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Hillary Clinton's Email Scandal
TheRealThing Wrote:Nice video Wide. All the Dems of import were speaking and acting in exactly the same manner. Didn't see any indication in the vid that she in any way felt duped by George W..
Maybe Hillary had another private server and email account when she was in the Senate. If so, then being the conscientious public servant that she is, she would have been unable to have received the classified information that was available to senators using secure servers that had been accredited to handle classified documents. :eyeroll:

I would really like to see somebody ask Hillary Clinton what kind of email account that she used when she was a U.S. Senator. If she used a .gov email account then, as well as a personal email account, then it would be nice to know why maintaining two accounts as Sec. of State was suddenly so inconvenient.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Maybe Hillary had another private server and email account when she was in the Senate. If so, then being the conscientious public servant that she is, she would have been unable to have received the classified information that was available to senators using secure servers that had been accredited to handle classified documents. :eyeroll:

I would really like to see somebody ask Hillary Clinton what kind of email account that she used when she was a U.S. Senator. If she used a .gov email account then, as well as a personal email account, then it would be nice to know why maintaining two accounts as Sec. of State was suddenly so inconvenient.

Great idea, it would have to be germane. And, promises to be chock-full of high entertainment.
Hillary is a female, a liberal, and a Clinton. She will be protected at all costs just like Obama. Now, instead of always being pegged as a "racist", those who oppose Hillary will be immediately labeled "sexist". That is how it will work through the election next year and thereafter in the unfortunate event that she wins. Nothing negative will happen to her just as nothing really negative happened to Bill and nothing remotely negative happens to Obama.

Can you imagine the uproar by the media if this situation involved a Republican?
In a general election campaign, assuming that Hillary gets the nomination, I agree that the media will fervently avoid reporting news that would be detrimental to her campaign while combing through the Republican nominee's muck pile, no matter how small, with a fine tooth comb.

However, Hillary has not won the nomination yet and there are many Democrats who don't think that she is liberal enough or just dislike her intensely. If the media believes that there is a viable, more liberal alternative to Hillary, they will go after her just like they did when she campaigned against Obama in 2008.

Let's face it, anybody who runs against Hillary in a primary election will have a squeaky clean record in comparison, whether it is Warren, O'Malley, or Webb. If somebody new looks like they have a better shot of beating the Republican nominee, the media will cut Hillary off at the knees if it means putting another, even more liberal candidate in the White House.
Could be. We need to remember that Warren is a woman, an ultra liberal, and a redskin. She hit the trifecta.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:In a general election campaign, assuming that Hillary gets the nomination, I agree that the media will fervently avoid reporting news that would be detrimental to her campaign while combing through the Republican nominee's muck pile, no matter how small, with a fine tooth comb.

However, Hillary has not won the nomination yet and there are many Democrats who don't think that she is liberal enough or just dislike her intensely. If the media believes that there is a viable, more liberal alternative to Hillary, they will go after her just like they did when she campaigned against Obama in 2008.

Let's face it, anybody who runs against Hillary in a primary election will have a squeaky clean record in comparison, whether it is Warren, O'Malley, or Webb. If somebody new looks like they have a better shot of beating the Republican nominee, the media will cut Hillary off at the knees if it means putting another, even more liberal candidate in the White House.

We're sort of making light about all this but there is a very serious side. If you ask me, the political carnage wrought by Dems and their liberal media buddies since the Clinton years, will bring ramifications that none will want to bear. The seeds of destruction sown since that era have begun to bear fruit. Add two slain policemen to the burning, looting and mayhem of Ferguson, MO. Not forgetting the two slain of the NYPD and the riots as far away as Los Angeles. Any poll taken today regarding how folks feel about their government is dire in scope. I heard only today that Eric Holder has called for the dissolution of the entire Ferguson, MO. police department. First the administration trashes these servants of the people as misguided and racially biased thugs. Then we see that police stand by and watch as Ferguson is burned to the ground on multiple occasions. And now we're getting dissolution of local authorities that form the bedrock of civil order. It wouldn't take a very fertile imagination to see where an action such as that will take us.

From Occupy Wall Street to the atrocious malignings of the Rev Al Sharpton, the "People" are being deceived on epic scale. Like in Dante's Inferno, unquenchable flames of torment and unrest threaten the very existence of this nation. I mean, they like to throw the term 'existential threat' around these days. It's one thing to plan for the threat of nuclear or conventional warfare. And, though I believe the threat from the Arab World is far greater than we have been led to believe, the mother of all irony may be in the realization that having turned the common man against his own federal government might pose an even greater foe than our sworn enemies. According to legend, it only took a few guys hiding in the Trojan Horse to bring down mighty Troy. How smart would it be for over zealous politicians to breed millions willing to throw open the gates, just so they can improve their chances of getting elected?
The reprobate, Hillary, will never be held accountable for anything so long as she has thugs like Obama and Holder running the show. The new attorney general will be more of the same. With this fact so evident, the blame will go to the fools who vote for her- particularly the dumba$$ women who will vote for her because she is one of them.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:The reprobate, Hillary, will never be held accountable for anything so long as she has thugs like Obama and Holder running the show. The new attorney general will be more of the same. With this fact so evident, the blame will go to the fools who vote for her- particularly the dumba$$ women who will vote for her because she is one of them.

You're right, women will vote for her based on gender alone. And Dems have been courting the women vote since the days of JFK. According to US Census statistics, there were 161 million women, compared to 156 million men as of last count.

Just as in the case of minorities, vote seeking Democrats try to make things personal for women, invoking feelings of abuse, abandonment and being taken for granted by Republicans. Thus the constant drum beat by Democrat talking heads of the party line propaganda, to include abortion on demand and the straw man equal pay argument. Liberals love to characterize Republicans as arrogant and greedy power mongers who don't give a flip about women, minorities and special interests of all kinds. Threadbare, overworked and obviously untrue though that rationale might be, they still manage to make a living on it year, after year, after year.

But, here is what I consider to be so unforgivable about the Dem's brand of political spin. It has divided the country to the breaking point and still, there is no sense that they will ever stop. Instead of the citizenry of this great land having benefit of 535 Congressional representatives to do their business, we have gridlock born of contempt as the hallowed halls are full of loathing, not to mention the rioting and unrest across this land. Put succinctly, I believe liberals are there to push a social agenda, instead of seeking out the common good and reverencing the example and work of the patriots gone on. But, it isn't like we weren't warned. What did people think fundamentally transforming the face of America meant?
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:The reprobate, Hillary, will never be held accountable for anything so long as she has thugs like Obama and Holder running the show. The new attorney general will be more of the same. With this fact so evident, the blame will go to the fools who vote for her- particularly the dumba$$ women who will vote for her because she is one of them.
The only thing keeping Hillary safe is whatever dirt she has on Obama that enabled her to get herself appointed Sec. of State. With Obama term-limited, that may or may not be enough to keep her safe from him and Holder, but she did not land the Sec. of State position because she was popular with Obama and his inner circle. Obama trashed his own grandmother and threw his minister under the bus to get elected.

Nobody should feel safe from Obama, including Hillary, as long as he is in the White House. The same was true when Bill was there and if Hillary gets elected it will be even more true, IMO.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The only thing keeping Hillary safe is whatever dirt she has on Obama that enabled her to get herself appointed Sec. of State. With Obama term-limited, that may or may not be enough to keep her safe from him and Holder, but she did not land the Sec. of State position because she was popular with Obama and his inner circle. Obama trashed his own grandmother and threw his minister under the bus to get elected.

Nobody should feel safe from Obama, including Hillary, as long as he is in the White House. The same was true when Bill was there and if Hillary gets elected it will be even more true, IMO.

But, she will still have the broadcast media, the print media, and Hollywood. I have posted many times that the American voter is ignorant and uninformed. they are influenced by the entertainment industry. They can name and orate about all the Kardashians but have no idea of who represents them in Washington. This is the sad reality of this country. So, as long as Hillary goes with the flow of amoral positions saturating our country, she will win.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:But, she will still have the broadcast media, the print media, and Hollywood. I have posted many times that the American voter is ignorant and uninformed. they are influenced by the entertainment industry. They can name and orate about all the Kardashians but have no idea of who represents them in Washington. This is the sad reality of this country. So, as long as Hillary goes with the flow of amoral positions saturating our country, she will win.
I disagree, in part. Hillary did not have the media behind her when she ran against Obama. Obama owned the mainstream media during that campaign.

Hillary will have the almost unanimous backing of the media as long as it appears that she is the inevitable Democratic candidate. There have already been some in the left wing media who have taken shots at Hillary over the email scandal, and those people are the ones who want to see a more liberal candidate in the race.

I agree that in the general election it will not matter who the Republican candidate is or who the Democratic candidate is, the media will back the Democrat to the hilt. In the primaries, they will back the Democrat who has the best chance of winning and the Republican who is perceived as the most liberal. In the general campaign, they will portray the Republican as a hard line conservative, even if he is Christie, Bush, Graham, or some other RINO.

The danger zone for Hillary is between now and the first primary. As long as she has no opponent on her left flank, then she will remain scandal-proof. As soon as a real alternative emerges, the floodgates holding back the mud will open wide.

I agree with your low opinion of American voters 100%. Never has the fate of the country rested in the hands of so many dumbasses. I fear that they have become a permanent majority.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I disagree, in part. Hillary did not have the media behind her when she ran against Obama. Obama owned the mainstream media during that campaign.

Hillary will have the almost unanimous backing of the media as long as it appears that she is the inevitable Democratic candidate. There have already been some in the left wing media who have taken shots at Hillary over the email scandal, and those people are the ones who want to see a more liberal candidate in the race.

I agree that in the general election it will not matter who the Republican candidate is or who the Democratic candidate is, the media will back the Democrat to the hilt. In the primaries, they will back the Democrat who has the best chance of winning and the Republican who is perceived as the most liberal. In the general campaign, they will portray the Republican as a hard line conservative, even if he is Christie, Bush, Graham, or some other RINO.

The danger zone for Hillary is between now and the first primary. As long as she has no opponent on her left flank, then she will remain scandal-proof. As soon as a real alternative emerges, the floodgates holding back the mud will open wide.

I agree with your low opinion of American voters 100%. Never has the fate of the country rested in the hands of so many dumbasses. I fear that they have become a permanent majority.

I have to say I agree completely. I have already seen the likes of Bob Beckel, Juan Williams, Alan Colmes and Julie Roginsky trying to be coy in suggesting that Jeb Bush would be a formidable candidate. Now, you know they'd love to sink their liberal teeth into Jeb Bush. All the baggage he'd bring to a fray between he and Hillary would give liberals all they need to run another typically dirty campaign. I say dirty because a lot of the charges made against George W, such as his supposed duping of the US Congress to lead America into a war with Iraq based on lies rather than the intel to which they all had access, would find new life. And the incredibly far fetched charge that Bill Clinton was innocent of any responsibility whatever for 911, even though Osama bin Laden was making threats to attack on US soil during his watch.

The unfortunate truth is that many low information voters buy into those lies lock stock and barrel. And, there is no reason to expect a renaissance by 2016, especially while Dems are still promising them the moon.
Valerie Jarrett absolutely hates Hillary Clinton.

Quote:Obama adviser behind leak of Hillary Clinton’s email scandal

It’s the vast left-wing conspiracy.

Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarrett leaked to the press details of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail address during her time as secretary of state, sources tell me.

But she did so through people outside the *administration, so the story couldn’t be traced to her or the White House.

In addition, at Jarrett’s behest, the State Department was ordered to launch a series of investigations into Hillary’s conduct at Foggy Bottom, including the use of her expense account, the disbursement of funds, her contact with foreign leaders and her possible collusion with the Clinton Foundation.
For the media, a half black socialist trumped a dumpy, liberal white woman. Therefore, if the media deserts Hillary this time, it will take a run by a self-proclaimed Indian liberal socialist like Elizabeth Warren. For any Republican to get any decent coverage, they must nominate a half black, half latino, transsexual, socialist with strong ties to San Francisco who is a card carrying member of Atheists International, ACLU, and Planned Parenthood and has worked at an abortion parlor for many years.
I hear the chant now E-mail, E-mail, E-mail. By Goodness E-mail...hate democrats... email... hate democrats... email...

I think I got the point of this thread...

Continue you three enjoy!!!
tvtimeout Wrote:I hear the chant now E-mail, E-mail, E-mail. By Goodness E-mail...hate democrats... email... hate democrats... email...

I think I got the point of this thread...

Continue you three enjoy!!!
You seem to have an unusually high tolerance for corruption in your elected leaders and potential candidates.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You seem to have an unusually high tolerance for corruption in your elected leaders and potential candidates.

You have to if you're a liberal, and besides, too much thinking is dangerous. Tell him tv.
Hillary Clinton--- "The email server will remain private."

Trey Gowdy--- "Though Secretary Clinton alone is responsible for causing this issue, she alone does not get to determine its outcome," Gowdy said in a statement. His request to turn over the server is "in the interest of transparency for the American people," Gowdy said of the former secretary of state, who is a likely a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination next year.

So, how does one person get big enough to defy the US Congress? The answer is simple IMHO. When one party or the other commits to all out war on the other, the result is gridlock. Thus, the intents of the Constitution and the normal workings of government are defeated and one person (or perhaps even one warring party) can therefore remain above the law.
^^ This article is nothing more than a DNC developed story, and an example of clever slight of hand. Desperate Lieberals have run out of room where it comes to plausible deniability. And so, the rationale is "yeah, we may have done this but THEY did it first." Thinking people recognized they were being duped long before the media reluctantly began to address these situations. For example, the real time incidents which were shown on the national news told the Benghazi story, the follow up spin was an obvious attempt at damage control.

The playbook has gone as follows; when confronted by any form of evidence exposing administration missteps, flaws or their true agenda, Dems have stonewalled and deflected. I mean, how many paid (by the people) public servants have to take the fifth before you guys will start to get the drift? The fortunes of our country are more important than those of the Democratic Party. Whose wagon circling defiance has been apparent since the days when they first revealed they were willing to corrupt our system of government, rather than see Bill Clinton suffer the just remedy for his deeds.

Often times there is precedent for these objectionable activities, we're talking about. The difference may be in the length to which this administration and Dems in general, are willing to stretch credibility. There is a big difference between the sausage making of the recent past, and what we're seeing these days as our President totally sidesteps the US Congress.

But to your article. To expect anybody to believe that Rove dumped 22 million emails, or to accept there is anyway possible to even generate that many communications about the dismissal of 8 judges is ridiculous. And to compare that so-called scandal BTW, to the likes of the IRS or Benghazi, is laughable. But how many State Department emails did Hill say were flushed, 32 thousand? 22 million emails about 8 judges versus 32 thousand about Benghazi---:eyeroll:
Pensito Review? That is about as irrelevant and fringe a site as one could possibly reference. Surely, poor, desperate TheRealVille is its only reader. And, even sadder, he believes the manure spread by these wild-eyed liberal, un-American sites. TheRealVille has missed his calling. He, along with the cowardly Obama, would have been true leaders in the Land of Oz.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Pensito Review? That is about as irrelevant and fringe a site as one could possibly reference. Surely, poor, desperate TheRealVille is its only reader. And, even sadder, he believes the manure spread by these wild-eyed liberal, un-American sites. TheRealVille has missed his calling. He, along with the cowardly Obama, would have been true leaders in the Land of Oz.

Confusednicker: One would think that an adherent to the liberal cause would at least be able to recognize the fact that the propaganda he spews did not originate within his own mind. I mean, going to someone else (such as the DNC), in order to get one's opinion is a mutually exclusive concept, is it not? How do I know this? Because liberal machinations (which, if you ask me amounts to little more than dreaming to hit the lottery), have not worked at anytime, not in this Century nor during the 20th Century. In fact, not once in the voluminous annals of historical writings, is there so much as one example of notions of the liberal view bearing fruit. The record is replete however, of examples of failure. Nothing good ever comes of sloth.

"I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less that was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer." ---Benjamin Franklin
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Pensito Review? That is about as irrelevant and fringe a site as one could possibly reference. Surely, poor, desperate TheRealVille is its only reader. And, even sadder, he believes the manure spread by these wild-eyed liberal, un-American sites. TheRealVille has missed his calling. He, along with the cowardly Obama, would have been true leaders in the Land of Oz.
TheRealVille Wrote:

Poor TheRealVille. He just goes from bad to worse. It is sad that he continues to embarrass himself. Wonder if he has been blinded from reality by that union label? Surely, he doesn't believe the Clintons have any regard for union people other than using these gullible people for their own purposes.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Poor TheRealVille. He just goes from bad to worse. It is sad that he continues to embarrass himself. Wonder if he has been blinded from reality by that union label? Surely, he doesn't believe the Clintons have any regard for union people other than using these gullible people for their own purposes.
At some point, you just have to conclude that some people are, in fact, as dumb as they seem.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Poor TheRealVille. He just goes from bad to worse. It is sad that he continues to embarrass himself. Wonder if he has been blinded from reality by that union label? Surely, he doesn't believe the Clintons have any regard for union people other than using these gullible people for their own purposes.
Are you saying the Bush email scandal didn't happen, and the emails weren't deleted?
TheRealVille Wrote:Are you saying the Bush email scandal didn't happen, and the emails weren't deleted?

What does anything done by Rove have to do with Rodham's deceptive tactics while Secretary of State? You don't excuse the acts of a probable criminal on the grounds that she isn't the first to break the law. Look at her record. She has spent her whole life deceiving, manipulating, and lying. And you want her to be president merely because she is a Democrat. This country is going down the drain because people like you are allowed to vote and you vote for reprobates like Obama and Hillary Rodham. On the other hand, I must admit that Rodham is far more manly than your boy, Barry.
^^ Added to that is the fact that Pensito Review, is waaay out there to the left, staking out new territory past the outer limits of La-La Land as it exists today.

Then there is the obvious fact that for any techs to have offered a guess as to the number of emails which may have been deleted, the Bush administration necessarily would have turned over the server in question, correct? That is a major difference between the two administrations. One complied with the authority of Congress, and one (this one) does not. And what has Billary said about that matter? "The server will remain private."
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:What does anything done by Rove have to do with Rodham's deceptive tactics while Secretary of State? You don't excuse the acts of a probable criminal on the grounds that she isn't the first to break the law. Look at her record. She has spent her whole life deceiving, manipulating, and lying. And you want her to be president merely because she is a Democrat. This country is going down the drain because people like you are allowed to vote and you vote for reprobates like Obama and Hillary Rodham. On the other hand, I must admit that Rodham is far more manly than your boy, Barry.

And in my opinion murder. The only support I give my claim is one word...Benghazi.
Black Bear Dad Wrote:And in my opinion murder. The only support I give my claim is one word...Benghazi.

Just a little sarcastic humor to offer here Bear Dad. According to RealVille all conservatives, at least the ones who post on this site, are woefully misguided, intellectually challenged do gooders. So, you're gonna have to get with the program. Again according to RealVille, the lieberals now far outnumber conservatives in this country, and we must therefore submit to the inevitable. Pay no attention to the spanking Dems took last November. In the coming election season of 2016, we will once again be up to our eyeballs in liberal Dems, no-works, the sexually deviant, and women who would summarily do away with every pregnancy with the same carelessness as the most casual of jerks on a flush lever. You know, sort of like the prison riot at Attica, the inmates will be in charge!

That apparently is the vista from La-La Land. :biggrin:

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