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2015 Class A Pre-Season Top 10
I'm arrogant because someone else wants to tell how lucky we were? That makes sense, I guess. You call it arrogant, I call it a champion, a state champion.
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:I get what ur sayig about Black and Caldwell at QB. But Christians only varsity time at QB came from his Frosh ear in clean up duty. Now, imo, he is the most ready simply because of his experience this year as one of the primary running backs, especially late in the season and playoffs. Caldwell made some mistakes off the field that limited his experience last season. But early on, he was one of a handful of recievers getting alot of reps. I do however , feel Christian may be the best option, BUT, it would just yet again be another Sr QB that is in for 1 year. I would like to see us get someone in there that can utilize the experienced line and backfield to build confidence and not have to rely souly on his arm to live and die off of offensively. Someone that we can get two years out of. I do know, from speaking with coaches, that Caldwell is being looked at as a more "Messer-Esk" player, not saying that he has the same skill set as Connor , but in regaurd to Nick playing multiple positions offensively. I dont think Nathaniel will be used at QB. He was in Jr High, along wit Nick, but he did more with his legs than his arm. Im also not convinced that Morris will play football next year. His future is on the baseball field and would hate to see another Adam Woods situation from years ago. Adam had a great baseball career ahead of him, with a great selection of pitches to go along with a upper 80s/90 mph fastball. He broke his wrist /arm in football season and never fully recovered. With all these questions though, i have an enormous amount of confidense in the Raceland staff and know that the best option will be there and whoever it is has a great QB coach in Grizzle. With what we return, we wont be "in trouble" in any way.

Your obsession with Caldwell is crazy , he was a jv player in the. Beginning of the season , wasn't seeing any varsity time then got into trouble off the field , when he came back he got to play a couple plays when Connor was hurt and he ended up getting hurt in the first or second play he got in , this is the second time you called him messer isk that's a big joke. I do think he will get some playing time at wr this year but have a role like Connor had is ridiculous
pjdoug Wrote:Raceland is in trouble if John Elway is the quarterback.

Your right Elway is fat and old
Never said he was as good as Connor. But he will line up in multiple positions.
mysonis55 Wrote:I'm arrogant because someone else wants to tell how lucky we were? That makes sense, I guess. You call it arrogant, I call it a champion, a state champion.

I should have said ignorant instead of arrogant.you probably ate your nails off at the game then strutted back to your vehicle.
anotherfootballnut Wrote:Your right Elway is fat and old

that's true lol
A bit more back on topic...does anyone know any players to watch in terms of small hs kids getting looks from mid-major/major colleges? I know Kash Daniel has recieved some D1 offers, anyone else?
In regaurds to everyones preseason top 10 teams
anotherfootballnut Wrote:Your obsession with Caldwell is crazy , he was a jv player in the. Beginning of the season , wasn't seeing any varsity time then got into trouble off the field , when he came back he got to play a couple plays when Connor was hurt and he ended up getting hurt in the first or second play he got in , this is the second time you called him messer isk that's a big joke. I do think he will get some playing time at wr this year but have a role like Connor had is ridiculous

Its not an obsession. Simply speaking on what I have seen. Messer was a special, once in every couple of years type tallent. Ie: Thomas Tolliver, Tyler Boyles, and Aaron Pettery. I am not saying that Nick is at that level, or that he will be some day. Im simply saying, that i know for an undisputed fact, that he is being groomed to play multiple positions. QB/WR/RB...just like Messer was. The big difference lies in the fact that Messer didnt have to be "groomed" to do all of these things, he just simply could, would, and accelled at each one. Which has brought up a side note for me. No one really speaks on his kicking game, but Connor was a solid place kicker and imo, had he been called upon more (offensive effeciency didnt call for him to do so much), but he was one of the best Punters that I have ever seen come through Raceland, Russell, and Greenup. The kid was a freak of an athelete. Do not confuse my statements or opinions of other players as taking away from Connor. He is a once in ever 5-10 years type of player.
PJ, maybe one day, many many moons away you will be able to experience it yourself. Until then, what you have to say is not relevant.
mysonis55 Wrote:PJ, maybe one day, many many moons away you will be able to experience it yourself. Until then, what you have to say is not relevant.

I hope I never ever experience being an arrogant @$$.what you say has never been relevant:oooo:
pjdoug Wrote:I hope I never ever experience being an arrogant @$$.what you say has never been relevant:oooo:

I actually thought Myson's analysis on class A has been honest and accurate. I am going to miss his opinions on class A this year.
Jarons Wrote:I actually thought Myson's analysis on class A has been honest and accurate. I am going to miss his opinions on class A this year.

I'm going To mis Mysonis2A analysis in 1A he has told us so much about 1A teams across the state. :please: mysonis2A keep us 1A fans informed on 1A in the west....Right now I count on Scotty_Bronson.....BREAKING NEWS....Rumors is Jetpilot has landed and is safe on the ground. Lord help us all. :worthy:
mysonis55 Wrote:PJ, maybe one day, many many moons away you will be able to experience it yourself. Until then, what you have to say is not relevant.

Mysonis2A....PJdoug school 5A Whitley County is now requesting to play 1A Williamsburg...What do you think would it help Whitley County or hurt them...Confusednicker:
It could have an adverse effect on them. If the burg starts beating them, they could see some of their talent flow to the little school. Just ask Graves County. They haven't beat us since 2008. Every year a few more kids slip onto the MHS campus. No wonder we went from 1a to 2a and they went from 6a to 5a.
mysonis55 Wrote:It could have an adverse effect on them. If the burg starts beating them, they could see some of their talent flow to the little school. Just ask Graves County. They haven't beat us since 2008. Every year a few more kids slip onto the MHS campus. No wonder we went from 1a to 2a and they went from 6a to 5a.

they could see some of their talent flow to the little school :hilarious::biglmao:Confusednicker::lmao::biglmao: . laughing uncontrollably. :wtf1::fedup::what:Confusederiously:Confusedtare::dudecomeon:
This class had 2 mediocre teams, now im hearing just 1. They must just want to give a trophy away, cause beechwood wont have no competition with these teams.
^ Andy I hope Beechwood doesn't win it just because your down grading every other team in class A.
I didn't downgrade them. They downgraded themselves with there play, and if they don't like the truth practice harder, and get better. Vince Lombardi once told me if a player doesn't want to get ridiculed for being bad, its up to him to get better. The same goes for an entire team as well. its a shame the world has gotten so soft that its considered politically incorrect to call out weakness these days.
Another thing bacon, players that are coached firm get better. The ones that are coached softly end up working at mcdonalds.
Pikeville has got to be up there, they have all star wyatt battlie coming as a sophomore next season to play QB kid has got to be the best out of pocket QB I've seen in years in the mountains. State contenders
andy griffith Wrote:I didn't downgrade them. They downgraded themselves with there play, and if they don't like the truth practice harder, and get better. Vince Lombardi once told me if a player doesn't want to get ridiculed for being bad, its up to him to get better. The same goes for an entire team as well. its a shame the world has gotten so soft that its considered politically incorrect to call out weakness these days.

You play for "VINCE" or just run into him at a bar?
More likely that he saw a video clip of him on television and thought he was talking to him in person.
You'll never know with smart comments like that.
andy griffith Wrote:You'll never know with smart comments like that.

I really want to know. Ive been around a lot of coaches and football people over the years and have never talked to anyone who has talked to Coach Lombardi.
andy griffith Wrote:I didn't downgrade them. They downgraded themselves with there play, and if they don't like the truth practice harder, and get better. Vince Lombardi once told me if a player doesn't want to get ridiculed for being bad, its up to him to get better. The same goes for an entire team as well. its a shame the world has gotten so soft that its considered politically incorrect to call out weakness these days.

Class A has been pretty strong actually with a few elite schools beating higher class teams year in and year out.
WR/DB Nick Caldwell has transfered from Raceland to Russell. Idk how it will affect hos eligibility transferig this late in the year. Also dont know any specifics. Nick has delt with alot through the years off the field. Have a soft spot for the kid as I helped coach him in JfL. Wishing him thebest of luck and if he continues to play football, the Red Devils got a really good and very versatile football player.
Takes a kid away from
A solid group returning but I'm sure Raceland can find a kid to fill the void.
Nick would have been a key piece last year. But due to some off field issues, he missed a bulk of the JV/Varsity seasons. He is a really good pass defender and a very good open field tackler from is FS spot. Also a hard kid to get a hand on and never stopped moving once he got the football in his hands. Russell is getting a good ball player. Raceland has some good atheletes to fill the gap, but he would have most likely been one of, if not the main reciever this fall. Imo, defensively he will be harder to replace though.

Stopped by the weight room for a minute after picking my boy up from the elementary school, the line and rbs were out working hard. Caden Townsend, Jerome Hall, and Morgan Carmen all look slimmer and fitter. Our line will be one of our strongest assets. Filling that QB void will be crucial though. If not, teams are goina load up the box. Any other news around 1A? Any teams having spring team workouts?
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:Nick would have been a key piece last year. But due to some off field issues, he missed a bulk of the JV/Varsity seasons. He is a really good pass defender and a very good open field tackler from is FS spot. Also a hard kid to get a hand on and never stopped moving once he got the football in his hands. Russell is getting a good ball player. Raceland has some good atheletes to fill the gap, but he would have most likely been one of, if not the main reciever this fall. Imo, defensively he will be harder to replace though.

Stopped by the weight room for a minute after picking my boy up from the elementary school, the line and rbs were out working hard. Caden Townsend, Jerome Hall, and Morgan Carmen all look slimmer and fitter. Our line will be one of our strongest assets. Filling that QB void will be crucial though. If not, teams are goina load up the box. Any other news around 1A? Any teams having spring team workouts?
SCOTTY my understanding Williamsburg has around 34 kids out for spring football right now. With about another 10 or 12 playing baseball and track....Should have around 44 or more player when the season begin. I know nothing else spending most of my time watching 3A corbin practice.....I want to beat mayfield Confusednicker:
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