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Hazard, Kentucky
TheRealVille Wrote:^ Is he running for office? We don't see much of Ms. Chow, either.

I believe it is "Chou". And, at least, we know she exists. And, we know that she has in the past and does at present have gainful employment. I'm not sure what Andy Lundergan is running from but he certainly isn't running for any office. Poor Andy is being kept hidden. Surely, even you cannot doubt that.

I should add that the analyst on MSNBC also stated that Little Lundergan's chances are further hurt by the fact that the "low information voters" would probably not vote. We all know that the "low information voters" refer to uneducated, unemployed, mostly minority, welfare recipients who are the heart of the Democrat Party.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Is that the best you can do? I feel like I am corresponding with a intellectual midget who has been brainwashed by liberals, Democrats, and union bosses. I know very well what "overturned on appeal" (not "turned over on appeal"- we aren't talking about an omelet) means but I am confident that you do not. How about "reversed and remanded"? How does that grab you? How about the class of crime known as a "misdemeanor"? Have you heard that one before?

Jerry's conviction was overturned on a technicality. The appeals court, made up of a nice majority of Democrats, ruled that his crime was a misdemeanor and not a felony. He was not retried which should surprise no one. The court of appeals did not exonerate him (that means they didn't find him not guilty of a crime). Thus, in the world of politics and public perception, your boy, Jerry, is a criminal.

And we still have not located Andy Lundergan. I am confident that he is not working late. Has he disappeared? Since apparently no one has really ever seen him, how would we know if he has met with foul play or if he is just being kept locked in a closet.
Want me to tell you about an intellectual midget? Someone who made it through 12 years of elementary/middle/high school, plus 7 years of higher education, that still believes in a fairy tale, boogie man in the sky, that has an ego problem, that refuses to be seen by real people. Someone so bright, that can reason, can not believe in that BS. I can understand some people, looking for a better life than they have here on earth, but not someone so educated, as you.
^You never did answer that "is god an abortionist" question, did you HRV?
TheRealVille Wrote:Want me to tell you about an intellectual midget? Someone who made it through 12 years of elementary/middle/high school, plus 7 years of higher education, that still believes in a fairy tale, boogie man in the sky, that has an ego problem, that refuses to be seen by real people. Someone so bright, that can reason, can not believe in that BS. I can understand some people, looking for a better life than they have here on earth, but not someone so educated, as you.

Gee, TheRealVille. Your anti-Christian bias is getting the best of you. That is unfortunate.
TheRealVille Wrote:^You never did answer that "is god an abortionist" question, did you HRV?

Unlike you, TheRealVille, I do answer any question posed by you. However, I have no idea as to what you are referring to in this one.

If you will read Psalm 139, you will learn that God considers a child to be a separate and distinct human being from the moment of conception. Now, medical science, thanks to DNA, proves that that is true. You don't hear your abortionist buddies quoting medical science as they once did, do you? That is because DNA has changed the whole secular ball game.

Is God an abortionist? Obviously not. But, since you don't recognize God, that means nothing to you.

The truth is that abortion is premeditated murder and the ones committing the murder are the woman carrying the innocent baby and anyone who assists her. I don't believe in being politically correct particularly in regard to this issue. Your Little Lundergan says that abortion is a decision to be made by a woman, her doctor, and her God. That is a chicken's way of saying that she is pro-abortion. She claims to be a practicing Catholic. However, she, as one would expect, has chosen her party over her faith. She is a Pelosi Catholic and that is about like being an Obama Christian. Neither is possible.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Unlike you, TheRealVille, I do answer any question posed by you. However, I have no idea as to what you are referring to in this one.

If you will read Psalm 139, you will learn that God considers a child to be a separate and distinct human being from the moment of conception. Now, medical science, thanks to DNA, proves that that is true. You don't hear your abortionist buddies quoting medical science as they once did, do you? That is because DNA has changed the whole secular ball game.

Is God an abortionist? Obviously not. But, since you don't recognize God, that means nothing to you.

The truth is that abortion is premeditated murder and the ones committing the murder are the woman carrying the innocent baby and anyone who assists her. I don't believe in being politically correct particularly in regard to this issue. Your Little Lundergan says that abortion is a decision to be made by a woman, her doctor, and her God. That is a chicken's way of saying that she is pro-abortion. She claims to be a practicing Catholic. However, she, as one would expect, has chosen her party over her faith. She is a Pelosi Catholic and that is about like being an Obama Christian. Neither is possible.
Numbers 5 11-31.
You have referred to a lot of BS websites in the past. However, Irregular Times has got to be the worst of a dubious lot. Why not just quote NARAL or the ACLU?

It is apparent that you and I live completely different lives in completely different worlds. Since you claim to have no spiritual beliefs, there is no common ground.

Nonetheless, I have answered all your questions. Why not answer a few I have presented concerning Little Lundergan and her "spouse", Andy Lundergan? I'll bet she was active in the pep club in high school and, maybe, in junior weight watchers.
"I've noticed that all of those that support abortion have already been born."

Ronald W. Reagan
New York Times
September 22, 1980
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Unlike you, TheRealVille, I do answer any question posed by you. However, I have no idea as to what you are referring to in this one.

If you will read Psalm 139, you will learn that God considers a child to be a separate and distinct human being from the moment of conception. Now, medical science, thanks to DNA, proves that that is true. You don't hear your abortionist buddies quoting medical science as they once did, do you? That is because DNA has changed the whole secular ball game.

Is God an abortionist? Obviously not. But, since you don't recognize God, that means nothing to you.

The truth is that abortion is premeditated murder and the ones committing the murder are the woman carrying the innocent baby and anyone who assists her. I don't believe in being politically correct particularly in regard to this issue. Your Little Lundergan says that abortion is a decision to be made by a woman, her doctor, and her God. That is a chicken's way of saying that she is pro-abortion. She claims to be a practicing Catholic. However, she, as one would expect, has chosen her party over her faith. She is a Pelosi Catholic and that is about like being an Obama Christian. Neither is possible.
I never said I don't recognize a God, just not yours. Your god did abortions, and killed innocent living children in the bible. He couldn't be a god I could worship. That's why christian type thinking never enters my mind when I pull political levers.
TheRealVille Wrote:I never said I don't recognize a God, just not yours. Your god did abortions, and killed innocent living children in the bible. He couldn't be a god I could worship. That's why christian type thinking never enters my mind when I pull political levers.

You are again displaying both your personal ignorance and your weakness on referring to mindless sources in making your arguments.

Numbers 5: 11-31 does not deal with abortion whatsoever. Where in the text is pregnancy or abortion mentioned? Clearly, neither is mentioned. The text deals with testing a woman who may or may not have been unfaithful to her husband. Nothing else. Try reading the text and, if you are honest and able to comprehend, you will reach the same conclusion.

I know that you, with your radical beliefs, feel the need to strike out at that which you, for whatever reason, oppose. However, your arguments and your fringe "sources" prove that no one can grant you even a scintilla of credibility.

No. My God did not perform or condone abortions. The evidence is clear. However, He did state, with complete certainty, that life begins at conception.

As I have posted before, I'll have a multitude of sins to answer for down the line. I am ashamed of most of them but I am not ashamed of some of them (For example: I cannot, in regard to abortion and same sex marriage, hate the sin but love the sinner. I have no love for nor tolerance for the sinners in these cases.). However, supporting in any way the premeditated murder of our most innocent human beings by women who conceived them and by medical people who assist them in committing murder won't be one of my sins.
And, TheRealVille, I am still waiting for you to reply to the questions I presented in post number 29. Can you intelligently defend Little Lundergan or not?

Has a missing persons report been filed in regard to Andy Lundergan yet? I fear that Harry Reid and some of those Hollywooders have caused him harm.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:You have referred to a lot of BS websites in the past. However, Irregular Times has got to be the worst of a dubious lot. Why not just quote NARAL or the ACLU?

It is apparent that you and I live completely different lives in completely different worlds. Since you claim to have no spiritual beliefs, there is no common ground.

Nonetheless, I have answered all your questions. Why not answer a few I have presented concerning Little Lundergan and her "spouse", Andy Lundergan? I'll bet she was active in the pep club in high school and, maybe, in junior weight watchers.
Ok, let's go with the Women's Health website, since Irregulartimes was just quoting them.

Quote:How Common is Miscarriage?
When considering this question, it is helpful to ask how often pregnancy occurs on average each cycle. Studies looking at very sensitive pregnancy tests suggest that pregnancy will occur in at least 60% of natural cycles in fertile couples.

The risk of miscarriage decreases as pregnancy progresses. It is possible that as many as 50% of pregnancies miscarry before implantation in the womb occurs. Early after implantation, pregnancy loss rate is about 30% (i.e. this is still before a pregnancy is clinically recognised). After a pregnancy may be clinically recognised (between days 35-50), about 25% will end in miscarriage. The risk of miscarriage decreases dramatically after the 8th week as the weeks go by.

More sites:

Someone that believes that just nature taking it's course sometimes can reconcile these stats as just part of the natural scheme of life. But, someone with a christian god belief/dependency have to make excuses for his god, "that just killed an unborn baby". "The moment of conception" is a hard one for you guys to overcome. :biggrin:
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:And, TheRealVille, I am still waiting for you to reply to the questions I presented in post number 29. Can you intelligently defend Little Lundergan or not?

Has a missing persons report been filed in regard to Andy Lundergan yet? I fear that Harry Reid and some of those Hollywooders have caused him harm.
If you are happy voting for the least liked politician in congress, that skips work 93% percent of the time, go for it. I'll stick with Alison. You guy has even lower approval rating(32% of Kentuckians approval of his job in congress) in KY than Obama. He is the most unpopular senator in the nation. That should tell you something.
Right on the front of NBC news today....


Showing McConnell up almost 8% and growing. When NBC isn't even trying to deny it, I think that sends a pretty good message for Republicans.
Also showing Cotton of Arkansas up 5% and growing in Arkansas.

If the repubs take both, I think its fair to say the repubs will control both the house and senate come November.

McConnell begins to pull away in Kentucky

In Kentucky, McConnell’s eight-point lead among likely voters shrinks to just seven points among registered voters, 45 percent to 38 percent.

That’s a change from May, when the candidates were essentially deadlocked – with McConnell at 46 percent and Grimes at 45 percent.

Like in Arkansas, Obama’s approval rate in the Bluegrass State stands at 31 percent. And a similar percentage prefer a GOP-controlled Congress serve as a check on the president, rather than to see Democrats elected to send a message of more cooperation with Obama.
Is it safe to say Obama is the reason for these tough times?
It seems more people are voting against Obama in these then they are for the candidate.
TheRealVille Wrote:If you are happy voting for the least liked politician in congress, that skips work 93% percent of the time, go for it. I'll stick with Alison. You guy has even lower approval rating(32% of Kentuckians approval of his job in congress) in KY than Obama. He is the most unpopular senator in the nation. That should tell you something.

I don't know what it tells Harry Rex, but I know what it tells me. Actually there are 9 Democrats and 7 Republicans with a lower rating than Mitch.
Senators ranked lower than McConnell. http://ratemycongress.com/top-rated-demo...rs/page/5/


Rob Portman 46th rating 1.0
Lisa Murkowski 45th rating 1.0
Orin Hatch 44th rating 1.2
Saxby Chambliss 43rd rating 1.3
Roger Wicker 42nd rating 1.3
Thad Cochran 41st rating 1.4
Lindsey Graham 40th rating 1.9
Mitch McConnell 39th rating 1.9


Jon Tester 52nd rating 0
Chris Coons 51st rating 0
Tim Johnson 50th rating 0
Mazie Hirono 49th rating 1.0
Mark Begich 48th rating 1.0
Tom Carper 47th rating 1.0
Claire McCaskill 46th rating 1.2
Tom Harkin 45th rating 1.7
Kay Hagan 44th rating 1.8
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Is it safe to say Obama is the reason for these tough times?
It seems more people are voting against Obama in these then they are for the candidate.

I can accept that.
I think Obama saying he isn't going to mess with Immigration due to the elections has really hurt him among Hispanics. While watching NBC one said it was a slap in the face to the people who voted for him.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Is it safe to say Obama is the reason for these tough times?
It seems more people are voting against Obama in these then they are for the candidate.
No, it's not safe to say. Your previous President is the cause of these tough times, and Obama is moving the ball forward, trying to fix Bush's mess. Bush was losing 800,000 jobs a month when he left, and Obama stopped the bleeding, stopped a depression, and the economy is now gaining. Check the numbers.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:And, TheRealVille, I am still waiting for you to reply to the questions I presented in post number 29. Can you intelligently defend Little Lundergan or not?

Has a missing persons report been filed in regard to Andy Lundergan yet? I fear that Harry Reid and some of those Hollywooders have caused him harm.

Since you seem to be so worried about Andrew, it seems he is with her at most functions.

You are apparently from the bluegrass region, and Alison must have really pissed in your cheerios, to have this much animosity toward her. Did her firm nail you to the wall?

FTR, it shows just how weak you are when you have to correct spelling mistakes, and phrase mistakes. It makes you look like you have "little man syndrome". Chow/Chou, overturned on appeal/turned over on appeal. The meaning was conveyed in both instances.
TheRealVille Wrote:If you are happy voting for the least liked politician in congress, that skips work 93% percent of the time, go for it. I'll stick with Alison. You guy has even lower approval rating(32% of Kentuckians approval of his job in congress) in KY than Obama. He is the most unpopular senator in the nation. That should tell you something.

Youy have resorted to ranting and raving, TheRealVille. You throw out numbers and making statements that you don't substantiate. I assume they are coming from up your butt.
TheRealVille Wrote:No, it's not safe to say. Your previous President is the cause of these tough times, and Obama is moving the ball forward, trying to fix Bush's mess. Bush was losing 800,000 jobs a month when he left, and Obama stopped the bleeding, stopped a depression, and the economy is now gaining. Check the numbers.

Losing 800,000 jobs a month? Where did you read such a ridiculous statement? Or, like most of your posts, did it come from up your butt?

If you have seen Obama attempt to throw a baseball you would know that that pansy couldn't move any kind of ball forward.

Most of the jobs "created' recently are part time jobs and the unemployment percentage appears to go down because, each month, hundreds of thousands of people quit looking for work, Of course, that means most of them are living off the rest of us, mostly Republicans, who fund the government handout programs.

You are disillusioned. But that has been obvious because you seem to think that Little Lundergan is qualified to run for office. She needs to run for Target and apply for a job in the shoe department.

And, you still haven't answered my questions about Little Lundergan, have you? Obviously, you have no answers.

Where is Andy Lundergan? You should ask the muskrat, Holder, to initiate an investigation into his disappearance. If you claim that Andy is black, Holder will jump right on it.
TheRealVille Wrote:Since you seem to be so worried about Andrew, it seems he is with her at most functions.

You are apparently from the bluegrass region, and Alison must have really pissed in your cheerios, to have this much animosity toward her. Did her firm nail you to the wall?

FTR, it shows just how weak you are when you have to correct spelling mistakes, and phrase mistakes. It makes you look like you have "little man syndrome". Chow/Chou, overturned on appeal/turned over on appeal. The meaning was conveyed in both instances.

Wrong again, TheRealVille. The fact that I must correct your posts indicates your inability to properly communicate. Grammar, TheRealVille. It is all about spelling and grammar. It is also all about knowing something about what you are talking about. You should appear informed and intelligent even if it is a chore for you to do so.

I viewed your pictures of the alleged Andy in some pictures containing others- nearly all women. Which one are you purporting to be Andy? As a public service, you should give any purported pictures of Andy to the FBI. If the pictures do, indeed, portray the elusive Andy, it would help the FBI to find him.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Wrong again, TheRealVille. The fact that I must correct your posts indicates your inability to properly communicate. Grammar, TheRealVille. It is all about spelling and grammar. It is also all about knowing something about what you are talking about. You should appear informed and intelligent even if it is a chore for you to do so.

I viewed your pictures of the alleged Andy in some pictures containing others- nearly all women. Which one are you purporting to be Andy? As a public service, you should give any purported pictures of Andy to the FBI. If the pictures do, indeed, portray the elusive Andy, it would help the FBI to find him.
If you want to feel like a bigger man, with all that high dollar education, correcting spelling and grammar, go for it. I say you got "little man syndrome".
TheRealVille Wrote:If you want to feel like a bigger man, with all that high dollar education, correcting spelling and grammar, go for it. I say you got "little man syndrome".

Gee. I guess I got to you, TheRealVille, didn't I? And, in my line of work where sparing, competing, back stabbing, and name calling are quite common, I have been called much worse than being accused of having a "little man syndrome". In fact, that is a new one. In regard to you, I probably have been a bit arrogant and condescending. It is merely a part of the give and take in my chosen field of endeavor. And, to be completely honest, you make it all too easy.

I can't take you seriously because you don't offer a coherent argument and you never address questions that are presented to you. You would not do well in most venues.

By the way. I am still concerned about the whereabouts of Andy Lundergan. I doubt that ISIA would want him but the DNC might want to keep him incognito- so to speak.
TheRealVille Wrote:No, it's not safe to say. Your previous President is the cause of these tough times, and Obama is moving the ball forward, trying to fix Bush's mess. Bush was losing 800,000 jobs a month when he left, and Obama stopped the bleeding, stopped a depression, and the economy is now gaining. Check the numbers.

You totally misread my post.

I meant is it safe to say the tough times for democratic candidates trying to win there elections losing because of Obamas disapproval.

Whos at fault for this mess of a country is a completely different subject that will never be agreed upon on this site.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:You totally misread my post.

I meant is it safe to say the tough times for democratic candidates trying to win there elections losing because of Obamas disapproval.

Whos at fault for this mess of a country is a completely different subject that will never be agreed upon on this site.
Oh, ok. Gotcha.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:You totally misread my post.

I meant is it safe to say the tough times for democratic candidates trying to win there elections losing because of Obamas disapproval.

Whos at fault for this mess of a country is a completely different subject that will never be agreed upon on this site.

As the immortal Harry Callahan once so aptly stated, "Never send a boy to do a man's job". Unfortunately, the voters did so in 2008 and 2012.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:As the immortal Harry Callahan once so aptly stated, "Never send a boy to do a man's job". Unfortunately, the voters did so in 2008 and 2012.

Yeah, and a rank amateur devoid of any experience or understanding about the real world boy at that. And now, the same bozos that gave the US Obama, want to give Kentucky Alison Grimes, a similarly incapable wannabe. The idea is that the Democratic party will give these losers all the guidance they would ever need to legislate. After all, what is their true and only calling? Circle the wagons and rubber stamp anything Congressional leadership tells them to. Therefore, the mindlessly willing who possess enough charisma, social charm or name recognition are the candidates of choice. I mean, who needs somebody in there who might have a conscience to get in the way when it comes time to vote for something like abortion on demand, right?

So, personal standards and convictions present more of a hindrance than they do effective governance in the eyes of today's DNC. All one must do to understand the obvious, is to listen to people like Chuck Schumer or Nancy Pelosi speak. Chuck Schumer said "We (Democrats) have been instructed by the DNC to always refer to Republicans as right wing extremists." Nancy Pelosi said "But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of controversy." Barack Obama said to Dmitri Medvedev, "On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space. After the election I will have more flexibility."

Or as liberals prefer, we can wait until these guys tell us what to believe, in spite of what they have said out in the open.
This morning I saw a really neat bumper sticker. It said:

"Alison Lundergan Grimes:
Kentucky's Fart in a Whirlwind".

That pretty well sums it up.
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