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Hillary Clinton's Email Scandal
Given that Hillary Clinton set up her own, private email server in her private residence days before she was confirmed by the U.S. Senate as the Secretary of State, and given that the infamous hacker Guccifer was able to get access to at least some of Hillary's email messages, I have a suggestion for Congressman Trey Gowdy.

I suggest that Congressman Gowdy request that the Russian and Chinese government turn over any copies of Hillary's email messages that they have in their possession. It is much more likely that our enemies have access to those files than the Obama administration, so why not just ask the Russians and Chinese governments to share their information and help move the Benghazi investigation along?
Hillary and Lois!! Wow....what is it with women and email accounts???


"I" can say that Hoot, you cannot!!
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Given that Hillary Clinton set up her own, private email server in her private residence days before she was confirmed by the U.S. Senate as the Secretary of State, and given that the infamous hacker Guccifer was able to get access to at least some of Hillary's email messages, I have a suggestion for Congressman Trey Gowdy.

I suggest that Congressman Gowdy request that the Russian and Chinese government turn over any copies of Hillary's email messages that they have in their possession. It is much more likely that our enemies have access to those files than the Obama administration, so why not just ask the Russians and Chinese governments to share their information and help move the Benghazi investigation along?

LOL, I've been hearing that Snowden was trying to work out a way to come back to the US. Having spent a lot of time out of country, I knew all that bravado about how he didn't want to live in this country anymore on ethical grounds would fade. If one is unhappy here, there's no way but down for those afflicted by political sensibilities.

Anyway, maybe he could use his Russian contacts or even get in touch with Julian Assange to find out how all this stuff works. Armed with the Clinton emails, Snowden could wrangle some kind of plea deal. Confusednicker: I'm sure Trey Gowdy would like to hear all about it.

Wagon circling Dems will live hard for the next couple years.
If there is one thing Hillary is great at its scandals.
If this criminal act does not end Hillary Clinton's political career, nothing will. There is no way that an American Secretary of State did not discuss classified material with her email account. Clinton had no official email account. Normally, people with clearance to handle classified material have one email account for normal email and another that has been approved for classified material.

For example, if somebody emailed a classified document to my government account, I am required to report the incident immediately, whether I have the appropriate security clearance or not. If I opened the document, my computer would be seized and replaced with a new one.

With only one email account hosted on a server in her own home, it is not believable that she did not discuss classified material or exchange classified documents using her unsecured network.

If I had done what Hillary did, all of my computer equipment, and every tablet, cell phone, TV set top box, flash drive, sd card, and any device that ever connected to my router would have already been seized. Most likely, I would have been arrested as my equipment was seized by armed agents.

Yet, millions of idiots will vote for this incompetent, crooked, unqualified politician for president. An ignorant electorate is the biggest threat to democracy in this country.
Ambassador Scott Gration wasn't as lucky with his email account!!

In my job, I have access to lots of personal information. I can't even use my desk computer to post here! The very same thing would happen to me that Hoot described above.
I am in a similar situation here, Granny. I rarely post from the office, but when I do, I do it from my personal tablet during my lunch break. I also work with sensitive data, and it never leaves my government-issued computers. I am careful not to even put real data on my Army laptop. If I was handling classified data, the rules would be more strict and nobody is free to handle classified data negligently. Just ask General Petraeus.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If this criminal act does not end Hillary Clinton's political career, nothing will. There is no way that an American Secretary of State did not discuss classified material with her email account. Clinton had no official email account. Normally, people with clearance to handle classified material have one email account for normal email and another that has been approved for classified material.

For example, if somebody emailed a classified document to my government account, I am required to report the incident immediately, whether I have the appropriate security clearance or not. If I opened the document, my computer would be seized and replaced with a new one.

With only one email account hosted on a server in her own home, it is not believable that she did not discuss classified material or exchange classified documents using her unsecured network.

If I had done what Hillary did, all of my computer equipment, and every tablet, cell phone, TV set top box, flash drive, sd card, and any device that ever connected to my router would have already been seized. Most likely, I would have been arrested as my equipment was seized by armed agents.

Yet, millions of idiots will vote for this incompetent, crooked, unqualified politician for president. An ignorant electorate is the biggest threat to democracy in this country.

That's the scariest part of it all. Even if Hillary were to lose, she wouldn't lose handily. She would still likely pick up 40+ percent of the vote.

We have a computer that my boss purchased from Noah, in the conference room. Everybody uses it for, posting, facebooking, etc. My computer is constantly monitored, and my emails are constantly being "sampled" by FINRA. If I used that computer to post, I would probably shut my office down.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If this criminal act does not end Hillary Clinton's political career, nothing will. There is no way that an American Secretary of State did not discuss classified material with her email account. Clinton had no official email account. Normally, people with clearance to handle classified material have one email account for normal email and another that has been approved for classified material.

For example, if somebody emailed a classified document to my government account, I am required to report the incident immediately, whether I have the appropriate security clearance or not. If I opened the document, my computer would be seized and replaced with a new one.

With only one email account hosted on a server in her own home, it is not believable that she did not discuss classified material or exchange classified documents using her unsecured network.

If I had done what Hillary did, all of my computer equipment, and every tablet, cell phone, TV set top box, flash drive, sd card, and any device that ever connected to my router would have already been seized. Most likely, I would have been arrested as my equipment was seized by armed agents.

Yet, millions of idiots will vote for this incompetent, crooked, unqualified politician for president. An ignorant electorate is the biggest threat to democracy in this country.

Ever know any snobs? They have a sense of entitlement which dominates every aspect of their life. They just feel better, or above 'normal' people. The complaint I have heard with regard to Bill and Hill from the git-go is that they feel entitled above all around, and that the rules therefore do not apply to them.

In Bill's case, he was somewhat concerned about the direction of the country in a domestic sense, though he did let foreign affairs go into the crapper. Global terror first got it's sails inflated by the winds of hatred under his watch and we've paid a terrible price ever since. For example, George W., inaugurated in January of 2001, had barely taken a breath when the World Trade Centers were taken down that same September. Now, logic dictates that much of the terror infrastructure got set up under the previous administration. But, rather than tearing the country further apart with alleges and finger pointing about the foreign policy failings of Bill Clinton, W chose to deal with it the best he could. What have the Dems done? Castigate and incriminate the Republicans 24/7 - 365. Now, there has to be an agenda other than the classical D versus R political wranglings here. But, I digress.

Hill's history of stretching ethical behavior is epic but, those who love to root for the bad guy and are willing to punish society by taking the people's money in the form of federal and state benefits, will vote for her anyway. If abortion on demand and making those guilty of sexual deviant behavior a protected class does not prick their conscience, neither will the lawless pillaging of our country's values. So unfortunately, she may be safe.

I have always thought it was Billy Boy who taught the left how much one could get by with, when he defied what I considered to be the just remedy of impeachment for his actions. The Black Caucus and other agenda driven special interest groups assembled under the Democratic flag, circled the wagons to stonewall, resist and protect the leader who was giving them what they wanted. The vitriol and contempt aboil ever since, has characterized the relationship between the two parties. Though I will never concede that both sides do it until I actually see Republicans doing it with my own eyes, as I believe they think somebody has to be the adult in the room, (or in chambers). You know, it was okay to impeach Nixon, who at least had the character to put the country ahead of self and party by voluntarily stepping down at some point. But for the Republicans to come after Clinton, who would have seen hell freeze before he stepped down, that was dirty politics.

When one first leaves the path it is hard to envision where he will eventually wind up. Initially having left, everything still seems familiar and normal. As we have thusly veered off course, the US metamorphosis has been so gradual that one's perspective needs to be a bit long lived to realize the difference. We left the path during the Clinton administration and today, we barely resemble the America of 1995. Self absorbed people listening to Dems promise the moon, are going to vote for them. "When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the Republic." ---Benjamin Franklin
Nothing will happen. Hillary will be protected by the media and the Republicans have no backbone. Hillary is bullet proof- just like Obama.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Nothing will happen. Hillary will be protected by the media and the Republicans have no backbone. Hillary is bullet proof- just like Obama.
You may be right but Hillary has made a lot of enemies in the Democratic party. Valerie Jarrett hates the woman and has the power to stop Clinton cold. I agree with you about Republicans, but I am not so sure Democrats will not throw her under the bus if they decide somebody else is electable. Look at what Obama is doing to Bob Menendezfor criticizing him.
I wonder sometimes if we may see Elizabeth Warren squeak through the primaries. I just think Hillary has way too much dirt and it's only going to add up. The media certainly loves to protect Hillary, but not to the same extent that they did Obama. Even Hillary complained of media bias when they were campaigning against each other in 2008.
WideRight05 Wrote:I wonder sometimes if we may see Elizabeth Warren squeak through the primaries. I just think Hillary has way too much dirt and it's only going to add up. The media certainly loves to protect Hillary, but not to the same extent that they did Obama. Even Hillary complained of media bias when they were campaigning against each other in 2008.
If Obama decides to stick a fork in Hillary's campaign, she is done. Warren would be the logical frontrunner if that happens. I can't imagine Slow Joe or Bernie Sanders gaining much traction.
So I ask, what will it take for these idiots that would vote for her to realize whats going on?
People proved me wrong by voting in Obama again, and I never thought this country could rise to that high a level of stupidity, but it happened.

Do people not care that this trash has done so many things that would bury anyone else, or do they just not pay attention. I feel like a strong group of people in this country want to make sure there agendas are filled before they move on to something else. Black pres, woman pres, gay pres, Hispanic pres, when does it end?
I know there are more people like us, but why don't these idiots go vote and keep people like Scandal prone Hillary from winning? What do the repubs do to put someone in charge that will actually capture the American people.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:So I ask, what will it take for these idiots that would vote for her to realize whats going on?
People proved me wrong by voting in Obama again, and I never thought this country could rise to that high a level of stupidity, but it happened.

Do people not care that this trash has done so many things that would bury anyone else, or do they just not pay attention. I feel like a strong group of people in this country want to make sure there agendas are filled before they move on to something else. Black pres, woman pres, gay pres, Hispanic pres, when does it end?
I know there are more people like us, but why don't these idiots go vote and keep people like Scandal prone Hillary from winning? What do the repubs do to put someone in charge that will actually capture the American people.
I am not sure that the problem is that the idiots who would vote for Hillary do not know what is going on as much as it is the idiots who know what is going on but just don't care.

I concluded a year or two ago that the Republican leadership is as much or maybe more at fault than Obama and his supporters. As long as Republicans are led by corrupt politicians like Boehner, McConnell, Priebus, et al., I really don't expect that things will get any better. Boehner and McConnell see conservatives as more of a threat to their power than Democrats.

I also believe that the Obama administration is engaging in widespread political blackmail and intimidation of opponents. Thoroughly corrupt politicians who vote in lockstep with Obama's agenda have nothing to fear from the "Justice" Department. Those who are only moderately corrupt, like Sen. Menendez, but who oppose any part of Obama's agenda will be crucified.

The friends and families of Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Dianne Feinstein have become millionaires thanks to them funneling tax dollars into their friends' pockets. I have no doubt that the same is true of Boehner and other "leading" Republicans. As long as they play ball with Obama, the ill gotten gains will continue to flow their way. As soon as they seriously threaten Obama's agenda, Eric Holder, the IRS, or some other Gestapo-like agency will be sent to knock on (or knock down) their doors.

That is why tax cheats like Al Sharpton and Charlie Rangel are welcome guests of the Obamas and why people like Menendez and General Petraeus find themselves with targets on their chests. We are in danger of the presidency becoming a thinly disguised dictatorship. Maybe it already is.
Some Democrats may desert her but the media won't. And, remember, those who depend on the media, including the internet, for their news are borderline in intelligence.

Of course, Warren would be our first self-proclaimed redskin candidate. Maybe she could return the $24.00 in beads, etc. and recapture Manhattan for the members of her tribe.
Memo Luna Wrote:Some Democrats may desert her but the media won't. And, remember, those who depend on the media, including the internet, for their news are borderline in intelligence.

Of course, Warren would be our first self-proclaimed redskin candidate. Maybe she could return the $24.00 in beads, etc. and recapture Manhattan for the members of her tribe.
I think that the media is already beginning to turn on Clinton. When MSNBC's Larry O'Donnell dares to criticize a Democrat, you know that there are many others in the media who quietly wish for a different Democratic front runner.

The media wants to see a liberal Democrat in the White House. The media is so liberal, many view Hillary Clinton as a moderate - or even a conservative, as unbelievable as that seems to real conservatives.

Hillary Clinton is not a particularly bright woman. If she had not married a talented, though a scumbag, politician, Hillary would have been hard pressed to have won a state wide office.

Elizabeth Warren made some big blunders during her campaign, but she was smart enough to be elected on her own merit. Alan Dershowitz is on record as saying that Warren was one of the brightest students that he has ever taught. He says the same thing about Ted Cruz. I have no doubt that Warren would is more liberal, more honest, and more intelligent than Hillary.

If Warren decides that she would have a shot at winning the nomination and the presidency and publicly announces an interest in the office, liberal support for Hillary in the media will begin to fade quickly.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I am not sure that the problem is that the idiots who would vote for Hillary do not know what is going on as much as it is the idiots who know what is going on but just don't care.

I concluded a year or two ago that the Republican leadership is as much or maybe more at fault than Obama and his supporters. As long as Republicans are led by corrupt politicians like Boehner, McConnell, Priebus, et al., I really don't expect that things will get any better. Boehner and McConnell see conservatives as more of a threat to their power than Democrats.

I also believe that the Obama administration is engaging in widespread political blackmail and intimidation of opponents. Thoroughly corrupt politicians who vote in lockstep with Obama's agenda have nothing to fear from the "Justice" Department. Those who are only moderately corrupt, like Sen. Menendez, but who oppose any part of Obama's agenda will be crucified.

The friends and families of Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Dianne Feinstein have become millionaires thanks to them funneling tax dollars into their friends' pockets. I have no doubt that the same is true of Boehner and other "leading" Republicans. As long as they play ball with Obama, the ill gotten gains will continue to flow their way. As soon as they seriously threaten Obama's agenda, Eric Holder, the IRS, or some other Gestapo-like agency will be sent to knock on (or knock down) their doors.

That is why tax cheats like Al Sharpton and Charlie Rangel are welcome guests of the Obamas and why people like Menendez and General Petraeus find themselves with targets on their chests. We are in danger of the presidency becoming a thinly disguised dictatorship. Maybe it already is.

Wow, just a question what happens if the keystone pipeline who stands to make money off of that?
tvtimeout Wrote:Wow, just a question what happens if the keystone pipeline who stands to make money off of that?
Who knows? When I speak of the corruption of Reid, Pelosi, and Feinstein, I am speaking of corruption in the past and present tense. I am as opposed to friends and families of Republicans getting rich because of their offices as I am Democrats, which is why I threw Boehner's name into the mix. What about you? Are you sick of politicians like Reid, Pelosi, and Feinstein diverting public funds into the pockets of their friends and families? Are you okay with Hillary Clinton scheming to evade compliance with FOIA requests by setting up her own personal network to host multiple email accounts in her private home?

Is there any level of corruption among Democrats that liberals like you object to? I have been railing against Boehner, McConnell, Priebus, McCain, Lindsey Graham, and other creepy Republicans for quite some time. I don't recall you making a peep about corruption and incompetence among elected Democrats.
Of course, it could be a joint effort by MSNBC and Clinton supporters to get all thbis out of the way before the campaign really begins. One thing is for certain. the Republicans will blow any chance they have of winning. Boehner is pitiful and McConnell is starting to seriously choke.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Who knows? When I speak of the corruption of Reid, Pelosi, and Feinstein, I am speaking of corruption in the past and present tense. I am as opposed to friends and families of Republicans getting rich because of their offices as I am Democrats, which is why I threw Boehner's name into the mix. What about you? Are you sick of politicians like Reid, Pelosi, and Feinstein diverting public funds into the pockets of their friends and families? Are you okay with Hillary Clinton scheming to evade compliance with FOIA requests by setting up her own personal network to host multiple email accounts in her private home?

Is there any level of corruption among Democrats that liberals like you object to? I have been railing against Boehner, McConnell, Priebus, McCain, Lindsey Graham, and other creepy Republicans for quite some time. I don't recall you making a peep about corruption and incompetence among elected Democrats.

LOL, tv is one of those guys waiting for government money to come flooding into his area. The connection between government money and taxpayer deductions, remains an inconvenient truth.
TheRealThing Wrote:LOL, tv is one of those guys waiting for government money to come flooding into his area. The connection between government money and taxpayer deductions, remains an inconvenient truth.
:Thumbs: That is the liberal mindset. If a government program is not working, then it can only be because of a funding shortage.
Truth Wrote:Of course, it could be a joint effort by MSNBC and Clinton supporters to get all thbis out of the way before the campaign really begins. One thing is for certain. the Republicans will blow any chance they have of winning. Boehner is pitiful and McConnell is starting to seriously choke.

Honest query here. I'm not so sure that Republicans can just start steam rolling Obama now that they have the majority. Obama has been able to skirt legal limits and perpetrate atrocious EO's because he has the power. They don't call Presidencies 'administrations' for nothing. Everybody working in governmental positions of power are working for one guy, and many of them were put there by that one guy.

At the start of his tenure, Obama had the luxury of legislating everything he wanted to happen into existence. Then he lost the House and things got bad for him immediately, in that the Democratically controlled Senate had to cannibalize the Republican controlled House until the midterms, (hence the gridlock) when kool aid saturated liberals actually believed they would retake the House. WRONG, it didn't happen, and right now they're busy building up another head of steam, it's origins deriving of the very same self deception that fueled the epic losses of 2014 in expectation that they will blow out Republicans in 2016. I don't know to what extent, but people are beginning to wake up, or they wouldn't have flushed the congressional toilet last midterm. At any rate, now that liberals will not see their dreams fulfilled via legislation, they are relying on EO's and regulations which are being sent forth by the ream, by loyal and dutiful heads of the various administration controlled agencies which comprise the federal government. And BTW, when the SCOTUS punted the ObamaCare football, it certainly didn't do much to help Republicans govern either.

So, it would seem to me that the liberals have us over a barrel. As they say two wrongs don't make a right. If that is truly the case, would it not exacerbate the madness if Republicans try to take the same tack as the administration has in order to fight fire with fire? I mean, he did say he was going to fundamentally transform this country, did he not? And, he is somewhat of a constitutional lawyer to boot. Add to that the fact that he is smart and focused. The problem is not just the Republicans, it is Democrats willing to scuttle the normal workings of government as backdropped by 238 years of US history, in supporting a man just because he says he is a Democrat.

The entire Democratic coalition is comprised of a bunch of special interest groups with an ax to grind and a head of steam. I guess what I am saying is this. If Dems are determined to continue the transformation, or slam the US ship of state into the rocks trying, we better hope cooler heads prevail. Two years is a long time even at this time in history, hopefully we will see a return to normalcy at least begin to happen in that time frame. :biggrin:
TheRealThing Wrote:Honest query here. I'm not so sure that Republicans can just start steam rolling Obama now that they have the majority. Obama has been able to skirt legal limits and perpetrate atrocious EO's because he has the power. They don't call Presidencies 'administrations' for nothing. Everybody working in governmental positions of power are working for one guy, and many of them were put there by that one guy.

At the start of his tenure, Obama had the luxury of legislating everything he wanted to happen into existence. Then he lost the House and things got bad for him immediately, in that the Democratically controlled Senate had to cannibalize the Republican controlled House until the midterms, (hence the gridlock) when kool aid saturated liberals actually believed they would retake the House. WRONG, it didn't happen, and right now they're busy building up another head of steam, it's origins deriving of the very same self deception that fueled the epic losses of 2014 in expectation that they will blow out Republicans in 2016. I don't know to what extent, but people are beginning to wake up, or they wouldn't have flushed the congressional toilet last midterm. At any rate, now that liberals will not see their dreams fulfilled via legislation, they are relying on EO's and regulations which are being sent forth by the ream, by loyal and dutiful heads of the various administration controlled agencies which comprise the federal government. And BTW, when the SCOTUS punted the ObamaCare football, it certainly didn't do much to help Republicans govern either.

So, it would seem to me that the liberals have us over a barrel. As they say two wrongs don't make a right. If that is truly the case, would it not exacerbate the madness if Republicans try to take the same tack as the administration has in order to fight fire with fire? I mean, he did say he was going to fundamentally transform this country, did he not? And, he is somewhat of a constitutional lawyer to boot. Add to that the fact that he is smart and focused. The problem is not just the Republicans, it is Democrats willing to scuttle the normal workings of government as backdropped by 238 years of US history, in supporting a man just because he says he is a Democrat.

The entire Democratic coalition is comprised of a bunch of special interest groups with an ax to grind and a head of steam. I guess what I am saying is this. If Dems are determined to continue the transformation, or slam the US ship of state into the rocks trying, we better hope cooler heads prevail. Two years is a long time even at this time in history, hopefully we will see a return to normalcy at least begin to happen in that time frame. :biggrin:
Republicans thrashed Democrats in the last round of elections. The current leadership has proven to be as incapable of governing with complete control of Congress as it was when Democrats controlled the U.S. Senate. The problem, IMO, is that GOP leadership lacks political courage, integrity, and vision. Boehner and McConnell should both step aside and let some real leaders take over but they would rather continue to stab conservatives in the back and "work with" Democrats.

Remember how much Republican leaders like Newt Gingrich and Bob Dole managed to get done with Democrats in the White House. Today's Republicans have it relatively easy compared to the obstacles that those two men faced. Boehner and McConnell are glass half empty kind of guys. They are simply too worried about avoiding failure to have any chance of succeeding.

In a nutshell, current GOP leadership sucks and there is no excuse for it.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Republicans thrashed Democrats in the last round of elections. The current leadership has proven to be as incapable of governing with complete control of Congress as it was when Democrats controlled the U.S. Senate. The problem, IMO, is that GOP leadership lacks political courage, integrity, and vision. Boehner and McConnell should both step aside and let some real leaders take over but they would rather continue to stab conservatives in the back and "work with" Democrats.

Remember how much Republican leaders like Newt Gingrich and Bob Dole managed to get done with Democrats in the White House. Today's Republicans have it relatively easy compared to the obstacles that those two men faced. Boehner and McConnell are glass half empty kind of guys. They are simply too worried about avoiding failure to have any chance of succeeding.

In a nutshell, current GOP leadership sucks and there is no excuse for it.

Still better than Reid and Pelosi I would think. Dick Morris has a book out entitled "Power Grab." Among his stated concerns was the charge that the Democrats are trying to make the US a one party nation. That would answer a lot.

If the US is entering a political era in which the only way anything can be accomplished is when one party has the White House as well as both congressional houses, we're in very big trouble. In my mind, Republicans are still trying to show some respect, while many Dems are not. It would be one thing to remodel one's house while he yet lived there. Quite another to tear the house completely down with no other place to live. Likewise, the ebb and flow of a Congress in the throes of voter remodeling is an aggravation, but we can still live here. We have a two party political system in this land, if we manage to destroy our system of government in tearing it completely down, I would guess our problems would be far more severe than the ones we gripe about on this forum.
TheRealThing Wrote:Still better than Reid and Pelosi I would think. Dick Morris has a book out entitled "Power Grab." Among his stated concerns was the charge that the Democrats are trying to make the US a one party nation. That would answer a lot.

If the US is entering a political era in which the only way anything can be accomplished is when one party has the White House as well as both congressional houses, we're in very big trouble. In my mind, Republicans are still trying to show some respect, while many Dems are not. It would be one thing to remodel one's house while he yet lived there. Quite another to tear the house completely down with no other place to live. Likewise, the ebb and flow of a Congress in the throes of voter remodeling is an aggravation, but we can still live here. We have a two party political system in this land, if we manage to destroy our system of government in tearing it completely down, I would guess our problems would be far more severe than the ones we gripe about on this forum.
The founding fathers set up a system of checks and balances to prevent one branch of government from dominating the other two. I don't think that they ever imagined that one branch would unilaterally surrender its power to a corrupt, anti-American president.

Congress has two primary tools to ensure that the executive branch does not become dominated by a tyrant: the power of the purse and impeachment. Republicans wasted no time following their dominating election victories of 2014 in announcing that they did not intend to use either of those tools under any circumstance.

Obama has taken unprecedented and unconstitutional actions to seize power that the Constitution reserved for the legislative branch. Yet, to combat that power grab, Republicans are scared to death to take drastic, but constitutional actions to flex Congress's muscles in response to rebalance our government.

A courageous Senate Majority Leader would eliminate the filibuster in the Senate. Then, Republicans would pass hundreds of bills that have been bottled up by Harry Reid and the Democrats for years. Obama could either break all records for vetoing legislation or he could come to the bargaining table and look for common ground.

Obama has shown time after time in dealing with foreign policy issues that he is one of the worst negotiators in the history of the world. What does it say about the Republican Party that they cannot formulate a negotiating strategy that results in Obama getting at least equal blame for failing to enact popular laws?

I honestly suspect that many members of both parties in Congress are scared that they will be next to get the Bob Menendez treatment from Obama's Justice Department if they stand up to him. I cannot think of any other explanation to make sense of the cowardly behavior of most members of Congress.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The founding fathers set up a system of checks and balances to prevent one branch of government from dominating the other two. I don't think that they ever imagined that one branch would unilaterally surrender its power to a corrupt, anti-American president.

Congress has two primary tools to ensure that the executive branch does not become dominated by a tyrant: the power of the purse and impeachment. Republicans wasted no time following their dominating election victories of 2014 in announcing that they did not intend to use either of those tools under any circumstance.

Obama has taken unprecedented and unconstitutional actions to seize power that the Constitution reserved for the legislative branch. Yet, to combat that power grab, Republicans are scared to death to take drastic, but constitutional actions to flex Congress's muscles in response to rebalance our government.

A courageous Senate Majority Leader would eliminate the filibuster in the Senate. Then, Republicans would pass hundreds of bills that have been bottled up by Harry Reid and the Democrats for years. Obama could either break all records for vetoing legislation or he could come to the bargaining table and look for common ground.

Obama has shown time after time in dealing with foreign policy issues that he is one of the worst negotiators in the history of the world. What does it say about the Republican Party that they cannot formulate a negotiating strategy that results in Obama getting at least equal blame for failing to enact popular laws?

I honestly suspect that many members of both parties in Congress are scared that they will be next to get the Bob Menendez treatment from Obama's Justice Department if they stand up to him. I cannot think of any other explanation to make sense of the cowardly behavior of most members of Congress.

You may well be right and we may not know the half of it!
There has never been a bigger liar in the White House than Barack Hussein Obama - not Nixon and not even Bill Clinton. Twicers must really enjoy being on the receiving end of bad lies. Regardless of whether one believes that Obama is a liar in a league of his own or totally incompetent and unaware of his surroundings, he is the worst president of all time and the gap between him and Jimmy Carter gets wider each time Obama opens his mouth, reaches for his pen, or reaches for his phone.

How many of you fools who voted for Obama twice believe that he: a) never received an email message from Hillary Clinton during the four years that she was his Secretary of State or b) only learned that Hillary used only a personal email account to conduct government business through "news reports?"

Obama believes that you are stupid and if you believe his latest lie, then you are proving him right yet again. :lmao:

Quote:CBS News senior White House correspondent Bill Plante asked Mr. Obama when he learned about her private email system after his Saturday appearance in Selma, Alabama.

"The same time everybody else learned it through news reports," the president told Plante.

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