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The Free Press
My feathers are not Ruffled TheRealThing. I'm just joking....I like your avartar just saying its funny. Its allmost football season see you soon. Just screwing around on this thread. :blondnurs
64SUR Wrote:My feathers are not Ruffled TheRealThing. I'm just joking....I like your avartar just saying its funny. Its allmost football season see you soon. Just screwing around on this thread. :blondnurs

Good to hear. And don't get me wrong, I always appreciate your posts. You're welcome to lay it on as thick as you want but, you have to understand one thing. Nobody, and I mean nobody, from the left has had the courage or the cheek since shortly after the Presidential election, to come on here and defend these knuckleheads. According to song, one is the loneliest number, and brother so far, you're it. :1:
I've made so many mistakes over the course of my life - seriously, how hard is it for one to admit they made a voting mistake? LOL, looks to be quite hard for a lot of people.

I couldn't resist posting this.

Also, I cannot take credit for this picture as I have shamefully stolen it from Bob Seger!!
Granny Bear Wrote:[Image:]

I couldn't resist posting this.

Also, I cannot take credit for this picture as I have shamefully stolen it from Bob Seger!!

This has to be the best yet. Seger is a hoot.

BTW, her make crew has to be a highly paid group. :biggrin:
Truth Wrote:The media in this country is the greatest threat to our freedom.

I agree that the way that the media operates TODAY is a threat to our freedom. Jefferson (I think) said that the greatest threat to democracy is an uninformed electorate. The problem now isnt that the electorate is uninformed but it is that the public, in many cases, is misinformed. Most media outlets now have agendas of their own. They dont simply present the news; they present it with their own type of "spin" and therein lies the danger.
Quickkickonthird Wrote:I agree that the way that the media operates TODAY is a threat to our freedom. Jefferson (I think) said that the greatest threat to democracy is an uninformed electorate. The problem now isnt that the electorate is uninformed but it is that the public, in many cases, is misinformed. Most media outlets now have agendas of their own. They dont simply present the news; they present it with their own type of "spin" and therein lies the danger.

Totally agree. Even more shameful, is the fact that we now see a tendency for media blackout when world events run contradictory to administration rhetoric.

The naivete of present leadership and the complicitous media, is unmatched in the annals of American history. They believe mankind has 'evolved' and as such, his higher sensibilities manifest themselves in ways such as the following; man has evolved past large scale war, man presently finds himself living in a social structure where benevolence and human kindness are the rule, and not the exception. That in mind then, it is up to the 'self enlightened' to help mankind realize this leap in evolution has occurred, and act as guides for all of humanity.

So you see, these little fudges and omissions in the headlines, are misdemeanors easily justifiable in light of man's imminent triumph. Gone will be sickness, poverty, injustice and intolerance of any kind. Ah yes, hence forth, men of all nations, Arab and Jew, Russian and American, will sit in the idyllic pastures provided by the EPA and their environmental vision. And behind the scenes, the uber educated liberal puppet masters will ensure the "Eloi" of the world, will be able to giggle their days away smoking dope and "sharing all the world"-- John Lennon

Forgive me the foregoing tirade but, the departure from reality shown by our own federal government is a bit much for folks who live among the lucid to take.
TheRealThing Wrote:Totally agree. Even more shameful, is the fact that we now see a tendency for media blackout when world events run contradictory to administration rhetoric.

The naivete of present leadership and the complicitous media, is unmatched in the annals of American history. They believe mankind has 'evolved' and as such, his higher sensibilities manifest themselves in ways such as the following; man has evolved past large scale war, man presently finds himself living in a social structure where benevolence and human kindness are the rule, and not the exception. That in mind then, it is up to the 'self enlightened' to help mankind realize this leap in evolution has occurred, and act as guides for all of humanity.

So you see, these little fudges and omissions in the headlines, are misdemeanors easily justifiable in light of man's imminent triumph. Gone will be sickness, poverty, injustice and intolerance of any kind. Ah yes, hence forth, men of all nations, Arab and Jew, Russian and American, will sit in the idyllic pastures provided by the EPA and their environmental vision. And behind the scenes, the uber educated liberal puppet masters will ensure the "Eloi" of the world, will be able to giggle their days away smoking dope and "sharing all the world"-- John Lennon

Forgive me the foregoing tirade but, the departure from reality shown by our own federal government is a bit much for folks who live among the lucid to take.
You never need to apologize for your self proclaimed "tirades." I always enjoy them very much, whether I agree with you or not. I do, however, find myself in agreement with you on most issues (which could be dangerous, LOL)!
Quickkickonthird Wrote:You never need to apologize for your self proclaimed "tirades." I always enjoy them very much, whether I agree with you or not. I do, however, find myself in agreement with you on most issues (which could be dangerous, LOL)!

:thatsfunn Heck, if we couldn't have a laugh about all this stuff once in a while we'd go crazy. What was it Caesar said? "Death sits and smiles at us our whole life, all we can do is smile back."

Sarcasm, life's relief valve. Confusednicker:
What free press???
^^ They are free to put forth the real news as far as I know. Likewise, they are obviously free to slant the news to suit themselves as well. Take FOX News' Sheppard Smith for instance, his thinly veiled liberal bias is sickening to me. As is his full on propagandist onslaught against Israel.

As I have mentioned before, for all those who seem to fall short on the uptake, Israel is a sovereign state. We don't have the right to dictate terms to Mr Netanyahu, neither does Sec of State Kerry have the right to be asking Israel to take the heat off of Hamas or incredibly, be demanding that Israel give a hugh chunk of their country to Hamas. Of whose charter BTW, openly proclaims their intention to kill every last Jew from off the face of the earth. Sheppard Smith lambasted Israel in his typical between the lines fashion, as he today asserted that all Hamas wants, is to live free. Funny thing is, that aspiration was mysteriously left out of their written charter. Yeah Hamas and Hitler, misunderstood star crossed, would-be-world-destroyers that they are, just need our understanding. Oh, and a few billion US tax dollars to buy ordinance with of course. :please:

The Arab World is so destabilized thanks to the administration backed Arab Spring, it will never know any semblance of peace again. Our play at stabilizing the region never included pulling out of Iraq. Saddam was the head rooster over there, and he had designs on giving the US all the grief she could handle. Thus from Iraq, the US could have provided the stability for which Iraq is in such desperate need of today, as well as the region in general. We had the infrastructure (bases), the supply lines, military hardware and a military culture of trained personnel that is the major requirement of any successful occupation, in place and paid for. The only people who didn't want us there were liberals and our enemies, Russia, North Korea, Al Qaeda, Hamas, etc., I won't bother to list all the Islamic extremist groups. The folks in Iraq certainly needed us and wanted us there.

But no, we walked off and left all the above mentioned treasure and military hardware sitting in the dust, and left the hapless citizenry of Iraq to fend for themselves. Now here, is the more serious part. Though the deposed Arab leaders of the recent past were no saints, one still has to ask himself one question. Are the peoples of the Arab Spring nations any better off these days or not? Just take the news of the past 2 years versus the news of the previous decade, and tell me which is the most scary. And worse is the threat these present bad guys represent to the world. I mean, Iran (though not having fallen to the workings of the Arab Spring), will be nuclear before we ring in another New Year's. If they have a vehicle to fly a nuke to our soil, you don't think life as we know it would be different? It follows to any reasonable person, that it would be much better for the USA to meet such a challenge to our well being, from Iraqi soil, not our home soil. And we would do well to remember that Iraq and Iran fought a desperate war not that long ago in which the BBC estimates at least 1.5 million soldiers and who knows how many civilians died.

Our foreign policy blunders are the result of a flawed ideology. And, we have all heard Sec of State John Kerry and even our President articulate their own shortsightedness when they accuse Mr Putin of being guilty of 20th century thinking where war and the use of force is concerned. LOL, Putin thinks western liberal ideology is the thinking of sheep and he's the shears. In addition to Russia's Putin, Obama openly mocked Mr Romney to this same effect during the presidential debates so, nobody is exempt. But, it goes to show the contempt liberals have for those who don't share their world vision for man, and how they will ridicule even world leaders without any reservation whatever. Turning to the Arab nightmare, our state department is so drunk on the brotherhood of man kool aid, they really did believe that man had progressed to the point, that once the Arab strong men such as Muammar Gaddafi were out of the way, democracy would flourish. In their place the people of the Arab World would elect renaissance leadership and John Lennon's vision would take hold over there too. How that was to happen is still somewhat of a mystery, I suppose magic must have been expected to play a large part. At any rate we have Middle Eastern chaos, not the placid satisfaction of the liberal vision.

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