra training sessions with Kowalski after the other students had left.

Ok Who AM I.

This should be easy for everyone.
Triple H
Paul Michael Levesque

Im good at guessing, just not so good at posting one back. So anyone can go next and post one, if thats ok BatPuff.....If i think of a good one I will post it.
I lived form 896(BBY)-4(ABY) and am a fictional character. In other languages my name means "warrior" and "one who knows". I stand 66cm and have mastered all 7 forms of my trait. I considered one of the best duelists of my day. I speak in a distinctive manner (Galactic Basic) and am the only one in my tales that dies of peacefully natural causes. I recieved my first promotion at the age of 50 and my second (and last) promotion at the age of 100. I then spent 100 years in self-imposed solitude, attempting to attain a higher level of understanding of my trait. I spent the last 23 years of my lfe in exile. Who am I?

LOL. Thats a WRONG answer.. lol
airball3 Wrote:Beowulf?

LOL. Thats a WRONG answer.. lol

Nope. A pretty good guess tho.
Me and corndog believe it is YODA MAtineys Prodigey!
master splinter
moofer Wrote:Me and corndog believe it is YODA MAtineys Prodigey!

I agree :thumpsup:
moofer Wrote:Me and corndog believe it is YODA MAtineys Prodigey!

It is Yoda. My fav among the Star Wars characters. Good job moofer and corndog
moofer Wrote:Me and corndog believe it is YODA MAtineys Prodigey!

I'm 6'9 I play in the NBA, I was born in Compton, CA, went to the Univirsity of Kentucky, Have won 1 NBA Finals Championships. Who am I ? It's easy !
T Prince baby!
I was a midget. 3'7 to be exact, and i played professional baseball. i wore the number 1/8. I batted one time in my illustrious big leagu career for the St. Louis Browns and i drew a walk. On my way to first i bowed my head twice and was immediately pulled for a pinch runner. Who am i?
Mike Hall
corndog23 Wrote:I was a midget. 3'7 to be exact, and i played professional baseball. i wore the number 1/8. I batted one time in my illustrious big leagu career for the St. Louis Browns and i drew a walk. On my way to first i bowed my head twice and was immediately pulled for a pinch runner. Who am i?

Eddie Gaedel
corndog23 Wrote:I was a midget. 3'7 to be exact, and i played professional baseball. i wore the number 1/8. I batted one time in my illustrious big leagu career for the St. Louis Browns and i drew a walk. On my way to first i bowed my head twice and was immediately pulled for a pinch runner. Who am i?

My brother's fiancee
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
BurntTires Wrote:Eddie Gaedel

ding ding ding!
I was born in May of 1944. I have been in 77 diffrent forms of entertainment on television, even tho you have only seen ME on 7 occasions. The last 3 letters of my license plate are PYK and all have a great signifagance to me. I am 6'2 and have 2 children. My wife Robin and I have been married since 1979. I am a native of England. I moved to the United States of America at the age of 5 with my Jewish father and Catholic mother who were both of Polish descent. Who am I?

"Mudhole? Slimy? My home this is."
Matney's Prodigey Wrote:I was born in May of 1944. I have been in 77 diffrent forms of entertainment on television, even tho you have only seen ME on 7 occasions. The last 3 letters of my license plate are PYK and all have a great signifagance to me. I am 6'2 and have 2 children. My wife Robin and I have been married since 1979. I am a native of England. I moved to the United States of America at the age of 5 with my Jewish father and Catholic mother who were both of Polish descent. Who am I?

"Mudhole? Slimy? My home this is."

Frank Oz
LC99 Wrote:Frank Oz

Nothing more to teach you I have.............

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