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Charles Manson vs. The Clintons
catdoggy Wrote:You and your right wing terrorist buddies are in my prayers.

How does one begin a prayer to satan, anyways?

"Our father who dwelleth in darkness, hallowed be thy name. Give us your Hillary.....???
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Ohio is a vital swing state. Has Kasich ever lost a non-Presedential election in Ohio? If, at the meetings, the view is "Kasich is a wuss," the extremists are yanking the Grand Ol' Party in the direction of an ever shrinking tent.

Before we drift off on other stuff cowboy, lets finish up what you didn't finish up on last night.

Let's see some contradiction to the topic of this thread.
I mean, it's not like 2 wars and a recession had anything to do with the implosion. You sir are a riot. Keep it up. Someone might be paying attention.
This thread shouldn't even be here. Conspiracy has a place of it's own. Then again, most everything you spew is a conpiracy or an outright lie.
catdoggy Wrote:I mean, it's not like 2 wars and a recession had anything to do with the implosion. You sir are a riot. Keep it up. Someone might be paying attention.

Do what?? What ever are you talking about? If you can keep up, try to stay on topic here wuss boy.
catdoggy Wrote:This thread shouldn't even be here. Conspiracy has a place of it's own. Then again, most everything you spew is a conpiracy or an outright lie.

125 comments up to this point says it probably does.

Go somewhere else then, moron.
Maybe Hillary's mental health proposal will help you recieve the care you so desperately need. Always in my prayers.
catdoggy Wrote:Maybe Hillary's mental health proposal will help you recieve the care you so desperately need. Always in my prayers.

"O' father of darkness........"
Your continued allegiance to satan is troubling. May be a side effect of your condition.
catdoggy Wrote:Your continued allegiance to satan is troubling. May be a side effect of your condition.
Those are the opening lines of your and all of the other democratic supporters to your prince of darkness, not mine.
Bob Seger Wrote:
"O' father of darkness........"

Bob Seger Wrote:Idiot

Did Martin Luther King, Jr. worship Satan, or is that a more recent phenomenon your keen insight has observed?
Bob Seger Wrote:Idiot

Bob Seger Wrote:Perhaps you should just read and not type, that is until you can intelligently come up with viable comments that's got a little bite to them.

Interesting to call people out for lack of intelligent discussion when this is a typical response from you.

Bob Seger Wrote:Go somewhere else then, moron.

Bob Seger Wrote:Idiot
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Did Martin Luther King, Jr. worship Satan, or is that a more recent phenomenon your keen insight has observed?

You do this kind of diversion all the time. In the earlier stages of this thread, I recalled an observation from the past about people who support patently dishonest politicians. You skated right by the historical accuracy of that point to focus on the horrors of WW2 rather than the lesson derived by historians. Which was that the people of Germany knew Hitler was a nut case but supported him anyway because he was offering them material things.

In this case, though I believe that Scripture clearly states world war is coming at some point relatively soon, I believe what we are talking about here are the further social and economic breakdowns of our country, and I offer the proof of the Reagan years in support of that position. The revisionist liberal knows he must water down or otherwise diminish the great successes of the Reagan years, so that they can pooh-pooh the economists who were part of those successes, and who are BTW, part of the Trump economic advisory team. So every time that team speaks to say we can do it all again, the globalist/Hillary economists are right there to mock and berate them. And again, who is offering things? Hillary of course. And who is offering opportunity? Why that would be Mr Trump of course.

Everyday we hear from the architects of, and those who've invested and done well under, the present economic constraints and policy. They vow that globalism is like some kind of force that is trying to carry the US economy to greater heights, but they claim, the passé economists of yesteryear are in the way, resisting progress. The real truth is that they are the ones pushing globalism, and because they're making a killing off of quantitative easing, they're more than willing advocates to stay the course. So when one asks the question, "Why do so many on Wall Street support Hillary Clinton?", we know the answer right off the top of our head and it's a twofold response. First, because they really do know how to milk this propped up and manipulated market. And second, despite that permanent smirk, their main claim to fame is a plastic pocket protector filled with all seven primary colors of ink pens. This is not free trade, this is government sponsored and regulated quantitative easing and they are masters of the system. When these smirking know-it-alls come on TV to tell us they have all the answers and Trump is a moron, they're being as sincere as know how to be. And in my view, therein lies the force behind #NeverTrump. Money and power.

The problem with their wisdom however, is I know what I saw and so do so many more like me. I saw the guys on the Trump economic team make it all happen before, and I say they can do it again. And FTR, the other countries who stand up in support of Obama and his Keynesian minions have a very good reason for so doing. They're getting fabulously wealthy off this deal. Are they globalist converts? Sure, if the money keeps flowing to them like it is right now! I suspect they'd let us call them whatever we wanted as long as that continues to happen. But make no mistake, it's the dudes with the multi-colored stains on their pocket protectors that are driving globalism. They are the force behind it. But sadly, it is the once vast middle class of these United States who are fueling it through the redistribution schemes of the federal government. And speaking of the middle class, who do you suppose has been left out of the feeding frenzy that has typified US stockmarketeering? The middle class. They're getting hosed and guess who has been trying to call out the left for their hypocrisy and getting laughed off the stage for it? Donald J. Trump.
⬆⬆ If there is diversion going on in this thread, it isn't me partaking.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆⬆ If there is diversion going on in this thread, it isn't me partaking.

Try answering the question from last night .
Motley Wrote:Interesting to call people out for lack of intelligent discussion when this is a typical response from you.

Says Motley Fool who BTW has offered nothing to the thread.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Did Martin Luther King, Jr. worship Satan, or is that a more recent phenomenon your keen insight has observed?

What has that got to do with Manson or the Clintons?

How about addressing the issue that you refuse to address on the thread topic.

You can't, can you?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆⬆ If there is diversion going on in this thread, it isn't me partaking.

I saw a documentary once on Charles Manson. Of his many comments recorded and provided by the film producers one stood out to me. When asked by interrogators if his followers were directed by him to kill Sharon Tate and her house guests, Manson responded as follows; "If I got to tell my girls what to do, then I don't have no use for them."

None the less, Charles Manson can and does control people. They do his bidding, evidently, he sort of preaches his doctrines and teaches his followers. When duly indoctrinated, all that must be done assumedly, is for him to drop a name or two and sit back to enjoy all the mayhem and Helter Skelter.

Apparently Hillary enjoys a certain amount of control over others as well. At least it would seem so in digesting the emails, documents and testimony from the various sources revealed by congressional investigations, Judicial Watch, the FBI, and others. Lou Dobbs refers to her area of control as a cartel. In addition to all of this, she is the subject of several movies and a host of books which cast her in a negative light. So, other than the beard or the pantsuits, control over others is a parallel that cannot be dodged.
Bob Seger Wrote:Those are the opening lines of your and all of the other democratic supporters to your prince of darkness, not mine.

My question stands.

Yours was answered. I don't have to satisfy your extremist vitriol. You're like a child who keeps asking "why" when a satisfactory answer has been given. Just as the petulent child cannot be sated by explanation, the extremist cannot either.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:My question stands.

Yours was answered. I don't have to satisfy your extremist vitriol. You're like a child who keeps asking "why" when a satisfactory answer has been given. Just as the petulent child cannot be sated by explanation, the extremist cannot either.

You answered nothing...If you did it would incriminate your fixation on Hillary Clinton and the liberal agenda that you endorse. So, that is not going to happen...More ducking and diving after running your mouth.

I cant figure out why you keep responding to this thread if it is so extremist...Your massive ego just wont let you walk away from it. Will it?
TheRealThing Wrote:I saw a documentary once on Charles Manson. Of his many comments recorded and provided by the film producers one stood out to me. When asked by interrogators if his followers were directed by him to kill Sharon Tate and her house guests, Manson responded as follows; "If I got to tell my girls what to do, then I don't have no use for them."

None the less, Charles Manson can and does control people. They do his bidding, evidently, he sort of preaches his doctrines and teaches his followers. When duly indoctrinated, all that must be done assumedly, is for him to drop a name or two and sit back to enjoy all the mayhem and Helter Skelter.

Apparently Hillary enjoys a certain amount of control over others as well. At least it would seem so in digesting the emails, documents and testimony from the various sources revealed by congressional investigations, Judicial Watch, the FBI, and others. Lou Dobbs refers to her area of control as a cartel. In addition to all of this, she is the subject of several movies and a host of books which cast her in a negative light. So, other than the beard or the pantsuits, control over others is a parallel that cannot be dodged.
It's exactly the same in the way they can get others to do their dirty work...Even if it comes down to murder.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:You are entertaining.

Ultimately, this thread stands for itself. If it represents your thinking, so be it. You view me as a spineless jellyfish. I view you as little more than a propogandist. We know where we stand.

Trust me, when I say, "right back at you"...Confusednicker:
This thread should be moved to another section or deleted. It's completely bogus and does nothing but show how far some have gone.
catdoggy Wrote:This thread should be moved to another section or deleted. It's completely bogus and does nothing but show how far some have gone.

The solution to your dilemma is very simple.....Stay off the thread, dumbass!!

Sheeesh, how dense can you get!!
Bob Seger Wrote:The solution to your dilemma is very simple.....Stay off the thread, dumbass!!

Sheeesh, how dense can you get!!

How about Rosa Parks? American heroine?
Bob Seger Wrote:The evilness done by the Clinton's through the years make The Manson family look like a bunch of boys and girls at a Christian summer camp.

Who is responsible for more murders and institutionalized corruption? The Clinton's by far...Yet Charlie and his followers sit in prison with life sentences, while Bill & Hillary become multi-millionaires basking in favorable treatment by the liberal media and their cult following.

Back to the topic.
Bob Seger Wrote:Back to the topic.

Institutional corruption is not murder.

Vince Foster? Really?

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