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Final Cov Cath 21 Highlands 14
bo67 Wrote:Yeah. That wasn’t pretty. But overall the way they approached the game on offense. Slowing it down. And mixing up the defense was good

I agree. This QB is not good enough to do hurry up. Like change in defense in second half.
Eviston is a hell of a high school coach!!!
Just imagine if Eddie never left Ncc, please make a change in Union!!
sstack Wrote:What about coaching in last 3 mins? I thought it was poor clock management.

That play calling and the other poor play calls 1. Throwing the ball deep, from the 3 yard line instead of a shorter, more easily completed pass or a run to get a bit of breathing room. 2. Running the ball with 35 seconds left and no timeouts at the end of the 1st half. 3. Not being able to get a play in to the QB on time and having to waste timeouts. 4. Continually running #5 up the gut despite that play not working all year. 5. Running the ball on 4th and long with less than a minute left in the game...All that was done by the Offensive Coordinator. He cost Highlands at least 3 games last year and he is the reason they lost on Friday night. The team deserves better.
JustADad Wrote:That play calling and the other poor play calls 1. Throwing the ball deep, from the 3 yard line instead of a shorter, more easily completed pass or a run to get a bit of breathing room. 2. Running the ball with 35 seconds left and no timeouts at the end of the 1st half. 3. Not being able to get a play in to the QB on time and having to waste timeouts. 4. Continually running #5 up the gut despite that play not working all year. 5. Running the ball on 4th and long with less than a minute left in the game...All that was done by the Offensive Coordinator. He cost Highlands at least 3 games last year and he is the reason they lost on Friday night. The team deserves better.

The OC ran out there 2 best Wr's two yrs ago. One of them would be their #1 Wr on there team this yr. He is all about the names from Ft Thomas. That's who he intends to get the ball no matter what it cost them. He is lucky that there team as a whole is bailing him out.
Nkyfootballguy Wrote:The OC ran out there 2 best Wr's two yrs ago. One of them would be their #1 Wr on there team this yr. He is all about the names from Ft Thomas. That's who he intends to get the ball no matter what it cost them. He is lucky that there team as a whole is bailing him out.

Not sure about any of that. I only know what I see happening on the field and he is not cut out to be an OC. No creativity, no learning from mistakes, afraid to play underclassmen over seniors even when they are the better players...and for everyone's info, he did not call the successful fake punt on Friday night. That was a mis-communication that just happened to work out for Highlands, so he get zero credit for that.
JustADad Wrote:Not sure about any of that. I only know what I see happening on the field and he is not cut out to be an OC. No creativity, no learning from mistakes, afraid to play underclassmen over seniors even when they are the better players...and for everyone's info, he did not call the successful fake punt on Friday night. That was a mis-communication that just happened to work out for Highlands, so he get zero credit for that.

Take it from me when I say he ran two great football players away. I seen it first hand. He was the same way with his play calling last yr. Spread hand off up the middle to #5. Then will only pass downfield when the whole stadium knows their going to. There is way more I can say, but just seeing your message made me have to say a few things. Other than what I said all the other coaches are there to win without making lil johnny's mom, dad, uncle, aunt, etc is happy friday night at the after the party.
I’m sure there is play my kid going on there. #5 unless a huge hole isn’t going anywhere. One big wind will blow him over. As far as OC. Yeah he makes some bad decisions. And the way he calls a game. I agree they are sometimes easy to defense. Too predictive
bo67 Wrote:I’m sure there is play my kid going on there. #5 unless a huge hole isn’t going anywhere. One big wind will blow him over. As far as OC. Yeah he makes some bad decisions. And the way he calls a game. I agree they are sometimes easy to defense. Too predictive

The problem is not with the running back (#5), He can get the job done and has proven he can do the job. The problem is with the play calling against D-lines that bottle up the middle effectively. Why run a play up the gut continually when it is being stuffed continually. Both #'s 5 and 26 have the speed and the vision to run outside the tackles. The OC needs to design more effective plays that will utilize the talent he has in these running backs. To be clear, this is an issue with the play calling, not the players!
JustADad Wrote:The problem is not with the running back (#5), He can get the job done and has proven he can do the job. The problem is with the play calling against D-lines that bottle up the middle effectively. Why run a play up the gut continually when it is being stuffed continually. Both #'s 5 and 26 have the speed and the vision to run outside the tackles. The OC needs to design more effective plays that will utilize the talent he has in these running backs. To be clear, this is an issue with the play calling, not the players!

Yeah I don’t think running sweeps every play is going to get it done. Never has at least.
Woodsman Wrote:Yeah I don’t think running sweeps every play is going to get it done. Never has at least.

I've not seen any posts in the thread that suggest that running sweeps every play is the answer. My point is that the offense needs some diversity instead of being just a handful of easily defended plays. Too often, the backs are told to hit the same gap or the long ball is thrown into double coverage. There is no creativity, therefor no chance to make the defense have to switch things up. If you game plan for Highlands O, you know exactly what you will get thrown or run at you. Some new schemes and maybe a couple of different athletes on the offensive side would do wonders to open things up for the Bluebirds.
Justadad you’re right. Can you imagine about 3 or 4 of the defensive guys playing some offense? But you’re also right about them being predictable on offense
It might have very well mattered the other night. It will not matter in the playoffs. As I’ve said, this particular match up was a reckoning waiting to happen. Cov Cath learned a lesson and they can thank the birds for that. It won’t be close the second go round. Mark my words. If you’ve watched Cov Cath play this year, you know that they crapped the bed the other night. They tried everything they could to lose. Very uncharacteristic. It was as bad as they could play and they still won. I have no dog in this fight. I’m just amazed by the coaching talent and player talent that Cch currently has. They have been fun to follow. Trust me....they want a rematch! Hopefully the birds oblige.
Woodsman Wrote:It might have very well mattered the other night. It will not matter in the playoffs. As I’ve said, this particular match up was a reckoning waiting to happen. Cov Cath learned a lesson and they can thank the birds for that. It won’t be close the second go round. Mark my words. If you’ve watched Cov Cath play this year, you know that they crapped the bed the other night. They tried everything they could to lose. Very uncharacteristic. It was as bad as they could play and they still won. I have no dog in this fight. I’m just amazed by the coaching talent and player talent that Cch currently has. They have been fun to follow. Trust me....they want a rematch! Hopefully the birds oblige.

Been traveling and haven't had a chance to acknowledge the Incredible effort put forth by the Bluebirds. Shocked with the outcome, as I predicted a CC name the score.
Yes it rained. Yes it was at Highlands. Yes CC looked "sloppy" from what I hear. At the end of the day, this is why the "play the game."
Unfortunately, I think Woodsman is correct. In the words of the Japanese Emperor after bombing Pearl Harbor......."I feel as if we have just woken a Sleeping Giant."
May have been the worse case scenario for the Birds. To play them close when CC played so bad and held on to win.
Hoping the Birds prove everyone wrong and wish them the best in the rematch if they and CC are fortunate enough to meet again.

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