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03-01-2006, 11:34 AM
I'm not sure it safe to have cheerleaders and players on the floor at the same time. I remember a player getting kicked in the head a few years ago at a district tournament game at JCHS. I believe he got knocked out and had to spend a night in the hospital.
Maybe the cheer judging could be done in a seperate location or before the games begin, this would be a good opportunity to do a longer routine with more gymnastics. Then judge sideline and time out cheers during the game. I believe the State Tournament does it that way, I think. Just a thought from a dad of a cheerleader and a basketball player
Maybe the cheer judging could be done in a seperate location or before the games begin, this would be a good opportunity to do a longer routine with more gymnastics. Then judge sideline and time out cheers during the game. I believe the State Tournament does it that way, I think. Just a thought from a dad of a cheerleader and a basketball player
03-01-2006, 02:07 PM
"wamiller25" Wrote:OK bballmama b4 u start shooting your mouth off u really need to get your story straight because ur boys was making the rude gestures toward the mc cheerleaders and they did not say one word to them and yes we were being juged that night. So b4 u start giving us a bad name u really need to get your stories straight. You all r just jealous that our boys beat you all.... it's over so get over. And yes CHEERLEADING is and SPORT!
hmmmm does it anywhere in the post you quoted say MAGOFFIN? nope it sure doesn't, now either you know I am right and assumed it was magoffin or you are a cheerleader caught doing what I mentioned. The thread was never started with the intent to put down a particular squad, But cheerleaders are representing their school and I would hope in a better way than i witnessed that particular night. Did I not say I had also defended cheerleading as a sport?(please read a post correctly if you want to make a sensible reply) And i do agree with youngerthandirt that cheerleaders should be judged a different time than the tournament, it would just make for a safer environment for all involved.
03-01-2006, 02:19 PM
"Youngerthandirt" Wrote:I'm not sure it safe to have cheerleaders and players on the floor at the same time. I remember a player getting kicked in the head a few years ago at a district tournament game at JCHS. I believe he got knocked out and had to spend a night in the hospital.
Maybe the cheer judging could be done in a seperate location or before the games begin, this would be a good opportunity to do a longer routine with more gymnastics. Then judge sideline and time out cheers during the game. I believe the State Tournament does it that way, I think. Just a thought from a dad of a cheerleader and a basketball player
In reality, being judged in a game situation should be no different than cheering a normal game. An introduction cheer should be done before the opposing team comes out of the locker room and begins warm-ups. If the opposing team is already on the floor, there are basically 2 correct options for the squad...
1. Kindly ask the coach of the opposing team to hold the balls and give the girls a total of 1 minute (that is the normal floor cheer time) to do their cheer
2. Do the introduction cheer during the first time out (if the cheer is one that you want to be judged on).
03-01-2006, 04:30 PM
"wamiller25" Wrote:the only ppl who come to a BALL game to watch cheerleaders only are: perverts,,,,parents or,,,,judges(during tourny):wtf1:What about family and friends of the cheerleaders?? There are brothers, sisters, aunts, friends, alumni cheerleaders, and always the wannabecheerleaders....all kinds of people that show up to watch the cheerleaders ESPECIALLY at tourny time when they are being judged!!! And believe it or not...some squads are simply that good--that people wanna see them stunt and tumble--obviously not something you can understand.
One last are making this thread "CRYSTAL CLEAR" and showing just what kind of attitudes your squad has..:lame:..I wasn't there, and if you read my first post, I defended the squad because they was being judged.
:giveup: far as my comment earlier about the free throws and unsportsmanlike behavior....I didn't say that I agreed or disagreed! I simply said that I've seen points deducted for this before. And I have....I guess it is left up to the judge and what she/he thinks.
Personally I think that you shouldn't cheer during the first free throw...but during the second I don't think a rebound cheer shows poor sportmanship. BUT getting under the net, screaming, stomping and carrying on looks bad on the whole team.
03-01-2006, 04:35 PM
"wamiller25" Wrote:you gotta give respect to get it:wtf1: :Cheerlead :omg: :Hammer3: Hammer Heads:ChairHit: :flame: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That evidently is something that you or MC cheerleaders were taught to do. Lc boys had the floor.

03-01-2006, 04:38 PM
"Pirate Pal" Wrote:In reality, being judged in a game situation should be no different than cheering a normal game. An introduction cheer should be done before the opposing team comes out of the locker room and begins warm-ups. If the opposing team is already on the floor, there are basically 2 correct options for the squad...
1. Kindly ask the coach of the opposing team to hold the balls and give the girls a total of 1 minute (that is the normal floor cheer time) to do their cheer
2. Do the introduction cheer during the first time out (if the cheer is one that
you want to be judged on).
Finally, someone who makes sense. FANtastic post.:Thumbs: :dance:
03-01-2006, 04:42 PM
"bballmama" Wrote:hmmmm does it anywhere in the post you quoted say MAGOFFIN? nope it sure doesn't, now either you know I am right and assumed it was magoffin or you are a cheerleader caught doing what I mentioned. The thread was never started with the intent to put down a particular squad, But cheerleaders are representing their school and I would hope in a better way than i witnessed that particular night. Did I not say I had also defended cheerleading as a sport?(please read a post correctly if you want to make a sensible reply) And i do agree with youngerthandirt that cheerleaders should be judged a different time than the tournament, it would just make for a safer environment for all involved.
You are right bballmama. I am the culprit. I posted right after you and I named the cheerleading squad. Sorry, but I am sure that you and I weren't the only ones who saw that fiasco.:rock:
03-01-2006, 10:33 PM
I was at the game.. Magoffin was getting judged. How their cheer was set up to introduce the boys was when the run on to the floor so the cheer had to be done there... it only took 30 seconds at the most.... everytime there was a time out lawernce co. was doing sideline cheers when magoffin again was getting judged and had to do their floor cheers. Magoffin also waited to see if lawerence was going to go one but they didn't... I don't know anything about cheering and I could tell you this much... Magoffin cheerleaders are not disrespectful.. They are defintly the easiest sqaud to get along with IMO.
03-01-2006, 11:10 PM
I have read all of these psots about this situation, and i feel there is something that has been left out and needs to be mentioned. i was at this same ball game and observed what happend the cheerleader s were on the end of the court where their ball team was to exit the locker room. i feel that out of respect for the cheerleaders the opposing ball team should have stepped aside for the few seconds it took for the MC cheerleaders to do their cheer to welcome their ball team to the floor. I feel that out boys would have showed the lawrence county cheerleaders the same respect. i felt that this needed to be mentoined that the MC cheerleaders were at the right place on the floor to introduce their team. i personally know alot of these cheerleaders and they are a respectable group of young ladies and do not deserve this negative critisizim. with thi si wish them the best fo luck and keep the cheers going girls..
03-01-2006, 11:17 PM
I personally think this is riddicoulas. I play ball for Magoffin county, and i dont know about other teams but coach west has taught us something called respect... those girls work hard on their cheer mrs. skaggs their sponsor has gave it her all to make these girls all they can be i know this b/c everyday i had basketabll prac. our cheerleaders were working hard to. All these girls wanted to do was to introduce their ball team onto the court with and simple 10 second cheer that would not have alterd any warming up for lawrence county. I know that my team would have stopped in respect for the girls why is it such a bad thing to some of you? I mean did it hurt anyone? i don't see where you get off saying it's rude when all the girls were doing was their job. Was it so bad lawrence county had to act like gentelmen for a second? or are you just upset because of the defeat? If thats the case you don't need to get on here dogging the cheerleaders they done nothing wrong but support their team, and im behind them 100%... But goodluck in Richmond at the state tourney girls i'll be there cheering for you like you cheerd for us!! Go Magoffin!
03-01-2006, 11:26 PM
^^^ good post i agree 100%
03-02-2006, 12:29 AM
pikeville played er tonight and it was one of the most respectful games the girls clapped for each other prayed together before the game and just supported each other it was really nice
03-02-2006, 01:11 AM
"cheer_leader" Wrote:pikeville played er tonight and it was one of the most respectful games the girls clapped for each other prayed together before the game and just supported each other it was really nice
I agree!! Pikeville Cheerleaders always show respect...Ms Stone and Ms Wheeler do a great job all the way around!! ER Cheerleaders was great too...I seen a couple of them tell tehir fans to be quiet while Pikeville Cheerleaders was on the floor....GOOD job girls!!
also, the other the first game of district....I think I saw a couple of ER cheerleaders giving the different squads (Valley and Pikeville) a basket of something. Was this a welcome gift?? I just saw it from the Tribe section and thought someone here might know. Does every 'host' squad do this?
03-03-2006, 11:43 AM
This whole thing is quite rediculous, I mean because 1 team did what they were supposed to do which is cheer people are freaking out!Yeah some squads are disrespectful (valley) but when they are told to do that the boys should move sry.Oh and you payed to go to the game and watch the boys well some ppl yes do go to see the girls too not only pervs either so wtf?The cheerleaders are there for a reason and it is to cheer their team on so why are you bitching?if you dont like the cheerleaders dont watch them.lord!
03-03-2006, 08:22 PM
"Sidelines" Wrote:I personally think this is riddicoulas. I play ball for Magoffin county, and i dont know about other teams but coach west has taught us something called respect... those girls work hard on their cheer mrs. skaggs their sponsor has gave it her all to make these girls all they can be i know this b/c everyday i had basketabll prac. our cheerleaders were working hard to. All these girls wanted to do was to introduce their ball team onto the court with and simple 10 second cheer that would not have alterd any warming up for lawrence county. I know that my team would have stopped in respect for the girls why is it such a bad thing to some of you? I mean did it hurt anyone? i don't see where you get off saying it's rude when all the girls were doing was their job. Was it so bad lawrence county had to act like gentelmen for a second? or are you just upset because of the defeat? If thats the case you don't need to get on here dogging the cheerleaders they done nothing wrong but support their team, and im behind them 100%... But goodluck in Richmond at the state tourney girls i'll be there cheering for you like you cheerd for us!! Go Magoffin!
I agree
03-03-2006, 10:47 PM
Congrats Magoffin on you 15th Region Victory and the 57th girls varsity victory as all look great...i wish you the best and do not let negative people destroy what you have worked so hard for...successful programs will always be critizied...and LC fans are now the worst fans in the 57th district you can tell by the "postive" post they have contribituited on here...shew...they are going to have to get with the program...they really are sore losers...
03-04-2006, 01:32 AM
I've been wondering about freethrows, rebound cheers and whether or not it was 'unsportsmanlike' since we talked about it earlier, and decided to go do a little research on it....and well, it appears that I was right.
Go to and click on the HANDBOOK. [indent]On page 49 - Recommendations for Cheerleaders and Coaches
Section C - Number 3
[indent][size=2]A squad shall not cheer when an opposing player is attempting a free throw. This is poor sportsmanship and a judge should deduct points in the sportsmanship category if this occurs.
[/indent][/indent]I am not directing this to anyone in particular....but I thought it was interesting that many of us here didn't know this was a rule!
Go to and click on the HANDBOOK. [indent]On page 49 - Recommendations for Cheerleaders and Coaches
Section C - Number 3
[indent][size=2]A squad shall not cheer when an opposing player is attempting a free throw. This is poor sportsmanship and a judge should deduct points in the sportsmanship category if this occurs.
[/indent][/indent]I am not directing this to anyone in particular....but I thought it was interesting that many of us here didn't know this was a rule!
03-04-2006, 01:58 AM
I saw one of the most disrespectful things at the 57th District Boys championship game. Although it happens more times than I have seen, i was able to pay more close attention. While one squad was running out to do a floor cheer, the opposing squad ran out at the same time towards their student section. They then proceeded to chant cheers for their school while the other team was barely audible to the crowd behind them. I don't know about any of you, but IMO that shows no respect for the other sqaud...
03-04-2006, 01:59 AM
Prestonsburg does not do rebound cheers during tournaments while they were judged. Maybe that's why they have won it 5 years in a row!!
03-04-2006, 02:14 AM
IMO, i do not think threads like this should be started, because this is making fools of some of the people on here, it shows that most of em are so immature (most of em prally 30 and older), and only wanna pick fights with people, people just love controversy, it really makes me laugh, some of the crap that is said on here is ridiculous trying to say this about a squad that was only trying to support there team, and introduce there players, you know that these boys knew the cheerleaders were gonna do a floor cheer for the boys to come out to, so i mean when these girls are walking toward the floor, wouldnt the first thing come to mind is move for about 30 secounds?? i would think so, this isnt a big deal, the boys moved, and the girls done the cheer, and moved outta there way simple as that, it wasnt a lack of respect, i kno that for a fact, yall are just blowing it up into a big deal, which was nothing at all
03-04-2006, 02:15 AM
"catsfan072" Wrote:Prestonsburg does not do rebound cheers during tournaments while they were judged. Maybe that's why they have won it 5 years in a row!!Sorry catsfan....I seriously wasn't directing this to you, or anyone for that matter!
Congrats on your 5th year!! GOOD JOB!!
03-04-2006, 02:20 AM
03-04-2006, 11:20 AM
I know ridge.. But, the other night at the tournament there were cheerleaders from other teams who had already cheered their game, making fun of Prestonsburg for not doing rebound cheers.
03-04-2006, 06:20 PM
"catsfan072" Wrote:I know ridge.. But, the other night at the tournament there were cheerleaders from other teams who had already cheered their game, making fun of Prestonsburg for not doing rebound cheers.Shame on them then!! Good job P-burg for standing up and doing the right thing for the squad!!!
03-11-2006, 09:51 AM
I didnt think I would EVER post something in this forum even though I laugh when I read them. I seen this topic of disrespectful squads and I hope this is the right one to post in. As far as disrespectful cheerleaders goes, I think we have a new winner. I am going to go with Betsy Laynes squad. I dont know if they are allowed to do this or not, I just know that NONE of the other squads I have seen does it. When a player on the other team is shooting freethrows, are cheerleaders allowed to be right up under the goal trying to distract them like they have been all tourney long? Somoeone quoted a rule saying they are supposed to be counted off for doing rebound cheers whent the other team is shooting freethrows. As a former player, I dont really see that being that distracting. But with them right up under the goal, not doing any cheers or anything and doing other things shouldnt be allowed. Does their sponser have control of them during the games? If so, why doesnt she stop them. All the other squads I have seen spit in the middle and get on each side of the free throw lane except for them. They have the one cheerleader who cant do a cartwheel, flip or anything. Isnt there like a tryout for them or something? After seeing them in the regional tourney, I dont think they showed any class at all.
03-11-2006, 11:40 AM
I saw this same type of behavior at District Tournament. The girls that cheered on the end where the students were sitting even encouraged their fans to boo the Prestonsburg Cheerleaders as they did floor cheers. During the girls game they had fans dressed as cheerleaders who came upon the floor, behind the goal, to distract the shooter at the free throw line.
03-11-2006, 12:16 PM
I think it is different if the fans do it. But the cheerleaders are a totally different story. Last night in the BL and JC game, the JC cheerleaders were split up with none of them under the goal, no one inside where the freethrow lane was. The BL cheerleaders where semi broken up, with only one or two right up under the goal. They wasnt doing any cheers or anything, which I think should be allowed even if the other team is shooting freethrows. But I dont think they should be allowed to get right under the goal and just move to try to distract. Some people now will take up for them, but they will be the same ones who say that when they are on the floor the other schools student section and stuff is supposed to not make any noise while they are on the floor.
I didnt think the cheerleaders were supposed to boo the other team at all. I know if players do somethings that the cheerleaders do, they can and sometimes do get technicals for it. Is there a different set of rules for what the cheerleaders and the ball players can do during a game? For example, during freethrows, players can hold their arms and hands up, but they cant move them, they cant yell at the shooters. But the cheerleaders that are only 2 feet away can.
I didnt think the cheerleaders were supposed to boo the other team at all. I know if players do somethings that the cheerleaders do, they can and sometimes do get technicals for it. Is there a different set of rules for what the cheerleaders and the ball players can do during a game? For example, during freethrows, players can hold their arms and hands up, but they cant move them, they cant yell at the shooters. But the cheerleaders that are only 2 feet away can.
03-11-2006, 02:39 PM
East Ridge cheerleaders got some points counted off for doing a cheer while the opposing team was shooting foul shots..sooo if there is no rule against it and you all are in support of it, then why were they penalized for it?
03-11-2006, 05:30 PM
There is no rule against it. It just says that it is unsportsmanlike to cheer while the opposing team is shooting foul shots. But that basically means DON'T do it!
03-11-2006, 06:12 PM
This is what the KAPOS handbook under 'RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CHEERLEADERS AND COACHES -Section C - Number 3' says:
[size=12pt]A squad shall not cheer when an opposing player is attempting a free throw.ÃÂ This is poor sportsmanship and a judge should deduct points in the sportsmanship category if this occurs.[/size]
[size=12pt]A squad shall not cheer when an opposing player is attempting a free throw.ÃÂ This is poor sportsmanship and a judge should deduct points in the sportsmanship category if this occurs.[/size]
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